Power (11 page)

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Authors: Joy Deja King

BOOK: Power
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“Damn, you are beautiful. Much too beautiful to be waitin’ tables,” Deion said to the woman. At first she seemed stunned by what he’d said, but she played it cool.

“Thank you, but I’m in school and the tips here help out a lot.”

“Give me your number and within a week you’ll never have to wait another table again.”

“Why don’t I give you both a moment to look over your menu and decide what you like. I’ll be back shortly. Thanks.”

“You scared that poor girl off. Why you do that?”

“Man, that bitch bad. I need her out of those black slacks and naked in my bed. Maybe I can have her do a threesome with Passion and me. She in school and clearly she need money. I’ll have her pockets extra right.”

“Everybody ain’t for sale, Deion.”

“Lies, nigga. Hold up…I gotta take this call. I’ll be right back.”

All Alex could do was shake his head at Deion. That was his best friend and he had nothing but love for him, but at the same time Deion’s views on a lot of shit was fucked up to him. They were alike but different in so many ways.

“Hi, are you ready to order, or would you like to wait for you friend and I can come back?”

“No, you don’t have to leave. You can go ahead and put my order in. My friend had to take a phone call so I’m not sure how long he’ll be.”

“Sure, what can I get you?” Alex was speechless for a second. He understood what Deion was talking about because the woman was absolutely breathtaking. She had a regal beauty to her.

“I apologize for staring at you. This isn’t a line, but has anyone ever told you that you resemble Tika Sumpter?”

“Actually, they have,” she smiled. Her teeth were perfectly straight and white. When she smiled her entire face lit up.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you in school for?”

“Child Psychology.”


“Thank you.”

“I want to apologize for some of the things my friend said earlier.”

“You don’t have to. Trust me, I hear all sorts of things from men that come through here. Your friend was a little blunt, but I’ve heard worse,” she laughed.

“It’s good you have a sense of humor about it.”

“I have no choice. I need the job.”

“Would you mind if I asked for your number?”

“I would mind if you didn’t.” Alex noticed her eyes seemed to sparkle when she smiled and his strong attraction for her made him a tad uneasy.

“Put your number in my phone,” he said, handing her his Samsung Galaxy. “Dahlia, I’m hoping you’ll let me take you out.”

“Well, that is the reason I’m giving you my number, isn’t it?” she grinned.

‘True that.”

“I’ll be right back. I just remembered I have to bring out some food for another table.”

“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks,” she said, handing Alex his phone before rushing off.

“Wait, hold up. Did I just see my bitch give you her number?” Deion questioned when he walked back up to the table.

“First off, her name is Dahlia and she’s not yo’ bitch. Secondly, yes I did ask for her number and I’ma take her out on a date.”

“So the chick I was checkin’ for, you takin’ out on a date.”

“You mean a chick we were both checkin’ for, and she chose me.”

“Whatever, you can have her. I already got too many broads in rotation.”

“I’m sure you do. But before I forget, I meant to tell you that J.D. reached out to me again.”

“That fat fuck been ghost all these months and he finally decided to reappear?”

“Yep, and he claims he has our money.”

“After all this time, we should charge the motherfucker interest. So when is he bringing it?”

“He supposed to call me tomorrow. Said he’ll be in town and wants to drop off the money to us.”

“I’ll believe that shit when I see it.”

“I don’t think he bullshitting. What was the point of calling after all this time if he didn’t have our bread?”

“True. He probably lost all his connects and need to get some product from us. I ain’t giving that nigga shit and you shouldn’t either. It’s because of him 2Glocks is dead and his kids gon’ grow up without a father. So fuck J.D.”

“I feel you on that.”

“As a matter of fact, when I get my portion of the money back from that stank-breath fuck, I’m giving it to 2Glocks’ mom to help take care of his kids.”

“That’s a good look, Deion. I know that would’ve meant a lot to 2Glocks. His family will appreciate that.”

“I think I owe him that. Enough of this depressing talk…where our waitress at so we can order this food and eat?” Deion said, ready to change the topic.

Deion had a lot of fucked up ways, but it was moments like this that made Alex respect his childhood best friend and partner. He cared about the kids, and even with all the foul shit he did, there was still good in him.

Chapter 18

Sparks Will Fly

“I appreciate ya’ coming through. I know you feelin’ some type of way ‘bout me and I deserve all of it,” J.D. said, his arms crossing each other to represent his use of the term ‘all’.

Both Alex and Deion stood in the middle of J.D.’s hotel room not saying a word. They just listened as he gave them some elaborate excuse as to why he had given them counterfeit money and the reason it took him so long to pay them back. After ten more minutes of listening to the bullshit, Deion couldn’t take anymore.

“Man, we get it. You got yourself in a fucked up situation and instead of handling it like a man you decided to fuck us over instead. Now give us our cash so we can bounce.”

“Deion, man, it ain’t like that. I got nothin’ but love for you and Alex. You gotta believe me.”

“J.D., you have to understand that what you did caused a lot of unnecessary problems for us. It ain’t easy to just say all is forgiven.”

“I get that, Alex. But hopefully giving you all the money back,” he said, handing over the duffel bag full of cash, “will make things better between us. ‘Cause you know, I would like to continue doing business wit’ you.”

While J.D. started pleading his case, Deion took the bag from Alex and pulled out his pen to check if the bills were good.

“That money is real, I promise you, Deion.”

“It better be. We don’t have time to stand here and check every bill, but if we find out even one ain’t good, we comin’ to see you. But this time, won’t be no talkin’.”

“It’s all there and it’s all good, man. Once you see I’m being straight up, will ya’ consider selling to me again?”

“Definitely,” Deion answered. Alex glanced over at Deion but didn’t say anything.

“That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout,” J.D. cheesed up, happy to hear he was back in the game.

“So how long you gon’ be in town?” Deion asked as they were walking out.

“Tomorrow I hit the road.”

“Cool, have a safe trip back and we’ll be in touch.”

“A’ight. If you change yo’ mind and decide you ready to start doing business again, I got some more money here,” J.D. said, pointing over to another duffel bag, “to buy drugs.”

“We’ll think it over,” Deion said, giving J.D. a pound before leaving.

“Man, what was that about? Last night you was adamant you didn’t want to fuck wit’ J.D. again. Now you telling him if his money is good then definitely,” Alex said as they were getting on the elevator.

“I was fuckin’ wit’ him. I wanted to see if he was serious about all the money being good. You know I don’t trust nothin’ that come out his mouth.”

“Yeah, but I think he tellin’ the truth this time.”

“Me too. Only ‘cause he desperate to get back on.”

“Yeah, and you left that nigga feeling hopeful too,” Alex laughed.

“Damn sure did. Oh fuck!” Deion belted, patting his pockets.

“What is it?” Alex questioned, as they got off the elevator.

“I must’ve forgot my phone in J.D.’s room. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll wait for you down here in the lobby.”

“That’s okay, I got my car. You go ‘head.”

“Cool. If I don’t talk to you tonight we’ll get up tomorrow.”

Deion got on the elevator and headed back up to J.D.’s room. Deion knocked on the door and he could tell J.D. was looking through the peephole.

“What up, you back already?” J.D. smiled. “I guess that means we’re back in business.”

“I guess it does. Let’s talk numbers.”

“Let’s do it,” J.D. said, closing the door. “Room service just brought up my food. You don’t mind if I eat while we talk?”

“Nah, do yo’ thing.” While J.D. busied himself preparing to devour his meal, Deion reached behind his back, pulling out the .357 automatic with an extended clip and a silencer screwed onto it.

“This steak good as hell,” J.D. smacked, oblivious to what was coming next.

“Enjoy your last meal, you fat fuck. This for 2Glocks,” Deion spit, before releasing a bullet directly between J.D.’s eyes, blowing his brains out. What was left of his head fell flat down, resting on his steak. Deion looked around for the other duffel bag J.D had. He spotted it in the corner. Once Deion unzipped it and saw all the money, he grabbed it. “Now we even,” he said, before making his exit.

*  *  *

“When you called asking to meet for drinks, I was pleasantly surprised,” Dahlia smiled.

“Why were you surprised?”

“Because we just met last night. I figured you would probably try to play that ‘I’m not pressed’ role and wait at least a few days before you called. I’m glad I was wrong.”

“Me too. I would hate to be so predictable.”

“Being predictable can be good sometimes.”

“Like when?”

“When you’re in a committed relationship with someone and you like knowing their schedule is pretty consistent. It might be a little predictable, but it can also make the other person feel more secure in the relationship.”

“That’s an interesting point and very valid. I never thought about that before, but it’s true.”

“So why is a handsome, charming man like yourself single? You are single, right? I didn’t see a ring, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

“I’m very single and I’ve never been married. The reason being is because I’ve been so focused on making money, that a relationship has always taken a backseat.”

“That’s unfortunate. It doesn’t matter how successful you are and how much money you make if you don’t have a family to share it with.”

“You’re right. My ex thought I was obsessed with making money and I was…I still am.”

“How long ago did you and your ex break up?”

“It’s been months. Why do you ask?”

“I want to make sure I’m not stepping into rebound territory. If you’re not over your ex then I need to proceed with caution.”

“No need to do that. I’m completely over her.”

“Did things end badly?”

“Somewhat, but I learned a lot. I won’t be making the same mistakes in my next relationship.”

“That’s very important.”

“What about you? A beautiful woman like yourself, I know you must be fighting off the men.”

“I’ve had a couple long-term relationships but I’m not with either one of them so clearly they weren’t the men for me.”

“What type of man are you looking for?”

“Honestly, I’m not looking. Between work and school I barely have time to put any energy towards a relationship. That was the problem with my ex. He was going to school to be a doctor and between our schedules we could never find time to make it work. But they say, things that you really care about, you find the time. So maybe we just didn’t care enough.”

“Don’t think I’m some crazy man when I say this to you.”

“Say what?”

“I hope that you go out your way to make time for me, because there is just something about you I adore. I want you in my life.”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to say that, but I’m glad you did.” Dahlia leaned over and gently kissed Alex. It was so quick that Alex had to move in for another one. This time it was long and lingering.

“Where have you been all my life?” Alex whispered.

“Getting myself prepared so I would be ready to be with you.”

Alex and Dahlia stared into each other’s eyes. Alex couldn’t understand why he felt so drawn to this woman. Yes, she was beautiful and smart, but it was more than that. From the moment he laid eyes on her he felt a connection. Something he never felt towards another woman. It actually scared him, but he decided not to let that fear keep him away. Instead, Alex was determined to dive right in.

“I want to know everything about you,” Alex said.

“Okay, where do you want me to start?”

“At the beginning.”

They spent the next several hours sitting at their table, talking all night. The only reason they stopped was because the lounge was closing. Instead of going home, they continued their conversation parked outside the lounge in Alex’s car. Neither of them believed in love at first sight, but both felt that if it wasn’t love then it was the closest thing to it.

Chapter 19

Forbidden Fruit

“Man, you a hard person to catch up with these days,” Reggie said. “I’ve been trying to get over here to see you for weeks. Where you been?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

“I met somebody about a month ago and every chance I get, I try to spend it with her. I guess you can say I got it bad.”

“Is this some sort of joke?” Reggie asked, putting down the remote control and leaning back in the chair.

“Nope. This is the real deal. This is that thing I’ve wanted to feel for a woman but never did. Now I have, and it’s incredible.”

“Nigga, shut up. I ain’t here for yo’ jokes.”

“Reggie, look at me. I’m not joking. Her name is Dahlia and I’m crazy about her.”

“Okay, say this isn’t a joke and all this is true. You just said you’ve only known her for a month. How you gon’ be all crazy for a chick you’ve only known for a month unless that pussy got you sprung?”

“That’s not it, we haven’t even had sex yet.”

“You haven’t had sex with this woman and you talkin’ like this?”

“Trust me, for the first couple weeks I was saying that same shit. But I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.”

“What you mean?”

“I’ve heard people talk about meeting their soul mates. Or meeting someone for the first time and knowing that’s the person you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with. I never believed none of that bullshit until now. She’s the one.”

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