Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #paranormal erotica, #vampires, #anthology, #werewolf, #free, #sex, #erotic fiction, #supernatural, #erotica, #paranormal bundle, #Anthologies

Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (14 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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Well.” Archer hesitated. “Earlier today…”

The neck-biting,” Matt exclaimed. “Of course! It’s an
alpha-male thing, isn’t it? With wolves?”

With a lot of creatures,” he said. “Including me. But I’m not
usually like that in bed. I don’t get rough. I can repress my
instincts, with everyone but you, it seems.”

It was just fine,” said Matt. “Trust me.”

Archer smiled.

They ate a very late second dinner together after that, in
companionable silence. Matt felt languid and relaxed. The fever was
still with him, but it was a dull ember in the back of his mind,
and he knew he could get another treatment as soon as he needed

I’ll get you an appointment with my doctor,” Archer said
around a mouthful of chow mein. “Get you your own prescription. One
a day keeps the transformations away, and two if you miss a dose
will get you back to human, right as rain.”

You should do a commercial.”

I’ve always thought so.”




It’s fantastic.” Glenn was gushing into Matt’s ear as he
attempted to juggle several bags of groceries, his phone, and
maneuver his keys into the lock of his door. “I can’t believe it,
he’s outdone himself this time. The themes of double lives, of the
dark side of humanity, redemption, the twist ending…I was up all
night, I couldn’t put it down.”

That’s great, Glenn, but I -”

Just as he was about to drop everything in the hall, his door
popped open.

Hi,” Archer said.

Hi,” said Matt. They hadn’t spoken in almost three weeks,
since they’d submitted the manuscript.

Archer smiled. “I thought I’d drop by, you know, it’s getting
to be…” he gestured vaguely at the waxing moon shining in through
the window and made a little suggestive whistling noise, looking

Matt looked at him, feeling a slow prickling on the back of
his neck, a little tingle behind his balls. And for the first time,
there wasn’t a hint of dread in his mind - only

Archer met his eyes, and smiled.

I ordered pizza.”

END :)


The story of Matt and Archer is continued in
Beast in Me




Jack,” he said, slowly. “Do you want me to tie you

Well, yes,” he said. “For, you know, the safety. Of the

But,” said Matt, getting to his feet and walking towards
Archer. “is there another reason?”

Archer cleared this throat. “I….”

I’m not going to do it if you don’t tell me exactly what you
want,” said Matt, close enough now that he could feel the heat
radiating from Archer’s body.

Fine,” said Archer, fixing him with a burning gaze. “Tie me up
and fuck me.”

Matt actually took a step back. “I…you mean…”

You heard me.”

Archer’s chest was flushed, his nipples sharp, his cock
beginning to bugle noticeably in his underwear. Matt went to the
duffel bag, uncoiling the rope slowly, watching Archer out of the
corner of his eye.

He had never topped Archer during sex before, and certainly
never while he was tied up. And certainly never just before a full
moon. It was all too much, too many new experiences, all at once.
But as soon as Matt allowed himself to think about what he was
about to do, arousal thrummed through his body and there was no
point in hesitating anymore.

Kneel, please,” he said, and Archer dropped to the ground. He
repeated the motions from last night, but this time letting himself
appreciate how beautiful it was, how Archer’s skin looked, so
delicate next to the rough rope. Once the chest harness was done
Matt leaned in and kissed him, gently…


Other titles by Jessi Bond include:


Kidnapped by
the Driver
(M/f bdsm)

When a
mobster's wife is kidnapped by her husband's sexy driver and held
for ransom, the only thing she can think of to do is to seduce him.
But the driver plays rough - is she prepared for everything he's
going to deal out? Warning - this story contains M/f bondage, rough
sex, oral and anal, and a desperate encounter between two lonely
people that you're not likely to forget!


Business Trip

Nina's one of the top salespeople in her industry, but when
she's pitted against an equally talented rival for the same job,
it's a no-holds-barred competition. At the big convention, Nina
comes up with a great way to distract him - and "punish" him for
trying to best her. But with emotions running high, they both get
way more than they bargained for.


Office Party Orgy
m/f/m, group sex)

At the going-away party for her office crush, Nathan, Lily has
a crazy idea - why not start an orgy? With help from an unlikely
ally, she does exactly that, turning a simple office party into a
night of wild passion that neither one of them will ever forget.
Warning! This story contains group sex, m/f, m/f/m, and m/m/m
action and is for the mature reader only!


About the Author:


Jessi Bond lives in upstate New York with her husband, two
pets, and a filthy, filthy muse.


Official Website


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Copyright © 2012 by JJ Collins


* * * *


"Bring him."

The beast was ravenous, snarling and snapping as its handlers
forced it to its knees. Long claws scrabbled at the stone as the
werewolf struggled. Its fur was mangled and matted, and its eyes
blazed red as it took in the man seated in the chair before

Malcolm leaned forward in his chair and the torchlight glinted
off the threads of silver in his hair. An angular face, high
cheekbones and a hooked nose gave him the appearance of a hunting
bird. The werewolf in front of him lunged and he did not flinch;
instead, he smiled.

"So angry for one so young, and so defiant of your pack
leader. Come, little one, can we not talk like adults?"

The werewolf snarled and lunged again, held back only by the
strength of his captors.

"As you wish, then."

Malcolm flicked his wrist, and a leather collar inlaid with
silver was snapped about the were's neck. The werewolf howled, even
as his muzzle began to shrink. The change was almost instantaneous
-- fur was replaced by bronzed skin, a muscular torso, and the long
legs of a young man just out of his teens. Malcolm knew he could
not be more than twenty-five, and he smiled again as he remembered
what that was like: all fire and no moderation.

The young man before him now wore a pair of ragged trousers,
cinched to his waist by a leather belt. The collar fit tight to his
neck, and the silver gleamed against the sun-browned flesh. He was
thin, but in a lean, rangy way that most weres had -- a runner's
build that belied incredible power. Muscle flexed under firm skin,
and Malcolm took his time to appreciate it. The boy's eyes still
blazed, and he bared his teeth as Malcolm met his gaze.

The elder were stood, walking around the boy. The weres
holding him struggled as their captive wrenched on their hold,
trying to get at their alpha. Malcolm gestured again, and more
leather straps inlaid with silver were wrapped around the captive
were's wrists, the cuffs attached to longer straps that looped
through large, strong eyebolts in the ceiling. The guards yanked,
and the boy's arms were pulled above his head until he was nearly
standing on tiptoe. The boy dangled within reach of Malcolm's chair
now, toes scraping the concrete floor.

The guards stepped back to the door, frowns on their faces and
eyes blank as the alpha were strolled around the captive. He
reached his chair and plucked a riding crop from the table next to
it, twirling it in his hands before setting it down and picking up
a quirt instead. It was more suitable for the beginning, he
thought, running the falls across his palm before giving it an
experimental snap in the air.

The boy did not flinch at the lick of the quirt so close to
his ear. Malcolm nodded. His resolve was strong. It would be a
chore to break him of his arrogance. Such were the burdens of an

"You stand accused of disobedience and a willful nature that
cannot be ignored any longer, Omega." Malcolm tapped the quirt
against his jean-clad thigh. "You ignored the orders from a beta,
and nearly exposed us all to the humans we hide from."

The boy met his eyes with his unwavering dark brown ones. "I
refuse the pack, and all it stands for!"

The boy spat on the floor, missing Malcolm's boots by inches.
That wouldn't do at all. He snapped his fingers.

"Strip him."

The guards undid the belt, pulling his trousers free from slim
hips and revealing a set of equally torn boxers. These, too, were
removed, freeing a firm, toned buttocks and a sizeable cock.
Malcolm strolled around again, tapping the quirt against his thigh.
He paused behind the boy, regarding the muscular artistry of his
back. It would be a shame to defile that, but it was his duty as

The first lash was light, the quirt licking out with a
whispering of leather and striking the boy across his shoulders.
The shoulders strained as the omega lunged forward,

"Disobedience will not be tolerated, Omega." Malcolm said, the
quirt at his side again. He walked around and pushed the omega's
head up with the quirt, the short wooden handle pressed against the
soft flesh of his throat. "You will come to understand."

The omega snarled, straining again at the leather that held
his arms above his head. Malcolm cracked him across the face with
the back of his hand, sending the boy reeling. He spat blood,
glaring up at Malcolm with hate filled eyes. He struggled to stand
again, his toes brushing the floor as his balance

Malcolm walked around again, his hand on the quirt tightening
a fraction as he slashed a line across the omega's shoulders with
the small whip. Blood trickled in a line down the sculpted muscle
of the shoulder, dribbling across the swell of the were's ass. A
second line of blood joined the first, and the omega hissed in
pain, his arms bulging with the combined effort of keeping himself
upright and the pain of the lashing.

Malcolm raised the omega's head again with the quirt. "Do you
see them, Omega?"

The boy said nothing.

"They watch, because they know their place. They watch, and
they will spread the news of your shame through the pack, and to
all the packs beyond this."

The shadows shifted, and Malcolm knew they were muttering
amongst themselves. They stuck to the shadows to avoid being
noticed, but the pack would watch this justice being meted out, as
was required. The boy's eyes flicked to the movements in the
shadows, and his lip curled, exposing white canines.

"That's right, Omega. No matter where you go, you will always
be my Omega now. No other pack will have you." Malcolm smoothed the
were's hair from his face. The boy was beautiful, no doubt. A
classical nose, a strong jaw marred with a few days' stubble, and
those liquid brown eyes made for a pretty picture. "I don't think I
would let you leave as it is anyway. How could I let such an
untrained pup into the world? The responsibility falls to me to
train you."

Malcolm placed the quirt back on the table and picked up the
crop he had discarded earlier. He paced back around to the back of
the boy again, trailing the crop across the boy's cock and balls,
watching them tighten as he dragged the crop around to the curved
swell of the omega's ass. He leaned over the omega's shoulder, his
lips an inch from the shell of the ear. The omega shuddered,
leaning his head away from the alpha.

"Besides, I would rather break you myself, Omega. Think of
what I could do to you."

Malcolm stepped back, and brought the crop around in a
whistling arc. The sting of it sent the boy reeling, his flesh red
and raw in a thin strop across the curve of his ass. The omega
snarled, dancing forward on tiptoe so close to the chair he almost
knocked it over. The guards yanked the leather straps and set the
boy swinging wild, feet off the ground. Malcolm waved his hand and
the boy was lowered to his feet. He stood, panting with harsh
breaths. He still met the alpha's gaze.

To Malcolm's amusement, the boy's cock was hardening, the
flesh swelling as the alpha trailed the crop across it again. He
gave a thin smile and turned to his table, his golden eyes
flickering across numerous instruments. His eyes lighted on a cock
ring, ivory inlaid with silver scrimshaw. He picked it up, twirling
it in his fingers for a moment before turning to the

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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