
Read Curvaceous Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #multicultural romance, #sensual romance, #interracial romance

BOOK: Curvaceous
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©2015 Marilyn Lee

All rights reserved

Marilyn Lee Unleashed

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Table of Contents

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Skin Deep Excerpt | © 2007 Marilyn Lee | All rights reserved | Marilyn Lee Unleashed

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Falling for Sharde Excerpt | © 2010 Marilyn Lee | All rights reserved | Marilyn Lee Unleashed

Taking Chances: Falling for Sharde Excerpt

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Further Reading: Carae's Touch

Chapter One

hristmas Eve

As she felt the hard contours of the unmistakably male body pressed against hers, Cherica Martin's heartbeat quickened. A jolt of longing filled her as she savored being held so close. Her partner, Jayson Calihan, was tall and handsome with smooth, dark skin the color of cocoa. They had slow danced many times in the past, but something about this dance and this night felt different—at least for her.

Eager to discover what he felt, she lifted her head to find a pair of beautiful brown eyes gazing down at her with a question in them.

She had waited for what felt like a lifetime for a chance to answer the question:
Are we going to be more than friends tonight?

Although never spoken, the question had lingered between them for far too long. Everything about the night, from the beauty of the snow-covered ground to the soft sensual feel of the dance they shared, whispered the time was right. Dare she hope that they would finally enjoy some of the physical and sensual benefits she'd longed for during their frustratingly platonic friendship?

"Rica?" His deep, warm voice washed over her with all the power of an irresistible caress.

Unwilling to continue to fight her desire, she surrendered to the temptation to rotate her hips against his groin. "Yes?" she whispered.

In response, he tightened his arms around her waist, forcing her lower body into more intimate contact with his.

She sucked in a breath, pressing her breasts against his chest as she felt the intriguing hardening of what promised to be a deliciously thick cock against her.

"Rica, I need to be somewhere private with you. Can I take you home?"

The implication of his words thrilled her. The sounds of the party and the muted Christmas music seemed to fade away leaving her in a world optimized for two. Instead of being in her brother's living room, she felt as if she and Jayson were alone in her bedroom. There they could slowly undress each other and then tumble onto her bed in a warm, naked tangle of arms and legs. Then he could roll her onto her side and lay on his facing her—with his bare cock poised to thrust deep into her.

Admittedly having raw sex was more than a little crazy, but her birth control was up to date and she'd spent years fantasizing about it. Given the chance, she would joyfully take it. With that decision made, she experienced the fearful excitement of a woman about to embrace a hunger too long denied. "Yes," she whispered. "Take me home."

His hand stilled on her waist. He took a long, deep breath. "Are you sure?"


"Do you know what I want to share with you tonight?"

Recalling the long, scorching kiss they'd exchanged under the mistletoe earlier, she nodded. She'd poured every ounce of passion and need she could muster into that kiss. Apparently, it had done the trick.

His hand briefly left her waist to brush against her ass. "And are you finally going to give it to me?"

Finally? If he'd wanted her too, why the hell had they wasted so much time pretending friendship was enough? "Yes, Jayson, I am."

"No doubts?"

She thought of his mother and sisters' reaction to her which had grown cooler each year until each meeting left her feeling as if she were suffering from the after effects of a sustained and unrelenting artic-blast. She did have doubts, but none that were strong enough to overpower her immediate need for sexual intimacy with him. "None worth mentioning. And you?"

"Same here." He treated her to a slow, warm smile that made her feel as if she were soon going to be drowning in pleasure before releasing her.

She reluctantly stepped away from him. "Let's say our goodnights to Dave and Jill."

Although the expression on Jayson's smooth brown face didn't change, she watched his eyes narrow. "Won't he be delighted to hear you're leaving with me?"

Cherica compressed her lips. "Don't. Please."

"Don't what?"

"Don't do that, Jayson. It's Christmas Eve and I'm feeling too mellow to get into an argument with you about Dave. We came together so there's no reason why he shouldn't expect us to leave together."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll find one."

"He's my big brother and he only wants the best for Kia and I."

"And of course the best for his beautiful, blond sisters couldn't possibly include dating a black man. Could it?"

She sucked in a breath, her ardor cooling slightly. "Look, Jay, if you're about to imply—again—that Dave has anything against people with dark skin, don't."

"Why not when he clearly does?"

"No, he doesn't. And need I remind you that Kia and I had an African father whom we both adored."

The muscles in Jayson's face tightened. "I know that. But aside from you both looking as if you have a permanent tan, your mixed parentage doesn't really show under all that gorgeous natural blonde hair and those too beautiful blue eyes. And isn't that just the way big brother Dave wants to keep the family?"

Jayson's obvious appreciation for her hair and eye color took some of the sting out of his words. She inhaled slowly before she spoke again. "Let's not argue, Jay. Not tonight." She brushed her hand against his. "Not unless you want to ruin the moment. If you do, you're off to a good start."

He sighed and shook his head, a slight smile curving his lips. "That's the last thing I want."

"Good. Then let's just concentrate on spending the rest of the night in a world that excludes everyone but you and me."

"That definitely sounds like a plan."

She smiled up at him. "Do you know what I want for Christmas, Jay?"

He smiled at her, a warm look in his eyes. "I know what I'd like to give you."

Since they were rarely together on Christmas or Christmas Eve, they had gotten into the habit of exchanging presents early. When he'd gone to warm up the car, she'd discreetly opened the beautifully wrapped jeweler's box to reveal a lovely golden chain. "You mean you have another present for me?"

"I'm hoping you have another one for me as well, Rica."

"I do, Jay. I hope it's one we can both share and thoroughly enjoy."

"And what's that?"

Her cheeks burned as she spoke. "I want to wake up on Christmas morning savoring the memory of having spent tonight in your arms." 

He inhaled sharply. "Imagine that. We want the same thing for Christmas."

Thank God. "Are we going to get it?"

"Hell yeah."

She tingled with excitement and anticipation. "Let's go."

They crossed the crowded room, moving towards a huge, oak mantel that provided a perfect background for the couple who stood in front of it. The man was a tall, fair-headed male with graying temples. His arm draped around the shoulders of a slender, blue-eyed, raven-haired beauty. The couple watched their approach in silence.

Cherica noted her older brother Dave maintained a strained smile even while his eyes narrowed.

She stifled a sigh. Would he and Jayson ever learn to play nice with each other? Her smile encompassed Dave and his wife. "Thanks for a great night, guys, but Jay and I are about to leave."

Dave compressed his lips briefly before he spoke. "The party's barely started. Kia's not even here yet. I understand if Jayson needs to go, but it's too early for you to leave, Cherica."

"Jay and I came together in his car, Dave."

"That's not a problem, Cherica. You can spend the night. I'll drive you home tomorrow—after we spend the day together."

She felt Jayson tense beside her. "Thanks, but Jay and I need to talk."

Dave cast a quick, annoyed look at Jayson before he spoke to her again. "This is a time for being with family, honey. Surely you two can talk some other time."

Her sister-in-law, Jill, squeezed Dave's arm before enveloping both Cherica and Jayson in a warm smile. "Thanks for coming, you two." She extended her hands. "Your being here made this an even more enjoyable Christmas Eve."

Jill was and always had been the sister-in-law from heaven; always supportive, never judgmental, and rarely taking sides in any dispute between her and Dave. Cherica gave her a grateful smile and squeezed her hand. "Thanks."

Jayson clasped Jill's free hand in both of his, giving her a quick smile before he released her hand and exchanged cool nods with Dave.

"I'll go make sure the car isn't snowed in," he told her.

Cherica nodded. "I'll be with you in a few minutes." She kissed Dave's cheek and went to say goodbye to her two nieces. Five minutes later, she slipped on her coat and let herself out of the back door of the house.

Standing on the step, waiting for Jayson to bring the car around, she watched the light snow continuing to fall until he pulled his car into the back drive. Although she considered herself a modern woman, she liked that he got out of his car and walked around to open the passenger door for her.

With her heart racing, she slipped inside and secured her seatbelt.

Once back in the car, he turned to look at her. "Still sure?"

She nodded.

He smiled. "Good."

Inhaling slowly, she reached out to turn on the mp3 player. Soft, soothing jazz filled the car as he backed out of the driveway and onto the snow covered street.

Closing her eyes, she settled back in the soft, leather seat. A satisfied smile curved her lips upward as she thought of the coming evening—spent alone and butt-naked with the handsome man whose bed she'd wanted to share for so long.

The years of anguish, which began in high school, watching him romance other women were over. All the years of making do with other men and trying to convince herself she could be happy with any of them had ended. Soon she'd have what she'd wanted from the moment she saw him—his undivided romantic attention.

He spent most of the hour drive to her apartment singing one suggestive song after another to her.

Every sexy verse heightened her desire and intensified the tension and anticipation she felt.

By the time they arrived at her apartment, several inches of snow covered the ground. When he opened the passenger door, she slipped her hand in his. He retained it as they walked to her building where he finally released it to push the entrance door open for her.

She slipped past him, her heart racing.

The knowledge of how close she was to finally getting something she'd spent years refusing to admit she wanted, left her nearly breathless.

Once inside her apartment, they stood in her living room, staring silently at each other.

Finally, when the tension nearly overwhelmed her, she moistened her lips. "Would you like a drink?"

He shook his head. "No thanks."

Good. She wouldn't have to worry about alcohol impairing his performance in bed. She turned off the lights and smiled at him, slowly dragging the tip of her tongue over her lips. "How about a nice, long slow dance to get the party started?"

"That's what I'm talking about." He opened his arms. "Come dance with me, sweet, gorgeous girl."

"Oh yes." Kicking off her heels, she quickly crossed the room to slip into his arms.

He drew her into an embrace so warm and close, she felt as if he'd practically inhaled her.

Oh hell yeah.

They slow danced in silence with the only light provided by the moon and the falling snow for several minutes before she placed her hands on his chest and lifted her face with her lips parted. "Jay?"

He stopped swaying and gazed down at her in silence.

"What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing. You're just so damn sexy and beautiful."

His warm, deep voice danced along her nerve endings, intoxicating her senses.

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