Origin ARS 6 (8 page)

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Authors: Scottie Futch

BOOK: Origin ARS 6
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He now entered the hardest part of the process. Scott had to keep a steady flow of earth energy without allowing the square to dissolve before the two energies converged. It was a simpler feat that utilizing his
[Radiant Starlight]
pattern, but it was still something new to him. His mana drained rapidly as he worked to complete the layer of energy.

Several tense minutes passed as the energy of the earth crept across the surface of the pane of energy. After what seemed like an eternity of highly focused concentration, earth energy met raw mana threads. The energy of the earth was excellent for building a foundation. It merged readily with the mana and soon the layer of elemental force began to thicken. It was not long afterward that the process was completed.

The layer of elemental force was not yet a spell. It was only the first step in constructing one. In order to create something more substantial he would either need to add more elemental forces to the mix, or create more layers. The later process is the one that he chose to work with.

For the better part of an hour, Scott utilized his power to draw energy and focus mana to create layer, upon layer, of elemental earth screens. When he sensed his power waning to a dangerous degree, he focused his attention on drawing those layers together in a tighter formation. He focused his energies and utilized his sorcerous concentration to compress those layers as tightly as he could to provide further cohesion and strength. The end result was a seven-layered series of simple screens that had been compressed to the thickness of a playing card.

Scott sighed softly as sweat poured down his brow. He had done the best job that he could with his current knowledge and system reinforced skill. Experimentally, he stepped away from the screen of energy then picked up a small rock. With inexpert skill, he tossed the rock toward the palm-sized screen of energy. There was enough mana and elemental force involved in its creation that even a non-mage would be able to at least sense a disturbance in the air. The rock slowed down noticeably as it passed through. Most of its kinetic force was removed in the process and it fell limply to the ground.

"Not ready for combat, but... definitely a good start." According to his studies, a layered series of screens at the current thickness was the foundation of a shield spell. He would need dozens of the compressed layers to create a true shield that could stop raw physical attacks. It would no doubt already help to thwart magical attacks weak against earth energies, however.

He sat down to rest and waited for the screens to dissipate. It took quite a while. The nature of earth energy was that it was harder to move than the other elements, but it stayed in place far longer as well. The compressed nature of the screens meant that the bleed-off of elemental forces took even longer than normal. Scott ate a small snack while he recuperated then decided to get up and start physical training. He was still a few levels shy of actually being able to develop his stats with any sense of focus or ease, but it never hurt to start early.

He began with a series of short punching motions, and flexible low-kicks. The flashier movements would be more fun, but the most basic ones were the heart and soul of unarmed combat. Kicking low for sweeps and knee damage had often proved to be far more beneficial during combat than a high roundhouse to the head. It left him less vulnerable as well.

Scott moved into a swift attack pattern that started with a series of rapidly shifting punches. A straight punch rotated into a back fist, and then shifted into an elbow strike. The elbow strike was followed by a motion reminiscent of grabbing onto something's head just before he spun in place and dropped to his knee to simulate a neck breaker.

The sorcerer continued his physical skills practice until he could feel his body grow hot and the sweat begin to pour. He performed simple movements in a slow and exaggerated manner until his body shook. Several hours passed as he worked. The layered screens of energy finally dissipated as the sun began to ride low in the sky. Without energetic interference, they could last quite a long time it seemed.

Tired from his enthusiastic training, Scott allowed himself to fall backward onto the grass. A brief moment later he used his hands as a pillow while he looked up to the sky. It was something that he never really did anymore. Always training, or fighting, he rarely took the time to simply appreciate the world of ARS for what it was, a fantasy wonderland.

"It's been a while, huh?" he asked the white feathery clouds in the sky. Sure, he had spent time in a tutorial dungeon, but that was a closed off space. Now he rested under a relatively clear blue sky in the best open world sandbox game he had ever played. Alone, only his thoughts to guide him, Scott thought about recent events.

Ever present, the background music had a soothing effect on his soul. It was a sweet and gentle tune, one suitable for a slow stroll. Scott could not help but think about the past and the future yet to come. Thoughts of his first days in the casual server, a time where he was utterly alone and yet happy for once, came to mind.

A soft smile came to his lips as he thought of the first meeting with Rhea. A different sort of smile broke out when he thought of Ero and their first meeting. "How can one man be so lucky?" he asked the clouds. Even Herbert was a wonderful new addition to his little growing family.

Back on Earth, life had been a series of events that unfolded. Very little of it had any true lasting impact on him. He awoke in the morning, did whatever he was supposed to do, and then he went home. Even his relationships had been like that. He had simply been involved and did what he was supposed to do. Until Rhea and Ero, he had just gone through the motions.

Things were different now. Soon he would be a father. Currently he had a sort of life mission in that he had to live and grow stronger in case the board truly did decide to start an end of the world scenario. He loved two beautiful women, and had become great friends with an overly intelligent fantasy rodent.

In time other thoughts intruded on his mind. Thoughts of Sarah and her claim that he was the father of her child were chief among those mental invaders. He trusted Rhea, but the possibility was disconcerting. If he was the child's father he would do whatever it took to raise the baby well, but that also meant that he would never be rid of Sarah. The way that she had treated him in the end of their relationship had broken him for a time. Several years of his life had inevitably been wasted on someone who could easily toss him aside for an older relationship. At one point he might have thought that he deserved it, but no longer.

Scott frowned darkly. He did not deserve what she had done. He might not have been the perfect fiancé, but he was far from cruel. Despite the distance due to being sent off to war, he had done everything that he could to make certain that she had wanted for nothing. Yet, on the very night that she had accepted his proposal she had become pregnant with another man's child.

Soap operas had never been his sort of thing, but he had suddenly been thrust into one a few months ago. Admittedly, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Sarah's infidelity had allowed him to experience his current life. Ultimately, it had allowed him to find a real family.

Still, he had chosen to change the nature of who he had become over the years. He could not put things off forever. At some point soon, he would have to speak with Sarah.

"I wonder if Herbert would like to visit Earth?" asked Scott gently. Rhea had her family business to attend to and Ero had to deal with the pregnancy testing. He hated that he could not be part of that, but he to accept the situation.

Outside of training and job hunting, there was really little else to do at the moment. Scott closed his eyes and said, "Tomorrow. We'll go tomorrow."




Origin reached up and lightly stroked her vibrant blue hair. It had seemed important to undergo all of the meetings and take a tour of the city for the sake of ARS, but she missed it already. As her brother, Silence, drove the family to their first destination the second youngest daughter of the Ardent family could not help but wonder what Scott was doing.

She sighed softly then looked out the window. Era, her mother, smiled at the melancholy expression on her daughter's face. "Do you truly miss him that badly?"

Origin's nostrils flared slightly and she lowered her head a little. "What would give you that idea?"

Era laughed gently. "My poor little girl. You'll be done with your tasks soon."

Mid, the oldest sister in attendance for the trip, spoke up. "I think she's more worried about someone else. Sarah was it?"

The blue haired goddess glared at her older sister then snorted. "I am not worried about that

"You sure about that?" asked Mid sweetly. She wore a smile on her lips that would have made the Cheshire Cat nod in approval.

"Who is this Sarah?" asked Era curiously. "Should I coax your father into smiting her for you dear?"

"No, no. She doesn't deserve that..." Origin bit her lower lip then sighed. "...I suppose."

"You suppose?" Era blinked then leaned closer to her daughter. "Dear childe, do you mean to tell me that she has wronged you to the extent that you are uncertain whether to involve your
or not?"

"No... No, it's more a personal thing," said Origin gently.

Mid placed her fingers over her lower lip gently then said, "Come now little sister. It's alright to be angry."

Era glanced over to Mid. "Will you tell me what is wrong?"

"Mid..." whispered Origin, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

The dark haired older sibling merely smiled at her sister once more then said, "Sarah is the ex-fiancé of Origin's current fiancé. She recently tried to claim that she was pregnant with his child."

Era's perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose into the air. "Such drama." She turned to Origin. "What did you do?"

Origin snorted. "I verified whether it was true or not then told Scott about the encounter."

"Dear one, you seem to be having trouble with pregnancy issues recently." Era clasped her daughter's hand gently. "Tell me, the little fairy... She is pregnant with his child too, is she not?"

"Yeah, but it's not the same... Ero's family," said Origin.

Mid grinned lightly then pulled the brim of her overly large floppy hat downward slightly. "Oh little sister..."

Origin's cheeks took on a rosy glow and her nostrils flared slightly. "Look, I have enough trouble dealing with that situation without you making fun of me Mid."

Era squeezed Origin's hand. She was about to say something to her youngest daughter, but she noticed the strangely quiet atmosphere surrounding her only son. "Silence, is there something wrong?"

Silence did not speak for a moment, but when he did it was to say. "Do you think dad would exile me if I killed a few citizens of the Divine City?"

That brought everyone in the car up short. Era's jaw dropped a little, but she was still the first to recover. "Silence, what are you saying? You are joking, correct?"

The god of death who reigned as the supreme deity of the end over several worlds sighed lightly. "No. I am not joking. I'm strong enough to do it."

"What's the meaning of this?" asked Era. She leaned forward in the car and gave her son a stern look. "This is nothing to joke about. You know it is practically impossible to kill one of our people outside of very specific situations."

"Yes. I know," said Silence stoically. Gone was his normal goofy demeanor and gentle laughter. His eyes were narrowed and his hands gripped the wheel tightly.

"Brother dear, why are you contemplating deicide?" asked Mid.

Origin kept her own counsel, but she also wanted to know. It was certainly unlike her brother to say such things.

"The project committee for the world rebuilding project that Shara was assigned to as community service, I want to kill the project committee," said Silence matter-of-factly.

"Why? What have those fools done now?" asked Era.

"Death is the one thing they shouldn't play with, and yet they toy with it like it is nothing more than a game feature," said Silence with a hateful glare. "It requires iron clad rules so that transitions for the mortal souls can be kept to a regular and proper schedule. They become agitated and angry otherwise."

"What happened?" asked Origin.

Silence turned off the street and entered a multi-layered parking structure. "They kept fooling with the transition phase of souls. Eventually, I had to tell them that they would need to pick a method and stick with it. Otherwise, I would file an injunction. Even so, I am not willing to just let it go."

"So, you're serious about wanting to kill someone?" asked Mid, she lacked her customary smile. This was serious business.

The normally warm and friendly god of death slowly nodded his head as he pulled into a parking space set aside specifically for the Ardent family. "It's not just the transition phase issues. I've discovered certain discrepancies in their files that I've already turned over to father. I can't prove anything, but there is definitely something shady going on and it is hurting a lot of people."

Era wanted to discuss things further, but Silence raised his hand. "We're not here for any of that..."

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