Radiance (23 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Radiance
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Laughing, she reached past him for a bar towel and club soda.  “You have my lipstick everywhere.” 

“Not yet…but I will.” 

Whimpering, she wet the towel and wiped the traces of red from his lips.  “Tell
to stop talking.”  Elijah took the towel and ran it over her jaw and neck where he’d trailed it. 

Harper grinned.  “I can’t.  He can kill me in twelve different ways.” 

She looked at him and quirked her brow.  “While I can only think of


Elijah used his thumb and forefinger to turn her face to him.  “I’ll teach you the others.”  Then he kissed the tip of her nose and smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. 

“The two of you are not to form an alliance.” 

Brie smiled as she looked into green eyes she dreamed about every time she closed her eyes.  “Too late.  You’re toast and you’re going to love every fucking minute.” 

Harper stroked his palm over her breast and nodded.  “You possess an unfair advantage.  They’re just so pretty.” 

The limo pulled to the curb and she took a deep breath.  Elijah left the limo first when the driver opened the door, followed by Harper who reached back for her hand. 

On solid ground, she whispered, “I’m so wet.  I feel as if I could come from a cool breeze.”  Both of them tensed to get back in the car but she called out, “Riya!”

“Your ass is
, Brie.” 

“Elijah, I look forward to finding out
what you plan to do with it.”  As her friend approached with her men, she removed her hand from Harper’s arm and kissed her cheeks. 

Staring at the two men at Brie’s sides, Riya’s eyes went wide.  “Well…okay then.  I made Rodney break the speed limit to catch up.  Wasn’t sure you’d actually make it to the reception with the way they hustled you out of there.”  Clearing her throat, she murmured, “You missed a bit of lipstick.” 

Glancing down, a smudge of red glared along the inside swell of her breast.  Max handed her a handkerchief with a smile.  Riya clustered closer so she could remove it then took the linen and perfected her lipstick line. 

Tawny appeared in their midst.  “I assume they’re going to officially pop your two dude ménage cherry tonight now that you’re all flexible and shit.”

Brie rolled her eyes.  “Oh for god’s
, Red.” 

“It’s been dude one, chick two so far and let me tell you
, the dude one, dude two dynamic is pretty fucking awesome.  Side note, you deserve it.  The tests they put you through were no joke so I’m glad that shit’s over.”  Elijah frowned but Tawny had more to add.  “I thought those bitches were going to break your bones
during a couple of those torture sessions.”

“They had to be sure,” Brie murmured.  Finger under her chin, Elijah had questions in his eyes.  “I’m fine.  It’s done.” 

“I didn’t know, Brie.  I thought it was just a checkup.” 

“Good thing you weren’t there.  That would have made it way worse.  How much pain she was in would have fucked you up.  She doesn’t suck
of my body parts and I was ready to slit their throats.” 

Weakly, Brie said, “Thank god for Riya.  Natalia threatened to call her lawyer.” 

“That’s because Blondie and I were escorted out about halfway through.  I love that classy bitch.”  Tawny cleared her throat.  “Now, some advice I forgot to mention before because you weren’t getting the D on the regular.  Keep track of your panties, that’s all I’m saying.  Those fucking things end up

Riya shook her head.  “I never lose panties.  I don’t wear them anymore.”  Micah looked down at her with a growl.  “I’m lying but I
to see their reactions.  Let’s get inside.” 

“I can see two men who
want to get inside so it’s gonna be a long night for them,” was Tawny’s response. 

“I’m staying away from you.  You have no fucking decorum.”  Brie smacked Tawny’s ass and the redhead shook it. 

“Make me flinch or don’t bother.”

Micah clapped Harper on the shoulder.  “You’ll get used to it.  What do you drink?” 

When Brie moved to follow the others, Elijah held her to his side.  “I should have been with you.” 

Once they were inside the building, she stopped and reached up to stroke his face.  “It’s better you weren’t.  I know you’re busy.  Both of you run constantly.  Don’t worry about me.  I just hope you get a chance to rest sometimes.” 

Pulling him down, she pressed her cheek to his and whispered, “I don’t want to get lipstick on you again.  I missed you.” 

Then she joined her friends.

Chapter Twenty-Six


There would be few things as beautiful in Brie’s life as watching Hudson take Natalia in his arms and dance with her for the first time as a married couple. 

It was breathtaking.  It was the stuff of legends.  When she had a moment, she slipped her sketchbook from the bag Tawny brought for her and quickly made her impressions. 

She didn’t know Elijah and Harper were beside her until she exhaled roughly and looked up. 

“Gabriella, you’re…incredible.” 

Blinking, she murmured, “I doodle a lot.” 

Harper took her hand.  “All my life, I’ve had an artist in my family who couldn’t focus until he brought the images in his mind to reality.”  He tilted his head.  “I never understood his compulsion until this moment.” 

Elijah kissed her bare shoulder.  “That isn’t doodling, Brie.  That is captivating, moving

Glancing down at the paper, she sighed.  “It will be better later.  They’ll have tons of photos I can look through.  They like my pieces.” 

“Brie.”  She met green eyes.  “It’s
paintings that decorate their penthouse?”  She lifted one shoulder in a shrug.  “You are fucking magical.” 

The woman guiding the evening stepped up on stage.  “We’ll now hear from the best man, Mr. Harper Delkin.” 

Silver eyes held hers as he kissed the back of her hand and stood to take the stage. 


“Ssh.  Listen.” 

Brie knew Harper spent much of his life in one form of spotlight or another.  Some of his speeches to corporations and governments around the world were on YouTube.  She’d listened to many of them.

There was a small shiver of fear as he stepped in front of a microphone to talk about the man he’d competed with for two decades.  Inhaling carefully, she held Elijah’s hand.

“I’ve known Hudson Winters for slightly more than twenty years and his stunning bride for just less.  We’ve argued, we’ve competed, and we’ve pissed one another off in our bid to go bigger or better.  To be honest, I thought I knew him as well as I know myself.”

Slipping his hands in the pockets of his slacks, he shook his head.  “I was wrong.  It’s only in the last year that I’ve been introduced to the
Hudson is.  One who helps the weaker, who earns deep loyalty and trust, who loves selflessly those who offer nothing in return but gentle friendship.”

His mouth lifted in a smile.  “Hudson, you captured the heart, the mind, and the hand of a beautiful woman who has
failed to impress me with her intelligence, elegance, and grace.  You surround yourself with people who speak of you as protector, confidant, and source of steady strength.” 

Accepting a glass of champagne from the server beside him, he lifted it toward the couple.  “May every year shine brighter, bring you more of those things you need as well as want, and fulfill the quiet promise of your first thirty years of friendship.  Congratulations.” 

Every person in the room stood up and toasted them. 

Hudson and Natalia met him as he left the stage and the two men shook hands.  Then Brie watched in stunned fascination as Hudson brought the man in for a hug.  Natalia pressed her cheek to his and hugged him as well. 

Harper returned to their table and Brie stood waiting for him. 

“Thank you.  Thank you for understanding.  That was beautiful.”  Then she went into his arms and released a small sob as he crushed her to him.

Many stood to speak while guests danced, ate, and drank.  She danced carefully with several people and was furious that she was so stiff in movements that once came easily to her. 

As Micah returned her to her table, he kissed her cheek.  “Brie, how
you’ve come in a single year.  Well done, love.”  His honey eye winked.  “I call dibs on the first dance at the Christmas party.  You’ll blow everyone away once again.” 

Riya gave Brie’s shoulders a slight shake.  “Tawny and I can’t handle
the heavy lifting.  Do you understand the uneven dance partner problem at
?  Some nights I can’t feel my damn feet.”  She rolled her eyes dramatically.  “Knowing how well you shake your ass, we count the days.” 

Her husband nodded.  “Natalia will eventually have to bus poor unsuspecting women in.  The males
you, Brie.” 

She gave him a grin.  “You know, people as pretty as you and Max make those around you a little stupid.  Then you talk.  Stop talking.” 

His laugh was warm.  “You’ve never been susceptible and I find it so refreshing.” 

“The day those two college girls tripped right next to us, I thought I’d pee my pants laughing with Riya after we helped them up…lord.  My jaw hurts to remember.  I think Riya bit through her tongue.”  She waved at them.  “Go.  I need entertainment and the two of you provide it so well.” 

Brie watched as he dragged Riya out to dance.  The way they moved was so fucking fluid. 

At her side, Elijah asked, “You like to dance?” 

She nodded.  “I love their optimism but I’ll likely never be able to move the way I used to.”  The thought filled her with sadness.  Holding out her foot, she hissed at her shoes.  “I still can’t wear
yet.  Damn it.” 

Folding her hands in her lap, she took several breaths.

“Brie.”  She met Elijah’s eyes.  “Give yourself time.”  Leaning forward, he kissed her lightly. 

It helped.

“You have many friends,” Harper said. 

“I try to be a good one.” 

The emcee stepped to the stage and said, “Now we’ll hear from the maid of honor, Gabriella Hernandez.” 

She groaned.  “Oh my god.  Please don’t let me throw up.” 

Standing, she made her way to the stage as if it was her execution.  With shaking hands, she looked at the cards in her hand and shook her head. 

“I…I don’t usually speak in front of people.  I prepared notes but…they make me more nervous.”  She looked at her best friends as the room went absolutely silent.  “I’m going to look at you and pretend no one else is here.” 

Taking a single deep breath, she started.  “During our friendship, you’ve helped me in more ways than I can e-explain.  I read that you’re the sum of the five people you spend the most time with and I hope, so desperately, that it’s true.” 

She twisted her hands together tightly.  “Natalia, I’d love to be as poised as you are in every situation.  You’re gorgeous on the outside, stunning, but your brain and your heart are what make it
not to love you.  Thank you for accepting me, for making me laugh, for your comfort, your care, your advice, and a hundred little things you didn’t have to do but you did with true class and sometimes a hot cup of tea.” 

Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she stared into black eyes she’d sketched many times.  “Hudson, I hope one day I have as much of the strength and genuine
that’s a natural part of your biological makeup.  Through my friendship with you, I’ve met so many fantastic people because they
to who you are, even when you don’t see that.  Thank you for including me in your spectacular life.  You earn my loyalty, trust, respect, and love every day.”

Brie inhaled carefully.  “You’re two of the most brilliant and kind and funny and
patient people I know.  Individually, you’re awesome but
, that’s where the magic happens.  You share a love I never thought I’d witness.  The kind everyone wants but few people ever find.  Lifelong happiness couldn’t happen to a better man, a better woman, to better friends.  I love you and I’m so glad to see you attain the happiness you’ve
deserved.”  Smiling, she accepted a glass of champagne and added, “To Hudson and Natalia.” 

After the toast, she descended the stairs and they hugged her tightly between them with their lips pressed to the top of her head.

“Darling, I swear to god.  You’re the only person who has
made me cry in public.”  Natalia cupped her face and tucked a tendril behind Brie’s ear.  “Thank you for entering my life and making so many things possible.  I love you, Gabriella.” 

Hudson took her chin between his finger and thumb, staring into her eyes for a long moment.  “You’re still the one I never saw coming.”  It made her heart thump hard in her chest.  “You are an
human being and I love you.” 

Hugging them hard, she murmured, “Love each other balls to the wall and destroy anything or anyone who ever tries to fuck your shit up.”  They laughed and she huffed.  “I couldn’t say that up there but…you know.” 

She waved her hands.  “I have to go wipe my face and stuff.  Go dance and eat because I know you’re not going to think about food once you’re on the plane.”  Turning to go, she paused to add, “Restraints and seatbelts are
the same thing.”  Quirking her brow, she hissed, “Arrive alive!”

They laughed as she crossed to the ladies’ room.  After pulling herself together, she sat in the small seating area just outside to catch her breath. 

Riya and Max sat on the sofa beside her. 

The brunette grinned.  “How you holding up, Brie?” 

“I’ve never talked in front of so many people.  I’m happy I didn’t puke on stage.” 

“It was beautiful, so beautiful.  Even Tawny teared up.” 

“Shut.  Up.” 

“Truth.  Don’t tell her I told you.” 

“Considering your first interaction with Hudson, I find it lovely that you’ve grown so close.”  Max’s British accent scrambled her thinking long enough to cause a delay in hearing and comprehension.  She crossed her eyes when he smiled. 

Blinking, she frowned at Riya.  “Why do you insist on bringing them out in
woman?  Ugh!”  The couple laughed.  “Okay, my brain’s back online.” 

“You’re adorable, Gabriella,” he said. 

She shook her finger at him.  “No talky!”  He grinned and she gave him a wink. 

Thinking back, she replayed the first time she met Hudson.  “If he hadn’t been open to being my friend, things would have gone differently between us.”  She shrugged.  “I confused him, made him curious.  So many people
change but…can’t really see how to make it happen.  I can’t imagine my life without them in it now.” 

Leaning forward, Riya took her hand.  “They’re settled and happy.  I almost fell over when Tawny told me about Joshua and Jessica.”

“Life as a bridge.  Lives changed, happiness achieved.”  The sentence made her feel sad for a moment and she shook it off.  “I might have to write a book.” 

Riya gazed at her intently.  “Make sure at the end, when everyone
has happiness, that you take some for yourself, Brie.  It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.  Max and Micah taught me that and it’s an important lesson.”

Inhaling, she murmured, “Thanks.” 

“Now!  You look recovered from your public speaking so let’s get you back inside before all the security guys assigned from god knows who start closing in.  Come on.” 

“There really are a lot, huh?” 

Max told her, “They attempt to blend in but some of them are rather large and you’re not very big.  It makes me chuckle.”

She stared into his brilliant blue eyes.  “I’m glad there aren’t men with accents in my life.  I don’t know how she gets a fucking thing

Pulling her to her feet, Riya linked their arms.  “I do mental concentration exercises.  It’s been a slow process but a vast improvement over my initial blank staring and drooling.”

“Love, you
drooled…outside of certain scenarios.” 

Brie started laughing until she was gasping for air. 

Elijah’s appearance in front of her caused her brain to hiccup and her laugh bubbled to a stop. 

He inclined his head at the couple politely and turned his focus to her.  “I’m stealing Brie.  I apologize for the intrusion.” 

Wrapping his arm around Brie’s waist, he led her away.  When they entered a quiet solarium at the end of the hall, he pivoted on his heel and turned to her, his palm slipping along her neck. 

Delivering a kiss that made her moan into his mouth, he pulled back to stare into her eyes.  “Your speech was beautiful.” 

“Thank you.” 

“It made me see your relationship with Hudson and Natalia so clearly.  They love you

For a long moment, she held his gaze.  “They do…but it pales in comparison to the love they have for each other.” 

“You think our situation will be a repeat of that experience.” 

Inhaling carefully, she reached up to trace his face.  “No.  It will be something completely different, Elijah.” 

Painting a smile on her face, she focused on bringing back the earlier mood.  “Let’s get back.  I’m sure they’ll cut the cake soon and we can send them off on their epic honeymoon.” 

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