Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

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Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (15 page)

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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"Should I break you completely, Omega?" His lips quirked in a
grin at the defiant scowl on the boy's face. "Should I take you
here, on this cold stone and claim you as mine?"

The boy was silent.

Malcolm rolled the cock ring between his palms, debating. "I
could cut strops from your flesh, boy. I could do all this and
more, and they will not stop me."

The boy held his gaze.

"You're defiant. I must say, this is liberating. I haven't had
someone this belligerent put into my care before." Malcolm snapped
his fingers, and the guards tied off the leather straps. "Leave

The shadows filed from the room, disappearing through secret
doors with speed and silence. Soon, it was only alpha and omega,
regarding each other across the space of concrete.

"Why?" The question was voiced from a throat raw from disuse.
Malcolm tilted his head.

"Because you have disobeyed. What more reason should I

"I mean, why send them away?" The younger man was still
defiant, but had eased back without his audience.

"Because, Omega, I don't need them to break you." Malcolm
smiled. "They have seen enough to spread the word. I could bring
them back, make your humiliation total, but I suspect you would
enjoy it far too much."

He crossed the hand's-breadth of space between them, a long
fingered hand stroking down the boy's cock. Before the boy could
protest, the ivory cock ring slid over the base of his cock, behind
his balls, and snapped closed. The flesh swelled, heavy in his
hand, even as the boy growled at him. He closed his hand around the
shaft, stroking down with an almost gentle touch.

Malcolm smiled. "The front is admirable, Omega, but we both
know how this ends."

He stroked the boy's cock again, that same gentle stroke, and
the omega arched into his hand, the cock hardening against his
rough palm. His other hand slid to the firm ass, giving a rough
squeeze on the reddened flesh. The boy whimpered, his eyes
flickering away from Malcolm at last.

"There it is," he said. He gripped the boy's chin between
thumb and forefinger and forced him to look at his alpha. "You must
remember to obey."


Malcolm sighed. "As you wish it, Omega."

He walked behind the omega, and his hand lashed out, swatting
the boy's ass hard across the red stripe of flesh. The boy yelped,
leaning forward on his bindings. Malcolm struck again, his palm
flat against the rounded swell of the boy's ass.

The omega strained against his bindings, his head hanging low
as he flexed his shoulder muscles.

"Struggle all you like, boy. The restraints are lined with
silver, and you know it." Malcolm reached in front of him and
gripped the thickened cock. The omega whimpered when Malcolm gave
him a languid pump. "There is no escape but submission to your

The omega whined, his hips twitching as he thrust up into
Malcolm's hand. Malcolm refused the boy friction, releasing his
cock to throb in the empty air.

"Please," the omega said, his voice near a whimper.

"I didn't hear you, Omega." The hand whistled through the air
again, striking the boy's taut ass again. The slap of flesh rang
around the cement walls of the room, coupled by the great sob of
air that the omega drew in. "Speak up."

"Please…alpha." The boy grit his teeth. Malcolm leaned closer,
his breath playing over the omega's ear. The shudder was sweet, and
Malcolm grinned.

"Better, but not quite. I think you should be rewarded for the
submission you've shown so far, though." Malcolm reached around
again, stroking the boy's thick cock with a lazy grip. "Let's see
if we can't do better."

The omega shuddered under Malcolm's touch, his head lolling
back on his shoulders as Malcolm worked his long fingers up and
down, over the head of the boy's cock. The whimper turned into
another full-body shudder as Malcolm gave a squeeze. Malcolm gave a
soft hum of pleasure.

"You like that, don't you, Omega?" Malcolm's voice was
velvet-smooth. "There is always a reward for submission, didn't you

Malcolm's fingers were slick with the omega's precum. He
lifted them to his lips and cleaned them, the omega watching his
every move through lowered lashes. He turned to his table, picking
up a jar of lubricant nestled among the others. Two fingers dipped
in, coated themselves with slick, and he walked around behind the
omega again. His slicked fingers probed the puckered hole, and the
boy moaned, his cock twitching at the sensation.

His smile widened further as one lube-coated finger slid in to
the first knuckle, then the second. The boy moaned, a guttural
sound that had Malcolm's cock twitching. It was the sound of
submission, and it was what he had set out to do.

"Good, good." Malcolm's voice was a soothing hum. He pumped
the finger in, then out as the omega trembled in his restraints.
The boy's head was down, his legs spread as he shuddered. "I told
you that submission had its rewards. Shall I reward you,

"Yes, Alpha. Please…" The omega swayed, bucking back against
Malcolm's hand. Malcolm added a second finger, stretching the boy's
tight ass as he worked a second digit in. The sensation of the
fingers inside him seemed to make the omega even more submissive,
as the were whimpered against Malcolm's chest.

Malcolm unsnapped his jeans, and his cock was just as eager as
his omega, springing out at a touch and lying heavy against his
belly. He took himself in hand, stroking himself to readiness as
his fingers came free with a small 'pop' from the omega. A few more
strokes as he coated himself with lube, and he pressed himself
against the boy's ass. The omega moaned, going up on tiptoe as the
alpha slid in, the first inch as tight and hot as he thought it
would be. Malcolm growled, his stubble brushing against the back of
the omega's neck.

Inch by torturous inch, he slid more of his thick cock into
the boy, his hands on slender hips to steady them. Soon he was
hilted, his cock throbbing as it was squeezed by the tight channel.
The omega moaned, wriggling his hips backwards. Malcolm nipped the
bronzed shoulder before him, his tongue soothing the bite as the
boy shuddered.

He withdrew, sliding back into the slick channel as he
tightened his grip on the hips before him. The omega's shoulders
strained again as Malcolm upped his pace, the restraints creaking
as the alpha rewarded his omega. Malcolm's cock throbbed as he
pounded into the boy's tight ass, his growls countering the
whimpers as he fucked the other were into submission. He could feel
his balls tightening as he came close to climax, and he slowed,
then stopped altogether as he hilted himself into the omega. The
whimper came again, and Malcolm peered around at the boy's cock,
thick and throbbing as the cock ring prevented his

"It all depends on you, Omega," said Malcolm, his fingers
caressing the other were's balls. "Submit, and I'll let you

The omega stood, panting. It seemed as though the pain had
veered into pleasure, because he nodded.

"Say it, Omega. Your alpha can't hear you."

"Yes, Alpha. I submit." His voice was hoarse, rough and

"Good boy." Malcolm undid the clasp on the cock ring,
releasing the boy's throbbing cock from confinement. He stroked it
once, and the motion, coupled with the subsequent snap of his hips,
sent the omega over the edge. He came hard, his come dribbling over
Malcolm's fist in thick spurts as the alpha thrust into him again.
The omega stood, trembling as Malcolm began thrusting again,
chasing his own release.

He wasn't far behind, his balls tightening as the omega moaned
against him. His climax was sudden, and he buried his teeth in a
broad shoulder as he came deep in the boy's ass. He bit hard,
marking his territory as his omega collapsed against


The next pack meeting went well, Malcolm thought. No one said
anything about last month's unpleasantness, and if anyone took
notice of the lowly omega that kneeled by his chair, his leather
collar inscribed with silver, they didn't say anything. Malcolm
leaned back in his chair and crossed his booted feet at the ankle.
The omega leaned into his hand, and he stroked the soft hair under
his palm.

It was good to be the alpha, he had to admit.

END :)


If you liked this story, then do read the sequel,





Adam rose again, unbuttoning the white shirt he wore with the
shirr of silk. He let it fall to the floor among murmurs of
approval for his long, lean chest and bronzed skin tone. Unlike
most omegas, he had not run to fat with pampering. The collar
winked in the overhead light as he unbuttoned his jeans and slid
them down slender hips and his long, muscular legs. He stepped out
of them, clad now only in cotton boxers. His body was on display
for all to see, and he felt a jolt of arousal like none he had ever
felt before. This was new, and his cock got harder by the second as
he stood tall before Malik, his rangy, fit body on display for

"Strip means
your clothing, Omega," Malik snapped, unimpressed with Adam's

Adam hooked his thumbs into the elastic waistband of his
boxers and slid them down, freeing his hardening cock from
confinement. Another appreciative murmur came from the audience of
alphas and sent a pulse of arousal straight to his groin. He
enjoyed being on display, but it was usually for his alpha's
pleasure alone. This was something different.

Malik stood and paced around him. Adam knew his original
thought of werecat was correct when he noticed the alpha walking on
the balls of his feet. He kept his eyes lowered and his posture
neutral, to avoid confrontation.

"He is trained for service, Malcolm?" Malik asked as his eyes
narrowed, flickering across Adam's body. Adam followed Malik's
movements under lowered lids, and forced himself to

"He is trained for many things, Malik," said Malcolm. "He will
please, I guarantee it."

Malik's gaze returned to Adam, and his brow furrowed as he
moved back to his cushion and sat.

"Come here, Omega." The command was enough to send him to his
belly amongst his discarded clothing. He crawled forward, his belly
and cock inches from the ground as he slunk in hands and knees
toward the alpha werecat. He pressed his forehead to the ornate
pattern in the carpet at Malik's feet. He waited for his next
command, feeling the murmurs of the crowd wash over his bare skin.
From what they had seen so far, they were impressed.

Malik, however, was not. A foot clad in a soft leather boot
forced itself under his chin, lifting his head so that the werecat
could look him over. Dark golden eyes narrowed as he looked at the
omega for only a moment before he was released. Adam knew Malik was
looking for a mistake, and he lowered his eyes to the carpet and
pressed his body to the plush of the carpet beneath him.

Malik snapped his fingers again, and Adam heard the wheels of
a small cart as it rolled forward. Malik and another spoke in low
voices before Malik's voice rang out like a whiplash.

"Look at me, Omega."

Adam raised his eyes. He saw that the small cart contained an
assortment of whips and lashes. Malik held a cane in his hands,
testing the spring. He fixed Adam with a dark look.

"Have you ever been caned, Omega?"

Adam shook his head.

"You may speak."

"I've never been caned, Alpha." He swallowed, a wary eye on
the slender cane in Malik's swarthy hands.

"His education is lacking, Malcolm," said Malik. "What is the
phrase the humans are so fond of using, especially the

"Spare the rod," supplied one of the alphas in the

"Ah yes," Malik said and smiled. "Spare the rod and spoil the
child, yes?"

Malcolm said nothing.

"Stand, Omega, and put your back to me."

Adam rose to his feet and turned away as instructed. He heard
the swish of silk behind him, and fixed his eyes on Malcolm. His
alpha's golden eyes glittered like burnished coin in the light, and
they were what he focused on as he heard the cane whistle through
the air and felt it strike his shoulders. He could feel the blood
start a thin trickle down his back. He clamped his teeth around his
tongue to keep from crying out, and could taste copper like a
mouthful of pennies. He could smell it in the air as Malik brought
the cane back for another swing at his unprotected back.


Other titles by JJ Collins include:



Malcolm and Adam return in the third story of The
Canticle of Punishment. When a werebear alpha from a rival clan
turns to Malcolm to train an unruly omega, the alpha werewolf
relies on Adam to show Thomas the werebear what it means to be a
true omega. Will Thomas refuse to break?

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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