No Use By Date For Love (4 page)

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Authors: Rachel Clark

BOOK: No Use By Date For Love
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Lowering her to the bed with a mock stern look and another reminder to stay put, he pulled the covers over her and left her to sleep.

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Rachel Clark

Chapter 5

Bec woke with her arms wrapped around her best friend's wife.

Chuckling a little to herself, she held tighter and pulled Teagan closer so that the sleeping woman rested against her breast. Sometime during their nap, her towel had fallen open, and she lay entwined with an equally naked and sleeping woman in her embrace.

She glanced up to the doorway to see Justin watching her. He gave her a smug, sappy smile and moved farther into the room.

Lowering himself to the edge of the bed, Justin lovingly brushed a tendril of hair away from Teagan's eyes.

"She was so worried for you. This is the first time I've seen her sleep in two days." He looked tenderly at his sleeping wife held in another woman's arms. "The night we arrived and she saw you passed out at the kitchen table…" He paused, seemingly unable to articulate what they'd felt, as a shudder worked its way through his body.

"I don't know what we would've done if we'd found you dead. It was hard enough knowing that you hadn't called us when you needed us." Again, he paused, swallowed.

Bec trembled at the impact of his softly spoken words. She'd been wrong to ease them out of her life the way she had. Because of her own fear, she'd hurt them unintentionally, even though she'd been trying to do the opposite.

Teagan stirred in her arms. The beautiful blonde yawned widely and stretched her gorgeous body in a very tempting and sensuous invitation. Justin grinned again and planted a big, wet kiss on first Teagan's and then Bec's lips.

"Breakfast first."

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No Use By Date for Love


A little startled to have lost almost a full day and night, Bec tried unsuccessfully to extricate herself from the warm body entwined with hers. Laughing again, Justin turned, left the room, and promptly returning with a tray laden with food. Eggs, sausages, and pancakes were all piled high onto three large plates. Surrounded by the most delicious smells, Bec's stomach growled a reminder that she hadn't eaten for at least twenty-four hours, probably longer. Teagan giggled and hugged her, then scooted out from under the covers so she could eat. Sitting in the middle of the bed, unashamedly naked, Teagan kissed her husband and grabbed a plate. Less confident with her state of undress, Bec dragged the bed covers up to her breasts and settled against the headboard of the bed. Justin gave her a quizzical look but didn't comment as he handed her the plate laden with food.

They talked about inconsequential stuff, safe topics like the weather and the latest National Basketball rankings, as they ate. When the food was finished, Justin gathered the plates and utensils and left the room. Unsure what to do now, Bec stayed where she was and watched Teagan's pert ass wiggle as she searched for the television remote without actually getting off the bed. Desire pooled low in Bec's stomach.

As if she heard Bec's thoughts, Teagan turned to look over her shoulder, an encouraging smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

Taking her time, she crawled her way back to where Bec sat covered by the sheet. Never taking her eyes off Bec's face, she dragged the cover down past Bec's breasts. Her nipples sprang to aching life as Teagan ran her hands lovingly over the exposed flesh.

Lowering her head, she took a nipple into her mouth and at first sucked gently but then, without warning, bit down hard. Bec yelped in surprise but lifted off the bed, unconsciously thrusting the tingling nipple farther into Teagan's hot, wet mouth. Grabbing Teagan's delicious ass, Bec pulled her up and over her so that Teagan now supported her own weight on outstretched arms. Sliding down to get a better angle, Bec laved Teagan's nipple and flicked the hard little nub Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Rachel Clark

with the tip of her tongue. Teagan's delighted gasp encouraged Bec and gave her the confidence to try more. Still flicking her tongue against Teagan's nipples, Bec ran her hands down Teagan's back and paused at the perfect globes of her ass. Kneading them softly for a moment before lowering her hands to guide Teagan's long, sleek thighs so that she was on her knees straddling Bec's stomach, still with her hands supporting her weight on the headboard.

Sliding lower, Bec ran her hands all over Teagan learning her shape, her feel, her most sensitive places. Bec tangled both hands into the curls surrounding Teagan's clit, teased a little before pushing a finger into Teagan's damp heat. Bec marveled at how soft and warm and welcoming Teagan's vagina felt. Slick moisture drizzled down Bec fingers and onto her hand as her own body responded the same way. She shivered. Amazed and curious about Teagan's responsiveness to the simplest touch, Bec wriggled into position so that she could taste the glistening flesh. Teagan whimpered as she saw Bec's movement, guessing her intent.

Gently, Bec parted the folds with her hands and licked her with a long lave of her tongue. Teagan's sensuous groan encouraged a more thorough taste and Bec thrust her tongue deeply into her friend's fragrant heat. Twisting in ecstatic reaction, Teagan pushed her dripping pussy farther onto Bec's tongue. Bec found Teagan's swollen clitoris and sucked it into her mouth as Teagan's release began.

Teagan shivered, her orgasm claiming her, her body twisting and thrashing as she moaned her release.

Lapping at Teagan's cream, Bec almost launched off the bed when large hands gripped her thighs, pushed her legs open and plunged three fingers deeply into her own pulsing slit. Breathing hard, Teagan fell forward and rolled onto her side and smiled lazily as she watched her husband and her best friend.

* * * *

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No Use By Date for Love


Justin had walked into the room just as his wife's orgasm began, and he'd never been so hard, so fast. It was the most erotic thing he'd ever seen—his new lover, tongue fucking his wife. Urgently needing to join the fun, he'd rammed fingers into the only pussy he could reach and had nearly blown in his pants at her reaction.

Groaning again when he saw Bec's face covered in the cream from his wife's pussy, he slanted his mouth across hers and speared his tongue into her dark recess. Tasting both his women this way felt so exhilarating that he had to lift his head away for a moment to draw a gulp of air into his straining lungs

He felt his wife's hands undo the snap on his jeans, and he helped her pull them over his straining erection.

Bec lay still as she watched them strip his clothes away. They took their time to tease her, intent on drawing Bec's arousal to snapping point so that she would beg for the release he knew only he and Teagan could provide.

Bec arched toward the ceiling, unconsciously begging for their touch. He watched as she tried to control her breathing, tried to calm her fevered movement, tried and failed to stop the release building in her.

Justin sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed an errant curl out of Bec's eyes.

"I've always known you were this sensual, this passionate." He lay down beside her, and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. "We knew you were this hot, even if you didn't." Bec blinked several times, seeming to hold back tears. It was obvious she'd never even climaxed with her ex-husband, yet Justin and Teagan just had to look at her and she was on the verge of an orgasmic meltdown.

Taking his sweet time, Justin turned her onto her side so she faced Teagan. In a single, slow thrust he pushed his cock into her dripping vagina, groaning as her muscles stretched to accommodate his size.

Teagan kissed Bec deeply as Justin started a slow, easy glide in and out of her drenched pussy.

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Rachel Clark

Impatient now, Bec grabbed Teagan, kissing her aggressively until Teagan writhed against her. Teagan grabbed Bec's nipples, squeezing hard as Bec's convulsive reaction urged Justin to pump harder and faster into her wet pussy.

Bec slid a hand lower to find the hidden folds of flesh that hid Teagan's clitoris. Justin pumped into her from behind as he watched Bec run her finger around and around the swollen flesh of Teagan's clit. Justin pulled Bec more tightly to him, reached around to find her engorged clit, and gave it the same treatment Bec was giving to Teagan. Teagan came apart in Bec's arms just as her release shattered through her, frantically milking Justin's cock with the involuntary muscle spasms. Justin cried out in a harsh voice as his own release shook him.

* * * *

Bec had no idea how long they lay there panting, three sweating tangled bodies gasping air into their exhausted lungs. Slowly swimming back to reality, Bec was shocked to find herself crying.

Justin turned her onto her back. Concern creased his forehead as he looked to his wife for guidance. Teagan shook her head as her own eyes filled with tears. Justin helped both women into sitting positions and eyed Bec as she tried to wipe away the evidence.

"Bec, talk to us. Please tell us why you're so upset. Did we hurt you?" He sounded so anxious that Bec could barely breathe as she tried to form the words to explain.

Shocked that they would interpret her reaction to their beautiful and reverent lovemaking in such a way, she hauled herself onto her knees so that could pull them both into her embrace.

"I'm sorry." She swallowed, trying to dislodge the emotion clogging her throat. "You didn't hurt me. You've shown me a side of myself that I've been trying to deny for years. You've both opened up Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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No Use By Date for Love


my world and taught me that there is a bright side to the end of my marriage."

She rocked back onto her heels as she eyed them both, but they still looked unconvinced.

"Explain why you were crying then. If we've made you so happy, why would you cry about it?" Teagan demanded. She dropped her gaze but not before Bec saw the skepticism and hurt written all over Teagan's beautiful face. With a shaking hand, Bec reached over and lifted Teagan's chin so that she could see her eyes.

"It's just that I finally know myself, but you'll go home, and I'll be here craving your friendship, your care, and your touches again. I've spent the last five years trying to forget how much I yearn for you both. Now that I actually know how incredibly hot and amazing you both are, how do I leave you again?" Realizing that her plea for their understanding had included a few more details than she'd meant to share, Bec turned her head away while rapidly blinking to stop the tears that again threatened her fragile composure.

Justin grasped her jaw in a gentle grip and turned her face to his.

Watching her carefully, he asked the question she'd been dreading they'd ask for the last few days. "If you loved us and wanted us both, why did you marry that dickhead and move halfway across the country?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, glancing from one pained face to the other.

"What we mean, honey," Teagan put in, "is why did you run from us when you love us as much as we love you?"

Shaking her head slowly, Bec again glanced from one to the other.

She'd never suspected that they'd felt the same way, that they'd been physically attracted to her, too.

"I'm the third wheel. I needed to get out of the way so that you two could have the relationship that you both deserved." Again, she had difficulty interpreting their silence and tried one more time to Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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explain her actions. "You got married. You found each other once I was out of the picture."

Now it was Teagan's turn to cry.

"You misguided, soft hearted, crazy woman," Justin growled lovingly at her as he pulled both women into his embrace. "You're not a third wheel. You're the one who completes us. You're the third piece of our beautiful triangle, and if the last couple days haven't convinced you of that, I'm not sure what will."

Pulling away from Justin's arms, her gaze bouncing from one to the other, Bec tried to stop the countless questions that swirled through her mind. Her stomach clenched tightly, fear and nervousness warring with excitement, as she finally understood the future they were asking her to share.

A small smile curved her lips as she considered it and Teagan squealed in delight and launched herself into Bec's grasp. Momentum pushed them both backwards into Justin's waiting arms.

"But wait, wait." Bec laughed. "Where will we live? How will we explain our relationship? And I've got no money, so I'll need to get a job and sell this house and settle my ex-husbands debts."

"Details, details," Teagan, joyously, dismissed Bec's concerns with a wave of her hand. She turned to the Bec and planted a knee-weakening kiss on her pliant mouth. Bec kissed her back, almost losing her train of thought in the sensual haze that flooded her whenever this woman touched her. She pulled away suddenly as a worrying thought coalesced in her brain.

"But what happens when you two want children?"

Both Justin and Teagan stilled at the question. Suddenly uncomfortable with the silence, Bec wanted to crawl under the covers and pretend she hadn't raised the subject. She'd wanted to have children with her ex-husband, but he'd used the building of his business to keep putting it off. Children, he'd explained, were expensive, so they needed to be financially stable before they took on such a huge responsibility. Acknowledging the logic of his argument, Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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