Out of the Storm (17 page)

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Authors: Kevin V. Symmons

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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Eric avoided the office for the next ninety minutes, still angry with himself for hurting Ashley’s feelings again. But Ashley’s performance continued to raise more questions. Buzz told him that Ashley had no work or school history. She told him just the opposite? Someone was lying or mistaken.

When Louise stopped by to pick Kylie up at one he took her to say goodbye to her mother. After Kylie gave Ashley a big kiss and hug, he stuck his head into the office. He had to admit she was right. It smelled pretty funky.

“Want some lunch?” he asked. “I usually pick up a sandwich for myself and Bobby.”

She nodded, her eyes dark and moody, avoiding his. “Okay. How ’bout a BLT?”

He drove to the corner sandwich shop, bringing her back a BLT and a Pepsi.

“Thanks,” she whispered as she took the bag.

“C’mon and eat at the picnic table with Bobby and me. It’s a beautiful day.”

Ashley shook her head. “Thanks. I’ll take a few minutes off, but I’m just startin’ to get somewhere with your stuff.”

“Okay.” Eric sighed and headed out to eat with his friend, sneaking a look back at her. Half of him wanted to kick himself for hurting her. The other half was still trying to reconcile her astounding job performance with her non-existent personal history.

“Everything all right, boss? You look confused.” Bobby asked as they ate.

Eric exhaled deeply and shook his head. “Think I screwed up big time. Insulted Ashley.”

“What happened?”

“She’s so good with the computer it took me by surprise. I said something stupid that sounded like I was putting her down.”

“Maybe that’s why she’s standing over there looking like she lost her best friend.” Bobby gestured toward the office as he took the last bite of his ham and swiss. Ashley walked behind the building.

“Thanks.” Eric nodded at Bobby and walked to find her.
Best friend?
Was that how she thought of him? Was that really what he wanted? To be her best friend or something else…something much more?

Ashley stood behind the building that housed the office and ship’s store, head hanging as she lit a cigarette.

“How’s it going?” Eric asked as he came up next to her.

“All right.” She sighed deeply.

He was about to offer an apology when Ashley pushed the cigarettes toward him.

He pulled one out of the pack and lit it.

“Guess I’m still a bad influence,” she whispered, looking away as she put the pack back in her pocket. She turned and studied the river.

He studied it with her. “I don’t think so.” He added softly, “I’m glad you found me.”

“You mean it?” Ashley turned toward him and put out her cigarette. “’Bout before. I’m real sorry I went off on you like that. I had no right. Here we arrive out a nowhere and you been nothing but kind.” She let her head drop. “I had no right,” she repeated.

“We both overreacted,” Eric whispered and gently lifted her chin, finding her eyes. “Like I said, I’m glad you’re here.”

Ashley found his hand and squeezed it, taking a deep breath. The electricity flashed up his arm.

“Me, too.” Her face grew a smile that could melt steel. “Real glad,” she repeated, touching his face softly, like she had on the beach last night.

Ashley cleared her throat as she took a deep breath. Her face grew crimson. “Guess we should get back to work.”

She let his hand go as her smile turned shy. “Now, if you’ve got a few minutes, I got some questions.”

“Okay. Shoot,” Eric said as they walked inside. Ashley spent the next hour asking him about several things she’d come across on QuickBooks. She’d printed an Excel spreadsheet to help him follow her. Eric sat, still amazed.

The afternoon passed quickly. Almost too quickly. Eric enjoyed working with Ashley. By four they were laughing and teasing each other the way they had on the beach. He could never get enough of her seductive drawl or the dimples that seemed carved into her cheeks.

After answering Ashley’s questions, Eric went outside to see what his crew was up to. Before they left for the day, Bobby grabbed Eric’s arm. “So that’s the poor little girl whose been taking up so much of your time?”

Eric nodded. “Yep. Thanks for babysitting, by the way.”

“Kylie? My pleasure. What a great kid.” Bobby chuckled and shook his head.

“Yeah.” Eric smiled as he thought of her. He knew Louise had taken Kylie to lunch when she got off-shift. His mother-in-law’s affection for her was extraordinary. Eric wondered, if like him, Lu’s mind wandered to things that might have been.

“Damn smart and a lot of fun,” Bobby added. “Oh, and tell you what, boss,” Bobby said as he watched Ashley approaching the Jeep. “If you ever have any more sad down-and-out young women you want to help, give ’em my number. In case you’re blind, that young lady is so hot, she is smoking!”

Eric blushed. He smiled and nodded in agreement. “If I find another one lying around, I’ll send her your way.”


When they pulled into the driveway at five Louise was already inside, fixing spaghetti and meatballs. “I hope you guys like it. It’s simple, and I’ve had a long day.”

“We love pasta. Thanks so much.” Ashley gave her a gentle smile and took Kylie to the living room where they watched Blue’s Clues, then set the table.

“How’d it go?” Lu asked when she and Eric were alone. “Tough day?”

“Tough.” Eric chuckled. “Ashley’s amazing. Give her two weeks and I can retire.”

“Would you mind if I took the girls over to the mall to do more shopping after they’re done with the dishes?”

Louise was spoiling the girls, the way she had Elaine.

“’Course not. That’d be great, but you must be exhausted.”

“No, I enjoy being around them.” Eric thought he saw a tear.

“Take my Visa.”

“Well, let’s see how extravagant they get. I’ll take it in case of emergencies.”

“Don’t be silly. I think of them like family,” he told her.

She blushed and began to protest.

“Enough.” He shook his head. “Now. Go get them some more new clothes.”

When they left, Eric sat with the ball game on again. He ignored the TV and the score. Instead he stared out the window at the gathering dusk. Eric tousled Rusty’s orange coat as the little spaniel lay next to him, softly snoring and wagging his stubby tail. Eric replayed the events of the last week. He had the urge to visit the Sam Adams but let the temptation pass. He wasn’t about to bother his buddy Buzz on the weekend, but he made a mental note to call first thing Monday morning and try to figure out what was going on with Ashley’s missing records. There was no doubt she hadn’t spent her days eating candy and watching reality TV. She was intelligent, in great shape, and damn it, Bobby was right. She was very, very hot!

Eric changed, donned his sweats, and took out his frustrations on his weights and the heavy bag in the basement. Eric remembered again how good it felt to work out. He was glad he could still bench press 225 pounds and move the bag with authority. He hadn’t lost too much despite his long sabbatical.

After an hour, he toweled down and headed up the stairs two at a time, pleased that his morning runs had brought back his wind, despite smoking more. He headed outside, accompanied by his running buddy Rusty, opened a bottle of water, and flopped down on the porch swing. Scanning the street, Eric noted it was absent any anonymous visitors.

His mind still swam with the images, contradictions, and mystery. Despite his fears that the face she showed him was just a facade, a cover to mask her real purpose for being with him, Eric couldn’t help grinning. He thought about Kylie. She was the most adorable little girl he’d ever known. And with every passing hour Eric felt more and more drawn to Ashley, her natural beauty, wonderful sense of humor, and the awe she displayed at everything around her.

He returned to her immediate mastery of his office systems and paperwork. As if she’d run an office for years. She was obviously very intelligent and her skills cried “experience.” More questions. More mystery. Still no answers. What was she holding back and why?

But when he closed his eyes, another thought came to mind. Something less logical but more pleasant and far more visceral: the way Ashley looked at him with those enormous eyes, the intoxicating fragrance that surrounded her, and heaven help him, the way she’d felt in his arms last night.

Chapter Nineteen

On Monday morning Eric stood on the fuel dock and called Buzz. “Hey, buddy, I got a question for you.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“Have you been able to find out anything more about Ashley?”

“Funny you should ask, ’cause I asked our specialist on computer forensics to give it a shot.”

“All right, Jesus, Buzz. Don’t keep me hanging. Did you find anything out?”

“Eric, my old friend. If I had I would have called you pronto.” Eric thought his friend sounded hurt. “He couldn’t figure it out either. All I know is he agreed that it was pretty strange and if her records were erased, as we all assume, it would have taken someone who knew what they were doing just to breach the firewalls in questions.”

“Sorry, Buzz. I know you would have called. I’m getting frustrated.”

“Why don’t you just ask her?”

“I could and if she doesn’t give me something more I may have to. Thanks.”

“I’m here if you need me.”

So much for expert help.
Eric shook his head and hung up.


The rest of the week flew by. Despite the questions that hung in the air between them, there were moments when it seemed like Ashley and Kylie had been in Eric’s life forever. He waited anxiously to hear more about Ralph, but Lip was on vacation. His ally in the quest for the truth had gone dark and silent. The mysterious vehicles—if they really were mysterious—had disappeared as well. His conversation with Buzz hung in the back of his mind as he waited patiently, hoping Ashley would lower her defenses and confide in him.

The days were full of last-minute details and loose ends at the marina. It was the time of year when the days sped by in a whirlwind of activity. Most began too early and it was often dark when Eric and Bobby locked the gas dock and the office and headed home for a late supper.

Ashley became the third leg on the stool. She pitched in with a dedication that was unexpected, but very welcome. When she had some free time in the office she had no problem donning a sweatshirt and jeans and helping out with cleaning and fueling the thirty-six boats that made up the complement of customer vessels.

Late one afternoon as she was helping them rinse off a new cruiser, Ashley stopped and stood, staring out at the river, shaking her head slowly.

Eric came up beside her. “Is everything all right?” he asked with concern.

She showed him her dimples and laughed like a child. “I…I just can’t believe I’m so lucky. To be here in this beautiful place, workin’…with you. It’s like a dream come true.”

Eric flushed. He felt the same way.

He continued to be amazed by her intuitive grasp of what needed to be done and when. As promised, he had a generous window installed in the stuffy little office. The opening brought light and fresh air to Ashley’s tiny kingdom. Where empty Sam Adams bottles had lain hidden behind the laptop, a fragrant spring bouquet picked lovingly from Elaine’s garden now decorated her neatly organized desk.

“How’s the new window working out?” he asked.

“Just great.” She turned to study the yard and the river. “I love it.”

“Do you want an air conditioner?” he asked.

“Not right now. I want to hear the sounds of the water. And it would block my view. It’s so peaceful here. Just like heaven.” Eric recalled Kylie saying that Ashley had promised her heaven right after they’d arrived. He was happy they’d found it. “I love it, Eric.” she repeated, giving him a long glance. Ashley blushed and turned toward her work. “Can I ask you something?”

Eric nodded. “Sure.”

“You’re always so busy running around managing everything. Do you ever find the time to just sit down and take in this amazing place? It’s so special, Eric.” She touched his shoulder gently. “‘Take some time to smell the roses,’ Ralph used to say.”

“I try,” he said, finding her eyes. The positive references to Ralph no longer troubled Eric. He hoped that someday he’d get the chance to talk to his brother. Eric no longer held any anger toward Ralph. It was obvious that he’d taken care of the girls lovingly, like they were his own. But it would still take more than the occasional compliments the girls offered before Eric jumped on a plane, found him, and gave Ralph a big hug.

“Tell you what. Next time you see me rushing by without so much as a look at the river, you have my permission to come out and grab me. We’ll spend a few minutes watching it together.”

“I’d like that,” she said and offered her hand.

Eric took it and walked out wondering how he’d ever gotten along without her.


Late that week Ashley called him into the office, beaming like a proud child at show and tell as she showed Eric her handiwork. “Check

She showed him the two new file cabinets she’d ordered. Everything was organized and in perfect order. “I think I’ve got things under control.” She pointed with pride to the reorganized icons on the desktop, opening a couple to show what she’d done. “What do you think?” she asked quietly.

“It looks great,” he said. And it did.

“Here are the calls I’ve made.” She handed him a list of vendors and customers who had some issues when she arrived only days before. “The checkmarks indicate that we’re okay. We’ve paid them or they’ve paid us. There are a couple we have to talk about.” She handed him a balance sheet and P&L. Eric studied the list and the financial reports.

“OK.” Eric sat down and they went over her list item by item. “Whew,” he whistled when she’d finished. “Where do I sign up for retirement?”

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