My Only - Alex & Jamie (21 page)

Read My Only - Alex & Jamie Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Series

BOOK: My Only - Alex & Jamie
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Maybe he was just one of those guys that loved the chase. They just wanted to know they could have you if they wanted and then, once they knew they could, they completely lost interest. That thought made her feel sick to her stomach. But oh well, it was definitely better to find out now.

She was so frustrated at herself. She had actually been nervous about coming over here today. Last night when she had found Chelle and Joey, Chelle said he was complaining of a stomach ache, so Jamie had immediately taken him home. After a bath and a tablespoon of Pepto Bismol he had fallen right to sleep. But she had left the festival so abruptly she hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye to Alex.

She had figured that as soon as she walked in the front door, the first thing Alex would do was bring up the parting remark she made to him in the hall the previous night. But that hadn’t happened.

Nope, it sure as heck hadn’t.

See, she thought to herself, this is why I made The Plan and decided to avoid relationships! People were bound to disappoint you. They were hot and then cold, for seemingly no reason at all. She had only started having second thoughts about her plan because her gut had told her that she could trust Alex. She made a mental note to herself that from now on she should
trust her gut instinct.

She had really thought that maybe Alex was different. She had honestly begun to believe that he cared, that she might be special to him. But thinking about it now she realized what an idiot she had been to think that. It was just like those girls said at The Grill: now that he was on the mend and out of the hospital, she was old news.

The most frustrating part was that she only had herself to blame. Alex was just being who Alex was. He hadn’t made any promises to her, or any great declarations of love. Basically he had just flirted a little and then been a really good friend to her. The rest she had either manufactured or projected.

Oh well, she thought, lesson learned. No harm, no foul. At this point she just wanted to leave with a shred of dignity and put these past couple of weeks firmly in the rearview.

“Okay. Well, if you notice any swelling or you start running a fever, be sure to give Dr. Corbin a call,” she instructed sharply as she washed her hands.

As soon as she finished she grabbed her purse and without, sparing him a second glance, she swiftly headed to the front door. He moved quickly and, just as she reached out for the doorknob, he was there, pressed up against the door, blocking her path. She looked up at him, confused about what he was doing standing in front of her.

“What?” she asked, a little irritated that he was dragging her departure out.

“You’re done?” he asked.

She nodded briskly.

“This was your last home visit?” he clarified.

Jamie pulled her purse strap up farther on her shoulder and sighed, “Yep.”

“So you are officially off the clock?” Alex’s body language seemed relaxed but there was an odd intensity in his voice. It caused the baby hairs on the nape of her neck to stand up.

“Yes. Why? Did you need something else?” She tried to remain professional but he was really testing her patience.

His face broke out in one of his Alex-Sloan-All-Access smiles as he said, “Yes, I do need something.”

The next thing she knew, the arm on which he still wore a cast wrapped around her lower back and pulled her tightly against his rock hard body. His other hand cradled her jaw as his thumb lightly traced her lower lip. His eyes followed his thumb’s path as it brushed lightly across her lip.

She felt a groan vibrate through him as he growled, “I need this.” And with that declaration, his lips replaced his thumb.

Alex kissed her slowly at first, as if he was memorizing every single inch of her mouth. He sucked and pulled her lower lip between his as he nipped it lightly with his teeth before softly running his tongue along it. His kiss, his lips, were the perfect combination of soft and firm. She parted her lips and the second his tongue touched hers it was as if a bomb of passion exploded inside of her.

Jamie wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the pent up longing that she had been feeling for him. Her body filled with more need than she had ever felt before in her life. She heard a whimper of pleasure escape her mouth as he raked his hand through her hair, his fingers firmly holding her in place, taking complete control of the kiss.

Her body pulsed with desire as she pressed herself tightly against him. She felt his steel hard member pressing against her belly and it caused a rush of liquid heat at her core. He felt so good. He was so solid, so strong. She rubbed her body against his, causing her already sensitized nerves to tingle with pleasure.

She was completely overwhelmed by the sensations that his body, his kiss were evoking in her. The masterful way he was digging his fingertips firmly into her neck and scalp felt like an erotic massage that was sending tremors down her body. His full lips locked perfectly with hers, making her to feel totally enveloped by him.

She felt herself getting dizzy from the sweet shocks of bliss his mouth was causing. He alternated softly kissing then firmly sucking her upper and lower lips. His tongue teased hers as it swept firmly across before pulling back and lightly touching just the tip of her tongue then sweeping firmly over once again.

She never knew that a kiss could feel like this. So raw. So powerful. So intense. She was consumed by it. She felt almost manic in her need for it, for him.

Then, far too soon, he broke the kiss and moved away from her mouth, grazing his lips across her cheeks as he slowly, softly peppered kisses along her jawline. He continued his sensual journey south as he shifted his attention to her neck.

She closed her eyes listening to their labored breathing and the suctioning sound of Alex’s mouth against her skin as he sucked, licked and kissed her neck. It was an erotic soundtrack she never wanted to stop playing.

She felt him pull away from her and heard his head fall back against the front door. She opened her eyes and saw his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath he took. She looked up to find that his eyes were shut.

Jamie was out of breath and more than a little light-headed. Her legs were wobbly and her head was swirling as she held onto Alex, panting from the sheer pleasure he had just caused. Her mind swam with lust, but she did manage to scrape together enough brain power to ask, “Are you okay?”

“I just need a minute,” he said, not really answering her question.

She couldn’t believe how carried away she had just gotten. What had she been thinking? Then, a terrible thought occurred to her. What if she had hurt him? Maybe she had crushed his ribs when she was rubbing against him like a cat in heat!

“Oh my God, Alex, did I hurt you?”

He let out a strangled laugh. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

She was still baffled as to why he had pulled away abruptly. And she was not completely convinced he was telling the truth about whether or not he was hurt. So, she asked, “Are you in pain?”

His sultry green eyes opened now, staring into hers, “Nothing serious. Just a severe case of blue balls.”

“Oh, good.” She placed her hand over her chest and exhaled loudly, relieved that she hadn’t hurt him.

One eyebrow raised as the corners of his mouth twitched. “Good? You think blue balls are good?”

Her eyes widened. “! I just...I meant that I was glad that I didn’t hurt you!”

His full lips turned up into a sexy, smug smile. “Oh? Is that what you meant?”

Jamie tried to suppress a smile of her own as she swatted his arm. “If I had a pillow right now, I'd throw it at you.”

Her eyes sparked as she began to move away to grab one of the pillows, but Alex quickly pulled her back and wrapped his arms tightly around her so that she had to remain pressed up against him. She felt a wave of arousal wash over her as she gazed up into his gorgeous emerald-green eyes. God, she loved his eyes - not just the color and not just the shape, but the way they looked when he gazed at her. Oh, man. He didn’t even have to say anything when he looked at her like that. The way his eyes focused on her, the emotion that swam just below the surface, communicated so much.

Continuing his tingle-inducing stare, he rested his forehead against hers as he held her close. She felt his hands moving up and down, slowly rubbing her lower back. She shivered. It was like he instinctively knew exactly where to place his fingers, and exactly the right amount of pressure to apply, in order to cause her body to feel absolutely desperate for more.

Jamie took in a deep breath and tried to steady her pounding heart. “What am I going to do with you?” she said raggedly, as much to herself as to him.

Alex tightened his grip on her as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Anything you want. I’m yours.”

His words made her heart race faster and her palms grow moist. She quickly told herself not to place too much significance on his response. Over the years, she had heard a lot of guys say a lot of things. Some of them were true. Most weren't.

But...the thought that Alex could really be hers? That was too exciting for even her to ignore.

She was formulating a follow up question to his statement when her phone vibrated in her purse.

“Do you have to get that?” Alex asked still holding her in his arms.

“I do. Joey wasn’t feeling so good last night.”

Alex immediately released his hold on her and Jamie pulled her phone from her purse. After checking the message she knew the fantasy moment that she allowed herself to indulge in was over. She sighed, trying desperately not to be too disappointed.

“Joey’s sick, I need to go.”

“Is he okay?” Alex asked, concern etching his handsome stubbled face, “I can go with you.”

It was one of the sweetest offers she thought she had ever had and her heart melted just a little. She lifted up on her toes and gave him one more brief kiss, “He’ll be fine. He ate too much candy last night and I told him not to have any today, but apparently he didn’t listen. And as much as I appreciate the offer, I don’t think spending the evening with a puking five-year-old is really your idea of a good time.”

His face grew serious, “Any time with you and Joey is my idea of a good time.”

That was it. That was all it took for her heart to completely melt. He hadn’t just said anytime with
would be a good time, he had included Joey - and a sick Joey at that.

She smiled as she took in a shaky breath, her eyes getting a little misty, “You’re not gonna make this easy on me are you?”

“What?” His brow furrowed.

“Sticking to my plan. No dating.” She explained.

He tilted his head as his lips curved into one of his patented Alex-Sloan-All-Access smiles, “You’re just figuring that out now?”

She laughed as he dipped his head, then stopped laughing when his lips touched hers. He gave her a scorching hot goodbye kiss before opening the door and practically pushing her out of it. She looked back at him a little dazed.

“Go now,” he commanded, “before I pull your sweet little ass back in here.”

Jamie tried to hide her smile as she quickly turned to go to her car. She never thought she would be so happy to hear someone refer to her rear end that way, but somehow when Alex did it it was, well…sweet.

Chapter Sixteen

Alex sped through the streets to get to Jamie’s house as fast as humanly possible. Hazel had called a few minutes ago, saying that Joey needed a nebulizer treatment and she didn’t know how to turn on the machine. He hadn’t asked any questions, just pulled on a sweatshirt and raced out the door.

He was a Harper’s Crossing firefighter. He had been the first responder on plenty of 911 calls and, because it was a small town, more often than not he knew the patient. None of those calls had ever bothered him. They had never made his chest feel tight and his stomach knot up.

Alex didn’t get ruffled or upset. He was known for always staying calm, cool and collected. In fact some of his fellow firefighters had nicknamed him Triple C for that very reason.

But Hazel’s call, in contrast, had sent him into panic mode. As he drove, he was kicking himself for not asking Hazel if Joey was wheezing, if he was he coughing, if he was he exchanging air, if his lips were blue. All of these things were indicators that he may need to go to the emergency room. He had his medic kit in the truck but maybe she should have called an ambulance.

Horrible scenarios were flashing through his mind as he pulled up the small driveway next to Jamie’s duplex. He looked through the large front window and saw Joey sitting calmly eating a Go-Gurt. Or was he choking? Maybe he was choking. Alex threw open the door and made it to the doorway in about three strides and knocked, hard.

Joey opened the door smiling from ear to ear, “Hey Alex, did you come to play Transformers?”

Alex let out a huge breath upon seeing Joey responsive and breathing. He kneeled down and mussed his hair, “Hey, little man, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah. My tummy’s better, but Mom says no more candy for two weeks,” Joey looked like he was not too thrilled about that no-candy timeline.

Alex stood and pressed his palm to his forehead as he tried to slow his breathing. He felt like he had just aged ten years in the last ten minutes.

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