Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #paranormal erotica, #vampires, #anthology, #werewolf, #free, #sex, #erotic fiction, #supernatural, #erotica, #paranormal bundle, #Anthologies

Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (17 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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She watched, fascinated, as Jonathan's cock slid in and out.
The sight was intensely erotic, so much more than she'd ever have
guessed. She moaned and lifted her hips to meet his, unable to
control herself. Luckily, Jonathan didn't seem to care whether she
moved anymore.

As Rose's pussy clenched around him, Jonathan stifled a groan.
His self-control was fading fast. His eyes met Eric's. She feels so
good. So tight…

Fuck you. I'm about to explode over here, Eric thought

Well, don't let that happen, Jonathan thought as he thrust
harder into Rose. Her soft moans and sighs were driving him cray.
Ah, he loved this. The feel of a woman underneath him, surrounding
him, the slap of flesh against flesh, the way the smell of her
arousal mixed with his own--he loved it all. Fuck, I'm not going to
last long.

"Rose," he groaned, his voice husky, "come for me…" It was
almost a plea, but her body reacted as if he'd spoken more
forcefully. She writhed underneath him and let out a sound
somewhere between a moan and a scream as she came.

The way her pussy rippled around him was all he needed to go
over. With a primal roar, he let himself go. "Fuck, Rose!"
Jonathan's come spurted in hot jets inside Rose's pussy and his
cock jerked as his orgasm tore through him with all the force of a
hurricane. Finally, he was spent. He lowered himself down slowly,
satisfied--for now at least. "Beautiful," he murmured into Rose's

After a minute, he pulled out and rolled over. He could have
stayed in her warmth forever, but they needed to eat at some point.
He shot a meaningful look at Eric as he went to grab a washcloth
for Rose. He figured she might appreciate being taken care of.
Don't forget the plug, Eric.

Yes, master. Eric's mouth twitched. He shifted out from
underneath Rose to release her legs. "Doing ok,

"Mmmm," she murmured. Her lips curved up in a satisfied

"I'll take that as a yes then…" Eric took the warm cloth
Jonathan had brought and cleaned Rose up carefully, then gathered
her up in his arms. "Don't check out, sweetie. This is only the
beginning," he reminded her. "We still need to stretch you out for

"The plug, sir?" she asked softly. Her body, pliant against
his until that moment, suddenly tensed.

"Yes, the plug. It won't be so bad. You might even like it."
Eric kissed the top of her head. "Now get on your hands and knees
for me." He held out a hand, waiting for Jonathan to hand him the
plug and some lube, then laid a hand on her back. "This might feel
uncomfortable but I need you to relax and push out against it, ok?"
Eric poured a generous amount of lube into his hands, then made
sure her tight ass was well lubricated before pressing the plug
against her asshole. She tensed up but didn't fight as he slowly
slid the plug in, though her hands grabbed at the blankets and she
held her breath until he passed the tight ring of muscle at the
entrance. Finally, the plug slid in until only the flared base was

"All done," he told her.

Rose shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "It burns a

"It'll get better." Eric cupped his aching cock and groaned.
She looked so hot like that and he couldn't even enjoy her yet.
Damn Jonathan. I should never have made that bet.

"I brought you some clothes," Jonathan said suddenly. "Put
these on and then we'll go to dinner." Rose took the dress and
panties he handed her, wondering how the hell she was going to make
it through a meal with the butt plug inside her.


By the time dinner was over, Rose was restless, needy.
Whenever she shifted in her seat, the butt plug moved inside her,
making dinner a rather uncomfortable affair. The worst part was
that she wasn't even sure if she wanted the plug out or if she
wanted just a little more friction. She could come like this,

Finally, Jonathan leaned over. It was the first time he'd
spoken to her since dinner started. "Go back to the room, pet," he
said. "Wait for us on the bed. We have some business to discuss

"Yes, Master Jon," she said. Walking back to their
quarters--even though it wasn't very far--was an exercise in
frustration. She still wasn't used to having her ass filled and
every step brought new sensations. At one point, she had to stop in
the hallway and lean against the wall to catch her

When she finally reached her destination, stripped down, and
hopped up on the bed, Rose was breathless with desire and
anticipation. Playtime was about to begin and suddenly she was no
longer nervous, but excited. Tonight they'd take her--together. Her
clit ached and she wanted to touch herself so, so badly…Can't, she
reminded herself. They hadn't given her permission yet. But oh god,
she wanted to.

Rose frowned as she lay on the bed. How would they want her?
Displayed to maximum affect? Trembling with desire, Rose got on her
hands and knees, legs spread so her masters would be able to see
both her wet pussy and the plug in her ass. And then she

Eric and Jon were naked by the time they entered the room. In
a flash, they were on the bed with Rose, Jonathan behind her, Eric
in front. Oh god. Rose swallowed and took in the sight and feel of
them. She'd thought that maybe her mind had played tricks on her
earlier, but no--they really were that big. And muscular. And--oh
god, they were both going to fuck her at the same time. She closed
her eyes and took a deep breath.

Jonathan kneeled behind her for a moment, drinking in the
view. In this position, her pussy beckoned and the plug was clearly
visible. Her ran a hand along her back and sent an image of her to
Eric, complete with the moisture slowly dripping down her thighs.
Look at how wet she is. We haven't even started yet. He groaned.
His cock was already painfully hard.

Of course she's wet. She's been wearing a plug for a while
now. Eric tilted Rose's head up. "Open your eyes, Rose. I want you
to look at me while I fuck your mouth."

Her eyes fluttered open. "Yes, sir," she said in a breathy

"Open up," Eric commanded. He groaned as she obeyed and the
head of his swollen cock slid past her lips. She sucked at him
hungrily, her eyes glazed with passion. Eric gripped her head
tightly and angled it back so he could slide down her throat. "You
like this, don't you?" She moaned in response, making Eric gasp as
the vibrations traveled through his dick. Jonathan--while she's
distracted, why not get to work on that ass? Or are you just going
to sit and watch?

Jonathan smiled as he stroked his prick. I happen to like
watching. The scene before him was too captivating to miss. Eric
did have a point, though. He leaned forward and laid a hand on
Rose's shoulder. "The plug is coming out now," he whispered.
"You'll feel a little empty…but not for long." At least, not if he
had anything to say about it. Hopefully Eric would be able to last.
He eyed the blond vampire with amusement. He'd told Eric not to
come until they were both inside her. If he didn't make it,
Jonathan got to own him for a night. Not going to make it, are

Fuck. Eric grabbed the base of his cock desperately to keep
from exploding and pulled out of Rose's eager mouth. Meanwhile,
Jonathan was working the plug slowly out of her ass. It slid out
finally with a soft pop, leaving Rose aching for more.

"No one's fucked your ass before, have they?" Jonathan's voice
in her ear was practically a purr. Rose's dripping pussy spasmed
eagerly as she imagined Jonathan's cock in that forbidden place.
How would it feel compared to the plug? She moaned, then remembered
that she'd been asked a question.

"No, never," she said, gasping as Eric started playing with
her nipples. "Not anywhere before you, sir." She was aching with
need and Eric was making it worse. Or was that better? Maybe it's
all relative, she thought as she writhed against his

Jonathan was at her back, pouring lube in between her cheeks.
She shivered at the cold, then moaned again as he pressed a finger
against her entrance. "Do you want me to fuck your ass, pet? Slide
my cock inside while Eric takes your pussy?"

She couldn't think straight, not with Jon's finger inside her
and Eric teasing her breasts. After having the plug stretch her,
Jon's finger slid in more easily than she expected, but she still
felt invaded, restless. And she wanted more. Please give me more.
Jonathan reached underneath her with his free hand to drag a finger
through her wet folds. Rose barely recognized the breathy little
gasps that came out of her mouth as her own. What the hell were
these men doing to her? And they hadn't even started fucking her

"You like that idea, don't you?" He lifted his finger, coated
with her juices, up to her mouth. "Taste," he said, tapping her
lips lightly. Obediently, she sucked his finger inside. He
tasted--no, it was her own juices she was tasting--tangy. Musky.
Was that really what she tasted like? The idea of licking her own
juices made her even wetter.

Jonathan withdrew his finger and returned to her pussy,
circling her clit until she was begging for more, but not giving
her the relief she needed so badly.

Eric put a finger under her chin to call her attention to him
again. "I want to hear you say it," he said. "Beg Jonathan to fuck
your ass."

"Please," she gasped, "please, Master Jon, fuck my--oh!" She
was so close to coming that it was hard to concentrate. Pleasure
radiated outward from her pussy in waves that just kept cresting
higher, pushing her ever closer to the brink. With an effort that
made her legs shake, she fought to keep from coming. "Please fuck
my ass," she said with a moan.

"Good girl," Eric said, stroking her face. God, this girl was
hot. They'd never had a sub like this--so willing and eager to
please despite her inexperience. He let some of the pride and
approval he felt color his voice.

Her face was flushed and those light green eyes were clouded
over with arousal. She's trying so hard not to come. Poor thing, he
thought, amused. He couldn't wait to sink into her pussy and feel
her clench around his cock as she came. If he could hold out that
long. Her greedy little mouth had nearly done him in. At least I
haven't lost the bet yet, he thought to himself.

Jonathan stopped teasing Rose and pulled his fingers away just
as she was about to give in to the fire raging inside her. After a
moment the need to climax faded to a dull ache, thankfully. "I'm
about to give you what you wanted," he said. "Remember--hold still
and push out when I slide in. That should make it

Rose groaned as the head of Jonathan's cock pushed its way
into her ass. It was already so much bigger than the butt plug and
he was barely in. Jonathan's hands were on her hips, keeping her
from squirming away like she wanted to. Or did she want more? She
felt as though she were being pulled in so many different

As Jonathan slid into her, she buried her head in the blankets
next to Eric's thigh and hissed through her teeth. It burned, it
stretched, it was so damn uncomfortable, but beneath all that she
could feel the stirrings of pleasure.

Husky with need, Jon said, "Tell me how you're doing, pet.
Tell me if I'm hurting you."

"It hurts," she said, "but it'll get better. Won't

Careful with her, Jon, Eric thought. Jonathan clenched his jaw
in irritation. I know what I'm doing. Even if my cock is about to
burst, I'm not going to lose control. Her ass was resisting but he
knew that in a minute he'd be seated deep inside her, those muscles
massaging his cock as he thrust into her. She's not some delicate
little flower. Otherwise she'd have run already. Besides, I've
fucked her, spanked her, and now you want me to be careful? "Almost
in," he said aloud.

Rose nodded. Her hands grabbed at the blankets convulsively
and she whimpered at the odd combination of pleasure and pain. Then
Jonathan slipped past the tight ring of muscle in her ass and was
buried all the way inside her. She sucked in a deep breath through
her nose, trying to get used to having her ass filled with
Jonathan's large cock.

"Shh," he said, massaging her back. "I'm just going to stay
like this for a minute."

Slowly the burning faded away, leaving pleasure and the barest
hint of pain in its wake. "I'm ready, sir," she said, pleased with
the steadiness of her voice. Relax, she told herself. They won't
hurt me any more than I can take. Tiny shocks of pleasure fired
along nerves that had never been touched as Jonathan slowly pulled
out. She took a deep breath, then tensed up again when Eric moved
under her, his erect dick poking into her abdomen.

"I did say we were both going to fuck you earlier, didn't I?"
His warm voice whispering into her ear sent shivers down her spine.
Jonathan pushed down on her shoulders, forcing her down onto Eric's
cock. As she took Eric into her sopping wet pussy, he teased her
clit, making her squirm against him. By the time he was all the way
in, they were panting. Jonathan slid back into her ass, filling her
up in a way she'd never before experienced.

"Jesus, you're so fucking tight." Eric groaned. "So hot, oh
god. I want to fuck you so hard right now…"

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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