Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #paranormal erotica, #vampires, #anthology, #werewolf, #free, #sex, #erotic fiction, #supernatural, #erotica, #paranormal bundle, #Anthologies

Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (16 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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Peter Shilling is the head of a multimillion dollar
corporation. When he goes to his private accountant for a little
help cooking the books, he's met with a counter-offer -- his soul
for a clean record and a bailout that would make the government
jealous. He just has to scratch Charlie's back in return -- and
that means he owes Charlie Black his soul.


Best Friend Danny

John and his best friend Danny have been roommates
since they both graduated college. One evening, Danny admits that
he's bisexual, a fact that throws John into a tailspin of lust
after he wakes up from a steamy dream involving his best friend.
Will John act on his desires? Find out in this sizzling erotic
short story by JJ Collins.


About the Author


A former librarian, JJ Collins became tired of shelving
others' books and decided to write her own. Specializing in period
smut, JJ is dedicated to her craft, and to her fans.


Find more from JJ Collins at:



* * * * *

Shared by Vampires




Copyright © 2012 by Layla Cole


* * * *


Rose woke up early that day, dazed and a little disoriented.
Eric and Jonathan, her new masters, were curled around her, their
legs thrown carelessly over her own. If it weren't for the scent of
sex that still lingered in the air and the way her ass stung, she
might have thought she was dreaming. And of course, there was the
bite mark on her wrist. She rubbed the matching mark on her neck
absently, wondering again at what a strange turn her life had

Rose closed her eyes and tried to get her bearings. Eric and
Jonathan were vampires. She'd agreed to become a Blood Donor for
them because she needed the money--at least, her family did--but
there was a catch: Eric and Jonathan were Doms who were looking for
someone to share their bed and submit to them completely. Last
night, in a trial of sorts, she'd sucked them off, been spanked,
and come harder than she ever had before when they fed from her.
Until then, Rose had doubted her ability or desire to be a
submissive, but not anymore. For a moment, Rose thought of
Jonathan's rumbling voice issuing commands and the way Eric's eyes
had devoured her while she sucked his cock, and she shivered. She'd
loved every minute of it and couldn't wait to do more…

Vampires couldn't go out in the daylight, but would they sleep
all day? Rose bit her lip, wishing she knew more about them. If
only she'd done a little more research before she accepted the
job…Cautiously extricating herself from between the two men, she
attempted to slip out of bed.

She jumped as Eric's hand shot out and pulled her back against
his chest. "Leaving?" His voice was a sleepy murmur that rumbled
through her chest.

"It's morning--sir," she added quickly, hoping he wouldn't
notice her lapse. Clearing her throat, she said, "I thought you
might sleep all day…?"

Her laughed softly. "I won't keep you, sweetheart." He nibbled
at her neck, his fangs scraping across the mark he'd made just a
few hours go. "Jon and I left you some instructions on the dresser.
I just want to make sure you see them." Eric released her and
swatted her ass playfully, making her jump. "Enjoy your free time,"
he said with a yawn. "We'll need you well rested

As his voice trailed off, Eric's eyes fluttered shut and his
breathing slowed. I wonder how they can breathe, Rose wondered,
then filed that question away for later. She slipped off the bed
and walked over to the dresser, shivering a little as the cold air
hit her naked body. The instructions were exactly where Eric had
said they'd be. She eyed them nervously, wondering what they had in
store for her. There wasn't much there--barely a page, in fact, all
written carefully in neat handwriting. Jonathan's, probably; of the
two, he seemed to be the most dominant.

It didn't seem to be too bad, however. Her room was next to
theirs, apparently; she was to put on exactly what they'd laid out
for her, and no more. They expected her to remain close by today,
since they hadn't had a chance to introduce her to the staff or
show her around. Fair enough, though she hoped there would be a TV
or some books or something in her room…

No masturbating. She frowned at the reminder of their
ownership. How would they know? A part of her wanted to rebel, but
at the same time she wanted them to be pleased with her. Rose

Sign the contract. Of course--she'd nearly forgotten. It felt
as though she already belonged to Eric and Jonathan, but it wasn't
official yet.

Get some rest if you can and come back here this evening at

She flipped the page over, but there was nothing else. Fine.
Seemed simple enough. Stay close, rest up, wear what they want me
to, sign the contract, be back at six.

When she saw what the two vampires wanted her to wear,
however, she realized that nothing was as easy as it seemed. There
were no clothes on the bed--in fact, there was nothing but a silver
choker--no, a collar--and padded cuffs that she assumed would go
around her wrists and ankles. Would they really expect her to walk
around naked all the time? Probably, she thought ruefully,
remembering that she'd worn nothing but a coat when she met them
the day before. She put on the collar with trembling hands, then
the cuffs. Strangely, the thought of being marked as their
possession so visibly made her ache with need. The metal of the
collar lay cold against her skin, a constant reminder of her
current status.

There was something else on the bed, she realized. A scrap of
paper that she hadn't noticed at first lay on the bed, barely
covering the object beneath. A butt plug, she realized. She
swallowed hard. What was she supposed to do with it? Rose read the
note that Eric had written with some trepidation. She'd never used
a butt plug--in fact, she was about as inexperienced as a girl
could be.

All the note said was: Bring this with you tonight. -Eric. She
closed her eyes and wondered what they had in store. All she knew
was that it was going to be a really long day.



Rose showed up promptly at six and kneeled on the floor as
she'd been taught. As instructed, she'd brought the plug. She
turned it over in her hands, staring at the flared base. The
thought of it in her ass was a little disconcerting, but after
thinking about it all day she was starting to get really turned

A sudden rush of air and the rich scent of her vampires were
the only warnings she had before she was lifted off her feet and
placed on the bed. Rose had the briefest impression of a male
shoulder under hers before she landed on her back. "Hello," she
said breathlessly as she looked up to meet Eric and Jonathan's
intense stares, one green, the other dark. Though the two vampires
were fully clothed still, they were both clearly aroused, their
erections pressing against the front of their pants. Eric's hair
was a little mussed, leading her to wonder what they'd been doing
before she arrived…

"I brought--this." She held up the plug, blushing. Good thing
she'd been holding on to it so tightly or it would have been thrown
across the room when they picked her up.

"Good evening," Jonathan said hoarsely before claiming her
mouth with his own. His kiss was savage, as though he hadn't seen
her in days instead of mere hours. She opened her mouth to let him
in, enjoying the taste of him, like a rich summer day. "We've been
waiting impatiently," he said when he finally let her up for

Rose opened her mouth to ask if she was late, but Eric cut her
off. "You're on time," he said with a wry smile. "He's just being a
bastard because neither of us can wait to get our hands on you
again." He eyed the plug and smiled widely. Damn, but his smile
could really light up a room. "I'm glad you can follow

He nibbled her ear, trailed kisses along her throat before
finally taking her lips far more gently than Jonathan had. When at
last he broke the kiss, it was with such obvious reluctance that
Rose melted. "We've got quite an evening planned and I'd like to
get started." He turned to Jonathan and grinned. "Jon does too, I'm

The man in question was too busy reacquainting himself with
her body to answer. Rose moaned as he nibbled at the inside of her
thigh. "What--what are you planning, sir?" she asked

Eric shrugged off his shirt in an easy motion that made her
mouth water and said, "Eventually we're going to fuck you.
Together." Rose's eyes widened and her breath quickened as she
tried to process what he said. Both of them? At once? She'd
expected it, but not quite so soon. Some of her nervousness must
have shown in her face, she realized when Jon smiled at her

"We'll work up to it, pet," he said. "For now, just relax and
do as we tell you." His fangs grazed the outside of her pussy,
drawing forth a surprised gasp. "Put your arms over your head and
spread your legs a little wider," he commanded.

Rose lifted her arms above her head tentatively and let Jon
push her legs outward until she was completely exposed to his gaze.
It took all she had to suppress the instinctive urge to close her
legs as he stared at her pussy. Eric fastened the wrist cuffs she
was wearing to a fine chain on the headboard, then similarly
restrained her legs so she was spread-eagled in front of them. So
she had been right about the cuffs they'd made her wear after
all…She flexed her arms experimentally and found she could only
move a few inches from the headboard.

"Trust us," Eric whispered. "Stay still and let Jon work on

"What about you, sir?"

"Later," he said.

Jonathan looked up at their little sub as he stretched out
between her legs. As much as it killed him to go so slowly, he
would have to be gentle. He had to make this feel good so she'd
trust him later, when he was taking her ass for the first time. The
jeans he was wearing chafed at his swollen cock, but he kept them
on as a psychological barrier of sorts. God, but he wanted to fuck
her senseless. All in good time, he told himself.

Instead, he traced the outside of her wet cunt with his
fingers and inhaled the scent of aroused woman that poured off of
her. He moved in closer, grazing her clit, then returned to his
slow, controlled exploration of her slick folds. She whimpered and
thrust her hips at him as if begging for more.

"You can come this time," he said, "but I expect you to hold
still. Move and I stop." Eric sat beside her and laved a swollen
nipple with his tongue. Rose arched into his touch with a wordless
plea and, true to Jonathan's word, both men stopped. "I'm serious,
pet," Jonathan said.

Slowly, she forced her body to relax until the only sign of
her tension was the way her hands fisted above her head.

She needed every ounce of control she had when Jonathan's
mouth descended on her throbbing clit. His tongue flicked the
sensitive bundle of nerves once, twice, before drifting downward.
Groaning, she struggled to hold still. His mouth was circling back,
teasing, tormenting, and oh she needed to come so badly she felt
like she might die if she didn't. His tongue worked at her clit
again and with Eric still teasing her breasts, it was all too much
for her to handle.

With a wail, she came apart, pleasure taking over until she
wasn't aware of anything but her climax. Her hands clutched at the
pillows behind her as if they were a lifeline until she went limp,
wrapped up in the afterglow of her release.

It wasn't until the pillows were replaced with Eric's warmth
that she came back to full awareness. "Jon is going to take you
now," he murmured. "Keep your eyes open. He wants you to watch him
as he fucks you." He then released her wrists and cradled her in
his lap, propping her up so she could see what Jon was

Oh, what a view it was. The dark-haired vampire was unzipping
his jeans and sliding them slowly down his hips. He was already
bare from the waist up, his muscular chest and chiseled abs on full
display. Rose's mouth went dry as she let her eyes wander over his
body until her gaze landed on his rock-hard cock, now free of its
confinement. A drop of pre-come glistened at the tip and Rose
licked her lips, wishing she could taste it. And then, in a motion
too fast for her to see, he was stretched out above her, his mouth
close enough to kiss, his cock nestled in between her thighs.
Keeping his eyes on her, Jonathan slowly reached back and guided
himself into her slick entrance.

Rose bit her lip and whimpered softly as her pussy stretched
around Jon's thick dick. It wasn't painful like she'd expected, but
he was a big man. He eased in slowly but surely, watching her face
with an intensity that her made her all warm and wet and

"That's the worst of it," he said once he was all the way in.
Rose let out a soft sigh. There'd only been an instant of pain and
then she'd felt nothing but pleasure as he filled her. Eric
murmured soft words of encouragement in her ear as she waited for
Jonathan to fuck her in earnest. His body tensed as he held still,
waiting for her to adjust. Realizing that he was waiting for her,
she nodded. He bit back a groan as he pulled out of her, then
thrust back in again, harder and faster than the first

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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