On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3) (15 page)

BOOK: On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3)
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Chapter 26





The knocking wouldn’t stop. Groaning, Ava rolled over and saw the angry red lights on the alarm clock beside her head. Two sixteen in the morning. Beyond her window she could hear the pelting rain and howling wind as it rocked the glass panel. Tugging the covers up under her chin, Ava prayed whoever was at her door would get the message and go back to whatever hole they crawled out from. Come back at a reasonable hour. It was too cold and too damn early to climb from her nice, warm bed.

It wouldn’t stop! If anything it just got louder and more frustrating.

“All right! All right! Keep your hair on. I’m coming.”

Stuffing her feet in Ugg boots and yanking on her robe, Ava shuffled to the door looking every bit as miserable as she felt. With her eyes barely open, Ava opened the door, not caring who was standing on the other side. Something she’d regret indefinitely.


With a wave of nausea sweeping through her body, dizziness consumed her as she wobbled backwards.


When Ava’s eyes fluttered open she had a cool wash cloth resting on her forehead and a pair of velvety chocolate eyes staring back at her. Eyes full of worry and fear.


“What…what happened?” Her voice was strained and scratchy. Squirming under the covers, she tried to hide her embarrassment.

Tyler brushed a stray piece hair from Ava’s forehead before he lent forward and rested his forehead against hers. Breathing in deeply, Ava felt him exhale against her neck, causing her to break out in goose bumps.

“You collapsed.”


“I put you in bed.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Any time, Short Stack! Any time.”

With a loud, obnoxious yawn, which Ava tried to mask with the back of her hand, she said, “Tyler, why are you here?”

“Sleep, Ava. We’ll talk tomorrow.”


“No buts. Sleep, Short Stack. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”



Before Ava had a chance to protest, Tyler kicked off his shoes, tucked the blankets in around her, and flicked off the lamp before pulling Ava tight against his body, spooning her against him. With her eyelids drooping and her head pounding, Ava let herself sink comfortably in Tyler’s arms. She had a million and one questions, but tonight she wasn’t pushing for answers. Tonight, it just felt too good to be in his arms again. It felt right. Like home. And if she only had one more night there, then she wouldn’t shy away from it. No matter how much it hurt the next day.

Ava woke the next morning before the alarm and grunted. Another work day. Untangling her weary limbs from Tyler proved to be more than enough exercise. He’d held her so close and tight that trying to get him to let go without waking was a challenge and a half. Eventually, Ava managed to find her way into the bathroom and click the door shut. It was the first moment she’d had to herself since his random appearance in the middle of the night and her mind, despite its caffeine free state, was working double time.

Stepping from the bathroom, Ava was ready to face the day. Wearing a navy, sleeveless dress with a rip-free pair of nylon pantyhose and her black heels hanging from her fingertips, she snuck across the room, pausing at the side of the bed. Tyler was spread out across her double bed, his feet dangling from the end, wrapped around the pillow Ava had just abandoned. With his hair a mess, his face covered in dark brown stubble and snoring loudly. A huge part of Ava wanted nothing more than to climb back into bed with him and forget the outside world existed, but she was too damn sensible for that. Instead, Ava bent over reluctantly, placing an innocent kiss on his cool forehead and retreated from the room.

Settling in behind her desk, Ava started her monotonous day. It was the same boring shit as always. Replying to emails and signing off on invoices to be paid. It was tedious and boring but someone had to do it, and since Ava was usually first in, it had fallen to her. One of those jobs she’d rather just get out of the way.

Her day was hard. Beyond hard. She was having trouble with everything. Concentrating was proving to be the highest hurdle. Or maybe it was just that Ava’s mind was just somewhere else. Perhaps back in her warm, welcoming bed with that special someone she’d left there hours earlier. When her phone chirped, Ava almost fell backwards off her chair.


Katie: Heard from our boy yet???


With a shake of our head, Ava smirked. She wasn’t the least bit surprised Katie knew her brother had come home. If she was a betting woman, Ava would put everything she had on the possibility that Katie was in some way responsible.


Ava: Yep. :)


Ava: Came knocking on my door @ 2am.


Katie: That’s a good thing???


Ava: ???


Katie: :( Do me a favour?


Ava: What?


Katie: At least let him talk before you kick him out.


With a smile, Ava dropped her phone back in her bag and tried to concentrate on the problem laid out before her. It didn’t take long before frustration took over and she just gave up.

Storming into Matthew’s office, Ava stood with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

“What’s up?” Matthew asked, dropping his pen and sliding his reading glasses down his nose.

“It’s pointless me being here. I’m not getting anything done. Do you mind if I take off for the afternoon?”

With concern written all over his face, Matthew rubbed his chin and rocked back in his chair. “Anything I need to know?”

“Nope. Just didn’t sleep well last night, that’s all.” The lie felt like acid on her tongue but she needed to get out of there. She could barely concentrate, let alone get anything done. Leaving was best for everyone. Especially her clients.

“Go home and get some rest.”


“And Ava…tell Tyler we said welcome back!” Ava’s heart stopped. Well, at least it felt like it did. She was beyond shocked. She hadn’t said one word about Tyler in days. “I can see the distraction, and dare I say it, happiness in your eyes.”

Swallowing down her astonishment at Matthew’s perception, Ava just offered him a shrug and disappeared out the door before he had a change of heart.

As excited as she was to be heading home, with each passing kilometre her nerves squeezed just a little tighter. When she’d left Tyler asleep in her bed that morning, it seemed like such a romantic notion but now regret was rife. Now her greatest fear, that Tyler would be furious and long gone, caused her to put her foot down.












Chapter 27





Sitting at Ava’s computer, Tyler had never felt destroyed and miserable. If he thought he was sad and lonely in Switzerland, then reading Ava’s latest written offering was heartbreaking. Tyler had read Ava’s debut novel,
Perfection is Just an Illusion
, a couple of times now. The first time he’d been furious, but when he calmed down and met the woman behind the pages, he’d taken the time to re-read the words, this time reading the love and longing on every page. Ava had loved him. There was no doubt in his mind that she always had. Now he was reading the sequel, and it was breaking his heart. She’d destroyed Anna and James.

Earlier when Tyler had woken alone in Ava’s bed, it felt like history was repeating itself. Stealing a look at the alarm clock, he saw it was almost noon and remembered it was a week day, so she’d probably headed to work. Tyler couldn’t help but wish she was still there with him, but he understood. After a shower, Tyler had found himself tidying up. Ava wasn’t usually messy but her place was a disaster. Unable to sit still, Tyler started by picking the balls of paper that littered the lounge room floor and covered the sofa. He knew he shouldn’t, but that didn’t deter him. Curiosity had gotten the better of him and he flattened out the sheet in his hand. It didn’t take more than a minute before he wished he hadn’t.

It was barely legible, but that didn’t stop Tyler from reading a list Ava had discarded. It was a list of reasons why a great love would come undone. Tyler’s throat went dry and his breathing became rapid. Even the possibility that these thoughts were running through Ava’s head, whether it be for the characters in her book or real life, scared the living crap out of him. As quick as he could he folded the paper and stuffed it into his back pocket. He’d known he needed to talk to Ava, but now he was more desperate than ever.

When his stomach growled, begging for attention, Tyler decided it was time to raid Ava’s cupboards but disappointment didn’t even get close to what he found. A couple of tins of tomatoes, an out of date jar of mayonnaise, and an open bag of salt ’n vinegar chips. They were stale. The fridge wasn’t much better. There was a splash of milk left in the bottle and a half a bottle of wine. Not exactly the makings of a gourmet meal.

“What the fuck has she been eating?” Tyler huffed, running his hands through his hair.

In the months he’d known Ava, Tyler had already figured out she was hopeless at looking after herself. She made sure everyone around her was fine and for all appearances she was, but behind the walls she’d so carefully constructed around the truth, she was pathetic. She often went days without eating, not because she had a disorder or didn’t like food; it was more like it just wasn’t a priority. Eating was a choice, and if Ava had better things to do, then that’s what she’d do. But seeing her house devoid of all food got under his skin and Tyler wasn’t going to stand for it. Someone had to take care of her and he’d be damned if he was going to let anyone else assume the role.

Stomping down the hallway, Tyler grabbed his keys and wallet from the bedside table and flew out the door. He was a man on a mission and god help anyone who got in his way right now.

Forty-five minutes later, hauling several overfilled, heavy plastic grocery bags up the stairs, Tyler started to feel a bit better about everything. After packing the food away, Tyler set the slow cooker before scarfing down the sandwich he’d brought. On a roll, Tyler found himself being domestic and didn’t even hate it. After stripping Ava’s bed and tossing the sheets in the machine, he remade it and opened all the windows to let some fresh air in. After scrubbing the bathroom with heavy bleach, Tyler looked down at his knees and saw the dirty wet patches and suddenly it was very clear why his legs were itching. Darting back down the stairs to his rental car, he knew he’d have to return sometime today or maybe tomorrow. He grabbed his duffle bag and headed for another shower.









Chapter 28





As Ava pushed open the front door and stepped inside, she barely recognised her own apartment. The scent of eucalyptus fought with something else. Something she hadn’t been expecting. Something that made her stomach groan in anticipation. Pressing her hands against her stomach, willing it to settle, Ava kicked off her heels and padded inside. She heard the water running and assumed Tyler was still here. She hadn’t been certain he would be and the whole drive home she’d been anxious about what he would do all day in her shoebox. At least when they were hanging out at his place they had space to just be. Here it sometimes felt like the walls were closing in on her and it took everything she had not to scream.

With Tyler’s voice echoing off the tiled bathroom walls, Ava took the opportunity to get changed. Feeling the need to protect herself, Ava pulled on her daggy grey sweat pants and one of Tyler’s sweaters. She couldn’t help it. She felt safest when she was wrapped in him, whether it was his powerful arms or simply his scent.

She was filling a glass from the tap when Tyler’s voice shattered her peace. “Hey.”

As she turned towards him, her eyes almost fell from their sockets. Tyler Andrews, Olympian, World Record holder, and sex on legs was standing in her hallway wearing nothing but a cocky smirk and a too small, worn pink towel draped low on his hips. Bringing her glass to her quivering lips, Ava took a small sip as she tried to calm her out of control pulse but she only ended up choking on it.

“You okay?” Tyler asked, concerned, as he moved towards her, seemingly unconcerned about his lack of clothing.

“Yeah…fine…” Ava spluttered as she stepped backwards, crashing her hip into the bench and sending shooting pain through her body. Gritting her teeth, Ava refused to let Tyler see the affect he was having on her.

“If you’re sure…”

“I am.”

“I’ll just get dressed then…” He cocked an eyebrow and Ava found herself white knuckling the bench. It took every bit of strength she possessed to hold back the words that were on the tip of her tongue, desperate to escape. Not trusting herself, Ava simply nodded.

She watched his retreating back and found herself licking her lips. His wide, tanned shoulders had always been her favourite part of Tyler’s incredible body, but watching them retreat with water droplets beading on the wide expanse, it was setting her on fire. She felt it everywhere. Shaking off the X-rated thoughts, Ava opened the slow cooker and breathed in the aroma. It looked like lamb shanks and all sorts of vegetables covered in spices. It made Ava’s mouth water and stomach clench painfully. Taking another mouthful of water, Ava felt completely unsatisfied but she had too many other things on her mind to pay much attention.

“So honey, how was your day?” Tyler asked as he sauntered back into the lounge room wearing jeans slung low and a grey t-shirt that hugged all the right spots and bare feet.

Ava gulped. This was her greatest fear. Tyler looked so damn edible and he’d made himself so comfortable in her home, it was like he belonged there. And Ava was not onboard with getting used to the idea.



“Couldn’t concentrate. I came home early.”

“Why so?”


With a lazy smirk and waggling his eye brows, Tyler glided across the room until he was right in front of Ava. Reaching out, he wrapped his long fingers around Ava’s wrist and she could feel the warmth from his skin burning her. Her head was telling her to pull away but her traitorous heart was screaming at her, insisting she throw herself into his arms and never let go.

Finding her voice, she said, “Yeah. Someone rudely woke me up in the middle of the night banging on my door, then hogged the blankets.”

With a wicked gleam in his eye, Tyler brushed the stray curl from Ava’s forehead, “You let men bang on your door in the middle of the night then climb into your bed?”

His breath was warm on Ava’s neck and she felt a cold shiver race through her body. Holding her breath, Ava teased, “All the time.”

“Witch!” Tyler growled deeply as he yanked her into his arms and crushed his lips over hers.

Ava groaned as she melted in his arms. This was a side of Tyler she’d never seen before. It was demanding, dominant, and sexy as hell. Ava wasn’t sure how long they stood there wrapped in each other, but when she felt Tyler’s hands under her bum lifting her off her feet, she gasped and pulled back.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

Tyler didn’t answer. His dark, hooded eyes taunted her as he sat her on the counter and stepped between her knees before once again taking control of her mouth. Ava wasn’t sure how long she sat there, completely consumed by Tyler, but when she pulled away she was panting desperately.

“That was…”


“But Tyler…”

“I know, Short Stack. I know.”

Tyler’s words sunk her heart. Barely a breath ago Ava had been so hot she was ready to start ripping her clothes off. All it took was Tyler’s short, simple words to send a chill through her bones and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be warm again. Tugging down her sweater, which had ridden up, showing off her pale stomach, Ava pushed Tyler away and jumped off the bench. Roughly she yanked the elastic from her hair and retied the ponytail.

Desperate to cool herself off, Ava stumbled out of the kitchen and flopped on the sofa. “So, what made you decide to clean my apartment?”


“Just tell me.”

Ava couldn’t help but smirk. Tyler looked uncomfortable. There was a bigger conversation looming, one they both knew they had to have, but were doing anything and everything possible to avoid it.

“It gave me something to do. And it helped you. So you know, win-win.”

“Why didn’t you just go to your place?”

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Why did you come here in the middle of the night?”

“Why did you say okay?”

“Why did you fly halfway around the world to get away from me? What did I do that was so terrible you ran away?” The tears were filling Ava’s eyes faster than she could control them. A few escapees left wet trails over her rosy cheeks. She swatted them away quickly.

“Short Stack, is that what you really think?” There was a look of pure disgust and pain all over Tyler’s beautiful face.

“What was I supposed to think?”


BOOK: On Dry Land (Swimming Upstream #3)
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