Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)
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“It can’t be better than our J-10. It has a dry thrust of 76.2kN and as far as weaponry, it has a 23mm single-barrel cannon. It can reach supersonic speeds.” Jaxon brags.

SilAS laughs. “Supersonic speed? How outdated. Supersonic speed is 340.29 m/s, while our warships can go as fast as 3 times that.” He says smugly.

“It can go faster than the speed of light? Wow. But does it handle as smooth as your shuttles?” She asks.

“Of course, all our ships are designed with the same navigational capabilities. And your cannons cannot compare to our laser guns.” He frowns realizing that he told her way more than he intended.

They reached the viewing screen overlooking the docking bay. Jaxon watched as the pilots ran checks on the warships. They were a thing of beauty, silver spherical shaped. What she wouldn’t give to be able to fly one.

The realization hit her hard. Her flying days were numbered. The Katierans would never trust her with their ships now. She was probably going to be sent back to Earth. With the failed mission, the EWG will end her military career. She had no friends or family left on Earth, she would be all alone. Suddenly, she didn’t feel like watching a life that she would never have again. She sighed and headed back to her sleeping quarters.

Not far down the corridor, she heard arguing coming from a room they approached.  The voices were familiar to her. It was Kyd and his brother Prime Medic SydEL. She planned to ignore it, but she couldn’t help but listen as she neared the open door.

“You don’t really mean that Kyd.” He glares at his brother. “You cannot replace her with another female. She is your mate.”

“Mates do not betray one another. She is no mate of mine!” Kyd yells.

Jaxon sucks in her breath and walks past the open door as fast as she could go. SilAS follows her a few steps back without saying a word. When they reach her sleeping quarters, he finally speaks. “Do you blame him for being angry? You are the one that betrayed his trust. All of our trusts.”

She turned to face him revealing the tears that had trailed silently down her cheeks. “He wouldn’t let me explain.”

He is angry at her for the betrayal. But as a male, it is hard for him to watch a female cry.  He shuffles his feet. “What is there to explain?”

“Lieutenant, if Prime Leader or Prime Commander offered you a mission to go to Earth to gather Intel covertly, what would you do?” She  asked.

“They are my superiors, I will do my duty.” He remarks without hesitation.

“How does that make you any different from me?” She doesn’t wait for him to comment. She goes inside and closes the door.

“Did you know she was standing outside the door?” Syd asked him angrily.

Kyd felt guilty and nodded. “I was angry and wanted to hurt her like she hurt me.” He sat down on his bed with a dejected look.

“Congratulations brother, you succeeded. What would you have done if the tests had shown she was breeding?”

Kyd had requested that the medics test Jaxon in case she was carrying his young. They had received the news that the tests were negative right before Jaxon had walked by their door and overheard their conversation.

“You’re going to have to deal with this. Cassie is not going to let Ren send her back to Earth. Be honest with yourself, you will not allow it either.” Syd walks over to stand beside Kyd and grips his shoulder with his hand as a sign of support. “You feel love for this female. Admit it.”

“She betrayed me.” Kyd said with a cracked voice.

“I spoke further with Ren. He said that the message was sent
we had already left for Kiljor. She could not have sent that last message. Commander TylOR reviewed the communications device that she had with her. The only thing she had sent was a few pictures taken from the transport ship before she arrived on Katiera. She did what we would expect any of our lieutenants to do.” Syd reasoned with him.

“What should I do?”

“Go and give her a chance to explain herself. She’s your mate.”

What Syd said was true. She was his mate. No matter how angry he got, that was undeniable. The thought of never seeing her again was unbearable. He should confront her and hear her out.

All of a sudden the alert sensors went off.  Both men left their sleeping quarters and headed quickly towards the Operations Room. They found Commander TylOR already present and yelling out orders.

“What is happening?” Jaxon asks SilAS as she slides the door open. The lights are flashing green and yellow and there is a repeating beeping sound.

He is distracted, “The Morins have started their attack on the Katieran transport ship.”

“Oh shit!”


Chapter 11

It was obvious that SilAS wanted to be in the middle of the action. She did too. “Go.” She told him.

He shakes his head. “I will not leave my post.”

Stubborn man. “Fine.” She walked out of her sleeping quarters and into the corridor. She kept on walking.

SilAS runs to catch up to her. “Where are you going?” He asks.

“To the Operations Room to find out what is going on.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He grumbles.

She stops to look at him. “If we go there, someone else might be able to take over babysitting me so that you can go out and help fight.”

He takes a moment to process what she is saying and then, “Let’s go.” He motions for her to lead the way. No one pays any attention to them as they make their way down the corridors. Everyone is scrambling to get their flight suits on and get to the docking bay. When they reach the Operations Room, it is a mad house.

Commander TylOR was barking out orders, Second Commander was doing the same. Kyd was nowhere to be seen. Prime Medic SydEL stood to the side watching a viewing screen.

“Where’s Kyd … Commander KydEL?” Jaxon asks.

SydEL points at the viewing screen. “He’s leading the warships into battle.”

“What?” She moves to stand beside the Prime Medic. “Which one is he?” She asks him while looking at the viewing screen.  The IHI mode shows moving 3D images of the warships approaching the battle location. SydEL points to a fast moving object that was flagged in blue and being followed by about 20 other blue objects.

There were two large images. The first was the Katieran transport ship and the second was the Morin transport ship. Smaller white objects were coming from the Morin ship. It was probably their warships.

Jaxon clutched at her chest when she noticed the Morin warships firing on Kyd. He performed evasive maneuvers. But it was clear that Kyd and the Kiljorn warships were outnumbered.

“Where are the Katieran reinforcements?” Jaxon questions the Kiljorn Commander.

Commander TylOR responds. “We have more warships in the docking bay that are awaiting pilots. The Katieran warships aren’t going to arrive for another 20 or 30 minutes. They are currently engaged in battle with the Morins at a different location.” He tells her.

She stared at the screen not really seeing what was unfolding. It finally sunk in. Kyd was not going to be able to hold off the Morins another 20-30 minutes until reinforcements arrived. He wasn’t going to make it. The only man she had ever loved was not going to make it. Fuck that!

Jaxon turns around and leaves the Operations Room. No one pays any attention, except SilAS who follows behind. She heads straight for the docking bay. They may refuse to allow her to stay on Katiera, and the EWG may take away her rank and possibly end her military career, but she is still in control of how she actually lives her life. And she is going to fight.

SilAS realizes the direction they are heading and tries to get the female to stop. “This is a very bad idea Captain.”

Jaxon doesn’t stop to look at him, just keeps going. “There is a saying on Earth, ‘shit or get off the pot’. You can interpret that any way you like. I’m a warrior just like you. I am used to action, not sitting around yelling out orders.”

When they reached the docking bay, Jaxon finally turned in SilAS’s direction. “Where would they keep the extra flight suits?”

He had a horrible poker face. His eyes glanced quickly over to a set of cabinets in the wall. Jaxon smiled at him and went to retrieve the flight suit. SilAS ran a hand through his hair. Shit. The female was going to get him in so much trouble. Humph. SilAS clutched at a flight suit that was thrown his way. “What…?” He glanced up but quickly turned his back to her because she was taking her clothes off.

Jaxon didn’t have time for modesty. She stripped down to her bra and panties. The flight suit was two pieces, a top and pants that had hooks. She stepped into the pants part of the suit.

“Lieutenant, I believe that you were told to go wherever I go were you not?” Jaxon asked him with mischief shining in her eyes.

Realization dawns on SilAS’s face. “Yes Captain, wherever you go.” SilAS quickly dons on his flight suit. They head into the docking bay.


“Commander, we have a situation.” A Lieutenant informs Commander TylOR

“What is it Lieutenant?” TylOR glares at the nervous male.

“Sir, the female warrior and her guard have taken two warships and are headed directly to the center of the battle.”

“What?” For the first time Commander TylOR glanced around the room and found that the female warrior was indeed missing. “How long have they been gone?” He looked at the viewing screen again. There were 10 more Kiljorn warships heading out to battle.

“Oh Daddy, Mama likes!” Jaxon says over her Comm link.

“Level out Captain. We can’t hit the acceleration unless you are flying in a steady pattern.” SilAS tells her.

Jaxon straightens out her ship. “So, we can go faster than this?”

“Much faster.” He says.

“Captain Malone, Lieutenant SilAS, you are both ordered to return to transport immediately.” Commander TylOR’s deep authoritative voice comes across the Comm link.

Oh shit. “Hi Commander, how’s it going?” Jaxon asks him while making sure the coordinates are programmed into the navigational system.

“Did you not hear what I just said Captain?  You were ordered to return to transport. Your commanding officer has spoken!” Commander TylOR’s voice grew even louder making, Jaxon and SilAS winced.

“No offense, but you are not my commanding officer. In fact, I currently do not have a commanding officer.” Jaxon switches her Comm link to connect to SilAS directly.

“Lieutenant, you were saying something about acceleration?”

SilAS is reeling from the way the female warrior just spoke to the Commander of the Kiljorn Nation. Oh Kitana. “Uh … yeah, the blue button will accelerate your speed each time you press it.”

“Like a turbo booster? Cool. How many times can I press it?” She asks eyeing the blue button.

“Five times, but I would advise you to press it no more than 3 times.”

“Why not more than 3?”

“More than 3 times may cause your ship to overshoot your destination. You could end up in a black hole.” SilAS explains.

“Oh. Well, we don’t want that.” Jaxon agrees.

“On my mark, hit the blue button
time. Ready and … GO!” SilAS calls out.

“Hell yes! That’s what I’m talking about.”

“Are all human females this uncontrollable?” Commander TylOR asks Prime Medic SydEL.

“From what I have seen, yes.” SydEL replied.

“Why do you put up with it? They have strange eyes, small fragile bodies, and they never do as they are ordered. Is it worth the headache?” Commander TylOR asks.

“I ask myself the same thing on a daily basis.”


One minute Jaxon was flying at the speed of sound. The next thing she knew, she was going faster than she had ever thought was possible. It was incredible. She kept her eyes on the viewing screen that showed her where she was. That was about all she could do. The acceleration restrained her movements.

“Five more minutes we should be there.” SilAS tells her.

Jaxon just hoped they were in time to help Kyd. He was going to be pissed.

“Okay Captain … It’s time to decrease acceleration. Push the yellow button on my mark. Ready and … GO.” SilAS calls out over the Comm link.

It felt like a roller coaster coming to a sudden halt.  Thank God the ship had good straps to hold her in her seat.

“Captain, how are you doing?”

“Good. Where’s the battle?” Jaxon couldn’t detect any ships on her viewing screen. Are they too late?

“We’re approaching it fast. Stay with the coordinates. When we get there, I will take the lead. The Morins don’t follow any kind of rules of engagement. They will shoot you down first without a second thought.” SilAS relays to her.

“Got it.” Jaxon had butterflies in her belly. She was going into battle. She was excited and scared all at once.

“Incoming!’ One of the other lieutenants who had flown out with them called out.

Jaxon’s fighter pilot senses kicked in. She located the enemy ship approaching and fired without hesitation. She got him the first try.

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