No Use By Date For Love (2 page)

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Authors: Rachel Clark

BOOK: No Use By Date For Love
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When was the last time she'd woken feeling this content?

Bec stiffened and tried to blink her eyes into focus. She glanced around and found that she lay curled on her couch in her living room.

Her head still ached, and her brain refused to work, but the sudden realization that she lay cuddled up to her best friend's husband hit her like a speeding truck.

Panic and shame made her scramble off the lounge, but before she could get herself untangled from the blanket, a solid pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her back down to lay her head on a warm shoulder.

"Ssshhhh…it's okay, sweetheart. Just relax and go back to sleep."

She felt so tempted to do exactly as that low, thrumming voice ordered, but Bec's conscience screamed at her to extract herself from anything that could hurt Teagan and damage their friendship. Justin may have been her best friend years ago, but Teagan was his wife now, and Bec knew she had no right to lie with him on her couch in such an intimate fashion.

As if he could read her mind and understand her logic, Justin let her sit up, steadying her with his hands when she almost toppled headfirst onto the floor in her haste.

"Oh good, you're awake," Teagan smiled happily as she entered the room. "I've got breakfast. Coffee and Danish were the best I could Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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find." She grimaced apologetically and handed over the paper cups from the local fast-food chain.

Bec felt her face color with embarrassment. She hadn't been grocery shopping for weeks. She'd been so busy trying to find a way to avoid her husband and his construction business that they'd eaten separately most nights. Take-away food had been a big part of her diet lately.

Once again, the reality of her situation weighed on her shoulders.

Not only was she broke, but so was the business she'd been working so hard to avoid. She'd foolishly trusted her husband to fix their company and personal situation, and instead, he'd not only devastated her financially, but with his seemingly callous indifference, would probably cost his staff their jobs as well.

"Coffee, extra sweet," Teagan said as she handed her a cup. "You look like you could use it."

"Do I look that sour?" Bec grumbled ungraciously, only just starting to realize how her friends must be seeing her—an older, heavier, pitiable shadow of the woman they used to know. She couldn't remember the last time a proper meal or grocery shopping or housework had been a priority or…oh Lord—when was her last shower? Not only did she feel wretched, she was probably a frightful, stinky mess as well.

Bec titled her head, trying to untwist the stiff muscles in her neck.

It felt like she'd been studying invoices and statements for weeks, and yesterday she'd only answered the phone to shut up the incessant noise. She remembered talking to Teagan, but could barely remember what they'd said.

"Not sour," Teagan said kindly. "Exhausted, sad, and tired."

Again, Teagan wrapped her arms around Bec and held on tight.

Remembering her suspected smelly problem, Bec pulled back a little muttering, "I think I better go have a shower. I wasn't exactly expecting visitors, and well, as you can see by the mess, housework hasn't really been a priority."

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No Use By Date for Love


Teagan glanced at Justin, before stepping back to take charge of the situation. "Good idea, but maybe a warm relaxing bath would be better. I'll go run it for you."

Before Bec even thought to react, Teagan had left the room to do exactly that. Bec glanced toward Justin to find him watching her.

"Drink your coffee, sweetheart, and then go have a long soak."

The endearment almost melted her heart. It wasn't any different from how they'd spoken to each other as teenagers, but now, in her battered and weary heart, it held much greater meaning. She'd lived so long without any affection from her husband that such simple words made her feel pathetically weak. Justin must have seen her expression because he moved forward and enfolded her in his embrace once again.

Bec tried not to relax into his embrace, tried to resist the seductive comfort of his voice. Tried and failed. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight as she willed herself not to start crying again.

Justin rubbed his hands up and down her spine, the rhythm soothing and hypnotic. He massaged up to her shoulders and then moved into her hair. Strong fingers kneaded her scalp, helping to relieve the headache that seemed a constant pain since her husband's exit. Hell, maybe she was past her use by date. She'd never felt so old and tired. She bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall again.

A soft voice from the doorway told her that the bath was ready, and Bec almost launched herself out of Justin's arms as guilt swamped her. She felt very unworthy of Teagan's friendship, could barely look at the woman, yet she gave Bec a soft smile and clasped her hand to lead her down the hallway.

Bec stumbled over the tiles a little as she went through the door to the bathroom, and Teagan made a quick grab at her arm to steady her.

Again, Bec's eyes filled with moisture as she thought of how she'd felt so comforted in this woman's husband's arms. It was wrong and Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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selfish, and she hated the weakness that had overridden her common sense.

Teagan must've sensed Bec's distress because she embraced her again.

"Bec, let's get you into the bath." Teagan spoke in a soft voice, the words low and soothing.

Slowly, she began to unbutton Bec's oversized shirt. Surprised and a little embarrassed, Bec tried to brush Teagan's hands aside so that she could fumble open the buttons herself.

Bec shivered, feeling a little uncomfortable. She'd had many dreams over the years about Teagan and Justin. She'd fantasized making love to them both and she desperately wanted to hide her unspoken desires.

She'd been so confused as a teenager that, in her early twenties, she married the first guy who showed an interest and moved halfway across the country. It had taken years of misery before she'd been able to admit her mistake. She'd been running from Teagan and Justin and her intense sexual feelings, not running to a husband but understanding her error didn't mean she wanted to share it with anyone else, including Teagan. Especially Teagan.

"Bec, please let me take care of you. You look so exhausted, and I'm worried that you'll fall on your face if I leave you alone."

She tempered her words with a quirky smile, but Bec could see Teagan really was worried about her. It had been so long, and it felt so good to have someone who actually cared that Bec smiled softly and pulled Teagan to her for a quick hug.

After a moment, Teagan stepped away, smiled and then carefully guided Bec into a sitting position on the edge of the big spa bath.

Moving even more slowly, she started to undo Bec's shirt, all the while watching her face. Bec found she no longer wanted to protest as her breathing accelerated and nervous little thrills danced through her stomach.

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No Use By Date for Love


In no hurry, Teagan pushed the shirt from Bec's shoulders and pulled it off her arms one at a time. She leaned forward and in a half hug managed to undo the clasp on Bec's bra and pull it carefully down her arms. The combination of Teagan's gentle movement and the cool bathroom air, beaded Bec's nipples into hard points. Embarrassed to be so aroused by such a simple touch, Bec tried to cover herself with her arms, but one look at Teagan's face made her hesitate.

Teagan was looking at the tightly peaked nipples and biting her lips like she'd like to taste Bec more than she wanted her next breath.

A fleeting glance at Teagan's chest proved that Bec wasn't the only one turned on by the unusual situation.

Teagan seemed to make a huge effort to pull her attention back to the task she'd begun. "Stand up," she ordered in a husky voice.

Without thought, Bec followed her instructions, and Teagan hooked her fingers into the waistband of her old sweatpants and quickly lowered both them and her underwear to the floor. Standing again, she offered her hand so that Bec could step out of the clothing and into the bath.

Reaching over her, Teagan turned on the shower spray and adjusted the temperature.

"Lean forward a bit, Bec, so I can wash your hair."

Bec moved so the water ran over her scalp and back. Warm rivulets flowed down over her tired shoulders, helping to ease the stress and tension, and encouraging her to relax into Teagan's care.

Teagan put the spray down and poured a generous amount of shampoo into her hands. Slowly, she worked it into Bec's hair and massaged her scalp helping to ease Bec's headache. Angling Bec's head forward a little, Teagan also massaged the sore muscles of Bec's neck and shoulders, helping her to unwind a little more.

"Lean forward again, sweetie." The soft whisper sent a shiver of arousal tingling down Bec's spine and she only just managed to swallow that groan that tried to escape her mouth.

Again, the soothing water flowed over her scalp and shoulders.

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Bec leaned her head back on the edge of the tub while Teagan used a washcloth to cleanse and relax the rest of Bec's muscles.

With infinite care, Teagan washed and massaged her arms, legs and feet, gradually moving to her hips, and then gently washed her back and finally her front.

By the time Teagan had finished her ministrations, Bec's nipples ached to be touched and her pussy had begun to pulse. Feeling cared for and cherished for the first time in a very long time, she felt beyond embarrassment, too relaxed and too comfortable to worry about anything other than the sleepy world that beckoned.

In her dream, muscular arms lifted her from the water, and someone towel dried her while she clung to a muscular neck.

Seductive whispers bade her to lean against a warm, solid chest as she was wrapped in a towel and then laid on her bed. Gathered close in the hug of loving arms, she drifted deeper into unconsciousness.

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No Use By Date for Love


Chapter 3

Once again, Bec woke cuddled up to a hard male body. This time, her brain wasn't so foggy, and she reacted almost immediately, but the arms around her stalled her panicked movement and a soft female voice spoke soothingly in her ear.

"Bec, honey, it's just us. Please calm down. It's okay. Ssshhhh, it's okay."

Teagan was lying behind her and scooted closer to give her a tight hug from behind. Bec tried to control her erratic breathing as she glanced up to see Justin watching her face. She closed her eyes. A tangle of confused emotions swept through her as her chest tightened in excitement and a tinge of fear. She was fairly certain she wasn't dreaming, despite how similar to her fantasies this situation seemed.

Part of her screamed at her to do the sensible thing—to get up, get dressed and leave these two,
these married two
, alone. Another part of her begged her to stay where she was—secure in the loving embrace of the two people who had, at one time, been the most important in her life.

Tenderly, almost reverently, Justin leaned forward to press his lips to her mouth. She could feel Teagan behind her, and it took a moment to realize that Teagan knew what her husband was doing. A series of soft kisses along her shoulders confirmed that Teagan really didn't mind that her husband kissed Bec.

Justin rubbed his lips across hers and sucked her bottom lip into the warm heat of his mouth. His tongue ran over her teeth seeking entry, encouraging a response. Teagan's small bite on Bec's shoulder made her gasp in surprised pleasure, and Justin, taking full advantage Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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of her response, swept his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss.

His hands trembled slightly as he rolled Bec onto her back. His tongue tangled with hers, sliding deeper, filling her with the aching need to be loved. He lifted his head, looked into her eyes, and silently asked for something. Something she didn't quite understand.

A small voice in her ear whispered a question that had her turning to smile at the woman beside her. Bec swallowed and nodded first to Teagan and then to Justin.

Teagan leaned over and began kissing Bec on the lips, gently at first and then more insistently, more thoroughly. Bec welcomed her into her mouth with a groan that spoke more loudly than mere words could ever convey.

Justin ran his hands over his wife, removing the clothing he could reach without interrupting the kiss she and Bec shared. Bec felt his movements as he adjusted himself inside his jeans several times before rolling off the bed to remove the offending clothing.

Both women watched him peel his jeans and boxer shorts down his legs, his erection lying heavily against the smattering of dark hair on his belly. Bec swallowed audibly and again looked to Teagan for reassurance. Teagan smiled and leaned over Bec to untangle the towel she'd slept in.

Despite her arousal and deep emotional reaction, Bec found herself suddenly embarrassed by the weight she'd gained since her last visit. She made a desperate grab to hold the towel close to her.

Teagan fell back her face showing her confusion and hurt.

Glancing at Teagan and then back to Bec, Justin lowered himself to the bed, caution written on his face as he made soothing sounds.

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