Out of the Storm (18 page)

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Authors: Kevin V. Symmons

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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They both laughed.

Ashley watched him as her smile faded. “If you ever go anywhere, Eric. I…I want to go with you.” Her face reddened.

“Why…sure, Ashley,” he managed after an uncertain silence.

She found the new window and stood, perhaps worried she’d said too much.

Eric wanted to take her in his arms, tell her she’d never lose him, but instead he cleared his throat, patted her shoulder, and headed back to the yard.


Kylie assumed the role of marina mascot. But having a seven-year-old underfoot wasn’t the best thing for Kylie or the staff. On days off, Louise would babysit or come by and pick Kylie up. Since there were no other children on his street, their neighbor Ginny, Lola’s mother, offered to watch Kylie when it fit her schedule. On the days when neither option was available, she tagged along and they made the best of it, finding little chores she could help with and not get in the way.

Every day Ashley packed a lunch. They ate at the picnic table, talking, laughing, or watching the river. They often talked about the spectacular rebuilt homes that populated both banks.

After the long days that drained Eric and his staff, he looked forward to their evenings together. They were special. Ashley would make dinner or if it was too late, they’d get take out. She and Eric would sit on the porch swing afterward, enjoying an evening cigarette and sipping coffee while Kylie, Lola, and Rusty chased fireflies across the generous backyard. Whenever she could, Louise would join them.

They constantly showed small, unmistakable signs of their affection for one another, but neither spoke openly about their feelings. Eric’s wounds were healing. The scars had started to fall away. He suspected Ashley had similar reminders of more painful, bitter times.

Every night when he went to bed Eric was all too aware that this special young woman who’d come to fill the emptiness lay close by. He hoped that Ashley felt the same longing.


It was early on the Saturday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend. Eric walked by the boat store and saw Jarrod McAllister, one of the newest boat owners, standing in the door of what everyone referred to as Ashley’s office.

Jarrod was in his late twenties, tall, successful, and damn good-looking. Too good-looking. Eric stopped and stood where he could watch. He’d seen Jarrod hanging around the boat store and the office more than once since Ashley’s arrival as office manager.

As Eric stood silently watching, someone tapped on his shoulder.

“What’s going on?”

It was Bobby.

“Nothing,” Eric explained, feeling self-conscious about being caught spying on Ashley.

Bobby followed his eyes. “You sneaky son of a gun. You’re not fooling me.” He broke into a smile. “You’re checking up on Ashley.”

Eric cleared his throat and started to walk away.

Bobby caught his arm. His smile softened as he found his friend’s eyes. “It’s okay. Your big secret’s safe with me, LT. Not that it’s much of a secret.”

Eric stood, silently, not sure how to answer.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, boss,” Bobby assured him.

“I don’t know what…” Eric began.

Bobby arched his eyebrows, interrupting his friend. “I only hope that someday someone like that looks at me the way Ashley looks at you.”

Eric’s shoulders relaxed as he exhaled deeply. A smile worked across his lips. He slapped Bobby on the side of his arm.

“Thanks,” Eric said with a nod.

“What are friends for?” Bobby showed his broad grin and headed away.

It was late that afternoon. Closing time. They’d had an incredibly busy day. Jarrod had left the office uneventfully, looking discouraged. A perverse satisfaction speared Eric at his customer’s frustration.

As he headed back to get Ashley after locking the pumps on the gas dock he spotted Joey’s Volkswagen Jetta in the parking lot. It was empty. Joey was already inside and had probably seen Ashley. He was in for an earful. Since Ashley had been working at the Marina, Joey had barely crossed Eric’s mind. She must be hopping mad.

Eric took a deep breath and set his jaw, resigned to the tongue lashing he knew was coming. The wait was short. When he was still a few yards from the door, Joey emerged, looking flushed and furious. She spotted him and stopped in her tracks.

“Just met your little friend. Ashley? That is her name, right?”

“Hi, Joey, and yes, her name is Ashley,” Eric answered quietly.

“Real cute, pleasant, and don’t tell me—I’ll bet she’s smart as a whip, too.”

“Yes. She’s been a big help around the marina,” He began as he nodded. “Look…”

“No, Eric. You look! Take your pick.” Joey held up her hand and looked back at the door, giving Eric an ultimatum. “You haven’t called me in a week. I got tonight off. Meet me later or we’re through.”

Ashley appeared in the doorway behind Joey, looking pale and anxious. She shrugged and mouthed

Eric sighed and looked at Ashley for a long moment, then back at Joey. “I’m sorry, Joey.” He shrugged. “I’ve got other plans tonight.”

“Damn you, Eric Montgomery!” Joey fixed his eyes with hers, turned around, and saw Ashley behind her. “Have fun with your little friend.” She walked away, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ashley stood fixed in the doorway mute, looking as if she wanted to say something.

Eric walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “Time to go home.”

She swallowed deeply and found his eyes as she pushed her lips together.

“Okay,” she said and disappeared into the building. When she came back she had her shoulder bag and Eric’s jacket.

They locked the door and walked silently to the Jeep. As soon as they were both inside, Ashley sat staring straight ahead. “Do you…” She hesitated as if not sure she should continue. “Do you really have plans tonight?”

He looked at her. Was it possible that she didn’t understand the meaning of what had just happened?

She continued staring straight ahead, lips pursed in her classic pout.

Eric reached over and took her chin gently, turning her face toward him.

“No. Of course not,” he whispered.

Her large eyes filled as she found his. They overflowed when she closed them, sighing deeply. Ashley took his hand from her face, weaving her fingers into his and squeezing them tightly.

“Let’s go home,” she said quietly as she smiled broadly.

The usual routine changed that night. Ashley made sandwiches for everyone, including Louise, who’d dropped by.

“Sorry. I’m just too tired to cook tonight.” She looked at their faces and offered an apology.

“You’ve had a long, hard week,” Eric said enthusiastically. “I don’t know how we could have got through it without you.”

“Thanks,” she said quietly, her face impassive.

Ashley ate quickly, speaking politely only when spoken to. Eric would catch her glancing at him, but her eyes would snap away when he looked at her.

When dinner was over, instead of taking her nightly cigarette on the porch with Eric or playing with Kylie, she excused herself and headed out front toward the beach. Lu raised her eyebrows at Eric. He shrugged.

“What’s going on?” Louise whispered when the screen door closed. “Did you two have a fight?”

Eric stood staring at the screen door. “No,” he answered, mystified by this new behavior. “Kind of—the opposite.”

His mother-in-law studied him. “What?” Her face looked vague and confused.

“I feel funny talking to you about this.”

“For God sakes.” She scowled. “I care about that girl, too. What the hell happened?” She raised her voice, wincing as she looked around to make sure Kylie was out of earshot.

“Something…nice happened between us.” He avoided being too explicit.

Lu sighed as a faint smile crept across her lips. “That’s good. What do you think?” She scolded him gently as her eyes narrowed. “I’ve been watching you two watch each other for two weeks, Eric. I’m not blind or dead. Not yet.”

“Thanks.” Eric squeezed her shoulder and turned toward the door leading to the beach. Louise took his arm gently and held him.

“We both knew that Ashley had some baggage, right?”

Eric stopped and nodded. “Right.”

“Then let her go, son.” Lu looked toward the door. “Ashley may have some things she needs to work out. Give her a little time.”

Eric shrugged and gave his mother-in-law a hug.

Ashley returned in half an hour. Her face showed strain and confusion. She put Kylie to bed and came back downstairs to say goodnight to Louise, smiling weakly but avoiding Eric’s eyes as she walked by him up to her room.

He did his best to follow Lu’s advice: let her be, give her some space. But it was tearing him apart. His heart had begun to thaw. Ashley was the reason. Now, just when it seemed they’d found each other, she retreated again, becoming the Ashley of those first days—the sad, enigmatic girl he couldn’t find.

Eric studied the clear night sky. He smoked his last cigarette after letting Rusty out for his “business.” After surveying the street, Eric closed and locked the door. Turning, he found Ashley sitting on the third step watching him. Her eyes found his as she stood. Her lips turned upward, growing into an inviting smile as she approached. When she was a foot away she stopped, letting her head fall for a moment. She closed the small distance that separated them, raising her face toward his.

“Please, Eric. Don’t be mad at me,” she whispered. “You must know how I feel about you.” Her arms circled him tightly as she leaned her face into his chest. Her fragrance surrounded them as she pressed closer. Ashley clutched his shirt, nestling her head against him.

Eric bent, kissing the top of her head as he ran his fingers through her thick, dark hair. His hands fell to her cheeks as he cupped her face in his hands. “I’m not mad at you. I don’t think I ever could be. I only wish I knew how to make you understand how much…”

“Shhh.” Ashley put her fingers to his lips. “I do understand. It was a nightmare and now that we’re here with you…it really does seem like heaven.”

She pulled his face to hers and found his lips, kissing him, softly at first, pressing harder into him. Her lips were soft and sweet, melting into his as their mouths joined. Her tongue found his, playing over and around his in ways he’d only dreamt of. Suddenly, there was only Ashley, her firm, supple body pressing against his, her delicious mouth. Eric was lost, blinded by a fever of passion and desire. His hands found her back, pulling up her T-shirt. The silk of her skin glided against his fingertips. He began gently, but in a matter of seconds he pressed into her. Pulling her lower back closer while he pushed against her thighs. Eric wanted all of her. Reaching into the waistband of her shorts…

“Mommy!” Kylie cried desperately, sounding wounded.

Ashley pulled away, breaths coming in short gasps as she leaned against him, holding his shoulders to brace herself.

“Mommy’s…coming, honey,” she panted weakly as she pulled free of Eric’s embrace. He let his hand fall slowly downward, following the line of her jaw to her collarbone as they held each other’s eyes. She took his hand, caressing, kissing it jealously.

“Sorry,” she managed in a throaty whisper. She turned, took a deep breath, and ran up to her daughter.

Eric stood, exhaled deeply, and turned to find a cigarette in the nearby drawer. He went out to the front porch and lit it, sitting on the stairs, eyes fixed on the Sound as his arousal slowly disappeared. Halfway through the cigarette, he heard soft footsteps behind him.

Ashley appeared, still flushed. “I’m sorry. That was my fault. I…I shouldn’t have let that happen.” She swallowed deeply. Shook her head. “Kylie had a bad dream,” Ashley said apologetically, looking back toward her daughter’s room. “I need to sit with her.”

Eric nodded. He’d almost lost control. The chemistry between them was so strong, but… “Maybe we both need more time,” he whispered, not quite believing the words he let slip out. He put out the cigarette, kissed Ashley on the cheek quickly, and headed up the stairs.

“Goodnight,” she called after him.

Eric reached the top of the stairs without looking back.

Chapter Twenty

Eric lay in his bed, sleeping in short fits as he wrestled with the throes of confusion and guilt. Was any of this real? Could he trust the emotions that consumed him? What about Elaine? Did his feelings for Ashley violate his vows to her? Always more questions, never any answers.

Despite his restless night, when the alarm went off at 5:45 Eric tumbled out of bed, pulled on clean sweats, and went downstairs to find his running buddy. Experience told him that a good run cleared his mind. Eric and Rusty did the five-mile route in thirty-five minutes. When they returned Eric brought a dish of cool water for Rusty onto the porch. The two sat as the early sun lit the eastern sky. Eric’s mind drifted back to his passionate few minutes with Ashley.

The clatter of dishes brought Eric out of his reverie. He went inside to find her dressed, moving around the kitchen, making breakfast. The radio sat silent. No singing this morning. A sleepy Kylie sat moping at the table.

“Good morning,” Ashley said when she saw him. Her words sounded brittle. They held a formality Eric didn’t recognize.

“Morning,” he answered with equal coolness. He looked toward Ashley as he crossed the kitchen, putting his hand on Kylie’s shoulder. “You okay, honey?”

She leaned into him. “Guess so, Uncle Eric,” she answered with a yawn.

“My little girl had a bad night.” Ashley bent and kissed Kylie’s cheek as she put a bowl of sugar-coated cereal in front of her daughter. “Here, honey. It’s your favorite.”

“Thanks, Momma.” She spooned a tiny amount into her mouth.

Eric turned to Ashley. “You must be exhausted.” He touched her hand. She looked at him with a courteous smile that never reached her eyes.

“I’m okay. Why don’t you get cleaned up?” she suggested without looking at him.

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