Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)
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“Lieutenant SilAS.” She felt nervous. Especially after what Kat told her. Now that she knew what the Katieran warriors were thinking about her, she saw signs of it everywhere. Men watched her with longing, flirtatious winks, and sexy smiles that promised her a good time. She was fine when it came to punches, kicks, and flying an aircraft through enemy fire. When it came to dealing with men on a personal nature, she was completely clueless.

Kiljorn Commander TylOR stood at the entrance of the shuttle. He ignored SilAS and greeted Jaxon. “Good day Captain Malone.” He reached out a hand to help her onto the loading ramp.

“You can let go of her hand Commander.” Kyd’s voice is dripping with venom.

Was she sharing a shuttle with all three men? Fan-freaking-tastic! She dropped the Kiljorn Commander’s hand and quickly boarded the shuttle. She needed to find a quiet seat away from everyone so that she could ponder her misery alone. She noted that Kat was sitting by herself.  Prime Medic SydEL was staring at the poor woman intently. Jaxon decided to keep the other woman company.

“Hey Doc, how’s it going?” Jaxon sits down and props her feet on the back of the seat in front of her. The one Kyd sits in.

Kat is relieved that Jaxon sat beside her. “I’m good. How are you doing?”

“Peachy.” Jaxon replies as she watches that legal advisor bitch take a seat beside Kyd. He says that there is nothing between them. It’s hard for her  to believe that. The other woman is everything Jaxon just isn’t. She is tall with pretty golden brown hair and delicate facial features. She is demure and feminine. The woman carries herself with confidence and grace. Jaxon can’t compete with that. She knows there is no real reason for her to resent the other woman.

The shuttle was packed. Commander TylOR acted as pilot and Prime Leader KadEN was co-pilot. The aisle in the middle of the shuttle divided up the seats in a set of twos. On one side of the aisle was Prime Commander KydEL beside Miss Carreli, Jaxon was with Kat, and then behind them sat two Medics that Jaxon was unfamiliar with. On the other side of the aisle sat Prime Medic SydEL and Prima AriELa, then Security Liaison TarAK and Lieutenant SilAS. It was a quiet ride up to the awaiting Kiljorn transport ship.

Everything on the Kiljorn transport seemed similar to the Katierans. They even had the same color scheme, grey or silver. The Kiljorn men on board the transport eyed her and the other women like they were some rare find. Maybe they were.  

“What do you think of our ship?” Commander TylOR asks Jaxon as he leads their group down the corridor of the transport ship.

“What’s the difference between your ship and the Katierans’ ship?” Jaxon asks.

“Ours are better.” The commander replies smugly.

The group was shown to their sleeping quarters so that they could get settled in. Jaxon was sharing sleeping quarters with Kat. AriELa and Miss Carreli were next door.  Kyd and his brother were staying two doors down. TarAK and SilAS were staying across the corridor from Jaxon. The other two Katieran medics were given quarters on the other side of her.

Jaxon wasn’t up to joining everyone at Evening Meal. She asked Kat to bring something back for her to eat. She was overwhelmed with confusion. Should she be with Kyd or not? He made her hot but he also frustrated her to no end.  She needed some time alone to think.

Jaxon changed into her comfy night gown and was about to lie down on her bed when a knock interrupted her. What now? She slid the door open and found Commander TylOR standing on the other side. Shit.

“Commander, can I help you?” She asks.

“Call me TylOR.” He tells her as he walks into her sleeping quarters and slides the door shut behind him. He takes in Jaxon’s state of dress, or lack thereof. “Are you not feeling well this evening?”

“I am not feeling up to being around a lot of people this evening.” She tells him as she moves a few steps away from him. He follows her. Stalking her like a lion stalking his prey. She bumps into a table.

That was all the man needed to make his move. Commander TylOR reached out and grabbed Jaxon pulling her into his hard male body. His lips came down on hers with firm steady pressure. She found it hard not to open for her.  Jaxon had to admit, the man could kiss.

“What in Kitana is going on here?” Kyd stands just inside the doorway, his face red and his hands are balled into large fists.

“Umm…” That was all Jaxon could get out. She was pushed behind the large body of the Kiljorn Commander in an attempt to protect her from Kyd.

“Commander KydEL, you are interrupting a private moment. You need to leave.” TylOR tells him while placing himself in front of Jaxon.

“I will not be going anywhere Commander. That’s my female you are molesting.” Kyd starts to approach the larger Kiljorn with retribution in his eyes.

TylOR turns to Jaxon. “Is this true? Are you his female?”

“No … well … maybe … I don’t know okay!” Jaxon is frustrated with both men at that point.

TylOR sighed as he turned back to Kyd. “My apologies Commander, the female did not tell me that she belonged to you.” He made his way to the door.

“I do NOT belong to anybody but myself!” Jaxon yells but both men ignore her outburst.

“Your apology is accepted Commander. My female is … difficult.” KydEL tells him earning a chuckle from the other man and a heated fiery gaze from the woman in question.

“Good luck to you.” TylOR says as he leaves sliding the door shut behind him.

Kyd was furious. He came to check on Jaxon because she had not come to Evening Meal. Again, he found her in the arms of another male. The female needed to learn a lesson. “What were you thinking inviting another male here while you are alone and naked?”

Jaxon took offense. “I didn’t invite him here, he showed up. And I was not naked!”

Kyd went to reach for her arm but Jaxon kicked his hand away with her foot. They both took up fighting stances.  Every attempt Kyd made to grab for her Jaxon would counter it, block it, or kick away. A few minutes later they were both breathing heavily and both were completely turned on.

Jaxon tried to land a kick on Kyd’s midsection but he caught her foot. He used it to pull her closer to him. He pressed her back against the wall and maneuvered her leg to wrap around his waist. He, then, grabbed her other leg and lifted it to wrap around his waist as well. Kyd used his weight to press and hold her body immobile between his body and the wall. His right hand lifted and grabbed the back of her neck pulling her mouth to his.


Chapter 8

Jaxon pushed at his muscular chest with her hands but he was stronger and his lips were determined.  His tongue invaded her mouth taking the air from her. His other hand pulled at her hip rocking her barely covered crotch against his erection. He pulled away long enough to growl. “Mine.”

Jaxon’s brain was telling her to keep fighting to get away. Her body was telling her to do the exact opposite. Her hormones wanted her to press her body closer and squeeze him with her legs wrapped around his waist. She loses the battle. She grips his hair and pulls him to her and kisses him back.

Inhibitions gone, she started to rip open his shirt so that she could get her hands on his bare muscular chest. Yes! He was so warm, smooth and golden. It took her a moment to realize he was raising her gown up to remove it. She lifted her arms to help him.

“You are so beautiful.” He whispers to her as he closes a large hand over a now naked breast.  She is the perfect size, just fitting within his large hand. He squeezes and kneads her soft mound. Both her pale pink nipples harden from the contact. “Want more, need more.” He growls.

“Yes.” Jaxon moans from the pleasure. She presses herself against his body rubbing up and down. She needs more too. She reaches down and unhooks his pants. She grips his large member pulling it free.

“Jaxon.” He groans her name. He rips her panties off. “I can’t wait any longer.”

She couldn’t either. She brought the tip of his cock to her nether lips.  He parted her swollen flesh in one hard thrust. “Yes!” They both yelled out from the sheer pleasure of him finally being inside of her. It felt so good having him fill her completely.  Jaxon thought it was the most incredible feeling. And that was before he started to move.

Kyd thrust upward into her hard and steady and pulled her down onto his member. Up and down. Hard and fast. Jaxon soon picked up on his rhythm and started to ride him. She arched her back for a deeper penetration. Kyd leaned down and took a hard nipple into his mouth.

He pushed them away from the wall and slowly made his way to the bed. Things got knocked over but they didn’t pay any attention to that. Jaxon never stopped riding him. It felt so fucking good. They fell onto the bed still connected. Kyd didn’t stop moving inside of her as he pinned her body underneath his.

“Kyd … I’m almost …” Kyd shifted and drove into her at a new angle causing her to climax over and over. Multiple orgasms had never happened to her before. The man completely ruined her for other men.

He released his seed deep inside her. “Mate!” He yelled out before he collapsed on top of her. His face was buried against Jaxon’s neck. He licked her sweat soaked skin. She tasted so good.

“Can’t … breath.” Jaxon whispered to him. She groaned when he moved off of her. His shaft pulled out of her with a suctioning sound. She felt empty without him.

Kyd rolls over to his side taking her into his arms. They lay side by side facing each other. He takes the time to admire her. Her hair, which is normally kept in a tidy braid, is falling in long waves down her shoulders and back. Her face is flush, lips puffy and full from being kissed thoroughly. She is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. And she belongs to him.

Jaxon snuggled closer to Kyd. She licked his nipple making him moan. Even the man’s sweat tasted sweet. She took the nipple into her mouth and sucked him hard. Her other hand traveled down his tight 6 pack. Lower and lower.

The Katierans had very little body hair, if any. Kyd had no hair on his man region. She softly rubbed over his already hardening erection without taking it fully in her hand. Kyd tried to lift his bottom half to force her to take more of him. He growled with frustration when she evaded his attempts.

“You are teasing me.” He grumbles.

She giggles. “Whatever do you mean Commander?” She asks innocently nibbling her way down his chest.

The female was killing him with her sweet mouth and soft hands. He reached one hand down to hold her head close to his body. With his other hand he took her smaller hand in his. He placed it on his throbbing shaft. He kept his hands on top hers as he pumped himself up and down. He released her hand once she took over the rhythm he set.

Jaxon continued her path down his body using her teeth to take small bites and her tongue to ease the slight sting. When she got to his manhood, she stopped pumping him with her hand. She hovered over him and blew warm air over him. This caused an immediate reaction from Kyd.

He pulls her head closer to him forcing her mouth on him. “Take me now.” He growls.

Jaxon smiles as she pulls back to ask him, “Shouldn’t that be my line?”

“Now female!” He yells out as he thrusts his cock upwards.

She wraps her lips around the bulbous head. He slides upward into her mouth. She takes him all the way to the back of her throat. 

Kyd closes his eyes. He is breathing heavy. “By the Goddess that feels amazing.”

“Mm mm.” She tasted some of his pre-cum. It was delicious, sweet like candy. She reached out and took his ball sack in her hand. She rolled the tender flesh with her fingers which caused another growl from Kyd.  She moved up and down on his shaft, using her tongue on the underside. He tasted so good it caused her to hum with pleasure.

“Kitana!” The humming vibration from Jaxon’s mouth was all it took to tip Kyd over the top. His warm seed poured out into her mouth. When Kyd was done, Jaxon released his member with a slurping sound. She sat back on her knees. He had a lazy and satisfied smile. He gazed at her as if Katiera’s two suns rose and set around her. It was unnerving to be worshipped like that.

“You are a Goddess.” Kyd says with a raspy voice.

Jaxon shrugs as she stretches out next to him. “I’ve never had men complain about my bedroom skills.”

Kyd frowns at her. “I do not want to hear about you with other males.”

She realized he was jealous. It made him vulnerable and even more appealing to her. “Okay. I wouldn’t want to hear about all the ladies you’ve had either.” It was true. The idea of him being with another woman made her angry enough to want to punch something.

Kyd reached out a hand to grab hold of one of her lovely breasts. They were perfect. “From the moment I saw you on Earth, there was no other female for me.”

Jaxon smiles at him. “It’s only been you for me too.”

Kyd takes her back into his arms pressing her face to his neck. He wraps a leg over both of hers to ensure that she does not try to leave the bed. “Rest, you are going to need your energy for later.”

He was right. He had reached for her numerous times throughout the night. Katierans had a high sex drive and a fast recovery rate. He made love to her over and over until they both fell into a deep exhaustive sleep.

“My apologies Dr. Morris, but it appears that Captain Malone and Commander KydEL are … preoccupied and cannot be disturbed.” Commander TylOR tells the small pale haired female medic while they stand outside of the sleeping quarters that are assigned to the females.

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