Power (15 page)

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Authors: Joy Deja King

BOOK: Power
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“That definitely wasn’t no coincidence.”

“Exactly. So I tell him to hold tight until after I check on Passion. When I get to her crib that shit blow the fuck up.”

“What you mean, like a bomb or some shit?”

“Yeah, her shit just exploded. I been watching the news and they mentioned the explosion but haven’t identified the bodies yet.”

“Yo, that shit is fucked up. I’m sorry man. I know you been dealing with Passion for a minute now.”

“Yeah, that shit do hurt. And what make it even more fucked up is that Passion and maybe even her son is dead because she fuckin’ wit’ me. Then Popcorn too.”

“So what happened to him?”

“After I see Passion’s crib blow the fuck up, I get in my car and call Popcorn and let him know what happen. I asked him if the car was still driving past his apartment and he told me no. So he’s on his way to come meet me and next thing I hear is gunshots blasting in the background. Then some motherfucker get on the phone and say I’m next.”

“Yo, this shit is just going from bad to worse. I bet you those GMC niggas behind this shit. First they fuck me over and take Dahlia out my life, now they fuckin’ wit you. Them niggas need to be stopped, and after tonight they reign will finally be over.”

Deion just nodded his head, agreeing with what Alex said. But he was almost a hundred percent sure that them GMC boys had nothing to do with what happened to Passion or Popcorn. Deion had Alex blaming GMC for everything fucked up going on in their lives, but in all actuality them niggas was only out here trying to get money just like them. They were an easy mark for Deion to pin everything so he was riding the shit out. But now with this new shit popping off, Deion had to figure out who was trying to bring him down. Deion had no intentions of dying, so that meant he had to murder his enemies before they had a chance to put him six feet under.

“No worries, them niggas will be dealt with,” Deion said, cosigning with Alex.

“You damn right. There’s ‘bout to be a lot of slow singin’ and flower bringin’ in the ATL, courtesy of me. Let’s do this shit so I can finally have a fuckin’ good night sleep,” Alex stated as he pulled up his car in the parking lot in front of their warehouse.

“I see everybody on time,” Deion commented, looking at all the cars out front.

“Good. That means motherfuckers ready for war.”

When Alex and Deion entered the warehouse there were at least a dozen men dressed in black, wearing bulletproof vests, just in case GMC was able to bust off too.  There were piles of guns stacked on a center table and Alex was anxious to get his hands on them.

“Everybody ready?” Deion asked, knowing by the looks of the men that they were waiting on them.

“We been ready,” most of the men said in unison. Deion locked eyes with each man and all he saw was death. But that’s why he used them. They were born killers. Each of them had proven that when they took down Jose’s crew; now they would do the same with GMC. Not wanting to hold things up, Alex and Deion put on their bulletproof vests, and each grabbed an AK-47 and a Twin .45 before making their exit.

*  *  *

Before the three black tinted vans pulled up to Fire and Ice, one of the men drove around the parking lot first to check everything out. They wanted to make sure that GMC didn’t have men patrolling the area since their monthly meeting was taking place. Once they were given the go, they parked the vans and the men stormed the lounge with guns blazing. With Alex and Deion’s crew sneaking up on the GMC members, they didn’t stand a chance against their attack.

The men were gathered on the lower level, sitting on couches by the bar. Without warning, gunfire ripped through the lounge, easily striking the intended targets. The white couches quickly turned blood red as bullets tore open skin, leaving dead bodies slumped over on the floor. Some of the Get Money Crew tried to reach for their guns or make a run for it in an attempt to avoid the hot lead balls being fired in their direction, but it was all in vain. Alex and Deion’s men were rolling too deep, especially since the other side was completely unprepared. One of the men tried to use a dead body as a shield but Alex was relentless in his pursuit. He walked right up on him and emptied his entire clip in the man’s face and body. He quickly reloaded and tracked down his next prey.

Through what felt like an eternity but was actually only a few minutes, they had basically slaughtered almost forty men. There was complete silence except for the sounds of gunshots during that duration of time, and as quickly as it had started, it was over.

“Let’s go,” Deion said, nodding his head in the direction of the exit door.

As the men were heading out, Alex stopped dead in his tracks. Deion was already by the door, so Alex put his index finger to his mouth, motioning Deion to be quiet. He listened intently, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. He spun around and saw what appeared to be somebody balled up under one of the chairs. There was a dead body somewhat blocking the angle but Alex thought he saw a finger move. He walked over to the location with his gun aimed. Alex kicked the dead body to the side and saw a man balled up in the fetal position.

“Please don’t kill me,” he begged, with tears rolling down his face. The man was breathing hard and as he tried to calm down he recognized Alex’s face. “Man, you Deion partner, why would you do this?” he asked with confusion in his voice.

“Nigga, do you even have to ask that dumb fuckin’ question! This is payback for you bitch-ass niggas murdering my fiancé and unborn child for no fuckin’ reason. Now all you niggas gon’ die,” Alex barked, ready to pull the trigger.

“What the fuck! GMC ain’t had nothin’ to do wit’ yo’ fiancé death. You shootin’ at the wrong motherfuckers. I can tell you exactly who killed yo’ girl. Your…,” before he could get out another word, Deion walked up and put a hollow tip bullet through Tommy’s neck and right eye.

Nigga, you was not supposed to be here. I had plans for you too, but there was no way I could let you tell Alex that it was me and not your crew that murdered Dahlia. You shoulda took yo’ ass to Nashville,
Deion thought to himself after killing Tommy.

“Why did you shoot him?”

“What you mean? Everybody had to die. We ain’t leaving no witnesses,” Deion shot back.

“But he was about to tell me something.”

“Tell you what?”

“He was about to tell me who killed Dahlia.”

“Nigga, look around. You see all these dead bodies. We know exactly who killed her. You had a gun to that man’s head. Of course he gon’ tell you it wasn’t them. Now let’s get the fuck outta here. I’m sure somebody done called the police by now.” Alex still wasn’t moving. “Let’s go!” Deion screamed out again, and this time Alex listened.

*  *  *

Later on that night as Alex lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling, that good night’s sleep he was hoping for never came. He thought after getting retribution for Dahlia that his mind would finally find some peace, but instead he kept replaying what Tommy said to him before he died.

Could it be possible that GMC didn’t have anything to do with Dahlia’s death? Could we have killed all those men for no reason? But it had to be them. They left a baggie of their drugs by Dahlia’s body as if to taunt me
, Alex thought to himself.

“Let me stop thinking about this bullshit. Deion was right. If a nigga got a gun to your head, you’ll say anything if you think it will keep you alive,” Alex stated out loud, wanting to put an end to all the second guessing. Alex reached over to turn off the light on his nightstand and saw a private number pop up on his phone. At first he wasn’t going to answer but with it being so late, he was curious to know who was calling.


“Listen carefully. If you want to know who killed your fiancé, meet me tomorrow and I’ll let you know what really happened.”

“Who is this?”

“Think about what I said. I’ll call you back tomorrow. If you want to know the truth then you’ll meet with me.”

The phone went dead and Alex felt numbness in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on but he planned on meeting the person tomorrow. If there were somebody else who was responsible for Dahlia’s death, then their blood would be on his hands too.

*  *  *

Deion had a bottle of liquor in one hand and the remote to the television in the other. He sat in his bed scrolling through channels, thinking about bullshit that had gone down the last few days. The only positive he could come up with was that they were able to get rid of every member of the Get Money Crew. Initially, Deion regretted that he’d had to kill Tommy, but the more he thought about it, he figured it was for the best. He didn’t need anybody else walking the streets privy to the truth. The only other person who knew how Dahlia died was now dead and Deion would take the secret to his grave.


Deion glanced over at his cell and answered without even seeing who was calling. “Yo,” Deion said, feeling halfway sleepy and halfway drunk.

“Uncle Deion, it’s me, Demonte.” Hearing Demonte’s voice sounding full of fear made Deion focus.

“Demonte, is that you? Where you at?”

“They took us. The man has me and Mommy. He said he is going to kill us unless you do what he say.”

“What man, and where are you?” Demonte didn’t answer, instead another voice got on the phone. It sounded like the same man that told him he was next after killing Popcorn.

“You want to see yo’ girl and her son again, then you better come up wit’ this chicken. If not, they’ll wish they had died in that explosion.”

“Nigga, how much you want?”

“Just make sure you keep answering yo’ phone. I’ll be in touch to let you know.”

“Let me speak…” Before Deion could finish his sentence the man hung up. He threw his phone down on the floor in frustration. He didn’t like how any of this shit was going down. He also wondered if Passion and Demonte hadn’t died in that explosion, then who had?

Deion didn’t appreciate the fact that someone was trying to squeeze money from him, especially using a child to do so. If Passion was the only victim involved, more than likely Deion would’ve said he wasn’t giving him a penny. It was because he did have a soft spot for kids that Deion was even considering paying up. But that would all depend on how much the kidnapper was asking for. The price of the ransom would be the determining factor on whether he would save Passion and her son’s life. With that, Deion closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Coming December 11th - The Final Conclusion To


Welcome To My World

Before I die, if you don’t remember anything else I ever taught you, know this. A man will be judged, not on what he has but how much of it. So you find a way to make money and when you think you’ve made enough, make some more, because you’ll need it to survive in this cruel world. Money will be the only thing to save you
. As I sat across from Darnell those words my father said to me on his deathbed played in my head.

“Yo, Lorenzo, are you listening to me, did you hear anything I said?”

“I heard everything you said. The problem for you is I don’t give a fuck.” I responded, giving a casual shoulder shrug as I rested my thumb under my chin with my index finger above my mouth.

“What you mean, you don’t give a fuck? We been doing business for over three years now and that’s the best you got for me?”

“Here’s the thing, Darnell, I got informants all over these streets. As a matter of fact that broad you’ve had in your back pocket for the last few weeks is one of them.”

“I don’t understand what you saying,” Darnell said swallowing hard. He tried to keep the tone of his voice calm, but his body composure was speaking something different.

“Alexus, has earned every dollar I’ve paid her to fuck wit’ yo’ blood suckin’ ass. You a fake fuck wit’ no fangs. You wanna play wit’ my 100 g’s like you at the casino. That’s a real dummy move, Darnell.” I could see the sweat beads gathering, resting in the creases of Darnell’s forehead.

“Lorenzo, man, I don’t know what that bitch told you but none of it is true! I swear ‘bout four niggas ran up in my crib last night and took all my shit. Now that I think about it, that trifling ho Alexus probably had me set up! She fucked us both over!”

I shook my head for a few seconds not believing this muthafucker was saying that shit with a straight face. “I thought you said it was two niggas that ran up in your crib now that shit done doubled. Next thing you gon’ spit is that all of Marcy projects was in on the stickup.”

“Man, I can get your money. I can have it to you first thing tomorrow. I swear!”

“The thing is I need my money right now.” I casually stood up from my seat and walked towards Darnell who now looked like he had been dipped in water. Watching him fall apart in front of my eyes made up for the fact that I would never get back a dime of the money he owed me.

“Zo, you so paid, this shit ain’t gon’ even faze you.  All I’m asking for is less than twenty-four hours.  You can at least give me that,” Darnell pleaded.

“See, that’s your first mistake, counting my pockets. My money is
money, so yes this shit do faze me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I wasn’t tryna disrespect you. By this time tomorrow you will have your money and we can put this shit behind us.” Darnell’s eyes darted around in every direction instead of looking directly at me. A good liar, he was not.

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