Once Upon a Caveman (11 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Once Upon a Caveman
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flicked him off, just because she could.  The guy bugged her.

eyebrows soared, apparently recognizing the gesture and boggling over the fact
she’d use it on the chieftain.

having some kind of PMS freak out.”  Warren told Lucy with his typical level of
tact.  “Just let me handle this, okay?  It seems pretty clear they like me
more than you.  I’ll talk to these hillbillies and they’ll get us to some kind
of radio and we’ll go home.”


won’t change my mind, so shut up.”  He interrupted.  “I’m staying right
until helps comes, where it’s safe and warm and chicks with big knockers feed
me fruit.”

plan.  And you’ll be a hell of a lot warmer under six feet of molten lava.”

rescue team will be here before that happens!

around them the Clan grew quiet, watching them shout at each other.  Dozens of
identical sets of blue eyes switched back and forth between them, growing more
and more wary.

snapped another translation order at Rhawn.

time, Rhawn ignored him.  He straightened away from the wall, his gaze fixed on
Warren, as the “god” loomed over Lucy.  Brown eyes were cataloging every move
he made, waiting for Warren to take another step forward.  “The Savior has been
drinking, Lucy.”  At least, Rhawn had figured out how to pronounce her name.  “Do
not get too close to him.”

shut up the hell up, too!”  Warren jabbed a finger at him and almost
overbalanced.  “No one asked for your opinion, Krull.”

woman is not a threat to you.”  Rhawn told him quietly.  “Not at the moment. 
There is no need to try and intimidate her.”

bitch wouldn’t be intimidated by a cannon.”  Warren retorted.  “What?  You
think she’s going to fuck you if you act like some hero?  Is that it?”

jaw tightened ever so slightly.

rolled her eyes.  “Good thinking, Warren.  Piss off the only guy here who knows
our language.”

seriously trust Encino Man here to know

someone too stupid to realize that Caribbean islands don’t have sabretooth cats
on them?  You bet I will.  At least,
not an idiot.”

glanced at her, looking surprised.

clan members shrank into the corners of the cave, watching her like she was a
demon.  Notan said something else, sounding more agitated than before.  Rhawn
spared him a frustrated look and snapped something back.

he saying?”  Lucy demanded.

wishes to know if the
is beginning.  I have told him no.”  Rhawn
headed closer to her.  “You should come back to my cave with me, Lucy.”  He
nodded towards Warren.  “He is not thinking clearly.  You will be hurt.”

eyes narrowed in sudden thought.  “The
is the fight thing, right?”

Rhawn seemed to make up his mind about something.  He took a deep breath and moved
so he was slightly in front of her, shielding her from Warren.  “Come with me,
now.  I will protect you from him, no matter the consequences.”

not going
with you.”  Warren declared with drunken propriety. 
“I see the way you look at her.  I know what you’re thinking.  But,
Savior of Atlantis. 
get the chicks.”

stared at him for a beat, like he was trying not to say something snarky.  Trying
hard.  …Then he said it anyway.  “And yet she spent the
night in
bed, rather than here at your side.”

shot him a glare.  “Really?”  She challenged in exasperation.  The guy might be
some kind of scientific genius of the Paleolithic, but he wasn’t great with the
whole “people skills” thing.  “You’re
going to start with that macho
shit, Rhawn?”

glowered at her, irritated that she was irritated.  “Do I not get points for
telling the truth?  You would prefer that I lie?”

She echoed blankly.  “What are you talking about?”  Then she remembered telling
him he’d earned “major points” back in the cave.  He must have taken her
literally.  Was he serious?  “Wait, you think there’s actually a
and you’re going to win some…?”

cut her off.  “Lucy didn’t sleep with you, dude.  You know how many guys she
balled in high school? 
.”  He made a circle with his thumb and
forefinger and held it up as a zero.  “You really believe she’d turn
down a thousand times and let
touch her?  I was quarterback of the
team!  Anyone else would’ve been
to give me a blowjob.”  He nodded
wisely.  “I think she’s frigid or something, ya know?”

eyebrows arched in something like amusement at that idea.  “I think she’s
He said with the utter confidence of a guy who’d been making her body do hot,
wet things since she was eighteen.

flashed him a glower.  “Nothing that happens in a dream even counts.”  She
snapped, annoyed by the world at large.


eyes narrowed at his smug tone.  “Just zip it, Rhawn.  And Warren, stop
embarrassing yourself.  I turned you down because you’re a repellant little
toad and you know it.”

but that was before I became a god.  Now you
to do what I say and I
say you should stay away from him.”  He pointed at Rhawn.

didn’t agree with that, either.  In fact, he was looking more determined now. 
“You cannot keep her from me.”  There was an underlying note of steel to his
voice that had Lucy glancing at him in surprise.  “And there is no power in
this world that can keep

can do whatever I want!”  Warren waved a hand around the cave, reveling in his
“Look at all the people who love me!  I’m like the biggest guy
on campus, a-hole.”

the wood nymph didn’t understand a word they were saying, but she still looked
like she agreed with everything Warren said.  She frowned at Lucy, clearly
annoyed that her precious Savior was so upset.

rolled her eyes.  “You stay out of it, Pebbles.”

still wasn’t backing down from his stupid argument with Warren.  “Lucy is
unclaimed.”  He bit off.  “I have the right to approach her and not even you
can change that.”

fucking claiming her, then!”

claiming her.”  Rhawn snarled, stabbing a finger at Warren.  “
will Choose this woman but me.  Not while I’m still alive to fight for

glanced at him in confusion.  “What are you doing?”

sent her a quick glance, brown eyes glowing hot.  “I’m about to challenge a god
for you.”

eyebrows climbed up her forehead at that bewildering news.  “What?  Why?”

shot her a frown, as if that question was the weirdest thing he’d heard all
day.  “Because you are
.”  He said simply and refocused on his
pissing-match.  “I have waited for Lucy and I will
give her up.”  He
took a step forward and Warren took a step back.  “In the Clan, you must
challenge if a woman is contested.”  And it sure sounded like he was contesting,
even believing that Warren was a supreme being.  “Do you wish to challenge me
for her?”

looked between them, amazed that this was happening.  “Are you two out of your
She pointed at her own chest.  “I’m a fucking
, here.  Neither one
of you can just throw a few punches and declare me the prize.  I’m not going to…”

cut her off, again.  “Yeah, I’ll fight ya!”  He gave a woozy “bring it on”
gesture.  “I’ll whomp your pretty boy face.  Once she knows what she’s missing,
she’ll be the Brooke Shields to my blond guy for as long as we’re stuck here in
Blue Lagoon
.  I mean, she’s not as
as Brooke, but…”

did it.

looked over at Rhawn, sick of the chauvinist posturing.  She’d deal with this
crap herself.  “Tell your Clan that the
has arrived.”

He spared her a concerned frown.  “No.  That is a very bad idea.”

”  Lucy bent down to scoop up a stray rock.

didn’t need to translate her words to Notan.  The old man and half the Clan had
already fallen to their knees, praying.

barely glanced their way, all his attention on Warren.  “Lucy, the Savior and I

frowned in confusion, talking right over Rhawn.  The guy’s constant interruptions
were typical and annoying.  “What the hell is the
…?”  He didn’t
get a chance to finish the question.

pegged the stone at his greasy head.

year, the school counselor had convinced her to join the softball team in order
to pad her college applications.  Lucy had been the pitcher.  The rock slammed
into Warren’s skull with a precision that would’ve made old Coach Leaky proud. 
The “god” toppled backwards like a cow someone had tipped over in a field and
laid there unconscious.  Lucy wasn’t worried about the long term effects.  He
was too sloshed and useless to die.

Clan screamed in panic as he fell.

scampered over to kneel beside him, checking his wounds.

team, baby.”  Lucy raised a hand over her head and looked at Rhawn who was
gaping down at Warren’s splayed form.  “Uh-ho, guess who just won the

gaze slowly traveled to hers.

smirked at him.  “Too bad, so sad.  Looks like your Savior isn’t going to be
saving anybody, caveman.”

hit him with a rock.”  Rhawn sounded stunned.

made a face at his tone.  “So?  You slammed that big guy with the dreadlocks into
a stone wall, back in that bamboo cage.  Compared to that, I’m almost a

hit the Savior with a rock. 
That is not how the
supposed to go.”

I’m the evil god, remember?  Cheating’s in the job description.  Now unless
somebody wants to try and steal my new throne, I’m in charge.”  She arched a
brow.  “Are any of
going to stand against me?”  She gestured
towards the stunned and whimpering Clan.


going to stand against me, Rhawn?”

say no.  Please say no.

would lose if he chose the other side.  She knew it.  Rhawn was the only one
here with the brains to see through her little “god” trip.  For so many years,
she’d dreamed of this guy.  Her instincts and body all told her he was
special.  That he was here with her for a reason.  That she could depend on
him.  Her mind had a real hard time accepting those ideas, though.

never had been one to just take things on faith.

studied her for a beat.  “No.”  He finally whispered.  “I will still try to
stop your evil plans, but I am pleased the Savior lost this battle.”  His gaze
flicked to Warren.  “The challenge ended when he fell.”

blew out a relieved breath.  “Sure did.  And I’m the champion.”

beautiful brown eyes met hers.  “I mean his challenge to

well, you were doing plenty of ‘challenging’ yourself.”  Warren had deserved
someone getting in his face, but Rhawn had escalated things pretty fast.  “What
the hell were you thinking trying to “claim” me or whatever?”

was thinking that I’ve claimed you.”

I’m thinking you’re
.”  She snapped.  “And believe me, we’re going
to talk about that sexist display, just as soon as I’m done conquering the world.”

is nothing to talk about.  The challenge is decided.”

shut up and let me rule my doomed kingdom, okay?”  Lucy clapped her hands
together in satisfaction. 
something was going right.  “So, just
to be clear,
Queen of Isle of Misfit Toys?”  She asked her new

are?”  Rhawn guessed.

am.”  She agreed.  “Tell the others the good news.”

me, they know.”  In fact, he had to raise his voice to be heard over their
piteous moans of despair.

them anyway.”  The only way Lucy was going to survive this was making them all
too scared of her to rebel.  In a fair fight, Rhawn or Warren or anyone else
here could take her down.  She
to assert herself fast or she’d be
dead.  “Tell them I’m a wrathful bitch, who will sink them into the sea unless
they do
I say.”

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