Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)

BOOK: Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)
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Prime Commander


A Novel


KD Jones


Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16


About Prime Medic

Other Books by KD Jones



About KD Jones





This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.





Prime Commander


Jaxon Malone is a Captain in the Air Force for the Earth World Government. She is sent on an espionage mission to the alien planet of Katiera. She finds herself torn between her loyalties to her home world Earth, and the new feelings she is developing towards the people of Katiera and their Commander. Will she choose to break the ties that bind her to a dying home world? Or … will she embrace her new life, and with it, a love far greater than any she could have imagined?


Prime Commander KydEL must negotiate an alliance between the two alien nations of Kiljor and Katiera. The moment he meets the female warrior from Earth, she turns his world upside down. She causes unexpected mating urges to rise up within him. It is distracting and disruptive. He makes every effort to ignore her and the mating urges. Will he be able to succeed with the negotiations before an all-out war descends? Will he overcome the mating urges or will he finally give in to them? Or … will he wait too long and lose her to a rival?

This book is dedicated the following people:


To my BFF Dawn P., even after 36 years you still make me laugh. To all my nieces (Allison, Ashley, Ashleigh J, Jamie, Amber, Melinda, and Gracie), you all inspire me to be more than what I am. A special thanks to my friends and advisers Rochelle, Marsha, and Jennifer.


I thank God every day for the many blessings given to me.


Katieran/English Dictionary

Asi = Yes

Ayer =  Don’t

IHI = Instant hologram imaging in 3 dimensional view

IHM = Instant hologram messaging in 3 dimensional view

Katieran Juice =  Similar to Earth’s wine

Key =  Be

Kitana = hell

Kitasa = hell no

Luna = moon

Mate = spouse

Mating ceremony = wedding

Medic Wing = medical clinical

Mile = Still

Phase ray = hand weapon sends out burst of energy

Release = climax

Sa = No

Stada =  us/all of us

Scent marking = exchange of sexual fluids

Talle =  female

Token =  Fear

Young = child or infant






It hadn’t occurred to her where the Commander was headed until she walked out onto the balcony she had been on previously. She looked around, nervously, to make sure they had not interrupted something, but Kat and SydEL were gone. The Commander waited for her by the railing.

She walks up to him and crosses her arms over her chest. “What the hell is all this about?” She demands.

“What in Kitana are you doing letting that Kiljorn put his hands all over you?” He yells at her.

“I can do whatever I want with whomever I want to do it with!” She stands her ground when he takes a step towards her.

“He is not the male for you.” The Commander grumbles.

“Oh really, just who is the right …” She is suddenly cut off by strong, firm male lips claiming hers.

She tries to push away from him but he pulls her into his tight embrace. She feels her body instantly spark to life. Her lips part with a moan. She finally gives into his sensual onslaught.

He lifts her up and Jaxon automatically wraps her legs around his waist. Kyd walks them into the shadows and presses her up against the wall of the building. The female drives him crazy with lust.

Jaxon has a fleeting thought,
“This balcony is seeing a lot of action tonight.”

Her dress rises up to expose her panties beneath. He presses his lower body into hers, she can feel the hardness of his arousal rubbing against the juncture of her covered crotch. She wants him desperately. His thick, rough fingers move aside her panties and tease the lips of her sex. She shivers with need.

“You are wet for me.” Kyd growls at her.

“Commander …” They should probably stop before this goes too far. Jaxon just couldn’t get the words out.

“Call me Kyd.” He whispers as he presses his finger deep between her feminine folds. He pumps it in and out, harder and harder.

“Oh God, that feels so good.” She moans.

“Say my name.” He demands.

“Kyd. Oh fuck … please.” She presses herself back and forth against his hand.

He adds another finger. “You are so tight Jaxon. Release for me.”

“Yes! Yes!” She came so hard she almost lost consciousness. It had been a long time since she had been intimate with anyone. Frankly, she had never had such a strong climax before now. The man had talented fingers.

He starts to undo his pants when his Comm link goes off. “Kitana!” He hits his Comm link, “Commander KydEL here.” He gives her a look that says not to move an inch. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

Ten minutes? That wasn’t going to be enough time. She wanted more. She wanted to get naked with him and lick him all over.

He ends his communications and slowly lowers Jaxon back to her feet. “I am needed in the Operations Room.”

Jaxon nodded her head with understanding. She wasn’t sure her voice would work. She could barely stand.

Kyd grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to him for a deep kiss. When he finished kissing her, she had a sexually satisfied expression on her face. He smiled smugly.

“You will not dance with anymore males this evening.” It isn’t a request, it is a direct order.

If she had been in her right mind, she would have told him to stuff it. However, she was still foggy and could only manage to nod her head in agreement. She leaned against the building and watched the Commander’s firm ass walk away. What the hell just happened? She needed a strong drink. She tested her legs out. She took  one step, then another. She made her way back to the ballroom.


Chapter 1

Eighteen Years Earlier

“Come on Jaxon, I dare you to.” A skinny boy yells at her.

“Don’t listen to him Jax. He’s just trying to get you in trouble.” A little red-haired girl calls up to her from the ground below.

Jaxon was a gangly 10 year girl with wavy brown hair. She stared down at her 12-year-old foster brother, Ricky, who was on the ground below. They had played truth or dare with a group of neighborhood kids. Jaxon chose to take the dare. Ricky dared her to jump from the roof of their foster parents’ home.  

Jaxon looks down at the little red-haired girl. Her BFF Cassie. “I have to Cass, it’s a dare.” And Jaxon never backs down from a dare. Not ever.

Randy turns to his buddies, “She’s too scared to do it. Besides, she’s just a girl.”

“No Jax!” Cassie screams as Jaxon leaps from the roof.

It was the most incredible feeling Jaxon had ever experienced, flying through the air. Actually, it was more like
through the air. The thrill didn’t last that long. A few seconds of pure joy and then … the most excruciating pain she had ever felt in her young life.

The doctor said she had broken her right leg in two places. It was going to take 6 weeks to recover. She needed assistance getting to the bathroom. Her foster parents were furious. Her foster mom, Janet, argued with the social worker because social services wouldn’t pay for Jaxon to stay at the hospital. Janet complained that she just couldn’t handle a child with ‘special needs’.

Cassie’s grandparents, the Tomlins, overheard the argument and offered to care for Jaxon while she was recovering. Her foster parents didn’t care as long as they still got paid from the foster care system. So, for 6 weeks Jaxon lived with Cassie and her grandparents. It was the best summer of her life.

The foster home Jaxon lived in was crowded and noisy. The kids there constantly fought over food, clothes, toys, and space. Jaxon never had anything that was her own. Her foster parents cared more about the money they got paid than they did the kids they took in. It was similar to all the other foster homes that Jaxon had been in and out of over the years. The only difference this time was that Cassie lived next door.

For once, it was nice to be a part of a real family like the Tomlins. Cassie was already her best friend. By the end of that summer, they had become as close as sisters. They didn’t fight over anything. Whatever Jaxon wanted, Cassie was happy to give it to her. She became very protective of Cassie.

The day Jaxon’s cast came off was one of her best memories from her childhood. Cassie’s grandfather, who was a retired air force pilot, rented a Cirrus SR20 airplane. He took both Cassie and Jaxon up for their first flight. Cassie wasn’t really into flying. The whole time she closed her eyes and crossed her fingers. Not Jaxon. She fell in love with the small plane the moment she caught sight of it. And when Mr. Tomlin took them up in the air, the whole world melted away. It was just her, the plane, and the sky. It was heaven.

She and Cassie had planned to live together when they got older. There was a small problem. Jaxon was 3 years older than Cassie. When she graduated high school, her foster parents insisted that she move out. Cassie’s grandparents offered to let her stay with them, but Jaxon didn’t want to impose on them. 

Then, she had gotten the most absurd idea from her idiot foster brother. Ricky joined the army when he turned 18. While he was visiting their foster parents, he complained about boot camp and how hard it was. He told Jaxon that she would never make it in the military. She would fail out of boot camp the first day.

The following Monday, Jaxon took a bus downtown to the air force recruitment center and signed up. The air force was not going to enlist her with them at first, but Cassie’s grandfather called in a favor on her behalf.  To everyone’s surprise, including Jaxon’s, she excelled in the military.

Her motto was to never back down from a challenge. She proved herself by accepting every mission offered to her. She preferred the more dangerous missions. She earned respect from her superior officers and advanced quickly through the ranks. Then, they offered her a mission that would change her life forever.


Present Day at EWG Military Headquarters

Three Generals sat facing each other at the small conference table.  General Clarkson of the Army division, General Millian of the Navy division, and General Campbell of the Air Force division. They were all part of the EWG, Earth World Government, Military force.

A few years back all the world’s government leaders had gotten together to form a one world government, the EWG. They had two goals: find a way to resolve the overpopulation crisis the planet was experiencing and replenish Earth’s natural resources. Little did they know that the solution to their problems would come from the most unlikely place, an alien race known as the Katieran Nation.

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