My Only - Alex & Jamie (16 page)

Read My Only - Alex & Jamie Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Series

BOOK: My Only - Alex & Jamie
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He heard her let out an audible sigh. “What sounds good for dinner? I heard Katie mention that there was food donated.”

“Whatever is the easiest is fine by me.” He really didn’t have that much of an appetite, nothing sounded particularly good to him.

“Okay.” He heard her soft footsteps as she left his room.

In the silence of her absence all Alex could hear was the sound of his own heart pounding loudly in his ears. His entire body still hummed with arousal and he was still sporting a pretty
fierce hard-on. However, none of that came close to the intense ache he had deep inside of himself. He didn’t just
Jamie, or
Jamie. He

This was going to be a long week. Damn, he really needed a cold shower.

Chapter Twelve

As Jamie opened the freezer to find something she could prepare for Alex to eat, she closed her eyes and luxuriated in the sensation of cold air hitting her face. She had just gotten seriously overheated. She was still attempting to catch her breath.

She knew that part of her physical reaction to Alex may be due to the unnaturally long self-imposed dry spell she was in, but she had a sneaking suspicion that she would feel this way even if she hadn’t been. He would still be just as potent.

When he had placed his hand beside her head and she was surrounded by him she felt equally completely safe and completely turned on. She had thought that he had had a strong effect on her when he was at the hospital, and he had. But Alex Sloan in sweats, at home, in his bedroom that level of sexiness should be illegal.

Growing up her mom had always read romance novels. As a teen she had read a few that had been left lying around. She always thought that the way they described sex so dramatically seemed ridiculous. She remembered the descriptions of heaving breasts, liquid pools of desire, devouring stares. But after what she had just experienced she thought they might have been underselling it.

Her heart rate was just beginning to slow down when there was a loud knock on the front door.

Just as she was stepping out of the kitchen, she saw the front door was opening.

“Hello.” Jamie said just as not one, but two, gorgeous blondes walked in giggling.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her.

“Where’s Alex?” the taller one not-so-nicely asked.

“He’s resting. Can I give him a message for you?” Jamie honestly could not believe the nerve of some people.

“No,” The Doublemint Twins answered at the same time as they both looked at her as if she was an idiot.

The shorter one smiled condescendingly as she said, “This is something we need to deliver

Oh, please! Jamie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. “Well, he’s not seeing visitors right now, but if you leave your names I can let him know you stopped by.”

here.” The tall one, who Jamie was now going to mentally refer to as ‘Miss Master of the Obvious’, pointed out.

Jamie took a deep breath, “Because I am a nurse. And I need to get back to work so if you ladies wouldn’t mind.”
Jamie stepped towards them and held the door as she motioned for them to leave.

“Fine, but tell Alex that Kiki and Brenda came by,” the short one said as they both left in a huff.

Really? ‘Kiki’? Jamie shook her head as she watched them walk down the path.

Then ‘Miss Master of the Obvious’ turned back to say, “We
be back.”

Jamie wasn’t sure if that was a ‘promise’ and was part of the message that she was supposed to relay to Alex or a ‘threat’ that was meant for her. Still, either way, she made the executive decision after she shut the door to
it. Deadbolts and all.

She was walking back to the kitchen when the phone rang again. Most likely one of his ‘friends.’

She shook her head, trying to wrap her head around the person that Alex clearly was, because to her, he didn’t seem like a player. Every guy that her mom had dated that was a womanizer was...well, slimy and shallow.

That was not at all how Alex was. At least not the Alex she had gotten to know. The Alex she knew was funny and smart. He was easy-going. He had also blown her away by his spot-on insights, like when he knew that the reason she didn’t date was because of Joey.

As she pulled a delicious looking enchilada dish from the fridge and was taking it over to heat up in the microwave when there was another knock on the door.

Oh, come on.

She walked over and looked through the peephole. It was a tall, well-built, good looking (if you liked pretty boys) man in a doctor’s coat. But he didn’t look like any doctor she had seen at the hospital - or anywhere for that matter.

She cautiously opened the door, “Can I help you?”

The phone rang, again. Well, at least she didn’t need to answer it.

The man at the door winked at her and smiled, “I heard you’re not feeling well, Alex. I’m here to give you a physical.”

“Oh, no I’m not Alex…”

The “doctor” didn’t pay attention to anything she was saying. He just handed her a card and reached down and pressed a button on a portable iPod station sitting on the porch next to him, one that she hadn’t even noticed was there. Olivia Newton John’s eighties hit ‘Let’s Get Physical’ started playing as he began ‘dancing’ and slowly removing his jacket.

It took a few moments for her brain to catch up to what her eyes were seeing and her ears were hearing.

“Stop! I’m not Alex!” She couldn’t believe what this man was doing, and what he looked like he was going to do on Alex’s porch, in broad daylight.

He did stop however when she raised her voice. She looked to see what he had handed her. It said, “We hope this stripper-gram helps you get ‘swelled’ soon! The Boys of Station 22.”

Jamie had to laugh. She looked up and saw that ‘pretty-boy’ looked a tad confused. “Sorry, I am not the intended recipient. But I will pass along the card and hold on,” She got a twenty out of her purse. She knew what it was like to depend on tips. “Thanks, anyways.”

As she was shutting the door she heard him say, “You know, I can come in and finish the dance if you want. No charge.”

Now she did roll her eyes. “Nah, I’m good. But, thanks.”

She shut the door once more, clicking both the locks into place.

Okay, make dinner - take three.

This day was not turning out even close to how she had imagined it going when she had woken up this morning. She thought the biggest challenge would have been making it through her shift at the hospital -
thinking of Alex every two minutes.

She took the aluminum foil off the tasty looking Mexican dish just as there was another knock at the door.

Man, when Vickey had said that Jamie needed to be there to make sure Alex wasn’t disturbed so that he could get the rest he needed, she hadn’t in her wildest dreams thought it would really be necessary! She had been wrong.

She once again looked through the peephole and saw Riley and Chelle standing there. She breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God back-up was here.

She opened the door, “I am so glad to see you guys.”

They stepped in and Chelle, looking a little worried asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Oh yeah, everything is fine. Alex is resting,” Jamie said as she moved into the kitchen with them following behind her. “I’m just making him some dinner. It’s just that it's been a little crazy with the phone calls and visitors.”

“What visitors?” Riley asked just as the door began opening again.

It was the redhead that Jamie had seen in the elevator and she was walking in like she owned the place.

Riley stepped into the front room, stood with his arms crossed and said in a
authoritative tone, “Alex is not seeing any visitors. My brother needs to rest. So you and your friends need to not come back here until he tells you otherwise.”

The girl just stared at him. Jamie wasn’t sure if the girl was scared or if she thought Riley was hot, but either way, she simply made a small squeaking noise, nodded and left.

Then Riley walked over to the phone that sat on the table next to the entry and he pulled the cord out of the socket. “He has a cell for anyone who really needs to get in touch with him.”

Chelle beamed at her husband and sighed, “He’s so sexy.”

Jamie smiled. She thought they made a really cute couple.

Riley turned, shaking his head. “Now I know why you had the door locked, good move.”

“We just stopped by to check on Alex, but if you need us to stay and guard the door we can,” Chelle offered.

“No, no, don’t be silly. It’s fine. I can handle it.” Jamie shook her head as she pushed start on the microwave. “He’s lying down in his room if you guys want to go see him.”

“Oh no, that’s okay. Dr. Corbin said that he needed as much rest as possible so just let him know we came by and,” Chelle handed her a piece of paper that had everyone in Alex’s family’s number on it, “call if you need anything.”

“Okay, I will, and I’ll let him know you both stopped by,” Jamie said as she walked them out.

After they left, she double checked the locks right as the buzzer sounded, indicating that the enchiladas were ready. She had just finished plating them and was pouring a tall glass of milk when she heard something behind her.

She turned and almost spilled the milk.

Alex stood in the doorway, now wearing low-riding black drawstring sweats, drops of water glistening on his rock hard abdomen, hair wet, looking freshly showered and smooooking hot.

Wait, wet?! He wasn’t supposed to shower.

“Why are you wet?” Jamie asked, a tad bit harsher than she had meant to.

“I took a shower,” Alex's slow smile crept across his face and Jamie melted, “Don’t worry, I wrapped it with
Saran Wrap just like Dr. Corbin showed me.”

“I could have helped you.” Jamie knew t
hat it was difficult to wrap it tight enough that water couldn’t seep in when you had two hands, she couldn’t imagine trying to do it with only one.

Alex’s eyes filled with hunger, and not for the enchiladas she was holding, “I don’t think that would have been a good idea.”

“Oh.” She felt her cheeks heat up and she was sure that she was blushing. “I just meant the wrapping part, not the showering part.”

“Something smells good,” he said lazily as he made his way to the kitchen table.

“I was going to bring it into you, I just got sidetracked,” she explained as she brought both the dish and the milk to the table.

--- ~ ---

“Sidetracked?” Alex asked as he sat down, hoping that she hadn’t noticed his reaction to her offering to help him in the shower. It was kind of difficult to disguise it in sweats though.

Alex had had plenty of sex in his life. Some would even say more than most. He had spent plenty of time around beautiful, sexy women. And he had never,
, had an issue with popping boners at inappropriate times. But around Jamie, it was like he had absolutely no control over his own body.

“Well not sidetracked. More like interrupted,” she said, opening several drawers before finding what she wanted.

“Interrupted?” Alex could not get over how right this felt, her being in his house. Of course, he didn’t really like the part where she was having to wait on him, but just seeing her here in his kitchen, in his bedroom, in his front room. It felt like this is where she belonged.

“Yes, interrupted.”

After handing him a fork and napkin, she sat across from him and he could tell she was looking forward to explaining the interruptions.

She held up her hands and started counting off on her fingers, “First, there was Kiki and Brenda. They wanted me to let you know that they stopped by and they,” she put her fingers up in air quotes and narrowed her eyes, “Will. Be. Back.”

She was just so damn cute, Alex thought as he shook his head and reached to pick up his glass of milk.

“Then,” Jamie’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas, “Your second visitor was a stripper.”

Alex choked and almost spit out his milk. “A what?”

“Yep, a stripper,” she paused, he assumed for dramatic effect, “He was
good looking, too,” she said as she wagged her eyebrows up and down.

“He?!” Riley was sure he hadn’t heard her right.

She just nodded her head with a satisfied smile on her face before pushing something across the table to him.

He looked down and saw it read: We hope this stripper-gram helps you get ‘swelled’ soon! The Boys of Station 22.

Alex shook his head and chuckled. They thought they were real funny. But you know what they say about payback. It’s a…

“Get it?” Jamie’s voice was filled with enthusiasm, “You’ve got some clever boys over there at Station 22. My favorite part was their use of ‘swelled’ instead of ‘well.’”

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