Out of the Storm (15 page)

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Authors: Kevin V. Symmons

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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“Okay.” She sounded anxious. “That should leave us some spending money. Can save up a little and maybe find our own place.” The thought of Ashley and Kylie leaving sent a wave of regret through him. It must have shown on his face. Ashley looked confused, then hurt. She snatched the paper back and studied it. “Did I mess up? Are my numbers wrong?”

“No, they’re perfect, Ashley.”

A strong gust blew in from the Sound. She shivered.

“You’re cold. I’ll go back and get a jacket.”

“No, I’m fine. Eat your sandwich and here.” She threw him another beer and took one for herself. “That’ll warm you up.”

“Be careful. They can sneak up on you.”

She laughed. It had a cold, bitter sound. “No, Eric. Nothin’s ever gonna sneak up on me again.”

Her eyes grew dark and sad. Eric could only guess at her meaning.

They ate the sandwiches and potato salad and polished off the six-pack of Sam Adams. The food tasted as good as it smelled and the beer went down easily. Too easily. Ashley pulled out some black-and-white cupcakes she’d whipped up. They were wrapped in cellophane.

Eric felt himself relaxing. He was tired of intrigue, suspicion, and playing detective. He wanted to enjoy her. As the conversation moved from one subject to another, the tension melted. After the third beer he was lying on the blanket, laughing and teasing Ashley like he’d known her for years. She asked about the marina, his time in the Special Forces and Williams College.

But when Eric turned the tables, Ashley played defense. Played it well. Any questions about her childhood, their life in Norfolk, her education, or Ralph brought on heavy doses of misdirection. She’d dodge a question, answering it with another.

Maybe it was the third beer after a long day, maybe just curiosity when Eric found himself asking, “At the hospital they said it looked like you’d been”—he hesitated, not sure how to put it—“as if someone had hurt you.”

Ashley had been propped on one arm watching him. She pulled herself upright at the question.

“And you want to know who did it?”

She was perceptive, Eric had to admit that.

“Yeah, I probably have no right to ask but I would.”

“I did have someone in my life. Someone who wasn’t nice to me.” She put her lips together and looked at the gentle surf again. “But it wasn’t your brother if that’s what you’re thinkin’. I keep telling you he was nice to us.”

Her words were loud and clipped. She sat playing with the sand as she turned toward him. “And that’s all I’ll say about
. I have my secrets, too.”

Eric nodded, knowing he may have gone too far, too soon. He sat up and found the Sound himself as he put his arms around his knees.

“It’s okay, Eric,” she assured him as she touched his shoulder. “The neighbor lady says you got a girl?” Ashley changed the subject. She flushed as she stood and began whipping small stones into the light surf.

?” He shook his head and smiled. Eric didn’t think of her that way, though he was sure Joey did. “She’s nice. Trying to help I guess, but Joey’s not my girl.” Adding, “Hey. You got a good arm there.”

“Told you I played softball in high school. All-League shortstop,” she answered through clenched teeth as she threw harder. Ashley looked angry and frustrated.

What did I do?
he wondered.

As dusk descended over the shore he felt Ashley watching him. She pouted, playing with her jaw. She brushed off her hands, then put them in her pockets as she found Eric’s eyes.

“That’s too bad. I can understand why any girl would want…want to be with you. You’re special. Real special,” she whispered, letting the wind steal her words. Ashley bent. Reaching out, she brought her hand to his face. Her touch felt so light. For just a moment Eric thought she was going to kiss him. Eric stared into her magnificent eyes. Instead, she backed away. “When you came to visit that time I…I never forgot you.” Her face grew red and her words sounded slurred. True confession time. “We all need someone, Eric. I hope you find a special person again. I only wish…” Ashley’s words died again. She shivered as her eyes dropped and her touch fell away.

cold.” Eric stood and swallowed deeply. Their conversation was getting intimate. Too intimate and too much on target. “Be right back.” Heading to the edge of the scrub foliage, he found a handful of dry twigs. He looked back at Ashley as she lay on the blanket, wrapping herself in her arms. He’d build a small fire to keep her warm. To take care of her. Ashley was funny, pretty, and showed every sign of caring for him. A lot. A dangerous combination? Maybe, but for the first time in months he felt good about something.

“But how about you?” he asked as he approached the blanket. “Don’t you…?” He stopped in mid-sentence. Through the twilight he saw her, tightly curled up with a pleasant look on her face. Her eyes were closed. Ashley lay asleep, purring softly.

Eric knelt, watching her. He smiled, touching the scar on her cheek. It was almost healed. As he touched it, she curled up tighter and made a gentle sound. A soft murmuring like she felt happy and safe. Her hand moved, finding Eric’s, squeezing it in her sleep.

She looked so sweet, so innocent, so content. As he stared at Ashley, Eric knew why he avoided being alone with her, spending too much time with her. He knew it was happening. He’d done everything he could to avoid it.

Eric lifted her slender body and walked, cradling her tenderly in his arms. When they reached the path leading to his house, she put her arms around his neck in her sleep and nestled closer to his chest. He followed her lead and pulled her tighter. He liked the feeling. Safe. Warm. At home. He stopped, watching her, wanting to pull her lips to his.

Eric shook his head, angry with himself. Very angry. Because he knew why he’d felt so uncomfortable about being alone with her. Since that first day at the hospital he’d been falling in love with Ashley.

Chapter Seventeen

Eric was glad that Kylie was out with Louise. He didn’t want her to see him carrying Ashley into the house. After taking her upstairs, Eric laid her gently on the bed and covered her with the thick quilt at the foot. Ashley turned on her side, pulling her legs into a crouch and wearing a pleasant smile as she reached out in her sleep. Eric sat down, studying her face as he found her hand.

No. It made no sense. He’d known Ashley for a week. But as her hand rested tightly in his, it felt so warm, so right. As if it belonged there. His gaze washed over every feature, realizing he’d already committed them to memory. Pleasant warmth crept over him.

Eric had the urge to kiss Ashley again. He resisted a second time, gently touching her cheek, letting his hand follow the curve of her neck to her collarbone. She sighed softly and showed a sleepy grin. He closed his eyes and let his hand fall away. Doing his best to control his desire, Eric stood, and tiptoed to the door. As he glanced toward her closet, the door was slightly ajar. Inside rested Ashley’s backpack. The one that weighed too much.

Had Ashley twisted the truth? Had she lied? He couldn’t be sure. Even if she had, did that give Eric the right to violate her privacy? He considered it as he took a half-step toward the closet. The decision was taken out of his hands as he heard the kitchen door fly open and Louise and Kylie burst in laughing. Eric walked to the closet, pulled the door closed quietly, and went downstairs to meet them, closing Ashley’s bedroom door on the way out.

“Well. Sounds like you two had fun,” Eric said as crossed the kitchen and ran his hand through Kylie’s hair while she yawned. He gestured in the direction of the Sound. “Be right back, ladies. Gotta grab some things Ashley and I left on the beach.”

“Okay,” Lu agreed. “I’ll get this sleepy head ready for bed.”

He bent down, made a silly face, and tickled Kylie as he walked by. She twisted her face into a grin and giggled.

Grabbing a flashlight out of the utility drawer, Eric headed to the beach. The moon lit the sand and bleached the gray stones that bordered the water. After making his way down the rickety steps, he collected the empty beer bottles and papers in a trash bag. He shook the sand from the blanket, folded it, and grabbed the picnic basket as he surveyed the picnic area. Perfect.

He headed toward the steps. Stopping, Eric put everything down. Opening the basket, he retrieved the remains of Ashley’s sandwiches, tore them into tiny wedges and threw them across the beach. The seagulls would have a banquet. By the time he’d mounted the steps the birds were broadcasting the signal, telling their companions that good food was free for the taking. Eric mounted the rickety steps, feeling better than he had in months.

Approaching the door that opened on the Sound, he heard Louise and Kylie still laughing as they re-lived their adventure.

“How’d it go? You know—with Ashley?” Lu asked while Kylie shrugged into her pajamas.

Eric never had a chance. Before he could answer, Kylie exploded, describing their litany of activities. “Uncle Eric, I ate so many hot dogs my tummy aches. I had a chocolate shake and fries, then played miniature golf!”

When Eric glanced at Lu, she winked.

“Then we rode go carts,” Kylie continued.

Louise groaned good-naturedly as she rubbed her back. “Our young friend put me through the ringer.” She crossed to the table and sat down heavily. “Next time I’m sending someone in better shape—like you.”

“It was so much fun. Like when Granddaddy used to take us to the county fair.”

Eric’s smile froze as Kylie referenced Ralph’s amazing metamorphosis again.

“Is Mommy asleep?” Kylie asked, looking up the stairs.

Eric nodded.

“Can I give her a hug and a kiss goodnight?” Kylie asked.

“Let’s let her sleep,” Eric whispered. “She’s really tired.”

“Where is Ashley?” Lu asked, looking around.

“Asleep. She made us a picnic supper and we ate on the beach. Then she went up to bed. Now, you and your mommy have to be up early for work.” He gave Kylie a mock frown.

She nodded. “Mommy told me all about it.” Her lips took on a determined expression.

“You finish getting ready for bed, honey,” Eric pointed toward the bathroom.

“Okay,” she said and ran back, giving Louise a long kiss. “I’ll wash my hands and face and brush my teeth.” She looked pleased at having recited her tasks, adding, “Will you come up with me and tuck me in, Uncle Eric?”

Kylie crossed the kitchen and gave Eric a hug.

He bent down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be there in just a minute. We’ll read you a story and say your prayers,” he promised. Kylie made a silly face and ran to the bathroom.

“Is Ashley okay?” Lu asked with concern.

“Sure. She’s fine. She doesn’t drink much. Had a couple of beers and fell asleep.” He grinned as he gestured to the stairs. “She’s in her room purring like a kitten.”

She found his eyes. “You give Kylie so much attention. I’m glad you spent some one-on-one time with Ashley. She…she looks up to you so much, Ricky.”

Eric’s face flushed as he turned to throw away the trash.

The words sounded strange coming from his mother-in-law.

“Thanks. What about you?” Eric asked. “You doing okay with this whole thing?”

“So far, so good…” Louise exhaled and rubbed her back again, leaving the thought unfinished. She rose, crossed the room, and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Now, I have got to get home to bed. I am pooped!”

“Night, Kylie,” she called from the kitchen door.

Eric watched his mother-in-law, wondering what she’d left unsaid. She cared so much for Ashley and Kylie. There was no doubt about that. But it must be taking its toll on Lu, watching another woman and child come into her daughter’s house and fill it with affection and love.

He walked to the screen door and waved. She got into her Camry, started it, and turned, heading to the street. As he began to turn away he saw something under the giant maple—a faint reflection. The same place he’d seen the vehicles parked earlier. Eric heard an engine start. Tires spun and headed up the street without headlights.

Possibilities raced through Eric’s mind. None of them good. He ran to the landline and picked it up, dialing Lu’s cell.
Voice mail!
He hit redial. Same answer.

“Uncle Eric. I’m ready for bed,” Kylie called from across the kitchen.

“Okay, honey.” His heart pounded. “Give me a minute.”

He followed Kylie up to her room. Should he call the police? Go after Louise in his Jeep?

The land line rang. He ran into his room and picked it up.

“Hi.” It was Lu. “Did I forget something?” she asked.

“Is everything okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t it be?”

He looked at Kylie and exhaled. “No special reason.”

“What’s going on?” she asked. “I saw you called twice, but I dropped the cell on the floor. Some nut drove by me on High Bank Road at fifty.” Louise sounded annoyed.

“You’re sure you’re okay. Maybe I should come over,” he said.

” she asked in a curious voice. “Are you crazy? I’m going home, bolt the door, and pour a Skinny Girl margarita. Then me and all six-foot six inches of Jack Reacher are gonna snuggle under the covers.” She chuckled. “I’ve got a forty-two ounce bat next to my bed, a hunting knife under my pillow, and my cell. You keep your butt over there where you’re needed.”

“You’re sure you’re okay?”

“Jesus. Yes, Ricky. How many times are you gonna ask me? Relax! Take a night off,” she said softly. “Put the ball game on and go to bed. Busy day tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Okay,” he said and hung up the phone.

He directed Kylie, who’d been standing with her face twisted into an impatient frown back to her bedroom. “Can we
now?” she demanded.

Eric wasn’t sure what to say. She was adorable but...seven-year-olds were not his specialty.

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