Power (13 page)

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Authors: Joy Deja King

BOOK: Power
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“When did this happen?”

“About a month ago.”

“Alex, don’t you think it’s too soon to be making this decision? You’ve only been engaged to this woman for a month. You need to give yourself more time.”

“This is what I want. I don’t need more time.”

“Fine, so you no longer want to do business, but that doesn’t have to change our personal relationship.”

“Isabella, I’m getting married. I have no intentions on cheating on fiancée or my wife. So our relationship is over.”

Isabella quickly gulped down the rest of her champagne before standing up. She walked over to the huge window overlooking the city. Alex didn’t know if he should go over there or let her be.

“You really are a good man, Alex. If only my husband took his vows seriously, maybe I could have a real marriage.”

“You are an incredible woman, Isabella. If Joaquin doesn’t appreciate you maybe it’s time for you to move on. You deserve to be with a man who will love and value you.”

“If only it was that easy. Enough about my pathetic marriage; this is about you. I’m going to miss you and what we shared, but I’m sincerely happy for you. Your fiancé must be an amazing woman. I hope she knows what an incredible man she’s marrying.” Isabella walked over to Alex and gave him a goodbye kiss. “If you ever need me, I’ll be there.”

Alex left Isabella’s hotel suite, hoping that she would be able to find the same happiness that he had. She had always been good to him and Alex wanted nothing but the best for her.

*  *  *

Deion and Passion arrived at Bone’s Restaurant at the exact same time as Reggie and his date. They were there to meet Alex but had no idea what it was about.

“We’re here to meet Alex Miller,” Deion said to the hostess.

“Yes, he hasn’t arrived yet but I can go ahead and seat you all in he Private Dining, Room G. Follow me, please.”

“Do you have any idea what this dinner is about?” Deion asked Reggie as they headed towards the private room.

“Nope. He just told me to come and bring a date.”

“That’s the same shit he told me. He needs to get here soon, ‘cause I’m starvin’”

“Me too.”

Deion and Reggie sat down and continued making small talk and the women did the same. While they waited, Deion ordered a bottle of champagne and appetizers.

“Let me call Alex and see what’s taking him so long,” Reggie said, reaching for his phone. Before he had a chance to dial it Alex walked in with Dahlia.

“Yo, that’s Alex woman. Damn she bad,” Reggie said to Deion. He glanced over at his date, making sure she hadn’t heard him.

Deion had seen Dahlia a couple times and he always thought she was a beautiful woman, but tonight she was simply stunning. Alex had definitely upgraded her. Dahlia had on a butterscotch belted dress with crossover detailing at the chest. She finished the look with a nude clutch, bronze metallic heels and stacked gold bracelets.

“Thank you for being here, and I apologize for keeping you waiting,” Alex said, sitting down at the table next to Dahlia.

“We just glad you showed up. But we kept ourselves busy while waiting for your arrival.”

“I see. You already got the bubbly flowing. We might as well pour ourselves a glass since we’re here to celebrate,” Alex grinned.

“Celebrate. That’s what we’re here for? What we celebrating?”

“I was going to wait until after dinner to make my announcement but we can share the good news now. A month ago I asked Dahlia to be my wife and she accepted. We’re getting married.”

Dahlia held up her hand, flashing the massive rock on her finger.

“That ring is beautiful,” Passion said, practically drooling over the sparkler. That has to be at least ten carats,” she continued. It was obvious that Passion wished it were she who was flashing an engagement ring. She turned and looked over at Deion, but he wasn’t paying her any attention. He was still processing what Alex said because he was in shock.

“Thank you. Alex has great taste,” Dahlia blushed.

“So do you, because what you have on is everything. I saw that exact dress in one of my fashion magazines. Isn’t that Gucci?” Reggie’s date added.

“Actually Alex picked this out too. It was a gift. He’s the best,” Dahlia said, giving him a kiss.

“No, you’re the best.”

“Well, congrats, man.” Reggie stood up and gave Alex a hug. “And welcome to the fam,” he said, hugging Dahlia too.

“Alex, can I talk to you for a minute, outside?”

“Sure. Dahlia, I’ll be right back,” Alex said, before following Deion outside. “So what’s up, man? You wanted to tell me congratulations in private?”

“No, I wanted to ask you what the fuck are you thinking?”

“Excuse me?”

“Man, you don’t even know this broad. How can you even think about marrying her?”

“Deion, I’m not doing this wit’ you tonight.”

“Doing what…having a real fuckin’ conversation? You’ve known this broad for all of a minute and now you making her yo’ wife. What’s really going on wit’ you?”

“First of all, stop callin’ her broad. Her name is Dahlia and she’s my fiancé. Secondly, this is my life. I don’t have to explain shit to you. This is the woman I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with. If you don’t like it then that’s your fuckin’ problem.”

“So our friendship means nothin’ to you? You let this broad come in…”

“Didn’t I say stop calling her broad?” Alex barked, lounging at Deion. The men were about to brawl until Reggie came out and broke the men apart.

“What the fuck is you guys doing?”

“Instead of this motherfucker being happy for me, he out here talkin’ shit about my engagement.”

Reggie looked over at Deion who had his face all frowned up still pissed the fuck off. He was waiting for Deion to explain himself, but he said nothing.

“Can you both calm down and come back inside? The ladies are in there waiting for us. The waitress needs to take our orders so we need to bring this party inside the restaurant.”

“You all can order whatever you want but I’m done here.”

“Alex, don’t leave. We supposed to be celebrating.” Alex ignored Reggie’s pleas and went back inside to get Dahlia so they could leave. “Deion, why the fuck you ruin that man’s night?”

“I’m tryna save his life. That woman got Alex fooled. She ain’t no good. She playin’ that sweet role but I guarantee you she’s just a typical scheming-ass gold digger.”

“Even if you right, Alex a grown man and talkin’ shit about his fiancé is only going to create bad blood. You all have been friends for too long to let that happen. If you don’t stop you’re going to lose your partner and best friend,” Reggie warned.

Chapter 22

No Heart No Love

“I’m glad you called,” Alex said, letting Deion in.

“I would’ve called sooner but I figured you wasn’t ready to fuck wit’ me yet.”

“You figured right, but I’ve cooled down.”

“I fucked up. I was wrong for how I acted that night.”

“I know how hard it is for you to admit you’re wrong, so thanks, bro.”

“I’m just glad we can put this behind us and focus on business. No matter what, we can’t let nothin’ come between us gettin’ this money.”

“Speaking of business, there was something I wanted to discuss wit’ you.”

“Speak. What, you ready to do some more expanding on our drug distribution?”

“None of that. I’m entering a new chapter in my life with Dahlia and I’m leaving the game behind. I’m done.”

“Alex, I’m accepting this whole marriage thing, now you’re tellin’ me I have to accept you giving up the game? We came into this shit together, I thought we was gon’ leave it together too.”

“We’ve both made millions from this shit; you’re more than welcome to join me in retiring from this game. Real estate investments is going well for me and now that I’m done wit’ drugs I’m going even harder. Join me.”

“This is what I do. I’m a drug dealer. I hustle for a living and you know what…I enjoy this shit. I thought you did too. Unless you’re doing this for your new fiancé.”

“Don’t blame Dahlia for this, it’s my choice. I can’t lie, I did enjoy hustling and the sense of power that came with it, but I’m ready to move on while I’m ahead.”

“I feel you. Well let me get outta here. I got a bunch of shit to take care of today.”

“Cool, don’t be a stranger. Although I’ll soon be a married man we’re still best friends.”

“You right, and best friends look out for each other. Talk to you later.” Deion left Alex’s crib straight plotting.  “Tommy, what up. I need to meet wit’ you in the next hour and I want you to bring me something…”

*  *  *

“Baby, what time are you coming over tonight? I have a surprise for you,” Dahlia said, holding her positive pregnancy test.

“I have a surprise for you too.”

“Tell me. What is it?”

“You tell me yours I’ll tell you mine.”

“Okay, but you go first.”

“I’m about to go meet with Danny.”

“The man that does some real estate business for you…right?”

“Yep. But I’m meeting with him to close on our new mansion.”

“Stop playing!”

“Remember that house I took you to a few weeks ago and said it was the mansion a friend of mine was buying?”

“Ohmigoodness, not that European estate in Buckhead on Crest Valley Road?”

“That would be the house.” Dahlia started screaming in the phone and all Alex could do was laugh. “Can you calm down so you can tell me what your surprise is?”

“We’re having a baby. I just took the pregnancy test and it came out positive.”

“I bet it happened that night I proposed to you in Miami.”

“I was thinking the exact same thing.”

“Baby, you’ve just made the happiest man on earth. I never thought I could love you more than I did before but I do. You and this baby are my everything.”

“I love you so much too. Please hurry over, I need to be with you.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I finish things up with Danny. I love you.”

“I love you too.” When Dahlia was hanging up with Alex she heard someone knocking on her front door. She thought it was the apartment super coming to check on the heater problem she had complained about, but when she opened the door it was Deion. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to apologize to you. Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Dahlia was reluctant about talking to Deion but he was Alex’s best friend and she did want to get along with him if possible.

“I’m shocked Alex still has you living in this piece of shit of an apartment. I mean, you are now his fiancé.”

“That doesn’t sound like an apology to me, but since you’re so concerned about my living arrangements, Alex is about to close on a mansion for us in Buckhead.”

“I have to give it to you, you’re much more than a pretty face. You’re very smart. A lot smarter than I gave you credit for.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You have this good girl act down to a science. You went from waiting tables, driving a broke-down raggedy car, wearing cheap clothes and living in this dump to a major come up. I applaud you,” Deion taunted, clapping his hands.

“I think it’s time for you to go,” Dahlia said, opening the door.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Deion shot back, slamming the door closed. “You think you can come in and in a matter of months destroy everything Alex and I have built.”

“I’m not trying to destroy anything. Alex and I are in love and we’re getting married. Deal with it, Deion, because those are the facts.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Before Dahlia could blink, Deion had her pinned down to the floor, his hand covering her mouth. See, you should’ve chosen me and maybe things could’ve turned out differently for you.

Tears swelled up in Dahlia’s eyes when she saw Deion pulling down his pants. She began moving her body violently trying to break free but her petite size was no match for Deion’s strength. Dahlia closed her eyes wanting to escape her torture as Deion pounded inside of her. Tears continued to flow down her face as she prayed to God to make this nightmare end. When Deion was finally finished raping her, Dahlia curled up, rocking back and forth.

“Please leave,” she mumbled through tears.

“If only it was that easy.”

“It is. I won’t say anything to Alex. I just want you to go. Please just go.”

“I can’t do that.” Without giving it a second thought, Deion pulled out his gun with the silencer and but two bullets in Dahlia, killing her instantly. Deion then pulled out the baggie of drugs that he’d gotten from Tommy. It had the GMC logo on it. He left it right next to Dahlia’s lifeless body before making his exit.

Alex arrived at Dahlia’s apartment with flowers, stuffed animals and a diamond bracelet he’d bought for her at the last minute. They had so much to celebrate. An upcoming wedding, a new home and most importantly, their child. Alex couldn’t imagine his life getting any better than it was now.

He knocked on the door but there was no answer. Alex knocked a few more times before using the key he had.

“Maybe she’s in the shower and didn’t hear me knocking,” he said, thinking out loud. But within a few seconds Alex realized that wasn’t the case at all. He saw Dahlia’s dead, naked body lying on the floor. “Dear God, nooooooooo,” Alex wailed, dropping everything out of his hands and cradling Dahlia’s limp body. For the next few minutes Alex couldn’t take his eyes off of Dahlia until he noticed the baggie of drugs with the GMC logo on it.

His unconceivable pain then turned to full-fledged rage. “These niggas took my wife and my child. They’ll pay for this shit…all of them,” Alex promised as he continued to hold Dahlia’s dead body in his arms.

Chapter 23

Wicked Games

Alex woke up in a pool of sweat, huffing and puffing. He couldn’t seem to escape the nightmare of finding Dahlia dead. The scene constantly haunted him in his sleep, and Alex felt until he wiped out the entire crew whom he believed to be responsible for her death, this would be his existence.

Alex headed to the bathroom to take a shower, hoping the hot water would somehow cleanse his mind and body of the hell he was living in. When he stood up, Alex noticed he had several missed calls on his cell phone and they were all from Deion. He immediately called him back, wanting to make sure no bullshit was going down.

“What up?”

“Man, I been calling you nonstop.”

“I was knocked out. Is everything cool?”

“I got some news on those boys. By Friday we should be able to make our move. You feel me?”

Although Deion wasn’t giving specifics, Alex knew exactly what he was talking about.

“I sure do. Let’s meet tomorrow so I can get the details.”

“Cool. See you then.”

When Alex hung up with Deion, for the first time in weeks he felt there was a chance he might get some sort of closure. He knew the shit would be on his mind all night, so instead of going to take a shower, Alex got dressed and headed downstairs to the building’s 24-hour gym.

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