Cum For Bigfoot 6 (2 page)

Read Cum For Bigfoot 6 Online

Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #kidnapping, #orgy, #threesome, #erotic romance, #anal sex, #oral sex, #explicit, #erotic fantasy, #bigfoot, #double penetration, #erotic adventure, #monster sex

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Leonard and Dale emerged from the hut,
stretching and yawning. Dale had the animal pelt in his hands. It
needed to be rinsed out in the river. The morning sun shone down on
my lovers, their fur gleaming in dark chocolate shades with hints
of burnt amber. Knowing that they were my boys made my tummy tingle
pleasurably. They would do anything for me.

“You guys weren’t exactly quiet this
morning,” said Leslie with a knowing smirk.

“I can’t help it if they—”

Several birds shot up into the air, fleeing a
tree. The Sasquatches noticed this as well; their postures were
instantly tense, and the hair stood up on their heads. Three black
bears stepped from the foliage, full grown and hungry with teeth

“Oh, shit,” muttered Leslie.



Chapter Two




Leslie and I grabbed rocks and crouched down,
keeping as low of a profile as possible. The worst thing would be
to scream or run. The Sasquatches were fearless; their ferocious
growls filled the air, as their bodies took on aggressive postures.
The bears were outnumbered, and they knew it. They glanced
longingly at the salmon pancakes, the delicious smell teasing them,
and then they bounded into the forest, disappearing.

“They’re gone,” whispered Leslie.

“Hungry things.”

“They gotta catch fish like the rest of us.
There’s no such thing as a handout.”

I had encountered black bears before, and I
wasn’t as frightened of them anymore, although I had to be careful.
“I hope Lendal and Bubba Jr. stay away.”

“They have to learn how to deal. I’m sure
they’re fine.”

Zelda approached with a Sasquatch infant in
her arms. She had finally had a successful pregnancy and delivery.
Her long, black hair was a mess around her shoulders.

“Good morning,” I said.

“There’s some coffee, if you want it.” Leslie
pointed to the metal pot in the fire.

“Thank God. This one kept me up half the
night.” She sat on a rock. “What was the commotion?”

“Black bears,” I said.

“Yeah, they’re sniffing around again. Happens
every time we catch fish.” Her baby fussed, and she bounced him,
the little one mewling. “I’ll feed you in a sec.” She glanced at
me. “We’re heading north today to hunt. They wanna bring the camp
with ‘em.”

“Really?” I was enjoying this lovely valley
and the abundant berries and salmon. “Why didn’t anyone tell

“We stayed so those scientists could observe
us, and now it’s time to move on.”

Dangit, Leonard. This is information I
need to know

Dr. Connor Haynes and his research assistant,
George, had been with us for several weeks. They typically came in
the summer and sometimes in late spring to check in on the tribe
and count the babies. It was a secret that Sasquatches existed, the
government keeping this discovery under wraps for fear of a
stampede of people wanting to catch a glimpse of them. As it was,
our tribe had GPS tracking devices embedded in their fur, and Dr.
Haynes was able to find us and monitor our location via satellite.
I had a satellite phone with me for emergencies, which I had to use
once when a raccoon bit Lendal and he needed antibiotics after an
infection set in. We feared he might have rabies, but the test came
back negative.

I glanced at my friend. “We won’t have time
for the laundry, Leslie.”

She eyed the Bigfoots with disdain. “They
never tell us anything.”

“I’ll get ready.” I stood and left my cup on
a rock. “Be back in a bit.”

I loved this valley and the lush forests of
Western hemlock and Douglas-firs. I’d found the perfect spot for
washing up a ways down river, where the water gushed over the rocks
and created a small pool, deep enough to wade into. It was
absolutely freezing, and I would not linger long, but it was
perfect for a quick bath. I dunked my hair under and scrubbed my
scalp with my fingertips. When I stood, the water cascaded down my
body, hardening my nipples to stiff little pebbles. My breasts were
fuller than usual, due to the breast milk that supplemented
Lendal’s diet. I would feed him for another year or so, until he
was able to acquire the nourishment he needed from the foods he

The feeling that I was being watched pricked
me, and I turned to find Dale sitting on a rock, with a blade of
grass in his mouth. I wrung out my hair and grabbed my clothes,
wandering over to him. He opened his hand, exposing a fistful of
dark purple berries.

“Is that for me?”

His black eyes glinted as they took in my
breasts. “Nice, Porsche. You pretty.”

I wanted to dry off before I put my dress on,
so I sat in his lap, using him for a chair. He didn’t seem to mind.
His tongue flicked out, catching the side of my face. “Dale. Stop
that.” He purred deep in his chest, his eyes flashing in a carnal
light. “Oh, dear.”

I recognized that look all too often. My
breasts began to feel achy and full, almost uncomfortably so. I
would have to find Lendal soon. A nipple was held captive between
his thumb and forefinger, a drop of milk appearing. He lapped at it
with his tongue and then closed his mouth over it, sucking. He’d
latched on just like an infant, and my boob tightened as the milk
began to flow freely. I always felt a moment of blissful lethargy
when this happened, and I leaned into him while he drank like a
thirsty baby. I noted that his cock was distended and leaking.

He let go, but I continued to spray him,
wetting his fur with a tiny stream of milk. His pink tongue flicked
against my nipple. Both hands held my breasts, and he suckled the
other nipple, causing it to spray wildly like a miniature fire

“Oh, Dale.” He pointed both breasts to his
face, the milk squirting into his mouth. “Stop that now. There
won’t be any left for Lendal.”

“Whhoooaarrr…” he growled and lifted me into
his arms, carrying me to a patch of grass.

“I shouldn’t be doing this.” I found myself
on my back with squirting breasts, which doused my skin and left me
throbbing with need.


He grasped my thighs and covered my pussy
with his lips, while flicking a tongue over my heated flesh. I was
damp from my own juices, but now even more so from his saliva. He
slid deep, filling me completely.

It felt so good I arched my back and groaned,
“Oh, Dale.” My fingers threaded through his fur. “You’re such a
good boy.” The milk had made the top of his head wet. I pinched the
nipples to stop the flow. “Oh, yes…suck me…” Sasquatch tongues were
incredibly long and agile. He wiggled in circles and then drove
back and forth. His nose brushed my clit, while he fucked me. I
lifted my ass off the ground and thrust my mound into his face.
“Oh, God…Dale…” I reached for him. “I need you.”

Far from being a stupid Sasquatch, he
understood me perfectly, and I found myself on all fours, facing
away from him. He seemed to prefer this position, and I thought he
was going to fill me to the brim, but instead I felt his tongue
prodding my anus.


“Oh, Dale!” It had been months since I’d had
anal sex. “No!” His tongue pushed through the tight bands of flesh
around my opening, filling me with lubricating saliva. “You dirty
ape!” I held on to the grass, dirt embedding under my nails.
“You’re not really going to do this, are you?”

“Nice ass, Porsche. Nice,” he rasped.

“Oh, God.”

He laved me repeatedly, loosening the
constricted muscles and preparing me for his enormous cock. It was
a shock that something so big could fit in a hole so small, but I
knew it would. Sasquatch penises were more than a foot long, with a
spongy amount of softness around them. During camp orgies, the
women often took two at a time, but we hadn’t had a proper orgy in
a while. Perhaps, we had waited too long, and the natives were
getting restless.

“Good ass…Dale fuck ass…”

“Omigod.” The rounded tip pressed to me,
expanding the opening, which stung suddenly. “Oh, ouch!” Copious
amounts of pre-cum dripped from his aroused organ helping with
lubrication. The excess fell to my inner thighs. He pushed,
breaching me, while pain flared. “Oh, shit.”

“Good…good…” he rasped.

“Aw, fuck.” The initial insertion was the
worst, and, once he was in good and deep, I could relax. His hands
gripped my hips, while he drove harder, sinking into my tightness
one inch at a time. “Mother fucker!” I gasped. “Oh, God, Dale.”


The feeling was nearly overwhelming. My ass
was on fire, the pain mingling with the beginnings of pleasure. His
balls slapped against me, as he plunged deeper and deeper. The
pressure was immense, encompassing my entire pelvic region, yet it
added to the sensual rush, which was now gaining the upper

“Oh, God, yes! Fuck me, you dirty ape.”


The tempo jumped into high gear, and I found
myself gasping and clinging to the grass, trying to withstand the
onslaught. My breasts flew apart and together again, the heavy
mounds smashing and separating. I wanted to stroke my clit, but I
risked falling on my stomach if I let go.

“Good…good ass, Porsche.”

“Oh, Dale!”

He thrust deeply, stiffening, and groaning. A
surge of cum poured into my anal cavity, filling it to capacity. It
gushed freely, wetting the insides of my thighs and splattering the
grass. He drew out, only to plunge again, stuffing me with twelve
inches of delicious Sasquatch meat. He grasped my hips, holding me
to him, while a finger drifted to my pussy. The swollen lips
tingled from the contact; my clit was distended and throbbing.

“Oh, yes,” I hissed through my teeth. He was
still in my ass, the rigid length slowly losing its erection. He
continued to fuck me, while rubbing my nub. The persistent friction
was enough to push me over the edge. “Ooohh…Dale!” He purred in my
ear, his hot breath fanning over my skin. “It’s sooo good.” The
orgasm comprised my entire pelvic floor, including my belly. I
shuddered and convulsed with wave after wave of erotic bliss. I
collapsed to the grass, naked, sweating, and exhausted.

He lay next to me with his hand on my back.
“We wash, Porsche.”

“I know. I need another bath.” I sounded
tired. “How will I have the energy to hike now?”

He grinned, purring, and flashing huge teeth.
“Easy walk.”

“Oh, yeah?” I sat up. “No death march?”

“No. Little walk, lots of rest.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad.”

He stood, and took my hand. “Come, Porsche.
Get clean.”

“Yes, Dale.”

An hour later, the camp was packed and the
wagon loaded with our disassembled shelters and stacks of animal
pelts. We filed out of the valley, heading north through the forest
on an ancient path that only the Sasquatches recognized. Besides
Leslie and Zelda, there were Dale and Leonard and several adult
males including Bubba Jr. and Lendal. A younger Bigfoot, Rusty,
traipsed along with us; his mother was Maggie’s sister, but she had
gone to live with one of the mountain men. Maggie had been
Leonard’s mother. She had died from a heart attack more than two
years ago.

We stopped several times to rest and for the
little ones to relieve themselves. Lendal bounded back with a
stinky butt, the feces having caked in his fur. I made Leonard take
him to the creek to clean up. When father and son returned, Leonard
grasped his arm and swung him onto his back, Lendal squealing with
delight. He clung to the pelt on his neck and enjoyed the ride. The
trek was exactly as Dale had said; easy, which was a welcome
change. Too often we hiked briskly, on a mission to our new camp
either to flee from a hostile Bigfoot tribe, park rangers, hikers,
or the weather.

That evening, after I put Lendal down in the
makeshift shelter, I joined the adults by the fire. Bubba enjoyed
cannabis from a long pipe. The smell lingered in the air, along
with the aroma of pine. A deer had been butchered, and we ate and
drank boiled water, lounging on animal pelts. I sat on Leonard’s
lap, while Dale massaged my feet. My hairy lovers were always
attentive and accommodating, spoiling me endlessly. The soft rhythm
of a drum signaled the beginning of the evening’s entertainment,
and my pussy contracted pleasurably. It had been a long time since
our last orgy.

Leslie leaned into Bubba, smiling into the
fire. “It’s always food first, then sex.”

I glanced at her. “Not necessarily.”

She laughed, “Yeah, never mind. It’s just sex
all the time.”

Leonard purred in my ear, his tongue flicking
out and licking the side of my face. There were only three women
and a horny tribe of Bigfoots. It was going to be a long and lusty
night, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Chapter Three




As the fire crackled and popped, we made
ourselves comfortable on soft hides. My clothing had been removed
by eager paws, exposing enormous milk-filled breasts that glowed in
the firelight. My nipples hardened instantly in the evening chill.
Leslie was naked, and she got up to dance with Zelda. They rubbed
together in a sensual and erotic display of female love. Their
mouths met for a heated, tongue-filled kiss. The older woman tossed
her dress over her head, revealing that she wasn’t wearing anything
underneath. Her trim physique was graced with slightly sagging
breasts, partially hidden by messy and tangled hair. Leslie’s
equally dark hair hung down her back in silky strands. They gyrated
and swayed to the drum sounds, which were banged by one of the

“Whhhoooaaarrr…” growled Bubba, who had a
long pipe attached to his lips. He was the leader of the Bigfoot
tribe, and he was older and slightly grizzled with shaggy fur. His
eyes were heavily lidded, the effects of the cannabis sedating him.
“Leslie,” he rasped.

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