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Authors: Rachel Clark

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No Use By Date for Love


she'd worked and waited for their financial success. If she'd known how that would to turn out, she might've argued a little harder.

Justin and Teagan still looked miserable, and Bec realized that there was something important that they weren't telling her. Teagan's eyes were brimming with moisture as Justin spoke.

"We haven't been able to carry a child to term. Teag has had three miscarriages in the last four years, and the last one damaged her uterus beyond repair."

Bec's eyes filled and tears flowed unheeded down her face.

Teagan turned her face into Justin's shoulder seemingly to try to gain control over the sobs that wrenched free from her. Justin comforted his wife as he held her in his arms, running his hands over her back and up onto her shoulders as he kissed her lovingly on the top of her head.

Bec couldn't watch. It felt too personal, too intimate for her to be watching such anguish when she hadn't been there to help them both through the tragedies. Justin rocked her in his embrace as Teagan slowly regained her control. She looked completely exhausted. She closed her eyes, and within moments fell asleep in her husband's strong embrace.

Lifting off the bed, intent on escaping Justin's sharp gaze, Bec quietly moved toward the door of the room. A large male hand gripped her wrist as she passed, and questioning eyes locked with hers. Shaking her head slightly, she answered his question. No, she wasn't running from them again. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Teagan's forehead. The pain she felt for her friend was nothing compared to what this couple had endured, and she wanted to give them space to work through the emotions. She also needed time alone to think of her future and to make decisions based on logic and sense rather than raw, intense passion.

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Rachel Clark

Chapter 6

Bec had spent the last few hours quietly catching up on her housework and had just refilled the coffeemaker when slender arms wrapped around her middle and a sweet kiss landed on the side of her neck. Turning to face Teagan, Bec pulled her into her arms in a fierce embrace and held her tightly against her heart.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

Teagan hugged her tighter. "I missed you, but I think I understand why you left."

"Justin said the damage to your uterus is permanent"—Teagan nodded against Bec's chest—"but he didn't say anything about your ovaries. Were they damaged as well?"

Pulling back a little so she could see Bec's face, Teagan shook her head, her eyes swimming with questions. Seeming to hold her breath, Teagan waited for Bec to put her thoughts into words.

"As far as I know, my uterus is healthy. I could carry yours and Justin's child if you wanted me to."

Enthusiastically embracing the idea that had been growing in her head for the last few hours, Bec smiled at Teagan's shock and babbled on in an effort to convince her that it was a good idea.

"I can see how much you two want a baby. Let me do this for you.

Let me repay you for all you've done for me."

"Repay us for what?" Justin asked happily as he entered the room and made a beeline for the freshly brewed coffee. With his back to them both, he opened and closed cupboards until he found the mugs and began to pour himself coffee. The room fell completely silent and Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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No Use By Date for Love


Justin must've sensed that something wasn't quite right because he turned to face both women, a frown spreading across his features.

Raising an eyebrow, he silently waited for an explanation. Teagan spoke first.

"Bec was suggesting that she carry our child so that she can
"—she spat the word out—"us for everything we've done for her."

Confused by Teagan's obvious anger, Bec glanced to Justin for help. He looked at her as if he'd never seen her before.

"Why would you feel the need to 'repay' us?" he growled angrily.

Caught in a sudden and unexpected whirlwind of hurt and rejection and unable to understand their anger, Bec spun around, intent on finding a place to hide and assess how her idea had caused such a reaction. Two voices cried out her name as she stumbled out of the room, raced down the hallway and staggered into the bathroom.

Bec pushed the door closed behind her, locked it, and then slid down to sit on the cold tiles. She pulled her knees up to her chin and ducked her head down as hot tears leaked down her face.

She heard Justin and Teagan on the other side of the door but didn't want to hear what they were saying.

"Go away!" she mumbled in a voice clogged with misery.

"Sweetheart," Teagan called through the door, "we're sorry we reacted like that. You just took us by surprise."

"Bec, honey, open the door please," Justin pleaded. "Please talk to us."

Gathering her courage and realizing that locking herself in the bathroom was a fruitless and childish attempt to hide, Bec levered herself onto her knees to unlock and open the door.

Two warm bodies quickly surrounded her and pulled her back into their comforting embrace. Holding her face in his large hands, Justin peppered her reddened skin with tender little kisses.

"We're sorry, honey. It was just a shock that you would offer something so huge as a repayment to some kind of debt that you Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Rachel Clark

imagine you owe us. You don't owe either of us anything. Our love and friendship is freely given and doesn't come with a price tag."

"But I want to do this for you two."

Glancing at his wife's small nod, Justin relented.

"Okay, if you're determined to do this, we'll talk about it. But
we do this, it will be for the right reasons." His arms closed more tightly around both women. "Now, how about we get off this cold floor?"

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No Use By Date for Love


Chapter 7

She found him staring out the back window, a forgotten cup of coffee going cold in his hand. Teagan knew the sadness he felt.

Tomorrow they would to travel home, just of the two of them. No amount of discussion or pleading had convinced Bec to leave her life here and come home with them. She'd stubbornly clung to the argument that she needed to sort out the mess and try to save the jobs of the people who worked for her ex-husband's company. She'd eventually convinced them that she needed to do this alone and, knowing that they should return to their business as well, had refused to accept either their money or their time.

Justin heard Teagan come into the kitchen and turned easily to open his arms to her. She walked into the familiar masculine embrace and sighed sadly.

"We have today, love. We can put it to best use reminding her of how much she is loved, and that we'll be waiting for her to finish here quickly and come home to us."

Teagan smiled into his eyes as many possible and pleasant scenarios unfurled in her imagination. Pulling his head to her mouth she sucked his tongue deep into her throat and, with a sensuous groan, grabbed his hips and pulled his growing erection to her body.

"Give me five minutes, and I'll meet you in Bec's study. We'll show her something much more fun than sorting invoices and balancing accounts."

As she turned, he swatted her ass as she walked away, a wicked chuckle escaping his lips.

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* * * *

Deep in concentration, Bec only vaguely registered Teagan entering the room. When she stayed quiet, Bec absently glanced over to where the woman stood and had already returned her attention to the account statement in front of her when it finally registered what Teagan wore. Putting down her pen, Bec swung her desk chair around so that she could have a closer look at Teagan's gorgeous body and suggestive smile.

"I've decided," Teagan said commandingly, "that you've done enough work for today."

Teagan had poured her beautiful breasts into a black leather bra that pushed them high up on her chest, the plump fullness spilling over the top. On her hips, she wore a wide leather belt that held a dozen or more multicolored scarves hanging demurely to her knees.

Teagan sashayed over to the desk, teasing Bec with tantalizing glimpses of her sexy legs and unclothed pussy.

Teagan stopped in front of her, raised a beautiful bare foot and placed it on the chair firmly between Bec's thighs. Bec's breath hitched in her throat as she smelled not only her own hot arousal but, also the sweet, familiar scent that was uniquely Teagan's. Leaning forward, Teagan grabbed Bec's shoulders and whispered in her ear,

"What's your favorite color?"

Bec's mouth hung open as she tried to comprehend the meaning of the words coming out of Teagan's delectable lips when all she could think about was sliding off her chair, dipping her face to Teagan's glistening flesh, and tongue fucking her as hard and as fast as she could.

Teagan licked the sensitive shell of Bec's ear and asked again,

"What's your favorite color?" and then bit down until Bec yelped.

Teagan soothed the bite mark with her tongue as she waited for Bec to answer.

"P-pink" she stuttered.

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No Use By Date for Love


Teagan looked down at the pink scarf that, even now, rubbed gently against her hair covered mound.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," she said as she waggled a finger in front of Bec's face. "Going straight for the prize makes you a very naughty girl."

Pulling a yellow scarf from the side of her belt Teagan wrapped it around Bec's left wrist and pulled it into a knot.

"What's your favorite color?" she asked again.

"P-pink" Bec stuttered again.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty," Teagan told her again in a sensually commanding voice.

Getting a good grip on Bec's shirt, Teagan ripped it open. Buttons flew every which way, and she seemed very pleased to see that Bec wore nothing underneath. Teagan pushed the shirt off Bec's arms, and then she slid her hands from Bec's right shoulder, past her elbow, and gathered her wrists into her hands. Firmly, she tied a knot around the right wrist with the other end of the scarf so that Bec could no longer separate her hands more than a couple of inches.

Bec heard a groan from the doorway, and both women turned to see Justin, leaning against the doorjamb fully clothed but with his engorged cock clearly outlined against the fly of his pants.

"Ah, just what I needed," she sighed dramatically. "Be a dear and help me with this naughty girl."

"My pleasure," he said obediently, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Justin marched into the room and lifted Bec into a standing position. Teagan quickly undid Bec's jeans and pulled them and her underwear down and off her legs.
Naked and naughty,
Bec thought, as a giggle escaped from her lips.

A firm nod from Teagan turned Bec's world upside down as Justin bent her over his knee and placed a stinging slap on her left ass cheek.

Tears sprang to Bec's eyes at the extreme sensation, but she sobbed as the burn slowly morphed into a delicious warmth that pooled low in her pussy and began rolling down her legs.

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Rachel Clark

Again, Teagan asked her question. "What's your favorite color?"

"Pink." She almost grinned against Justin's calf.

The sharp slap came almost immediately, and Bec would've fallen onto the floor if Justin hadn't held her so firmly in his grasp. Again, liquid heat rushed over her clenching pussy. A tongue laved her heated ass cheeks soothing the raw skin, inflaming her senses even more.

Again, the question, and again, she answered using what was fast becoming her favorite word—pink.

The slap came fast and hard and was followed by several fingers diving deeply into her aching pussy. She bucked wildly under the onslaught, feeling stretched and filled by the fingers as they worked her into a frenzy of need. She was on the verge of the most incredible orgasm she'd ever felt, and well beyond caring about anything but the delicious sensations that threatened to tear her apart.

Teagan asked the question again, but before Bec could answer, a big hand covered her mouth and a rough voice whispered, "Next time, they go in your ass."

Whimpering, she said the word that promised to shatter her world.


The hot tingle brought tears to her eyes, and the hand working her pussy into a frenzy, withdrew. Slowly, two wide, well-lubricated fingers pushed into her anus. Several fingers from a smaller hand ground into her pussy, and another found the tightly coiled nerves of her clitoris. Feeling skewered from both angles, she squirmed and growled in ecstasy as they pushed her over the edge and into an explosive orgasm. A strong hand on her lower back held her in place as her senses went into overload and the world exploded into a million different colors. The quivering seemed to go on forever, as the muscles all over her body released from their tightly wound state.

Scorching heat flowed through her veins as her pussy and ass pulsed in delight and dragged the fingers deeper into her body.

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No Use By Date for Love

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