Phoenix (16 page)

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Authors: Dawn Rae Miller

BOOK: Phoenix
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"And risk getting Kyra in trouble?" I say. "No, you boys have already done enough of that. Besides, we're going to have to house some newly arrived witches at Kyra's."

Beck smirks. "And how do you plan on telling her that?" He knows as well as me that Kyra is going to throw a fit when I inform her. But she has five extra bedrooms, and right now, I need every space available. Plus, it's better to house witches with other witches. For safety reasons.

"Can you tell her? Or better yet, you tell Maz, and he can tell her?"

Beck snorts. "Like that would make anything better. She's going to be livid."

I nod. Of course she is.

"What about Ryker then?" Beck asks.

"I guess this is the best place to hide him. But can we please find somewhere that isn't in or connected to our bedroom?" Not only do I still not trust Ryker - and let's be honest, he scares me a little - but I don't want him privy to my and Beck's nighttime activities.

Beck grins. "And that would be because..."

I blush and pull a throw blanket over my head. "Because he snores in his sleep," I say from under the blanket. It's not true, but it's the least embarrassing answer.

"Are you warm enough?" Beck asks, pulling the blanket down to cover my toes. It slips off my head.

"A fire would be nice."

He spreads his fingers, and a fire roars to life instantly warming the living room. After a long day of arguments and compromise, we're finally done and able to relax at my home.

Our home.

The words roll around in my brain for a moment before fully landing.


For so long, all I wanted was to be a normal Stateswoman with a mate and a house and a decent job, and finally, I now have it. I should feel satisfied, but it's almost as if something sinister is lurking in the shadows waiting to take it all from me.

"Beck," I say, wiggling my toes, trying to rest my brain after the day's events. "Do you like how I've decorated the house? Perhaps we can make some changes to better suit you."

He leans back into the plush couch. "This is rather comfortable. I like it."

"Do you?" I ask, pulling my feet away from him and pulling myself into a kneeling position. I crawl along the couch until I'm nearly on Beck's lap. "Is it your favorite couch ever?"

He laughs and pulls me closer to him. His breath fans across my face for a second before his lips gently graze mine. He places his hand over my racing heart before trailing his fingers across my chest and down my arm. I push back against him, hungry for the way he tastes. His lips part wider, and our kiss becomes deeper, more intense. My hands tangle in Beck's hair, and my heart races.

"Excuse me," Landon says from the doorway.

I reluctantly lean away from Beck. "Yes?"

"Mr. Callum and Annalise are here to see you."

"Send them away," I mutter.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Landon asks.

"Show them in," I say.

Beck throws up his hands. "Our luck. If it isn't angry mobs, it's your brother."

I curl into the crook of Beck's arm just as Callum explodes into the room. Annalise follows a few feet behind looking more defeated than when I last saw her. How is that even possible?

Did she tell Callum about the baby? If so, I'm not sure what he wants me to do about it.

My brother stops abruptly before Beck and me. To my surprise he says, "I want a real job. Mother is gone, and it's time I stopped being everyone's errand boy. I want a place on the Council." Callum glares at Beck and me. "And I want the two of you to give it to me."

Before waiting to hear from Beck, I respond, "I'll have to consult the Council before making a decision like this, you know that."

"And yet Beck - Beck who was accused of our mother's death - can be placed as your co-leader without any vote or consultation." Callum's eyes flash. "Interesting how that works, Sister dear."

He'll be in the Eastern Society with me,
Beck says in my mind.
It will keep him busy and out of your way.

I bite my lip and pretend I'm carefully considering Callum's words. "I can't promise a seat on the Council, but you are accompanying Beck on his diplomatic trip to the Eastern Society. Maybe you can be given chief diplomat status?"

Callum swallows a grin. "What would it detail?"

"Helping me broker a peace with Eastern Society and offer a few - not all - of their dignitaries we hold as good faith," Beck answers. "It would be more than just the planning you're doing right now. Much more involved at a ground level."

"Would I be included in the formal planning sessions?"

I say.

"Of course. I'd appreciate any of your insight and help with this problem."

Callum flashes his cruel smile at his wife. "See? I told you. Sometimes you have to demand what you want."

Annalise gives a pained look, which makes me even more convinced including Callum is a bad idea. However, now that Beck has set things in motion, I can't stop them. At least not in front of Callum.

My brother holds out his arm to me. "Come, Sister. We should walk through the City this evening and allow the people to see us. As Mother used to say, it will bolster spirits, especially after your newscast this evening. She had a habit of walking the City at least once a week."

I'm fighting too many battles to continue arguing with Callum. If he's willing and able to move forward, then I should be also. Although, if he continues to make demands about placement on the Council, I may have to rethink my position.

"As much as I'd like to stay here, where it's warm, Callum is correct," Annalise says. "The people need to see you. They need to see that you are concerned, but not scared - especially the new arrivals. Can you do that?"

I nod and inhale deeply. "Beck, are you coming too? "

"Yes, Beck," Callum says. "Come. The people need to see us united as a family- especially the Dark and Light witches."


The night air is cool and crisp, but not freezing. We decide to walk a route toward the Binding Hall and through the Park. Once, it had a fancy name, but now we just refer to it as "The Park." Like many things during the Long Winter, it's true origins are lost to time.

Callum and Beck walk ahead of Annalise and me, no doubt discussing plans for the upcoming trip to the Eastern Society.

We turn the corner of California Street and head south along Arguello. As we walk, people stop, point, and whisper.

Annalise, who isn't acting as my guard tonight, laces her arm through mine. "Smile and wave, make sure you appear healthy."

I take her advice and wave to random strangers.

"Have you told Callum yet? About the baby?" I ask.

"No, I'm waiting until we have an audience. I thought maybe tonight?"

I really don't know if I can handle any more drama today, but it's Annalise's decision, not mine.

We walk into the beginning of the Park and turn down one of its tree-lined paths. My mind is racing with thoughts. First, my brother is gay - not that it matters, but Mother forced him to live his life as a lie; second, how will Annalise do her job if she's pregnant? Selfish thoughts, I know, but I can't help but wonder.

And what if Kyra gets pregnant? Then what?

Ahead of me, Callum and Beck are lost in conversation. It's a sight I never thought I'd see: my brother and my mate getting along.

The world as I know it is truly changing.

A man darts past us, sprinting toward the heart of the park. Fear and nervousness radiate from him, and I soak up his feelings, allowing them to mingle with my magic. It's a little like drinking champagne. Sip slowly and savor.

With no warning, my guards shift position, and Annalise throws me behind her. I land on the ground with her over top of me. Before I can ask what's happening, the world flashes white-hot and red.


My eyes flutter open.

Beck and Callum stand over me; Beck begging me to wake up and Callum simply watching. The look on my brother's face is one of confusion, anger, and worry.

Neither one of them appear hurt. "Annalise?" I croak.

"I'm here. I'm fine." I can't see her, but she must be nearby.

Stars dance behind my eyes, and I rub my head trying to clear a little of the fog from my brain. "What happened?" I ask.

"A bomb went off, not too far from where you were walking." Beck strokes my hand. "Fortunately, no one was injured."

"A bomb?" I repeat, trying to make sense of the words. Is what Henry said true? Is bringing all witches to San Francisco a mistake and an opportunity for the Splinter group to take us out in large numbers?

My brother crouches down near me. "Another assassination attack."

"Are you sure?" My throat is raw, and my ears ring.

Annalise comes into my line of vision. Her hair is a knotted, disheveled mess and her dress torn. "It's too soon to tell, but Callum could be correct."

Bile stings my throat, and I roll onto my side and vomit. Whoever is doing this wants me dead. The thought slithers around my brain, and my stomach rolls again.

"It has to be the Splinter group," I say moving away from the stench of my puke.

Beck offers me his hand. I accept, and he pulls me up. "Or it could be the Eastern Society. We are at war with them, don't forget."

The street buzzes with people, most of them trying to catch a glimpse of me, but my guards have me completely surrounded like a human shield. Grass stains cover my knees and palms. If Annalise looks the way she does, I can only imagine how I look.

Oh. No.

My gaze drifts to hers, and it's there, behind her eyes - worry. Not over me, but for the baby. She put my safety before not only her own, but before the baby's also. "Annalise," I say, but she shushes me with a quick finger to her lips.

"Let's get you home," she says. "We all need some time to regroup."


I splash ice-cold water on my face, rinsing away the dirt and grime from being smashed face first into the grass. Today is one for the record book: witch hunting, evacuations, food shortages, and an assignation attempt. Just a typical day in the life of the Head of State. Now, I see why Mother only aspired to be the Vice Head. This stuff is just too crazy to deal with.

And yet, I have to. I have to walk out of this room and act like an in-control authority. I have a role to play - one I'm not sure I want anymore.

I dry my face, straighten my dress, and smooth back my hair, picking a random bit of leaf from the end of my ponytail.

When I enter the living room, my guards, Beck, and Annalise are waiting for me. Kyra once again has the day off. All talking stops when they notice me.

"Don't let me interrupt," I say, taking a seat near the bay window.

Annalise waves her hand in the air, dismissing the guards. "Tomorrow's briefing is at oh-six-hundred. I want the first and second detail present."

They file out one-by-one, until only my family remains.

"Henry," Annalise says into her wristlet, "please bring Eloise to the living room." Her hand shakes, but whether it's from the attack or the news she's about to reveal, I can't say. She paces to the far side of the room and back.

"I don't think it was random," she says. "The attack. That man either knew where you were going to be, or he followed us. We're going to increase surveillance around the house and double your guard detail."

I nod. Sounds like a reasonable plan.

Henry and Eloise stand in the doorway, watching the four of us, as if they're unsure it's okay to come in. I point at the couch, and they head in that direction. Callum lounges lazily against the piano, and Beck sits next to me on the window seat.

"Thank you for coming. After today's attack, it's become clear changes need to be made, starting with Lark's security detail," Annalise says. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to continue in my role actively. I'll still oversee the guards, but I won't be on patrols or active duty."

My wide eyes glance at Callum, but he seems preoccupied with his wristlet. I'm fairly sure Eloise and Henry know about the baby, so I don't bother to look at them. Beck, however, seems stunned.

"What do you mean?" he asks. "You're the head guard. Is Lark's life not worth protecting?"

Annalise's face softens, and she rubs her stomach. "Actually, Beck, there's another life I'm more concerned with." She pauses and waits for Callum to look at her. When he does, she says, "I'm pregnant."

Callum stares at his mate. He doesn't rage or threaten her. He doesn't even ask whose baby it is. He simply shrugs, grabs his coat, and leaves.

This is so not the reaction we expected.

"Annalise," I say. "Do you want to stay here?" I'd be a bad sister-in-law if I insisted she go home. No one knows my brother's cruelty better than Beck and me. Callum is probably plotting as we speak.

"If you don't mind," she says.

"Not at all." I press the button on my wristlet. "Would someone please make up the large guest room for Miss Annalise. She'll be staying with us for awhile."

Normally, having Annalise here wouldn't be a big deal, except now I have Ryker and Annalise both living here. He's under her nose. How I'm going to keep him hidden is…

Where's Ryker?
I demand.

Upstairs. Why?
Beck asks.

Because I was just attacked by someone who knew where I was going.
I snap.
And he knew where we were going.

"Excuse me," I say to the group as I rush from the room. Beck is close on my heels, chasing me up the stairs, but I'm faster than him and beat him to our room. When I step inside, the sitting room door is closed.

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