Origin ARS 6 (11 page)

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Authors: Scottie Futch

BOOK: Origin ARS 6
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The words were the sort of stuff that a jaded person might snicker at before stating how lame they were. Adam was of a different mind when he read them. He had chosen to be a priest of Blizrum on ARS because it seemed like the best fit out of the options when his military service was taken into account. However, the more he studied about the war god of ARS, the more he finally felt like he had found something profound.

"It is fitting to find you here speaking the words of our lord," said a strong masculine voice.

Adam turned toward the new arrival then placed a closed fist over his heart while keeping his arm parallel to the floor. It was best to perform the customary greeting while equipped with a shield, but he had not earned his shield, yet. "Priest-Commander Equitas, greetings."

Frey Equitas smiled warmly. His head was completely shaven as was his face. He wore the customary steel grey robes of the order, but anyone who looked closely would see full plate armor hiding beneath it. The priests of Blizrum took pride in their shield and armor. They were guardians and were destined to always be prepared for combat. It was expected for a member of their order to always be ready to perform their duties during temple hours.

"Greetings, novitiate Johnson." The priest-commander did not hesitate in the slightest as he moved toward Adam's location. "I have words to speak with you."

"Sir?" asked Adam curiously. Why would the priest-commander need to speak with a novitiate? In his experience when someone of high rank had to speak with the lowest ranking individual in private, it was never good for the lower ranked individual.

"Our mighty lord, Blizrum, has sent me a vision. It is not my right to question it, nor shall I. I will simply relate what I have been tasked with, as is my place." Though Frey spoke those words, it was obvious that he was overly curious about the fact that Blizrum had deigned to send him a vision about a novitiate.

"Yes, sir..," said Adam hesitantly. He had never met Blizrum, though after meeting Origin it had become obvious that the gods of this world were real people. Whether they were actually
remained to be seen, but they were close enough to it that he did not want to claim otherwise.

"The vision was most strange at certain parts. Suffice it to say, I do not understand the meaning. Perhaps you will," said the priest-commander before he took a breath and related the message received. "My child, I am most pleased that you have chosen my path. I will speak with you directly if you choose to go to
worlds beyond

Adam blinked slowly then nodded his head. "I see... I think." It seemed to him that Blizrum was referencing the possibility that he could end up on the classic server. At least, that was what he had felt was the situation.

"There is more," said the priest-commander. Adam nodded once more and the priest-commander continued. "Also, I understand how hard it is to start a family when you serve in the military. So, take this as an incentive."

"What does that mean?" asked Adam.

The priest-commander pulled a lore crystal from his pocket and presented it to the confused captain. "This lore crystal is an ancient relic, one that is rarely found, and rarely given."

"I... see," said Adam.

"I think not. This crystal is only handed from a priest-commander to someone whom our lord Blizrum wishes to groom as a potential champion. Do you understand that implication, captain?" asked Frey.

Adam started to respond, but froze part of the way. "Captain...?"

Frey nodded. "Yes. Lord Blizrum has informed me of who and what you are. He deemed it necessary, as you do require special dispensation due to your... commute, as he put it."

"I thank you for telling me this, sir," said Adam, still a little confused by the situation. Couldn't Blizrum have just told him all of this directly?

Adam received the crystal from Frey then looked it over carefully. He had heard about them briefly, but this was the first time that he had ever held one. Once he saw the information screen for it, his face turned slightly red and he coughed a little.




Summon Shield Maiden [Master Grade Crystal]


A personal gift from lord Blizrum to his stalwart sentinels. Shield bearers are reincarnated souls of ancient warriors who continue to fight for justice. They are bodyguards for important individuals in the church of Blizrum.


EXP Required:




"Sir...?" asked Adam.

"Yes, novitiate?" asked Frey.

"Did Lord Blizrum just give me a girlfriend summoning crystal?" asked Adam in slow, careful, words.

"Who can say that they know the mind of god? I have heard from our lord that you have a condition that will not allow you to move beyond level ten. The summoned maiden has no such restriction. You will be able to see more of this world at her side than you would have otherwise."

"Master grade... that means that whoever I summoned with this would be able to go with me if I choose to go to the
world beyond

"Yes. I suppose that is what it means. I have never been to such a place. However, should you choose to return to this world near the end of your life and travels, you would be able to continue to call upon her," said Frey.

The truth became apparent to Adam in that moment. Blizrum was trying to entice him with the things he desired most so that he would choose to leave Earth behind and become his champion. Why a god would take such an interest in him was something he did not understand, but it was certainly a fun thought!

Adam and the priest-commander talked for a while then parted ways. The novitiate went back to cleaning the alter room. Once his tasks were completed he returned to Earth. His weekend was almost over. Soon, real-life would encroach upon him once more.

The good captain sat up in his bed then looked around at his bachelor pad. Relationships had been few and far between for him, as the Army had been his life. He stood up then walked over to the bathroom. In the mirror he saw a tired man who had lived primarily for the sake of his nation. The words of Blizrum and the priest-commander weighed heavily on his mind.

If he chose to forsake Earth, he could live on ARS. He would eventually become part of something of major importance, could even aid in the defense of an entire world. Yet, he had his duties on Earth.

After a moment of reflection he closed his eyes and sighed. "My service will be up soon. I need to figure this out before that happens."

It was not long before he checked his phone messages and discovered something interesting. Scott was in town.




Three little words, a small collection of syllables spoken with finality; that was all that Scott needed to say. He tasted those words on his tongue, felt them on his lips. Yet, he could not bring himself to speak them. He could not simply say, "Sarah,
fuck off

No, he stood there phone in hand for far longer than he needed to, if he wished to continue the conversation. In the end, he said, "You want to ask me for a favor after everything that happened?"

"Scott... I know things ended bad and all, but can't we be civil?" asked Sarah.

What she had said was one thing. What Scott had actually heard was, "I never really loved you. But can't you just give me what I want despite the fact that I threw you away like a well-used tampon?"

He took a moment to collect his thoughts. When he spoke again he said, "Do either of you even know what the project is about?"

"Well, no..," said Sarah slowly.

Scott shook his head. "The people who get taken on for this project have to be exemplary, better men than me. They will have access to high level security clearances and have to engage in a great deal of fighting among other things."

He took a breath then continued. "Those men will become both incredibly powerful, and be seen as ambassadors of this country. They need to have a sense of morality and dedication that is well beyond the average person."

"Are you saying Jake isn't like that?" asked Sarah angrily.

Scott blinked. "Seriously? Are you seriously going to ask me that?"

"I didn't think you were this petty..." she said in a frosty tone.

"I'm petty?" asked Scott softly. "It's petty to believe that a man who would impregnate my drunk fiancé on the same night that she accepted my proposal is not good enough to be an ambassador?"

"Whatever! You just want to lord your new position over him!" snapped Sarah.

"No. I just see no reason to trust a man to have my back in battle when he has already stabbed it once," said Scott. He was rather proud of himself for phrasing it in such a manner. It perfectly encapsulated his thoughts on the matter.

"So, you're saying no?" pressed Sarah.

"Yes. I am saying no. More to the point, if that baby daddy of yours was worth a damn he would have contacted me directly instead of trying to use you to manipulate me," said Scott.

Sarah remained silent for a moment then huffed loudly and ended the call without speaking further. Scott pulled his cell away from his ear then snorted at it. "Somehow, I doubt that's the end of that."

Scott took a shower then changed clothes while Herbert ran around the house like he had lost his furry little mind. "Man, I wish I could bring stuff here. It would be so much easier to wash clothes or shower."

Life was not fair in that regard. He had thought about it often enough. While he was certain that he could coax Rhea into allowing such a thing, it might cause problems. "Would definitely save on the cost of housing, though."

For now, at least, his Earth house would just have to be for business and occasional vacations.

Once he had rounded up his furry brother-in-arms, Scott headed out to see if he could meet up with Captain Johnson. While driving to base, he received a message from Shara of all people. "Scott can we talk some time?" he asked aloud as he drove down the street.

He shrugged then ignored proper traffic protocols and texted her back. "Sure, any time."

Scott pulled to a stop at the next light then continued on as it changed. Just as he got up to speed on a long stretch of highway, a sound reminiscent of a loud
exploded in the air above his lap. His eyes widened comically as he tried to retain control of the vehicle. His lap had suddenly been occupied by a busty red haired ninja girl. "Shara? The hell!"

Shara snuggled close to him then giggled. "It's been forever, original Scott!"

The car screeched to a halt on the side of the road just shy of sliding into the ditch. "Shara!"

She laughed happily then kissed him on the cheek. "Original Scott!" she cried, playing along.

His heart pounded in his chest while he tried to regain his proper bearings. That had been close. Served him right for telling her that she could talk to him

"Oh, how I've missed you original Scott." She hugged him tightly once more then sighed.

Her cheek pressed hotly to his, Scott was forced to speak through slightly compressed lips. "Why do you keep calling me
original Scott

Shara giggled sweetly then pulled back. She lightly tapped him on the nose then said, "Well, you're with my sister Origin and your name is Scott."

"Ah." It made sense. Rather it made sense as far as anything Shara might cook up. "So... What did you want to talk about?"

Shara wiggled her ass a little in his lap then smiled. Her smile slowly turned into a blush as her confidence began to wane. "I... I know it's weird, but..."


She took a deep breath then clasped his shoulders tight and exclaimed, "Can you teach me how to seduce you?"

Scott's eyes widened comically once again. There were no words that came to mind to explain his thoughts on that matter.

"Uh, well... I mean, not
specifically I guess. You know..," said Shara. She began to babble a little while trying to explain herself.

It took him a moment to translate her ninja babble-speak, but he eventually discerned what it was that she had wanted to discuss. She wanted his input on how to move her relationship forward with his counterpart, another version of him whom she had discovered to be living in the community service project world on which she worked.

"Are you even sure that you want that?" asked Scott softly after a moment.

"Do you really want to talk to me about that? I mean, this version of you is with my sister and she isn't interested in sharing..," said Shara. She then added with a muttered sigh, "At least not with me."

"Hey, what's a blue haired weirdo for if not having emotional conversations with ninja goddesses on the side of the road?" asked Scott in an attempt to lighten the mood once more.

Shara smiled warmly at him then reached up and grabbed her ponytail. She looked to the side and played with it idly for a moment. "You always know how to cheer me up."

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