Cum For Bigfoot 6

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Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #kidnapping, #orgy, #threesome, #erotic romance, #anal sex, #oral sex, #explicit, #erotic fantasy, #bigfoot, #double penetration, #erotic adventure, #monster sex

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Cum For Bigfoot 6



By Virginia Wade



Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

All Rights Reserved.

Published by I Love Stacy

Smashwords Edition


Virginia Wade



[email protected]



All characters appearing in this work are
fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.


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Chapter One




A pull on my nipple brought me out of a sound
sleep. I glanced down to find Lendal attached to my boob, the
two-and-a-half year old Sasquatch sucking greedily. His eyes were
closed, and his mouth worked aggressively, little droplets of milk
spotting his fur. His daddy, Leonard, was sleeping to my right, and
his other daddy, Dale, was snoring soundly on the left. I glanced
at the ceiling of the shelter and sighed. This was my life now and
I wouldn’t trade it for all the shopping malls in the world.

The inhabitants of the camp were stirring.
The sounds of grunting and murmurings, in an ancient language that
I was beginning to understand, filtered through. Lendal let go of
my nipple and sat up, yawning, stretching his hairy little arms
over his head. He was tall for a two-year-old, looking more like a
five-year-old. His facial features were similar to his father’s,
the rounded black nose, shiny black pupils, and a mischievous
little gleam in his eye that sparked with intelligence.

“Me go play,” he rasped. He bounded to his
feet and dashed out of the hut.

He would join Leslie’s son, Bubba Jr., to run
around the forest, as they did every morning, the noisy little
rascals. I snuggled into Leonard, and his arm went around me.
Lendal must have woken Dale, because his hand had found its way to
my hip, where his fingers began to press into my skin. Our mornings
always began this way, my body buzzing with arousal. My Sasquatch
lovers, who had an almost insatiable appetite for sex, would
pleasure me shortly. Their cocks began to protrude from tufts of
fur, the lengthy pink appendages dripping with pre-cum. Dale’s
fingers had drifted to my tummy and between my legs, where he
dipped into the moist folds of my pussy, entering me.

“Oh, boys…” I moaned.

Leonard grunted and licked my forehead. His
eyes were still closed, but he practically vibrated with lust, his
cock leaking profusely. I kneaded the hairy expanse of his chest,
feeling his heart pounding beneath my hand. Dale shifted on the fur
pelt, pressing his erection into my bottom.

“You naughty boys.” Dale’s finger stroked me
deeper, brushing my clit, which felt engorged and sensitive.

A soft set of lips covered mine, and a tongue
toyed with my mouth. Leonard kissed me gently, taking his time,
savoring the contact. For a grizzled, walking carpet, with the
manners of a goat, he sure was a good kisser.

“Oh, Leonard.”

“Porsche,” he rasped.

I closed my hand around his cock and felt its
heat. My thumb massaged the tip, as copious amounts of clear fluid
escaped. Dale’s breathing had become ragged, his finger falling out
of me, but it was quickly replaced with the end of his phallus,
which slid into my honeyed recesses.

“Ohhh…” I shifted on the pelt and closed my
lips around Leonard’s erection, while Dale pumped me from behind,
filling me nearly to bursting with twelve inches of animal cock.
“Omigod!” I would forever be in awe of their generously endowed
appendages and the skillful way they pleasured me.

“Gggrrroooaaarrr…Porsche,” grunted Dale.

Leonard had accepted Dale as my partner
before Lendal was born. I was the only white woman in the camp with
two Bigfoot lovers, who I kept satisfied and happy, because they
were besotted with me. I was smitten with them as well. Whenever I
visited my parents and my sister, I missed my hairy lovers, and I
couldn’t wait to return to camp…my home.

The cock in my mouth choked me, but I sucked
aggressively, the oral stimulation made my pussy contract,
squeezing Dale’s penis. He lifted my leg and began to thrust
harder, his heavy balls making smacking sounds.

“Porsche…” groaned Leonard. His fingers were
tangled in my long blonde hair, which was nearly to my waist and
more untamed than ever. I looked like a mountain girl with my
tanned skin and hair bleached from the sun, but I loved being like
this. “Good, Porsche. Good.”

Dale’s solid fucking was having an effect;
the tingling edges of release threatened. The more I sucked on
Leonard, the headier the sensation became, until I moaned with his
cock in my mouth, shuddering from the climax, which raced through
me in pleasurable waves.

“Oh, yeah! Fuck me, Dale! Oh, God…”

I bit into Leonard’s spongy crown gently,
making him groan. “Porsche!” He massaged himself, dripping
profusely. “Grroooaaarrr…” I waited for him to squirt, and when he
did, it was always a shock. There was an abundance of milky fluid
that seemed to go on forever. I held open my mouth, but most of it
dribbled out of the corners of my lips. It was not impossible to
swallow, but I didn’t want to. Instead, I let him jet all over my
face and boobs, the milky fluid turning cold on contact. I would
have to wash up in the stream, as usual.

Dale grasped my hips, bringing me to my
knees. I dripped with semen, which smelled especially musky this
morning. Leonard watched as Dale fucked me from behind, ramming his
cock deep. A padded finger found its way to my clit and began to
rub. I was ultra sensitive from having just orgasmed, but the
pressure from the large object fucking me was having an effect.

“Nice, Porsche, nice!” grunted Dale. “Nice
tight, Porsche.”

“Oh, God…you dirty boys…” My hair fell to the
fur, while I eagerly withstood the assault, the sensual feel of him
massaging my swollen walls. Leonard’s finger worked over my nub,
producing bursts of tingles that heightened everything I was
already feeling. “Oh, fuck me, Dale! Fuck me!”

Heavy, sperm-filled balls thwacked my pussy,
the sound echoing in the shelter. I braced myself with the palms of
my hands on the pelt, barely managing to hold myself upright.
Dale’s forceful pumping had me gasping and struggling to keep up
with him.

“Good,” purred Leonard. His dark eyes flashed
with a naughty light, his tongue flicking out, licking his lips.
“You good girl.”

“Oh, you boys are so bad,” I uttered

“Grrroooaaarrrr!” Dale plunged and stiffened,
squirting semen inside my aching pussy. The fluid was like a flood,
dousing my inner thighs and the fur pelt. Leonard’s finger pushed
me over the edge, as I succumbed to my second orgasm of the
morning, shuddering violently, gritting my teeth, as waves of
pleasure ripped through me.

“Oh, fuck! Omigod, yes!”

Dale stroked deep with his slowly diminishing
cock, the wetness running down my thighs. He withdrew completely
and collapsed to the pelt, bringing me with him. Leonard growled
and grasped me, pulling me to his furry chest.

“Oh, for God’s sakes!” I felt like a popular
toy, but it was always like this. Being wanted and lusted after
secretly thrilled me, and I hoped it never ended. We snuggled
together, falling asleep, until the sounds of the camp woke us.

Leslie appeared in the doorway. “Oh, Lordy.
It smells like sex in here. That bedding needs to be washed.”

I glanced at her tiredly. “Good morning.”

“You lazy bums.” She wore a pair of shorts
and a t-shirt. Her long dark hair was in a ponytail. “We got salmon
pancakes and berries. You better eat before they’re gone.”

I struggled to sit up, but two sets of hairy
arms were around me. “Sounds good.” I threw an arm aside. “I gotta
pee.” Leonard grunted and grabbed me again. “Oh, for shit’s sakes!
Stop that.” I managed to get to my feet, staring at my Bigfoot
lovers, who looked exhausted. I tossed a homespun dress over my
head and stepped into sneakers, leaving the boys behind.

Our camp was located in a narrow valley on
the lower slopes of the Cascade Mountains. We had come for the
fish, the Sasquatches enjoying the Chinook salmon and bull trout.
We were typically on the move to elude detection from the outside
world and other tribes who were less than friendly. The mountain
men knew our Sasquatches as the
and they offered
protection. There were other tribes like the
and the
, who we went out of our way to avoid.
There were no Bigfoot females, as their genetics prevented this for
some reason; therefore, the need to kidnap women was as necessary
as catching fish. The birth rate for Sasquatch babies was
shockingly low. I had suffered three miscarriages in the last two
years, and I was lucky to have Lendal, who was a healthy and
rambunctious little scamp.

He bounded over; his furry feet caked with
mud. “Mamma!” He sat on my lap, chewing on something.

“What do you have?” He opened his mouth,
showing me a mangled bug. “Oh, that’s disgusting!” He grinned,
flashing white teeth. I ruffled the hair on top of his head. He
smelled like pine and wet dog. “You have to wash your feet.” I
pointed to his toes. “Do you understand? Those are very dirty.”

He nodded. “Yes, mamma.”

“Good boy.”

Leslie’s son, Bubba Jr. approached. He
carried a smooth stick with a knobby end. Speaking in Sasquatch, he
grunted and gestured towards Lendal, who jumped off my lap. I was
beginning to understand bits and pieces of their language. Bubba
Jr. wanted to pick berries and chase chipmunks.

Leslie handed me a tin cup. “Thanks.” Salmon
pancakes grilled on the fire, and the aroma made my mouth

She sat next to me. “We have to wash

This was a dreaded chore and worse than
digging a ditch. “Aw, shit.”

“It’s reached critical mass, Porsche.”

“I know. That’s one thing I miss about

“I’m dying for pizza.”

“No! Don’t start with that.” I glanced
around, observing a small group of Sasquatches in conversation.
“Where’s Bubba?”

“They’re curing cannabis. Heaven forbid they
run out.”

I shook my head. “Sex and drugs. All that’s
missing is the rock 'n' roll.”

She giggled, “Everybody thinks I’m nuts being

“I know. I get the same thing.”

“Who would’ve thought we’d end up like this,
huh? It all started on that camping trip with Mr. Vandekamp.”

My life had changed irrevocably that week. “I
believe in fate and destiny, Leslie. I really think this is where
I’m supposed to be.”

“Shelly’s a junior now and engaged. I’m
jealous. She’s in Europe this summer.”

I sighed. “We can go home when we want. I
might take a vacation with my parents in the fall. They’re going to
Disney World.” Leaving Lendal behind was going to be difficult.
Leslie would have to take over the feeding duties. The last time I
left, he was almost inconsolable, missing his mamma. Maybe I would
put off the trip another year.

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