My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (218 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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                The airport bus pulled up outside the complex and the tourists began climbing on board. Adam was reluctant to go but knew he’d have to leave so with a glance back toward the complex he climbed up the bus’ steps. They drove off along the dusty road with the bus filled with chatter about Elisha and how ironic it was as she’d helped Adam with his snake bite. Should he let them all in on her game? What purpose would it serve now and he didn’t know for sure what their scheme was he was only really surmising.

                Adam knew the snake that bit him wasn’t a Puff Adder and was more than likely a Rat snake, a non-venomous snake. He knew that Elisha had transferred a sizable amount of cash from his bank to hers and he knew that they’d obviously done their research beforehand to discover he was a billionaire. Therefore, something was going down.

                As the bus made its way along the winding roads to the airport Adam saw Elisha’s jeep hurtling alongside with Dougie driving it like a fool. Adam stood up and went to speak to the driver asking him to pull over as Dougie might have word on Elisha’s condition. The bus pulled over and Dougie jumped on board looking very flushed and perplexed, “Elisha’s very ill but they seem to think she’ll pull through as they’re flying more anti-venom into the country as we speak,” he gasped completely out of breath. Sighs of relief filled the bus whilst Dougie sat down beside Adam, “Good news eh mate she’s hopefully going to be okay, I mean after she saved you from a Puff you must be relieved.”

                Adam was fuming inside but kept a lid on it for now, “Yeah definitely relieved Dougie after all we wouldn’t want her to die from a real Puff Adder bite now would we?” he saw Dougie glare at him and then stand up to leave.

                He addressed the group and asked, “Does anyone have a message for Elisha? I’m on my way to the hospital now.” The group yelled out various get well wishes the sort you’d expect to give to someone in hospital. Adam waited until Dougie was next to his seat once again and then handed him a piece of paper asking him to hand it to Elisha. He knew Dougie would read it first and that it may never reach Elisha, but it didn’t matter.

                Adam rested back in his seat allowing his thoughts to turn to home and away from Elisha. His vacation was over.

                Dougie handed the folded piece of paper over to Elisha once the nurse had confirmed she was strong enough for visitors and receiving cards. Elisha slowly unfolded the piece of crumpled paper knowing it was from Adam. There were two words written in the centre of the big piece of paper and they read ‘Rat Snak
’ Elisha’s pulse started to race as quickly as her mind. He knew, Adam knew but how? She spotted three initials written on the bottom of the page P.T.O so she did as requested and turned the page over to be confronted with ‘Be careful what you wish upon others and the promises you falsely make about anti-venom and people’s lives being at risk!’

                They were ruined and as Elisha sat in the hospital bed and wept, she was already starting to concoct another ‘get rich’ scheme. Some people were born never to learn from their mistakes and only born to make false promises.                                 













Beneath His CONTROL


Chapter One

              Madison’s hands were shaking as she placed the bouquet of flowers in the cut crystal vase. She stepped back to admire their beauty with a contented sigh glancing at her watch as she did so,
not long now and you’ll be home,
at that thought she was filled with excitement along with dread.

              Adam hadn’t seen her since that night at the Garden Hotel when she and his then wife Maggie had exposed his cheating ways. Madison had thought about him often though. She still liked him. Her relationship with Maggie had fizzled until the spark of passion between them had eventually been extinguished.

              Now Madison was back on the dating scene and thinking non-stop about Adam with his black brushed up hair and light hazel eyes. Therefore, she guessed this meant that she wasn’t just into women! Things started to go wrong between her and Maggie when Robbie, Adam and Maggie’s son had started to ask awkward questions about his two moms. The bullying at his school had begun with the usual name-calling but had quickly escalated into punches being thrown. Madison had chosen to walk out on Maggie in the end not only due to their relationship breaking down but also to protect Robbie.

              She’d heard a rumor that Adam was due home today from a vacation in Africa. Madison had also heard that he’d had a rough time over there and had been bitten by a snake. The details were sketchy to say the least but it didn’t sound good. She’d taken it upon herself to visit his apartment and convinced the security guard of the building to let her in. Madison only had to flick her long blonde hair over her slender shoulders and push her ample breasts out, and the security guard would’ve believed anything she’d said.

              Adam’s apartment was smart, simple but smart. She’d managed to find the address from Maggie’s notebook, her and Adam had obviously kept in touch for Robbie’s sake. Madison had no idea how Adam would react to seeing her again. She wasn’t expecting him to be thrilled with her as he probably blamed her for Maggie finding out about his infidelity. He shouldn’t have strayed in the first place then and then there’d be nothing to find out, all Madison had done was work with Maggie to expose him. The fact that she’d also fallen in love with Maggie was an added bonus at the time.

              Madison made her way through to the bathroom stopping briefly on the way to glance in the bedroom. She found what she was hoping to find a full-length mirror. It was obvious a guy as vain about his appearance as Adam would be the owner of such an essential item. She gazed at her reflection. Her long blonde hair was loose tonight and spilling sexily over her slim shoulders. She was wearing a tight black pencil skirt teamed with a pale green shirt, which had a seductively low neckline. It was now approaching the late months of summer and the evenings were already beginning to feel cooler. Madison’s beautifully toned calves were enhanced by her choice of footwear, a pair of strappy black sandals boasting an impressive 8cm heel. The heels were incredibly sexy but a living nightmare to wear and simply impossible to walk any distance in, but they made Madison feel feminine.

              She turned around slowly admiring her tight ass in the close-fitting skirt, “Yep you’ll do girl if you don’t turn Adam’s head tonight then there’s something seriously wrong with him!” she mumbled as she left the bedroom and headed for the bathroom. Her heels were sinking into the plush carpets as she walked but she was determined not to remove her sandals.

              Stumbling into the bathroom, she giggled to herself to anyone watching her now she’d look drunk. Truth was the sandals had stayed at the back of her closet mocking her since she’d bought them on a whim. This was only their second outing and the first hadn’t been that successful. She’d twisted her ankle whilst wearing them.
Why the fuck did you choose to wear them tonight. Was impressing Adam that important that you had to risk breaking your neck for him?
The answer to Madison was a resounding ‘Yes’ she was going all out to impress him tonight.

              It reminded her of the night she put her and Maggie’s plan into action, the night they caught him out. Madison had seduced him so easily back then, it’d never occurred to her until now that he might be hesitant of falling into a trap again with her tonight. Perhaps he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. No surely a red-blooded guy like Adam wouldn’t refuse her womanly charms. Maybe he’d met someone in Africa, “Oh shit, what if he comes home with someone? Didn’t think of that one did you Einstein?” her voice sounded pathetically weak in the empty apartment, she doubted her intentions now, questioning her own reasons for standing in the quiet apartment.

               It’d all seemed so valid when she’d thought of surprising him. It seemed like a good idea at the time in the safety of her parent’s house, she’d moved back home when things had gone wrong between her and Maggie.

               She’d been impulsive coming to his apartment and was now regretting it, she was acting like a spoilt child and not a 22-year-old mature woman. She’d been selfish and only thought of her own feelings; she’d been lonely and started thinking of him. His feelings hadn’t even crossed her mind, she’d just assumed he’d be pleased to see her, but now she wasn’t so sure.

               Madison began searching the apartment for a piece of paper; she’d scribble a note to him. She’d explain she’d found his address and intended to surprise him, but bottled out at the last minute. At least then if he wished to contact her he could. She wouldn’t be forcing herself upon him as soon as he returned from his vacation. It’d been a foolish idea and one born from loneliness and self-pity.

             “God does this guy never write anything down?” she mumbled as she searched high and low for a piece of paper. Now panic was beginning to set in, she knew he’d be back soon and Madison really didn’t want to be there now she’d had a chance to think about things.

                      Trying to rush around in 8cm heels really wasn’t a great plan so she sat down on his couch and began undoing the delicate straps. Once barefoot, she moved around his apartment quickly and soon found an elusive notebook. Finding the notebook was one thing knowing what to write was a very different problem. She sat contemplating for a long time with the pen poised above the blank piece of paper, until eventually she began writing.

                    ‘Hey Adam, I came here with the best intentions in the world and then began doubting myself. I suddenly wondered if you might be coming home with someone or just simply wish to be alone after your vacation so I’m going to leave you to it Adam. Just to add I’ve been thinking about you a lot and would love to catch up soon so give me a shout on my cell hopefully you’ve still got the number but if not here it is!’

                     She scribbled her number down and signed it Maddie.
Now where to leave you so you’ll be seen
deciding in front of the TV was as good a place as any she propped it up carefully. Sitting back down she began slipping her petite feet back into her sandals and prepared to leave the apartment.

                     Madison stood up and was just composing herself to walk toward the door when it started opening slowly. Adam was home, and now she’d no chance to leave or hide she’d have to face him. Straightening her skirt and smoothing her blonde hair down she smiled at the door, and as Adam’s familiar black brushed-up hair and light hazel eyes peered around the door she smiled.







Chapter Two

                   “What the fuck?” were the first words he muttered when he entered the apartment. He dropped his luggage on the floor at his feet and walked toward her so quickly that she was forced to take a step back.

                    “Hey good vacation?” was all she could think to say as she tried to smile through her nervousness. Adam’s handsome face showed no expression. He didn’t look upset that she was there but neither did he look particularly happy. He was standing literally inches away from her and she could sense his agitation and hear his fast breathing.

                   “Why are you here Maddie? Haven’t you done enough damage with Maggie your partner in crime?” he snapped fiercely towering over her as he spoke. Madison was glad she had her sandals back on; they gave her added height helping her to feel more confident with Adam’s 6’ stature.

                   “Um, I came to, to welcome you home,” she babbled feeling her soft cheeks warming with her embarrassment. She edged her way to the TV and removed the note discreetly scrunching it up in her hand and pushing it into the back pocket on her skirt.

                   “Why the fuck would you do that? We’re not together Maddie we never were, I was using you for sex and you were using me to get one over on me with my wife,” he replied.

                    Madison had never felt so small in her whole life, why was she here she shouldn’t have bothered, “I’m so sorry for what happened Adam I’m not with Maggie anymore and I heard you were bitten by a snake I was genuinely concerned.”

                    Adam began laughing, he threw his head back and laughed uncontrollably, “For fuck’s sake Maddie you didn’t care about me when you exposed everything to Maggie you’re just feeling sorry for yourself and saw me as an easy target to manipulate.”

                   “That’s not true Adam, I’ve done a lot of thinking since what happened and I’ve grown up and come to see the error of my ways. I liked you before Maggie approached me to help her with her plan, I always liked you.”

                    Adam sat down on the couch quietly now his laughter had subsided. He stared at Madison patting the couch beside him, “You look as though you need a break from those heels,” he smiled and Madison relaxed tentatively sitting down beside him. She smoothed her pencil skirt and elegantly crossed her legs noticing how his eyes followed her legs as they moved; did he still find her attractive? She sat back making sure her shoulders were straight and her firm breasts pushed out, the low neckline was sitting just right. It was low enough to tease with a glimpse of her sweetly curved cleavage but high enough not to reveal too much.

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