Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)
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General Millian complains, “Why are the Katierans being so stubborn about the military exchange? It’s like they want to keep us in the dark.”

General Clarkson agrees. “Of course they want to keep us in the dark. They know that we might pose a threat to them if we have their technology. That’s why we need Operation Eagle Star.”

Operation Eagle Star was an intelligence-gathering operation that the EWG Military planned to initiate. It entailed selecting lesser officers from the EWG Military to be sent to the alien planet of Katiera. While under the guise of learning basic Katieran Military training and fighting techniques, they would gather Intel on weaponry and other advanced military technology and report back to the EWG.

“The Katierans agreed to a few hundred of our military. That Prime Commander of theirs has turned down half the people we have sent to apply for transport so far. Did he state his reasons for the ones he rejected?” General Campbell passed out a copy of the most recent rejected applications.

The other two generals begin to read over the report. General Millian responds, “It seems as though all the candidates the Commander rejects are either male, married, or over the age of 45.”

“So it’s true then. They are only interested in unmarried women who are in childbearing years.” General Clarkson grumbles.

General Campbell nods his head in affirmation. “Yes.”

“Who do we have that they will accept?” General Millian asks.

“Colonel Stevens is bringing in a candidate as we speak.” General Campbell replies. He passes out the candidate’s résumé to the other Generals. They all take a few minutes to read through it. They finish reading just as someone knocks at the door.

“Come in.” General Campbell calls out.

Jaxon walks into the meeting room following behind Colonel Stevens. She glances around the room with her sharp eyes looking for potential threats and possible escape routes, a habit from her training. Both Jaxon and Colonel Stevens stop in front of the table where the three Generals sit watching them … no, watching her closely.

General Millian speaks first, “Thank you for coming Captain Malone on such short notice. Do you know why you are here today?”

“Yes sir.  Colonel Stevens says that you need me to infiltrate the alien nation of Katiera under the guise of becoming a ‘refugee’. I am to gather Intel from the other side regarding all weaponry and advanced military technology and to report my findings to you.”

General Campbell nods affirmatively. “I hate that it has come to this, but the Katierans are not being very forthcoming with anything. The medical advancements are great, but we need more than that.”

“I think they are keeping a lot more from us. We need to know what that is Captain. Do you think you are up for the task? Or, is it too much for you?” General Clarkson asks.

Jaxon didn’t like the idea of spying on this alien nation. But she never turned down a mission. Not ever.

“When do I leave?”


“It’s going to be okay Cassie. I promise.” Jaxon reassures her friend as they walk through the lobby of the hotel in Oklahoma City. Jaxon doesn’t stop to ask the front desk for directions. She notices a group of women heading towards a ballroom. She takes an educated guess that they are here for the same reasons. To apply for relocation to Katiera.

Jaxon tugged on her best friend Cassie’s hand. She hoped that this relocation would help solve her friend’s predicament. She was a fugitive from the Earth World Government. The EWG, in an attempt to resolve Earth’s overpopulation problem, created a law stating that all citizens had to apply for a license to have children. If you didn’t get a license, you could resolve the unauthorized pregnancy by getting a government mandated abortion.

Cassie’s loser ex-boyfriend knocked her up almost 6 months ago and abandoned her. Because Cassie wanted to keep her child, she had to go underground to hide from the EWG.  Cassie had no license. If the EWG found her, they could still force an abortion on her and Cassie could go to prison.

Jaxon tried many times to persuade her friend to stay with her. Cassie didn’t want to put Jaxon at risk. After she accepted the mission to Katiera, Jaxon contacted Cassie and convinced her to come and apply for relocation. Cassie needed help and this might be her only chance.

The interviews for relocation were being held in a small ballroom in the hotel. Inside the room Jaxon noted there were about fifteen human women mingled in with a group of large men. They smiled and laughed amongst themselves.  All of the men were tall, at least 6’6” and built like linebackers with huge bulging muscles everywhere. Their skin was a golden bronze coloring similar to Native Americans. They had dark hair with various lengths and styles. They were the hottest group of men Jaxon had ever seen. Yummy.

They approached the center of the room. The men appeared to raise their heads and take a sniff of the air before they turned towards her and Cassie. Jaxon squeezed Cassie’s hand for support.

One of the men walked towards them. He spoke to them in a strange alien language.  The words were garbled and made no sense. Jaxon thought they were saying, “Ayer token stada.”

Jaxon responds, “Hey big dude, we’re here to apply for relocation. Where do we sign up?”

Two more men came and joined the first one. All three spoke in the alien gibberish. “Sa Sa talles ayer token stada.”

“Right … well … Sa Sa to you too. We would like to sign up for RE..LO..CA..TION. Please.” Jaxon said sarcastically. She checked out the rest of the room. The other women that came in right before them, also had the same language issues. Jaxon was frustrated.

One of the big guys attempted to talk to Cassie but she shook her. She just didn’t understand what he tried to say. Then the big guy tried to get closer to Cassie. Jaxon reacted immediately to Cassie’s panic. She jumped in between Cassie and the big guy. She yelled at the hulking man to step away. He spoke more gibberish and pointed at Cassie. The other men came over to support him. One of them tried to grab Cassie’s arm. Jaxon saw red. She pushed the man away roughly.

“Back away King Kong! Don’t touch her again!” Jaxon yells at him.

The other women who were also having communication issues, noticed the confrontation and came to help Jaxon and Cassie. One of the women with really short blond hair pointed to Cassie’s stomach and Jaxon knew what she was silently asking. Jaxon nodded yes. The women formed a protective circle with Cassie in the center.

Two men tried to infiltrate the protective circle. Jaxon took them down to the ground within seconds. When she glanced back up it seemed that everything was in slow motion. Two more large men ran into the ballroom and screeched to a halt upon seeing her. Her eyes locked onto the darkest pair of eyes she had ever seen. Wow. Just … wow.

The newly arrived men yelled in gibberish. Jaxon tried to keep her mind on protecting Cassie. But the taller man kept drawing her eyes to him. There was something about him that called to her. She shook her head trying to keep focus. They were up to something.

The men surrounded the circle.
This was it
, Jaxon thought. They were going to make their move. She kept her eyes on the new big guy.

“Don’t fight them Cass.” She yells to her friend.

That was all she had time to say before the men surged forward grabbing each woman. Jaxon admired the way they timed it just right. It was a perfect strategic move. The new big guy grabbed her before she had a chance to maneuver out of his hold. He was fast. She was pulled up against a large, muscular body. Oh God, he smelled divine. Like woods, rain, and man. She saw the other newcomer make a move towards Cassie.

“No. Don’t touch her jackass!”

“Sa Sa talle.” A deep male voice whispered in her ear. The timbre of his voice sent shivers down Jaxon’s spine.

More large men ran into the ballroom. They wore something that resembled smocks. They gave each of the restrained women a shot in the neck with some kind of syringe thing. When one of the men came to do the same to her, she struggled to get free.

“Key mile” The huge man that held her said as the other man gave her a needless shot. It felt like air pressure against her skin.

“Sa Sa talle, key mile.” The big man says this over and over until the words start to make sense.  “No no female, be still.”

“What did you say?” She demanded. She wiggled her bottom against his front in an attempt to free herself.

“I said, be still female!” The big guy responded with a raspy voice. He lowered his head to take a whiff of her intriguing scent. He became aroused.

Jaxon feels his male response to her against her backside. “What the hell do you think you are doing? Let me go!” She kicks back at his shin for good measure. The big man grunts and then releases her.

Prime Commander KydEL lets go of the female warrior and rubs his chin. “Damn female.” They stare at each other for a few seconds. And then the commander yells, “Warriors Report!”

All the men scramble to take positions in front of the Commander. “The breeding female is being taken back to the temporary medic room. No injuries to report Commander.” One of the warriors report.

Commander? As in
Prime Commander, head of the alien military force of Katiera. And she just kicked his shin. Oh shit!

The Commander didn’t look at the female warrior as he tried to get his focus back. He still felt the female’s bottom pressed against his front. She was a damn distracting female. He ordered his males to take the women to a room for interrogation. 

One of the warriors steps up to the Commander. He is followed by one of the women with very short flaxen hair. “Excuse me Commander. This female says she is a human medic. She asks that she be allowed to check on breeding female. I request permission to take her to the temporary medic room.”

The Commander nodded, “Permission granted.”

Jaxon was distracted by what the other man said. Breeding? Did that mean they knew Cassie was pregnant? Did they plan to turn her over to the EWG?

Jaxon and the rest of the women were shuffled into a smaller conference room that had a table and chairs in the center. They each took a seat and waited to find out their fate. Two Katieran men stood guard at the door.

Twenty minutes later the door opened and a human woman tall, slim with golden brown hair came into the room. She was followed by the large Katieran man from the ballroom. The human woman introduced herself.

“My name is Lindsey Carreli. I am the Katieran Legal Advisor for Earth Relations.”  She turns to point towards the Commander. “This is Prime Commander KydEL. We want to find out what happened in the ballroom today.”

All the women started talking at one time trying to explain themselves. Jaxon couldn’t take her eyes off the Commander. He had the darkest eyes she had ever seen. They were almost black with gold pupils which all Katierans had. Both strange and beautiful. Hypnotizing. She was so distracted that she didn’t hear the question that the Legal Advisor asked her.

“Sorry. What did you say?” Jaxon asked.

Lindsey smiled. She had she caught the looks that went on between the Commander and the brunette in fatigues. “I asked whether you were with the EWG military team that will be traveling to Katiera.”

Jaxon nodded, “Yes.”

The Commander approaches. “Is this how the warriors for the EWG behave?” He demands as he breathes in her scent.

Jaxon stands up and gets right into his face. “No, but this is how I deal with overgrown walking muscle heads that like to bully everyone around them!” She proceeds to give the second most powerful man on the planet of Katiera, the Bird.


Chapter 2

Jaxon was grateful that her plan to help Cassie worked out. The Katieran Prime Leader RendEL offered Cassie political asylum. This allowed Cassie to leave Earth and escape possible prosecution by the EWG. Jaxon was able to see Cassie one more time before they traveled separately up to the Katieran transport ship that orbited the Earth.

The transport ship was too big to land on the planet. Katierans used it mainly for space travel. Smaller shuttles were used to transport people from the planet to the awaiting transport ship.

Jaxon was in awe of the silver spherical shuttle. It was about the size of a minivan. She asked the pilot, a Lieutenant SilAS, a ton of questions about the flight abilities and the control panel buttons. The pilot offered to let Jaxon sit in the co-pilot’s seat; she practically jumped across the other passengers to get into the seat.

The lift off was smooth, she barely felt anything. The shuttle had viewing screens that were used like windows. The images from outside of the shuttle were displayed on the viewing screens. Jaxon watched as the Earth slowly shrunk until it became a small blue ball, surrounded by stars.

“So beautiful.” Jaxon whispers.

“Yes, you are.” The pilot says.

Jaxon peeked over at the man beside her. He stared at her with a gleam in his eyes. It made her blush. She was not used to having a man, a good looking man, look at her so intently. She never knew what to say when men complimented her.

Jaxon considered her appearance to be average. She had dark brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. It would never stay curled no matter what she did to it.  She usually kept it in a ponytail or a braid. Her eyes were a chocolate brown. She was 5’6” tall. The only thing Jaxon thought was nice about her was her skin tone. It was a nice olive color that easily tanned golden in the sun. She smiled remembering all the times Cassie complained that come summertime, she turned into a lobster while Jaxon turned into a brunette Malibu Barbie doll.

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