Nation and Family: Personal Law, Cultural Pluralism, and Gendered Citizenship in India (57 page)

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. Writ Petitions Nos. 8505 of 1988-N and 4319 of 1991-N;
Mary Sonia Zachariah
(1995) at 33–37.

Mary Sonia Zachariah
(1995) at 57.

Anil Kumar Mahsi v. Union of India

. There are still minor differences between the divorce rights of Christians and Hindus. For instance, the nonresumption of cohabitation after judicial separation is a ground for divorce among Hindus, but not among Christians. Indian Divorce (Amendment) Act, 2001; Joint Women’s Programme 2000.

. India. Ministry of Law. Law Commission of India 1983, 1998; Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs 2001; India. Parliament Standing Committee on Home Affairs 2001, 5–7.

. A high court (
Sohan Lal v. A. Z. Makuin
(1929)) recognized the adoption rights of certain Punjabi Christians in 1929, based on the argument that various agrarian castes in the region had retained, after their conversion to Christianity, their adoption customs, which were meant to provide them heirs if they did not have sons, rather than to serve a religious or ritual purpose. But other courts do not seem to have followed this precedent, and another bench of the late colonial period (
Ranbir Karam Singh v. Jogindra C. Bhattachargi
(1940) at 139) found insufficient evidence that adoption customs existed among Punjabi Christians.

Vasanti v. Pharez John Abraham
Mrs. T. Crauford v. Ms. Maary Disilva

Maxin George & Mary George v. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
. (2005); Moreover, it made the recognition of adoption contingent on authorized individuals having given the child in adoption.

Biju Ramesh v. J. P. Vijayakumar
Ajit Dutt v. Mrs. Ethel Walters
(2000). The first bench did not however overrule
because it was not satisfied that adoption had indeed taken place in the case it considered, and the second bench’s divided opinion about
did not prevent it from delivering a judgment, since it too did not find that adoption had been proven.

Jose v. Alice
George Sebastian @ Joy v. Molly Joseph @ Nish

. The Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 does not specify the spouses’ shares, and the Christian women’s organizations may not soon gain the equal shares they have sought.



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