Origin ARS 6 (7 page)

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Authors: Scottie Futch

BOOK: Origin ARS 6
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"Really? Like what?" asked Ero in an attempt to get back into the conversation.

The elf girl tilted her head to the side then acquired a thoughtful expression. "Well, there are certain special towers and dungeons that are considered to be trials. Challengers enter as a party or solo, and then they go to their own special instance in that dungeon or tower. The world inside the area warps to be a proper challenge for their skill and level. Each floor has a boss that needs to be defeated before those who enter can leave the area."

"Are those places hard to get to?" asked Scott. That sort of thing sounded perfect for him.

"The closest one I can think of is the ancient lighthouse near Felport," said Rhea. When no one recognized what she was talking about she added, "It's a few hundred miles away from here, on a small island."

"We should go there sometime," said Ero.

Rhea smiled at her the nodded. "It would be a good idea, but we need to be at least level sixty before the tower will unlock for us."

"There's a minimum level for these things, huh?" asked Scott.

"It varies. Sometimes it's a level requirement. Some only open if someone of a specific race is in the party. There are all manner of requirements for places like that," said Rhea before she reached over to rub Herbert's chin. He was sitting on her shoulder while gazing stoically ahead.

The party chatted amiably for a while after that. The topic turned to how much everyone would miss Ero, and how she would miss them. The fairy almost seemed like she might cry as they finally reached Fairywood.

The Fairywood commune was alive with sights and sounds. The local people came in all shapes and sizes. There were tall people who looked like a cross between a man and a bear. There were dwarves and a few elves wandering around. Humans seemed to be in short supply, but fairies flocked about the area. They moved in small swarms of buzzing and fluttering people who giggled and liked to show a great deal of skin without any manner of shame involved in the matter.

Fairywood was a town comprised out of living trees. In truth, it could be considered a green living activist's wet dream. Everything was merged properly with the world around it. Trees were houses, shops, and acted as roads as well. One of the random bear men pointed their party toward a tree house on the other side of a small pond. They had to walk up a short series of mushroom stairs to reach the bough that was used as the road that they needed to take. It led toward the other side of the pond.

Ero waved happily at the various fairies that she met. Many of them came to say hello after they noticed her. A friendly bunch, a few fluttered along with the group while they chatted with their new friend. One of the fairies was actually a fairy princess, a third-tier fairy evolution. Ero had more than a little hero worship in her eyes as she chatted with the well-mannered royal fairy.

"Yes. I too have recently become a mother," said the princess. She poured Ero a cup of tea in a fairy glass then offered it to her politely. Scott did his best not to stumble as they walked, since this tea party took place atop his head.

Ero's face became flush as she accepted her tea. "I hope you are both well."

"We are doing well. Thank you, for asking," said the princess before she asked if Ero needed any sugar.

"No, no. My tea is perfect. Thank you, your highness."

Several fairy ladies in waiting hovered and fussed about Scott's head as they attended to their lady. Scott gave Rhea a sidelong glance, and noticed that she seemed to be fighting a laugh. He could not blame her. It was a ridiculous situation.

"Now, Ero. I told you to call me Coquette. Her highness is my mother," said Coquette warmly before she took a sip of her tea.

"Of course," said Ero with a warm smile of her own.

"So." The princess patted Scott lightly on the head. "This great mountain is the man who has stolen your heart?"

Ero inclined her head in what she hoped was a proper sense of decorum. "Yes, Scott is my best friend and the father of my child."

"Best friend?" asked Coquette lightly. When Ero nodded once more, the princess acquired an expression of true delight. "That is wonderful. The man who fathered my child was a wandering hero who also managed to wander off after heroically getting me with child."

"Oh, no..," said Ero, a look of sadness on her face.

"Ah, do not be concerned. I and my child both are well cared for by my family." replied the princess.

Ero and her new friend continued to chat for quite some time before they reached the house on the far side of the pond. The princess bade the group farewell and promised to look in on Ero from time to time.

The fairy doctor turned out to be an elf named Karsi Evergreen. She was a beautiful elven woman with curly white hair and a matronly disposition. She greeted Ero like an old friend and spoke sweetly to her throughout the initial examination.

Karsi made a clicking noise with her tongue. "Ero, your stress levels are a little high. Have you been fighting with anyone?"

"Well, we did go adventuring recently." admitted the fairy.

The doctor nodded. "Well, it's fine for now, but I would suggest that you stop getting into fights until your little light is born into the world."

"Oh, but..," said Ero.

"No buts little one," said Karsi with the sort of smile one might expect from a sweet mother or a caring older sister. "A fairy light is a beautiful, fragile, thing. She will need to be tended to properly, and raised in a loving environment."

Ero made a promise to Karsi that she would not adventure until her baby was born. The elf accepted that promise with another warm smile.

The little family decided to stay in town overnight. Karsi would take Ero into the forest for proper examination along with a few other water fairies. They would need to spend the month surrounded by nature. The commune was close, but not quite natural enough for a proper examination process.

That evening they had a quiet dinner together. The next morning Ero left with Karsi just before Scott and Rhea said their goodbyes.

After Rhea logged out Scott sighed loudly. "Guess it's just you and me Herbert."

The Grassrat currently sat on Scott's shoulder. He leaned over and nudged the sorcerer's jaw with his nose. He missed them as well. Life would be a little less sweet without the girls around.

Chapter 3

Many places in a world of magic and mystery might capture the interest and swallow the time of a would-be master sorcerer. The verdant rolling hills, ancient ruins, or sights of an ARS city would be high among the list of interesting locales. However, Scott was in attendance at neither of these sites. Instead, he currently sat quietly in one corner of a library alcove.

The city of Valkovia was home to several small libraries, but it also held the reputation of having one of the most notable major libraries on the continent. It was there that Scott had gone to further his education in the mystic arts.

Scott turned the page of a book that had captured his interest. He quickly scribbled a few notes and did his best to copy the symbols that he saw on the page. Spell patterns for simple spells could be purchased in many hobby shops and magical emporiums across the city. However, he had seen no reason to spend good money on something that he could learn for free.

"I see..," said Scott as he looked over the pattern. "The problem with my previous method is so obvious..."

He scribbled a few notes then nodded once more. Unlike the patterns that he acquired when he upgraded his skill selections, these patterns had to be written down. Scott's personal grimoire was a cheap notebook that he had purchased at a local convenience store. It would never hold anything too outlandish, so there was no need to make a fuss about what it contained.

Sorcery was a fine art. An ordinary mage would simply use patterns of this type as spells. They would overlay the pattern with a few mental images and their skills would change the pattern slightly to suit their needs. In many ways, it worked similarly to the way that magic worked back on the casual server. Scott, however, had to delve deeper. He needed to understand the fundamental mechanics of how his spells would work. A pattern for him was more like a tool to be used to extrapolate a method of making his power flows merge and react in a way that he wanted.

Scott spent several hours working on his spell pattern studies before calling it a day. Knowledge was power, but training was the method by which that knowledge became useful. He stopped by his hotel room and checked in on Herbert. The grass dancer was still busily working on the helmet that he had promised to give to Scott.

"Hey Herbert, I'm heading to the field outside of town to practice. Do you want to come?"

The Grassrat chittered at him without taking his eyes from the skull that sat before him. He waved one paw into the air in a dismissive fashion and Scott took the hint. Herbert was focused on his current task and could not go out to play.

The twilight master left his furry friend to his business. The training field awaited. While there were places in town that he could go to train, it just wasn't the same. It would also cost money. He would need to hold onto that for specialty spell patterns not freely available in public libraries, and better equipment.

After a short bus ride later, he was out the gate and heading into the field. The grassland beyond the city was alive with random people searching for lost treasure. The sight of the former battlefield being used as a scrap dealer's wet dream made Scott's fingers itch. It seemed disrespectful to those who had died, but he also wanted to go looting for loose items as well.

"Place is a bit crowded..." grumbled Scott, before heading further out of town. The short walk brought him to a place far enough from random scavengers that he felt comfortable closing his eyes.

Scott took out his notebook and looked over his spell patterns. He did not have enough mana to work on more than one. After a moment's debate he settled on the
Uncompromising Mountain
spell pattern. It promised to grant him access to an ability that he would need in the immediate future.

While the spell pattern's name gave the impression of an eternal mountain set to withstand the elements, it was actually shaped in a much simpler fashion. In fact, it was only a square. He read over the notes that he had taken to make certain that he had the information committed to memory. Unlike the tutorial dungeon, he would not be able to rapidly regain his mana after a short nap.


[Earth Elemental Spell Patterns]


Uncompromising Mountain [Basic]


A spell pattern designed to generate an energetic phenomenon that spreads outward in four directions in order to create a solid energy screen.


Minimum Creation Requirements:
4 Mana threads, 1 Earth Elemental Mana thread, Attunement 15

The pattern is created by utilizing four threads of mana in a square pattern. While holding these threads of mana, draw Earth mana to the center of the square and allow it to radiate outward until it reaches the four sides of the pattern. Once the threads merge, a single layer energy screen will have been created.


The screen of energy created will float in place and cannot be moved unless it is customized in some manner.


This pattern is best applied to area of effect spells or layered spells that are used to separate two areas. Typically uses include base patterns for ward spells, shield spells, and elemental wall effects. Reorientation of this spell pattern can allow for utilitarian abilities such as floating steps.


Suitable Sub-Elements:


Unsuitable Sub-Elements:




It was a simple pattern, possibly the simplest pattern among the patterns that he had to work with. Scott undertook a simple breathing exercise to prepare himself then set about attempting to utilize his new ability.

He touched his mana then followed the directions that he had studied. He drew a simple line in the air that he infused with mana. The glowing line hovered in place while he drew on his mana once again and drew a line at a near-perfect right angle from the first line. He repeated that process twice more to create a symbol that looked close enough to a square to serve his purposes.

Next came his innate connection to the elements. Scott focused on the elemental energies of earth that he could feel most keenly near his feet. Earth was an element that often proved difficult to coax into motion. Its natural state was to remain steady and unmoving. However, he did not need to draw on a great deal of it for this venture.

Elemental earth energy flowed sluggishly up along his body then forward along his right arm. A thin thread of energy sparkled outward from his finger tip but made no effort to move further away. The connection had been made, but now he had to suffuse the square with that energy.

The thread of earth energy grew larger as Scott expended a little of his personal mana to draw more of the elemental energy upward. A soft green light began to spread outward from the light green lightning shooting from his fingertip.

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