Phoenix (15 page)

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Authors: Dawn Rae Miller

BOOK: Phoenix
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"It's magic all right, but I have no idea what kind or why it's here."

I wave my hand through the same area Annalise just did. A chill runs down my spine, and I hesitate.

"What is it?" Beck asks.

I place my hand inside the glimmer again. Waves of iciness fill me, and I shiver. "It's so cold. Did you feel that Annalise?"

"No. I felt air." She crosses her arms against her chest.

"Is there anyone who can read magic?" I ask.

Annalise scowls. "There are a few, but not here. It's mostly the elderly." She moves closer to me. "Let me guess, you can read the magic now?"

I shake my head. "No. I just feel the coldness."

With a deep sigh, Annalise says, "Let's check the other houses."

The deserted street gives way to a busy boulevard. People bustle past us without stopping, or even looking in our direction. In fact, everyone seems preoccupied - excited almost. The difference between the scene at the Lewises' house and here is stark.

"Where's everyone going?" I say, more to myself than anyone else. The jovial throng of people carries us forward, toward the center of town. The closer we get, the louder the cheering becomes.

It reminds me a little bit of when I found Miss Tully in the cage, and my heart sinks.

The Alouette blasts over speakers and to my horror, the crowd sings along. Beck grasps my arm. "We need to get out of here. They're hunting for witches - or at the very least, this town is no friend to us."

How foolish we were to rush into Riverview without insisting on due diligence. This town is firmly in the grasp of the Splinter group - even if they don't know it.

I turn around and begin walking against the tide of the crowd. The humans surrounding us have become so thick it's impossible to move without drawing attention to myself and those with me.

Annalise reaches out and grabs my arm. Her eyes are fixed on something in the distance. I'm too short to see what she's staring at, so I tug on Beck's shirt. "Pick me up," I order.

He scoops me up with one fluid motion and positions me on his shoulder. Sitting up here reminds me of being back at school when we'd always be late for breakfast. Only instead of seeing Bethina's disapproving eyes, I'm staring at a small stage and the three occupants who I can safely guess are the Lewises, by the toddler clasping onto his mother's leg. Each wears a red wristlet - even the little boy.

"Can we rescue them?" I ask, leaning down toward Annalise.

"No. And we need to get you out of here. Now." She turns her attention to Beck. "Let's go. I already can see how this is going to play out."

Beck carries me through the rowdy group of people surrounding us. To my surprise not one person notices me. They all face forward and watch the stage as if they've all been hypnotized.

"We're not going to make it back to the secure zone," Landon says over the roar of the crowd.

I look over my shoulder and see a dark-haired woman untangling the little boy from his Mother's arms. Even though I can't hear him, I can see him screaming. They erupt from him, and his face is red and scared. The mother tries reaching for him, but a man blocks her. The boy disappears from the stage.

"Where are they taking him?" I ask, my voice full of worry. "Annalise, we have to stop this."

"Not now, Lark. Not now."

I can't stop watching the stage as we move farther and farther away. The parents are being tied, back-to-back, and I notice, for the first time, the stack of wood at the far edge of the stage.

"Are they going to burn them?" A scream rises in the back of my throat. "Are they burning witches?"

We turn into an abandoned alley. Beck drops me to the ground and grabs the sides of my face. "Focus on me, Birdie. Focus on me."

But it does no good, my anger and horror build until my magic lashes wildly at my insides.

"Transport now," Annalise orders.

"No," I say.

"Lark, there is nothing we can do for them without exposing ourselves." She pinches her lips taut. "Besides they are Light."

"We can't let any witches, or any people at all, die." I fling my hands open, and the sky darkens. "I can soak the fire wood," I say. "I can put a stop to this."

Raindrops fall heavy and fast on us. Lightening rips the sky open, and my magic grows in potency. Out in the town square, chaos takes over as people run for shelter.

"Take me back to the stage," I order. "I'm taking them with us."

"This is crazy, Lark," Beck says. "This is clearly Splinter group territory."

"And I'm not afraid." It's a lie. My heart explodes in my chest, but I keep my face blank.

Landon and Annalise exchange looks, but don't stop me when I begin marching back out into the madness. I cross the less crowded square easily with my guard in tow. Murmurs surround me, but I don't stop. I keep my eyes on the couple tied together on the stage. Her long hair hangs wet and limp around her face, and his eyes lack life. Almost like he's given up.

When I reach the stage, my presence is known amongst the crowd, but the few who haven't seen me gasp.

"What's going on here?" I shout into my wristlet, booming my voice out to the crowd. "Why wasn't the State notified of these criminals?"

A human woman rushes forward. "Miss Lark, we were told you approved the executions."

I gag and turn away from her to get myself pulled together.

"The State handles all such matters
in San Francisco
. Not out here. Don't ever forget that." I shove the woman aside and demand, "Where is the boy?"

She scurries past me to an area just off stage and emerges with the toddler. His wide eyes are full of terror. I lean down and pick him up. He makes no noise and wraps his legs around my hips.

To the woman, I say, "Release these two to my guards. We'll retry them in San Francisco." I look around to see if there are any other witches waiting in the wings, but see no one.

The crowd watches me with curiosity. "People of Riverview, you are to turn over all suspected Sensitives to the State. Is that understood?"

The shivering mass mumbles "Yes," in unison.

Two of my lesser guards take the man and woman into custody while I continue to hold the little boy. His plump little hands play with my ponytail.

"Miss Lark," he whispers in my ear. "You keep us safe?"

I wrap my arms tighter around him. "Yes, sweetheart, I'll keep you safe."


"Mandatory evacuations." The words sit with enormous weight, pressing down on me, making me question everything I've come to believe is right. "Starting immediately," I add. "All witches - Light or Dark - are to relocate to San Francisco. It's the only way to keep them safe."

After talking to the Lewises, it became clear that the Splinter group has no qualms outing witches who dare defy them.

"Where are we to put all these witches?" A nameless council member asks.

"We'll find room," I say.

"Lark," Henry says softly. "We're already at capacity here. Any more people will strain our resources."


"The food shortages will hit us, too."

A lump forms in my throat. "We have to do something."

"Inviting all witches into San Francisco is like shooting fish in a barrel, Lark." Henry pushes on his glasses. "If the Splinter group wanted to convert them, well, they'd all be here. No more sneaking around. You'd literally be fighting in your backyard."

I rub my temples. No. I'm right about this. I know I am.

What are you thinking
? Beck asks.

How to make this right.

Beck leans forward on the table. "What if we send some of the evacuees to Summer Hill?"

Minister Sun-Wei stares at him skeptically. "And repeat the stand-off we had not so long ago?" He shakes his head slowly. "We are talking about gathering all our witches, and possibly dividing them into opposing groups again. How many Light witches will come to San Francisco, and how many Dark will flee to Summer Hill. No, we'll end up segregated again."

"So what's your answer?" I snap.

A red flush works across his cheeks. "Do nothing. We have to deal with the food shortages and the war with the Eastern Society. We don't have time to relocate thousands of witches."

The memory of the little boy's arms around me asking me to keep him safe burns in my mind. "That's easy to say sitting in your cozy chair, Minister, and going home to a hot meal every night." I shift in my seat. "We have to protect our kind. It's what my ancestors fought so hard for, and it's what we'll continue to do."

Twenty pairs of eyes watch me as I stand. "We have an obligation to protect all members of this society, starting with our own kind. If we can't, they'll find someone that can. The evacuations stand." I turn to Annalise. "Put word out that all are welcome in San Francisco. If they chose not to leave, we can't guarantee their safety. Make this clear."

"If you're sure."

"I am."


I rush toward my office, having just left the Lewises with Sun-Wei for further questioning. The poor woman, Irene, has been shocked into silence, unable to fully process what's happened. She trembled the entire time I sat with them.

Luckily, the little boy, Sam, seemed unaware of the severe danger he and his parents were in.

I dump myself behind my work desk and take a few deep breaths.

"Are you ready, Miss Lark?" the cameraman asks.

I hold up a finger, indicating I need one more second. Another deep breath. The feeling of Sam's chubby toddler arms sits with me. Never in my life have I held a young child, but now I better understand why Mother fought so hard to protect and hide our youngest. I always assumed it was because witches can only biologically reproduce twice - always a boy and a girl - and she didn't want our kind to go extinct. But now, I think she had a soft spot for children. How could she not when they're so squishy and adorable?

"Miss Lark?" the cameraman asks again. "We're all set to go."

I promised the Council I would immediately address the City of San Francisco. No need this time for mind-controlling. Just the simple, unpleasant facts.

With one last deep breath I say, "All ready."

The cameraman nods, holds up three fingers and says, "In three, two, one." He points at me.

"Good evening, dear people of San Francisco." I sit behind my work desk. This time, my hair is in a simple ponytail, and I'm dressed for work. Nothing elaborate. I'm dressed as a normal Stateswoman - nothing fancy. Sun-Wei was adamant that I look like I'm prepared for hardship. My sleeves are rolled up.

"Certain areas of our Society have been hit hard by food shortages. This is shocking news, I'm sure, and something to take seriously. Because we are unable to ship food from the Ag Centers to the most northern towns and villages, Statespeople from those areas are being relocated to San Francisco. Over the coming days, you may be called on to host a family, and it is my hope that you will do so readily, with gladness in your heart."

I keep my gaze fixed on the camera, and for the first time, don't feel dread as I speak.

"We will also begin food rationing. As of right now, we're only limiting bread and grain products, but we ask you use good judgement when ordering your other groceries.

"As for our scheduled Founders Day activities, we will suspend the rationing for that day only."

I swallow hard and hope that my message is being well received. "Thank you for you time," I say.

The camera whirls off, and I turn to Beck, who stands just off screen. "How was that?"

"Truthful, for once."

I cringe. Beck has no qualms lying to me, but he won't lie to the people of our Society.

What did you say?
He asks.

I grab at the end of my ponytail, and twirl it absent-mindedly.
I close my mind to his.

The first evacuees - all Dark--have already arrived. Once Annalise put the word out, contacting our regional leaders, witches began pouring in from all corners of our society. All coming with the hope of having food and the promise of safety within city limits. From Beck's parents, we've learned the Light witches are nervous about being in a city full of Dark witches. Beck's job right now is to reach out and get the Light witches here. I don't want to have to rescue any more from fiery mobs hell bent on a good old-fashioned witch burning.


After the staff has turned in for the night, I kick off my shoes and stretch my legs out on Beck. He captures my toes and holds them gently in his hands. After all that happened today, he's delayed his trip to the Eastern Society. I couldn't be happier.

"Long day, huh?" he says, rubbing my feet. "How are the Lewises?"

I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling. "As good as can be expected. Shaken, that's for sure."

Beck kisses the exposed part of my neck, sending an electric current pulsing through my body. "And how many more witches are we expecting?"

"Seven hundred or more, by Annalise's count." I moan and close my eyes as Beck kisses the hollow of my throat.

"And will we be hosting any of them here?" Beck asks.

"We may have to." I run my hands down his back and tangle my fingers in his hair.

He pushes the collar of my dress aside and plants a kiss on my shoulder. I shudder.

"What about Ryker?" he asks.

With today's turn of events, I'd forgotten all about Ryker. I point up at the ceiling, to where my sitting room is. "He can't very well hide out in there forever. Especially if we have to house other witches."

Beck pushes on the arches of my feet, and despite still being upset with him, I moan softly. "Perhaps he can hide at Maz's?" he says.

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