Radiance (37 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Radiance
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Chapter Forty-One


Elijah watched Brie fight for a long time and even when he knew she was deeply asleep, he continued to play for her.  As the last note faded into silence, he placed the violin on the pillow beside her. 

In her studio, he wrote her a note on a piece of heavy parchment and took in art projects she’d been working on before they took her to Washington.  There were dozens of quick sketches of him, Harper, and the two of them together. 

It was telling that Brie never placed herself in them.

Returning to her bedroom, he wanted to kiss her but he didn’t.  If he had to look into her eyes, he’d never have the courage to walk away. 

When he realized she continued to cry in her sleep, he backed from the room before he started screaming. 

Taking the cash he concealed in his violin case, he descended using the service elevator, ducked under the loading bay door, and walked into the morning pedestrian traffic of Manhattan.

* * *

End-August 2015

Harper thought he would lose his mind with worry. 

He’d cancelled every business meeting until further notice and turned every personal resource to locating Elijah.  He dialed his last resort and was surprised the man answered his call.


“Help me find him.  I’ll do anything you want.” 

“He doesn’t want to be found, Harper.”  There was a pause.  “He’s bleeding out internally.  Let him stop the hemorrhaging and he’ll resurface.” 

“Tell me where the fuck he is!”

“I’m not telling you shit.  You never learned to share a goddamn thing.  Firstborn, royal heir, protected at the cost of everything and everyone around you.  That
me first
attitude is what got you here.” 

Calming his thoughts, he asked, “Is Elijah safe?” 

“Yes.  He’s the most lethal human on the planet.  He’s not likely to get mugged, Harper.” 

“You know what I fucking

The silence drew out.  “He’s doing penance.” 

Oh, fuck no.
  “Get him out.  Get him the fuck out!”

“I’m going to need you to calm down.  He’s fine and winning every round in under ten seconds.”  There was a bitter chuckle on the other end of the line.  “Once again, the international champion.  Betting against him is just
but people continue to do it.  I’ll never understand.” 

“Get him out or I find him myself.” 

“Like you could

“I don’t have to.  I found
.  Shall I recite your address?” 

“Harper, I swear to god.” 

“You get him out.  Give him a message from me. 
I submit, Elijah.
  You fucking tell him and get him out of there.”

The line went dead and Harper nodded at the security team.  “There’s a hard lock.  Do we prepare to breach, sir?” 

“Are you out of your fucking
?  Elijah trained him.”  Turning to the window, he stared out at Manhattan.  “Besides, I promised my mother I’d look after him.” 

* * *

In all his years of guarding Harper, Elijah had only removed himself from active duty twice willingly. 

The first was when he executed his father at seventeen.

As a child, not excelling meant
.  Most of the time, his father delivered it personally. 

After he turned ten, he decided to let his son’s skills earn him some cash.  He’d take him during breaks from school and bring him back barely standing. 

There was a time that the matches were to the
.  However, people trained like him weren’t easy to replace.  When the betting pool dwindled, it was changed to
incapable of continuing

In all the matches he’d fought here, only one involved a man the underworld now knew as Hollow. 

His shock when the
of eleven was thrown into the ring with him turned to cold-blooded rage when his father smiled smugly from the spectator railing above. 

Scaling the pit wall faster than the fight promoters could prevent, he grabbed his father by the back of the neck and power bombed him to the dirt floor twenty feet below.  He dropped easily there himself. 

To the boy, he growled, “Look away.”  With blank eyes, he refused.  “So be it.”

The fall had broken Rolfe Eklund’s ribs, punctured his lungs, and blood gurgled from between his lips.  Reaching into the man’s boot, he removed the knife he always kept there. 

Leaning close, he whispered, “I see from his eyes what you’ve done to him. 
It will not stand
.”  Then he said loud enough for the stunned and silent crowd to hear, “I am Elijah Mathias Eklund.  I am your son and I am your

Stabbing the long knife into his throat, he dragged it to his groin, opening him to the audience above.  He watched him take his final breath before wiping his fingers on the blade.  Staring up at the crowd, he painted lines across his face in his father’s blood and roared with his arms back. 

“This boy is
on penalty of death.  Any who touches him will die screaming.”  He kicked the eviscerated body of his father.  “Bring my next opponent and drag this piece of shit out of my sight.” 

He willingly stayed to fight for another week to earn the cash he needed to get them back to Washington from South Africa. 

Hollow remained with him and they were given a wide berth by the other fighters, spectators, and promoters.  Upon their return, he explained that his father had disappeared. 

The second time he freely performed penance was when he broke the woman he loved.

Walking to a ferry, boarding a ship, he made his way to the newest location for games in Greenland.  For more than a week, he allowed each rival to land two hits before he wiped them out and sent them from the pit unconscious. 

Every hit that connected was punishment he deserved for what he’d done to her.  Selfishly seeking one thing for himself, he’d done damage it would take Brie
to recover from. 

As another limp man was dragged from the ring, Hollow appeared in the threshold that led from the pit.  Their eyes met and shared horror would always be there. 

“He submits.  The exact message was
I submit, Elijah

“It isn’t
his submission.” 

“You can’t stay here, Elijah.” 

He stared at the stone wall.  “How is she?” 

“She doesn’t leave the building.”  Elijah’s eyes closed in pain.  “Harper hasn’t returned to Washington.  He also doesn’t leave the building.”  Hollow shook his head.  “It’s like a fucking
over there.  A message?” 

“I need two more weeks.”  He rotated his neck on his shoulders as his next challenger was let into the pit from the other side.  The man was massive with dark skin and blue eyes.  “I atone for my sins.” 

He stepped into the circle, allowed the man to hit him in the side and the back. 

Then he destroyed him with focused strikes and watched as he was dragged away. 

Glancing over his shoulder, he told the man who still stood there, “It’s going to take some time.” 

Chapter Forty-Two


Mid-September 2015

Brie painted and slept for the most part.  Her friends kept her from falling into complete despair but their worry was clear. 

When Tawny and Riya called, she was happy to soak up their natural effervescence.  They wanted to visit but, more often than not, she told them she wasn’t up for company. 

Knowing they were getting increasingly stressed about her state of mind, she invited them to the apartment for brunch.  She’d done her best to hide evidence of her incessant crying before she opened the door. 

Tawny took her in quickly and wasted no time.  “We leave for Dallas in two days and you’re
with us.”

“I can’t.  Not yet.  I don’t need to be around people.” 

“You’ve wanted to see the club forever.  KiKi wants to meet you in person and I know you’re done with her mockups.  You need to get the fuck
of this apartment, Brie.” 

She shook her head, unsure about seeing a place she knew had history for Elijah and Harper.  A place she’d hoped to visit
them one day.  “You guys don’t need me around right now.  I’m ridiculous.” 

Riya took her hand, “We hardly
you.”  The brunette chose her words carefully.  “You have to start getting out, getting back into the world, Brie.  It will take time to heal but it will take more if you stay in seclusion.”

Glancing across the living room, she stared at the whale sculpture and the violin.  She’d had a special case delivered that was lit and sealed to display it. 

“I have the means to go somewhere but I have no idea where I should go.  I feel wrong in my skin, sensitive to the touch.  Unable to think clearly.”  She swallowed hard.  “I always knew so I should have expected the pain.  Somehow, I never really saw it coming.  Not when and how it did.” 

Lowering to the dining chair beside her, Tawny said gently, “Come to Dallas.  You know you’ll have fun and we love having you with us.  Just the ticket, I think.”  With a wink, she added, “Riya has been so worried.  I hate seeing her cry.” 

“The Riya card.  You’re
a bitch.” 

The friends laughed and Tawny nodded seriously.  “Acknowledged.  Pack a bag and let’s get our drink on in a place where I don’t have a record.” 

“Yet, Tawny…you don’t have a record

“Your mouth is moving but I can’t
understand.”  Standing, Tawny grabbed a plate.  “Stop working all the fucking time and have some fun.” 

“I like working.  It keeps my mind occupied.” 

For an hour, they ate and Brie honestly did feel better by the time she walked them to the front door. 

“Thanks.  You guys are incredible.” 

“Duh.  Oh, I bought you a leather skank outfit to wear.” 

Then she pulled the door closed before Brie could question the strangeness of the statement. 

* * *

Elijah was gone twenty-six days when the security team on the ground floor reported he’d entered the building. 

Harper waited as he opened the door to the apartment.

He sobbed in sadness and shame.  There were bruises, scratches, and abrasions all over him and it looked like he’d lost twenty pounds.  His lips were cracked, both hands were torn up.

“I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry, Elijah.” 

“Do you even understand why you’re apologizing?”  There was a long silence and he shook his head.  “I thought not.” 

He moved to pass him and Harper put his hand on his shoulder.  “I missed you.” 

“You missed me as one misses a tool that’s formed to the palm after years of use.  Comfortable, familiar, easy to pick up when you have need of it.  Just a tool.” 

“No, Elijah. 

Without another word, he walked to his bedroom and locked the door. 

Harper knew the wound he’d caused between them might never heal.  Gabriella would have been able to help Elijah but Harper didn’t know what to say to make things right. 

Then again, if he hadn’t lashed out at her in selfishness and fear, the three of them might even now be together in the sanctuary instead of struggling with their pain separately.

In his own bedroom, he mourned the loss of her, the way she’d always known what to say, the love that would have healed so many hurts over time.

Filled with self-loathing, with loneliness, Harper wept.

* * *


“Hollow.”  There was a pause.  “She’s meeting with KiKi.” 

“When?”  He recited the date and time.  “For what purpose?” 

“Website upgrades.  New graphics.”

“She goes alone?” 

“Chadwick, Scottsdale, Riya, Tawny, and the java boys.” 

“Winters and Natalia?”

“Unknown if they’re aware of the trip.” 

“Keep me posted of changes.” 


* * *

Brie’s initial impression of The Playground wasn’t at all what she expected.  It was done in deep jewel tones and dark woods, well-lit, and welcoming.  Every surface sparkled and the staff seemed happy to be at work. 

Kikiama Espinosa greeted their party at the door with a huge smile.  “Welcome to The Playground.”  Introductions were made and she told them, “Call me KiKi.” 

To Brie, she said, “I’ve heard incredible things about you.  I look forward to picking your brain.  We’ll have time for business later.  Right now, Misery’s show is about to start.  Let’s get you good seats and drinks.” 

She seated them in an alcove with several comfortable couches.  Riya and Tawny settled with their men on either side of them. 

Brie chose a seat alone.  The sleek leather portfolio in her lap held the mock-ups she’d done for the club.  It felt odd to be having a business meeting the way she was dressed. 

Tawny had presented her with leather pants that felt like they were painted on, a stunningly detailed corset tank in royal blue, a bolero jacket that matched the pants, and black riding boots that ended at her knees. 

Her hair was pulled back in sparkling blue clips and fell down her back.  Her makeup was heavier than any she’d ever worn. 

Riya and Tawny wore chokers that matched their leather outfits.  Several times during the trip, Tawny attempted to get her to wear one as well. 

Filled with sadness, she refused.  “No.  I don’t belong to anyone.” 

Micah tried to explain.  “Brie, it’s a safety precaution...” 

“It’s a
when it comes to me, Micah.  No.  I can’t.” 

Self-conscious and wishing she hadn’t come, Brie stared at a painting across from her.  Standing up, she walked to it and realized the detail was incredible.  She wondered at the medium used and gently touched the very edge. 

“Come with me.” 

Glancing up in confusion, she looked at a man standing beside her.  “Hello.” 

Come with me
,” he said more forcefully.

A stranger was trying to give her a
as if he’d earned the
.  “I’m sorry…

He grabbed her upper arm roughly and Micah appeared like a dark demon, positioning himself between them. 

“She’s off limits, mate.”  His tone left no room for argument.

The older man hissed, “Bullshit.” 

Drawing himself to his full height, Micah growled, “She’s
limits.  Back the fuck away or I
you back away.” 

The fingers around her upper arm tightened sharply before releasing her.  The look the stranger gave her caused a shiver of fear to skate up her back. 

He clenched his fists and walked away.

Micah led her back to their group and she lowered into a chair.  He crouched in front of her with a gentle smile. 

“Brie.  Some of the members are more aggressive in this environment.  Stay with us so we can run interference.” 

“They think…”  She swallowed hard.  “It’s assumed I’m available for sex, isn’t it?”  He nodded and she closed her eyes.  “I didn’t understand, Micah.  I should have listened.  I was hurt but it was foolish.” 

He patted her hand and gave her a wink.  “Stay with us.  You’ll be safe in KiKi’s care while you talk.”  She nodded and he returned to Riya’s side. 

Unable to look at any of them, uncaring about the show taking place, Brie rubbed her hand over her heart and tried to get her shit together.  She gripped her portfolio tightly and struggled not to cry and humiliate herself in public. 

She missed Elijah and Harper.  She wouldn’t have felt so out of place if she’d come with them. 

The thought brought tears she couldn’t fight.  Avoiding looking at her friends, she made her way to the closest bathroom.

Using tissue, she blotted away the damage to her makeup and took a deep breath.  Pressing her fingers to her temples, she closed her eyes and tried to center, tried to find her way back.

When she reopened them, the same man who’d thought she was available stood behind her. 

He grabbed her hair and wrapped it around his fist several times.  At her ear, he whispered, “You will fucking
or I’ll make you hurt.” 

“The fuck I will.”  She rammed her elbow into his sternum but he didn’t let her go.  “Get

Slamming her against the wall, he bounced the back of her head off the tile.  His fingers gripped her throat tightly, limiting airflow and preventing her from screaming. 

He glared at her.  “Did you think to see what the lifestyle was all about?  Did you read your steamy erotica novels and think you knew what the fuck to expect?  Silly bitch.” 

Dizzy, she tried to kick him but he pressed himself against her, limiting her movements.  His other hand roamed over her breasts and between her legs. 

“I chew up little girls like you every week.  I’m a kid in a candy store with this lovely new trend.”

Gasping, Brie managed, “

“I’ll stop when I’m
.  You want to see what the thrill of submission is all about, honey?  I’m
to show you.” 

Tighter and tighter, he squeezed her throat and she distantly heard him unzipping his pants.  Then he was gone and she felt herself falling.  Arms caught her, held her, as she tried to focus. 

Reality was confused as she watched Elijah systematically obliterate the man who’d tried to rape her. 

Releasing her bodyweight, she slipped through the hands holding her and landed on her knees.  Crawling toward him, she placed her hand on his shoulder. 

“Elijah, stop…stop.”  Her voice sounded like ground glass.  He turned and the man she usually saw in his eyes wasn’t present.  He returned to punching the man in the face and she tightened her grip.  “I love you.  Don’t kill for me, Elijah.” 

He blinked and she saw he was back.  Her head dropped between her shoulders and blood dripped on the floor as arms lifted her from behind.  It was only then she realized it was Harper who held her. 

Elijah tore his shirt over his head and held it to her face.  She was shocked at how quickly her blood soaked it. 

She passed out and came out of it in the back of a limo. 

They pulled under an emergency room canopy and she gasped, “None of you can go in with me.” 

“What the fuck are you
about, Gabriella?”  Harper looked livid.

“They’re going to think I’m a hooker.”  He started to speak and she shook her head.  “I’m a Mexican woman dressed in leather who looks like I just got beat up by my john.  Trust me on this.” 

Tawny leaned over her face.  “I’ll take you in.” 

“Your men…”

photographed with them, Brie.  No one knows me.” 

“She is not a goddamn…” 

“Shut the fuck
, Delkin,” Tawny hissed.  “You run a company that’s publicly traded.  You’re on the boards of several prominent charities, as are the
of you.  You don’t know the goddamn preconceptions people have about women just like her all over the motherfucking planet.  Stay in the fucking car.  I’ve got this.” 

She settled her eyes on Elijah.  “Your hands are fucked up and
shirt is soaked in her blood.  Stop. 
.  You know I’m right and you
I’ll keep her safe.” 

Fists clenched, vibrating with fury, he gave a single nod.

Tawny wrapped Brie’s arm around her shoulders and sat her up.  When the driver came around, he helped them from the interior.  Over her shoulder, she commanded, “Get them the fuck out of here.” 

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