No Use By Date For Love (8 page)

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Authors: Rachel Clark

BOOK: No Use By Date For Love
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Teagan resumed teasing Bec's pussy with her mouth and hand, but now that Justin held Bec, Teagan no longer needed to support her own weight on her hand and so put her spare hand to very wicked use.

First she tweaked her own nipples and then moved farther down her stomach and into the curls hiding her own clit.

She moaned into Bec's pussy as she played with both of their clits, the sensations so intense that Teagan was shivering and on the verge of her own orgasm as Bec panted frantically, her labored breathing bouncing off the tiles. Teagan could feel Bec's internal muscles as they pulsed wildly, her cream pouring onto Teagan's tongue. Teagan lapped at Bec's shiny, swollen flesh and Justin held on as Bec shattered into explosive climax, her keening cry almost tipping Teagan into her own orgasm.

* * * *

Reverently kissing the exhausted and satisfied woman in his arms, Justin shifted and lowered Bec back onto the shower step. His hungry gaze raked over Teagan's shivering body.

Slowly, he got to his feet and reached out for Teagan to help her to stand.

He held her chin and kissed her deeply, tasting both of his women on her tongue. Very deliberately, he pushed her back onto the cold tiles as he lifted the wet material of her dress up and then grabbed her ass to lift her onto the intense erection straining against his shorts. She Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Rachel Clark

moaned in ecstasy as he ground her against the material, not quite letting her sink onto his cock.

"Is this what you need, sweetheart?"

"Yesss," she hissed. "Please," she added more breathlessly.

Before either of them could do anything about the offending piece of clothing, firm hands came around Justin's waist from behind, hooked into his shorts, eased them over his throbbing cock and dropped the wet material to the floor. Bec helped him kick them away.

Teagan lowered herself immediately onto his engorged cock, groaning her satisfaction as he pushed deeply into her wet pussy.

Frantically, Teagan began lifting and lowering herself, setting a mind-blowing pace. Justin wiggled the fingers that held her up and opened her ass cheeks wider, so that he could rim her puckered anus as he began to pound into her.

Bec kissed the skin down his back, soft, sucking kisses, as she moved with their rhythm. He felt her hands touching him, re-learning his shape, skimming the tensed muscles in his back and arms and lower to his ass cheeks.

It was the bite that did it. Bec bit him on the ass, hard, and he surged into Teagan and pushed a finger into her ass. Teagan screamed and bucked against him. Delicious sensation washed over him as orgasm claimed them both. Millions of colors burst behind his eyes, overwhelming his senses, as he tried to catch his breath.

Still shaking from release, it took him a while to realize the showerhead had been adjusted and they were being rinsed by warm water. Bec's arms wrapped around them both, and she kissed Teagan and then him.

"I seem to remember something about breakfast," she said.

Justin laughed indulgently as he helped Teagan to her feet. He deliberately slid her naked flesh down his body and then planted a sweet kiss on her nose. Quickly, he washed himself under the warm spray and left the shower.

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No Use By Date for Love


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bec reach for Teagan, dragging his wife tightly into her arms. "Thank you," he heard her whisper.

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Chapter 11

Several wonderful days later, as they lounged on the back porch furniture, Bec tried to raise the topic of why she was here.

"So," she started hesitantly, the memory of the disastrous outcome of their last discussion on this topic uppermost in her mind, "can we discuss babies now?"

The married couple, turned to each other, shrugged, nodded, and turned their attention back to her.

"I would like to get the ball rolling for the surrogacy as soon as possible."

She promised herself no more than eighteen months with them.

Bec knew how much they wanted a baby and would do everything she could to see that they got that wish, knowing full well that she would leave them once they had their child safely in their arms. Even though she felt loved by them both, and safe and happy here, she didn't want to interfere with their marriage. Surely the dynamics of any relationship would change dramatically once there was a child to worry about. Bec knew that the kindest thing she could do for them would be to carry their child and then step out of the picture, but considering their last discussion, when they'd been horrified to think that she was trying to repay a debt by volunteering as a surrogate, she chose not to give voice to her plans.

Justin surprised her by saying enthusiastically, "I think it's a great idea. It's about time we filled this house with the pitter-patter of little feet."

Teagan rolled her eyes at his corny words but nodded.

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No Use By Date for Love


"Bec, if this is what you want, then it's what we want, too," Justin said as he looked her squarely in the eye, all signs of joking gone.

"Just promise me that you're doing this for the three of us."

"Absolutely." She smiled. "I very much want to have your child."

Teagan stood, walked over to Bec, lowered herself onto her lap, and kissed her tenderly.

"Sweetheart, please tell me you're doing this because you love us both, and"—she held a finger over Bec's mouth as she tried to talk—

"that you aren't doing it for the wrong reasons."

"Yes, I love you both. What better reason could there be?" She grinned happily again as Teagan squealed in delight and Justin grabbed them both in a big bear hug.

* * * *

It seemed to take forever to make the arrangements. Appointments and interviews and strict criteria seemed to make what should have been a fairly simple task into a problem of herculean proportions.

Poor Teagan would to have to endure hormone shots so that the chances of a viable egg being harvested were increased, and Justin had needed to provide a sample for analysis. Bec and Teagan had playfully teased him about it until he described what he'd been thinking about earlier in that little room and then proceeded to very thoroughly show them both. They'd all been left gasping for air.

Today, Bec would go through a number of different tests to make sure that she was a healthy candidate for a surrogate mother. The doctor had told her several months ago to stop taking the pill, so she'd stopped midmonth, and she and Justin had used condoms. She'd been a little concerned lately that she hadn't actually had a period yet, but the doctor had mentioned that it may take some time to get things back to normal, so she tried not to worry.

Anyway, that's what these tests were for. An ultrasound would take a look at her uterus, and a myriad of blood tests would indicate Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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her overall general health and get them one step closer to implanting an embryo.

Teagan and Justin wanted to come with her, but she'd eventually convinced them that it wasn't necessary this time. An empty uterus isn't very exciting, she'd pointed out over and over, and they'd given up bugging her only when she promised to call them the minute she knew any results.

"We're going to go into the office for a few hours. You've got the number, right?"

Bec smiled. She'd been calling them at work for months now, and the number was indelibly written on her brain. Teagan didn't really look convinced.

"Yes, Teag. I promise to call you the moment I'm finished." She hugged her and gave her a long, tender kiss. She heard Justin come into the room, and they both turned to look at him. He held his arms open, and they both walked to him for a tight hug.

* * * *

Bec had waited patiently for her ultrasound appointment, long ago having decided that sitting with a full bladder in a crowded waiting room was definitely not a high point in her life. Finally, the sonographer called her name, and she tried not to waddle as she walked into the procedure room.

"Sorry for the long wait, Rebecca. We squeezed in an urgent appointment this morning, and we've been running late ever since."

"No problem," Bec said cheerfully, trying not to wince in discomfort.

The ultrasound technician got her to sit on the bench and helped her into the best position for the procedure. A squirt of warm liquid tickled her belly, and then the ultrasound wand pressed over her stomach.

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No Use By Date for Love


The sonographer glanced down at her notes, ran the wand over Bec's belly again. "Rebecca, it says here that I'm checking your uterus before you become a surrogate mother. Is that right?"

"Yes," Bec replied, a little wobble in her voice. "Is there something wrong?"

The woman smiled kindly and continued pressing the wand into Bec's belly. "The doctor will be in when we're finished and he'll discuss the results with you. Okay, that'll do for now. I need you to empty your bladder, and then we'll check a couple of other things.

The ladies’ room is over there. You need to relax and make sure you empty your bladder completely. Okay?"

Bec did as she was told, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong. When she got back to the ultrasound room, her doctor stood beside the equipment.

"Hello, Rebecca," he said. "I'd like to talk to you about your ultrasound. It seems we have a little wrinkle in our surrogacy plans."

Bec found herself opening her mouth to ask a question, yet panic had clogged her throat and her knees threatened to dump her on her face. Seeing her reaction, the doctor quickly explained.

"It's nothing bad, Rebecca," he said with a smile in his voice.

"You're pregnant."

"I'm pregnant?" she asked her voice rising high in disbelief.

"Yes, about sixteen weeks. Hop onto the table, and we can finish the ultrasound."

Bec moved forward, trying to assimilate the information.

"Wait. Wait. I can't be pregnant. I only went off the pill three months ago, and we've used condoms ever since."

"Looks like you were pregnant before that," the doctor said carefully. "I know that this is not what you were expecting. Why don't you give it some thought, and we'll discuss it in a few days. I'll just go organize an appointment for you."

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Chapter 12

Bec managed to hold herself together until she left the doctor's office. She sat in her car and stared at the dashboard. She felt so disjointed. She was horrified that she'd let Teagan down in such a monumental way and very worried that she would have to tell Justin that he would be a father, but to the wrong woman. And she felt horrendously guilty because she
miserable about the fact that she was going to be a mother.

She was going to be a mommy. Her heart melted a little when she thought about the beautiful child that she would be holding in her arms in just five months.

But then she'd see the crushing disappointment on Teagan's beautiful face, and she'd go hot and cold all over. The last thing she'd ever wanted to do was to interfere with Teagan's and Justin's marriage, and here she was pregnant with the child that should have been Teagan's.

She had no idea how long she sat in the car, but a soft tapping on the window finally caught her attention. Bec looked up to see Teagan looking at her through the window and promptly burst into tears.

Teagan opened the door and hugged and held Bec while she cried, her unwavering support making it infinitely harder for Bec to hold back the tears.

"Honey, whatever it is, we can fix it. We're a family now, even if we can't have kids."

Bec cried harder.

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No Use By Date for Love


"It doesn't matter, Bec. Really, honey, don't go through this alone." Teagan hugged her tighter. "Please, please tell me what's wrong."

Bec took a deep breath and pulled back from Teagan's familiar embrace. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, Bec tried to pull herself together but found it difficult to look directly at Teagan. She could see how much it hurt the woman not to know why she was so upset, so she blurted it out.

"I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?" Teagan sounded surprised, her face frozen in shock and a million questions shining in her eyes.

Bec nodded miserably. God she hated hurting Teagan like this.

"You're really, really pregnant?" Teagan asked, excitement leaking into her words.

Bec looked at her, confusion crowding her brain. Why did Teagan sound happy? Hadn't she heard Bec correctly? "Teagan, I'm about sixteen weeks pregnant with Justin's child. Aren't you angry with me?"

"Angry? Why would I be angry? We're all in this relationship together. We all get to be parents together. That's just about the best news you could've given me. God, I love you so much."

Bec held her then, marveling at the strength of this woman and humbled by her love.

"Move over, Bec, I'll drive us home so we can tell Justin."

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