Curvaceous (8 page)

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Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #multicultural romance, #sensual romance, #interracial romance

BOOK: Curvaceous
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"Let's chalk this up to a mistake, Jake."

In her damned dreams. I shook my head. "Absolutely not. As I said, we have a reservation." I offered her my arm. "Are you ready?"

She hesitated for several moments before she turned that slow, enchanting smile of hers on me.

I stared down into her warm brown eyes and swallowed. Damn. That smile of hers was very nice.

She slipped her arm through mine. "If you're sure, I'm ready."

Looking down into her dark, alluring gaze, the only thing I was sure of was that I was no longer sure of much of anything. But hell would freeze over before I allowed her and Lea the satisfaction of my walking away. At the end of the evening, I was going to teach her a lesson that ensured she wouldn't conspire against another man.

"Great. So, let's go."

On the drive to the restaurant, the soft, seductive scent of her perfume made it difficult to concentrate on my newly formed game plan. I realized she was speaking and frowned. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

She brushed her fingers against my right hand on the steering wheel. I felt a jolt of heat rushing up the back of my neck. What the hell was she doing touching me? I tightened my grip and clenched my jaw.

"Where are we having dinner?"

"Lea said you liked French."

"I love French."

So Lea had been honest about something at least. "Great. I think you'll like the place I picked out."

"I'm sure I will."

I cast a quick glance at her smiling profile. Okay, so she wasn't pretty, she wasn't petite, her hair wasn't long and flowing and her skin wasn't creamy. Nevertheless, she was smooth and manipulative. I narrowed my gaze as she brushed her fingers against my hand again.

Why should a woman who bore no resemblance to my ideal lover have the ability to unnerve me? I suddenly realized I'd need to be very careful or she and Lea would make a fool out of me.

Our dinner conversation was a blur. I vaguely remembered watching her full, lush lips moving. A mouth that sexy was good for one thing—endless kissing.

The next day, all I could recall was the rush of heat along the back of my neck and the stirring in my cock each time I looked up from my plate and encountered her dark, bottomless gaze.

For all of Bree's seeming lack of beauty, I spent the night thinking of hot, sleazy, bang-her-until-she-walked-bowled-legged sex. Imagining her naked with her knees bent and her dark legs spread wide in an open invitation, made my cock stir. She had large breasts, big legs, and a round ass I ached to see naked and glistening with my cum.

I can't explain how I went from dismay to full-blown lust in a matter of a few hours. By the time she suggested we should leave, all I could think about was crawling into bed with her and thrusting my cock between her dark thighs and into her cunt. Somehow, she had managed to get me as horny as hell with very little effort on her part. Still, I was sure after a few fucks, I'd shake off my inexplicable, temporary insanity.

The return trip to her apartment seemed to last forever. Aroused and horny, I longed to slide my hand under her dress, run my palm along her legs, between her thighs—not stopping until my fingers brushed against her pussy.

I wondered what it looked like. Surely, a dark tangle of curls surrounded it. Or did she shave it? Personally, I prefer a woman with lots of pubic hair that almost obscures her slit. I like pressing the head of my cock against it, probing for her entrance. Then I love the feel of it brushing against me as I slowly push into her honey hole.

I'd know soon enough. Come hell or high water, I was going to be spending the next few hours with my cock buried as far up her pussy as I could get it. If I were lucky, I might even get to fuck her ass. I wouldn't be greedy. If push came to shove, I'd settle for vaginal sex.

Judging by her come-ons all night, I knew she wanted to spend the night fucking.

At her apartment door, when she placed her hand on my arm and smiled up at me, I leaned down for my first taste of her sensuous looking lips. Instead of leaning into me and lifting her chin, she deliberately turned her head. My lips brushed against her cheek.

What the hell. Did she plan to play hard to get? 

I turned my head and sought her lips again.

She shook her head, whispered a very clear no and drew away from me.

I stared down at her, confused. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I had a nice time, but the evening is over."

I caressed her cheek. "It doesn't have to be."

"Yes, it does. Thanks for a nice evening. Goodbye, Jake."

I frowned. "Goodbye?"

"Yes. Goodbye." 

"Why goodbye instead of good night?"

She hesitated and then spoke in a husky, breathless rush. "Even though I enjoyed tonight, I'm fairly certain you didn't."

Now that took some damn nerve to tell me what I had or hadn't enjoyed. Once the fog in my brain cleared enough for me to recall the evening, I doubted I'd recall having been bored. "Of course I enjoy—"

She shook her head firmly, her dark eyes glinting up at me. "Please don't make this worse by lying."

I narrowed my gaze. "Lying?"

"Yes. There's no need to pretend you enjoyed tonight. Goodbye."

"Wait a minute—"

"Goodbye," she said again and damned if the conniving hussy didn't step into her apartment and close the door firmly in my face.

I must have stood there for several minutes in surprised shock. She'd been sending signals all night and then she closed the door in my face and left me with blue balls? What the hell did she expect me to do? Go home and take a cold shower? It was times like these when I most regretted the loss of Lea—the one woman who could bring me to my knees with but a flash of her bare cunt.

If you're wondering why a thirty-year-old up and coming engineer doesn't have a woman in his life, you can blame it on Lea and my unrelenting hunger for her. At our first meeting, she took my breath away and ruined me for all other women. Then when I was madly in love with her, she kicked me out of her bed and went after my brother Ed.

After my experience with her, it was difficult to view women as anything but conniving hussies whose interest in a man's cock size was only overshadowed by their interest in the size of his bank balance.

Within the space of three months, my brother and I were both mad about Lea, but Ed had won a two million dollar jackpot. So which one of us do you think the little, faithless bitch reeled in?

Granted I owned a condo, drove a new luxury car every other year, and I had the potential to keep her in a very comfortable life-style in another year or so. Ed was already there, so I watched the woman I was in big-time lust with marry my little brother.

That was three years ago. During that time, although I'd had my share of dates, I hadn't met any woman capable of arousing my lust to the levels that Lea had. So I had an endless series of one-night stands—all while my lust for Lea grew.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't intend to betray Ed's trust by making a play for Lea. But the faithless bitch wanted it all—Ed's money and my cock. She did her best to keep me enslaved to my hunger for her.

The moment Ed's back was turned I could count on her hitching up her skirt to show an enticing expanse of slender, pale thigh. Hell, the shameless bitch often parted her legs to give me a long, enticing look at her bare pussy. She shaves her pubs and every time she flashed me and I saw her nether lips, I got an instant hard on. That's when I'd remember the many nights that I'd spent buried balls deep in her tight cunt with her legs wrapped around me while she humped herself on my cock as if she were as addicted to it as I was to her pussy. I'd want her more than ever.

She enjoyed jerking my chain, seeing how close she could get me to sleeping with her. However, no matter how much I wanted it, I swore I'd cut my balls off before I'd sleep with her now that she belonged to Ed. Nevertheless, standing outside Bree's door burning with lust and knowing Ed was away on a business trip, I allowed lustful thoughts of her to fill my head.

Instead of going home, I could drive to that big, suburban home Ed had bought her. I could strip her naked and fuck her all night in their big, brass bed. Or maybe I'd handcuff her to the bed and fuck her ass until she moaned with satisfied lust.

Halfway there, I came to my senses. I turned and went home. I stripped in my bedroom and headed into my bathroom. As I stood under the cold shower, I cursed Lea and her damned accomplice Bree for my sexual frustration. I also plotted revenge.

Life is too short to spend it in pursuit of vengeance, but I was so pissed, I knew my life would be miserable until I got even. Since Lea was Ed's wife, there was only so much I could do or say to her. That left her partner in crime Bree to pay for their treachery.

I masturbated in the shower before I dried off and went to bed.

As I lay sleepless and aroused, I discarded plan after plan before finally settling on one I felt would give me a measure of revenge. While I had no desire to cause Bree physical injury, I was determined to fuck her senseless and to teach her a lesson about sticking her nose into a family affair.

I was still horny even after coming in the shower. I fell asleep after what felt like hours of frustration. The next morning, I was tired, but determined. As I waited for my coffee to perk, I went online, found a local florist and ordered an elaborate bouquet of flowers.

I had settled into my recliner in the living room and was sipping my coffee, biding my time until I judged it wouldn't be too early to call Bree when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID screen before smiling and answering.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey yourself. So? How did it go?"

My smile turned into a grin. It was just like Jess to decide I was taking too long to fill her in on my date and call to get the details before I was ready to share them. Not that I minded. Much to her husband's displeasure, Jess and I were as close as we'd been in college. Granted ours was a strange friendship, but it had stood the test of time. Most of our friends and some of the women in my life had come to understand that the only thing I shared with the Angela Bassett look-alike was friendship. Our relationship hadn't always been platonic, but the sexual part of our relationship ended near the end of our junior year of college. Our friendship had survived. 

I shook my head, forcing myself to concentrate on Jess's voice. "It didn't."

"Tell me about it," she invited.

"Where's Malik?" I knew he wouldn't take kindly to what he'd call my monopolizing her on a Saturday morning.

"He's not here."

"He's not?" He often used the excuse of their spending time together on the weekend as an excuse to make it as difficult for us to see each other as possible. "Is everything okay?"


I noted the hesitancy in her voice. I frowned. "Are you sure?"

She spoke after another pause. "Yes. Now give."

I attempted to keep my voice neutral and made no mention of my plans for revenge as I shared the details of my date with Bree.

"She closed the door in your face?"

I frowned. She sounded amused.

"You wouldn't be losing some of that blue-eyed charm of yours, would you?"

I wasn't in the mood for jokes. At six-three with a muscular body I worked to keep toned, said blue eyes and what I'd been told was a big, hard, sweet, hot, cock,  I'd never had any problems landing and keeping the woman of my choice until Lea dumped me.

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter because she's not my type."

"Then why are you sending her flowers and planning to call her? What are you up to, Jake?"

I suppressed a sigh, wondering when I'd learn not to tell Jess too much. Along with Chuck, who I'd known since junior high, Jess was one of my closest friends. When it came to uncovering things I'd rather not admit, Jess had no peer. She was fond of saying she knew me like she knew the back of her hand.

"Don't go trying to get psychic on me, Jess. I'm not planning anything."

"Then why send her flowers? That will only encourage her to think you want to see her again."

Oh, I was hell bent on seeing her again—just long enough to get her into the sack a few times. Then I'd move on. And I'd sure as hell know better than to allow Lea to set me up on a blind date again. "I don't have any other prospects at the moment."

"So you'll risk leading her on and then dropping her when someone who is your type comes along? That's not like you, Jake."

"Look, you're making too much of this. I'm talking about a few dates at most. I promise I won't hurt her."

"You'd better not or you'll have to deal with me," she warned.

"You don't know her, do you?"

"No but when dating a good-looking, sweet-talking white man looking to break hearts, black women have to stick together."

"What? Break your...Our breakup was mutual. I didn't break your heart. "I frowned. "Did I? I mean...You said—"

"Relax, Jake. You didn't break my heart, but only because I was careful not to fall in love with you. When a black woman falls for a white opens up all kinds of potential problems for her."

I wasn't in the mood to discuss the social ramifications of interracial dating. I didn't want nor need anyone telling me who I could or should date. "She's a big girl, Jess. I'm not going to be seeing her long enough for either one of us to get hurt."

"Look, Jake, I know you won't hurt her intentionally, but you're a big, good-looking man. If you're not careful, she could start to feel more for you than she should within a short time. So just be careful with her heart."

I had zero interest in her heart. Her pussy was another story. "I will."


"Okay. Now, you want to tell me what's wrong between you and Malik?"

As before, there was a noticeable pause before she answered. "Nothing's wrong. Look, I have to go."



"If you need to talk, I'm always here for you," I said quietly.

Her voice had softened when she spoke again. "I know. Thanks for your concern, but Malik and I will work things out."

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