Authors: Kathy Clark

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Kathy Clark






















A Candlelight Ecstasy Romance



Copyright © 1985 by Kathy Clark


All rights reserved, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the
author, except where permitted by law.


Originally published as
Another Sunny Day
as a Candlelight Ecstasy Romance®.


Printed in the United States of America


First printing—February 1985






To my most loyal fan, best friend, most diligent helper, and the person who made me what I am—my mother, Betty Jones









Life’s What Happens
(written under pen name of Bob Kat)



Oh My God! (written under pen name of Bob Kat) (#1 CUL8R Series)


Be Right Back (written under pen name of Bob Kat) (#2 CUL8R Series) April, 2013

Believe It Or Not (written under pen name of Bob Kat) (#3 CUL8R Series) scheduled July, 2013

Rest In Peace (written under pen name of Bob Kat) (#4 CUL8R Series) scheduled December, 2013



After Midnight
(#1 Denver After Dark Series)


Cries in the Night
(#2 Denver After Dark Series) scheduled August, 2013



Angel of Mercy
(#3 Angel Series)

Cody’s Last Stand

Count Your Blessings

Goodbye Desperado

Kissed By An Angel
(#1 Angel Series)

Phantom Angel
(#2 Angel Series)

Sight Unseen

Starting Over

Stroke of Midnight

Sweet Anticipation

Teacher’s Pet



Another Sunny Day

Born to be Wild

Cold Feet, Warm Hearts

Golden Days (sequel to Another Sunny Day)

No Satisfaction

Passion and Possession

A Private Affair

Risky Business

Starry Nights

Tempting Fate







Cover Image

Title Page

Copyright & Permissions


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

About the Author

Preview of
Golden Days

Preview of
After Midnight

      Preview of

              Preview of
Life’s What Happens










Sarah blinked her sleepy blue eyes in confusion. The hotel room looked like hundreds of others she had slept in, and after seven years it took longer to clear the cobwebs from her mind each morning. She squinted at the small luminous dial of her travel alarm clock. It was several seconds before the time came into focus, and with a groan she burrowed deeper under the covers and hugged her pillow tightly against her ears.

From the voices filtering through her closed door she knew it must be her identical twin sister, the popular country and western singer, Sunny Day, returning from another of the many late night parties that she had been attending lately. Sarah also recognized the brisk baritone of her sister's manager, Mack. Sarah didn't enjoy the after-hours social life that had become so important to Sunny, and frequently, as she had tonight, she left early and came back to the hotel alone, going to bed in an attempt to catch up on the rest that was so difficult to get durin
g their exhausting road trips.

But nothing she did could drown out the loud discussion that penetrated the hotel's thin walls. The more she tried to ignore the noise, the more irritating it got until, with a bang, her door burst open, the blinding overhead light was switched on, and two bodies simultaneously bounced in
, one on each side of her bed.

"Mack, there is nothing you can say or do to me that will get me on horseback ever again."
Sunny's voice was shrill, almost hysterical. "There are other jobs and other cities where I can sing without ever having to see or smell another horse." She wrinkled her small pert nose delicately.

"Sure, if you think that you'll get rich and famous playing such small towns as
DeRidder, Louisiana, or Duncan, Oklahoma, then you don't need me as your manager; you need a psychiatrist," Mack said with a snort. "If you miss this gig in Houston, you won't have any choice but to sing at school assemblies and supermarket openings. No one else will touch you. Let me remind you that you're under contract to appear at the opening night performance of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo as the headliner. You were booked five months ahead of time. They couldn't possibly find a suitable replacement on such short notice, not to mention all the bad publicity you'd get for canceling another performance. You're getting a reputation for missing as many as you make lately." He spoke honestly and harshly, thinking it would be better to hurt her feelings than to let her ruin her career.

"In case you two haven't noticed . . ." Sarah threw off her pillow and sat up, pushing her long disheveled blond hair off her face ". . . it's only two o'clock in the morning, and someone in this room is trying to get some sleep, and at this moment she is not having much success. I don't mean to sound unfriendly or unsympathetic," she added pointedly, "but couldn't this conversation be held somewhere else at some other time, and prefera
bly without me?"

The two intruders barely glanced her way before continui
ng as if she had never spoken.

"It's not the rodeo I'm dreading," Sunny moaned. "It's that darn trail ride and parade. I couldn't live through all that riding and being outside all da
y with all those horses. Ugh!"

"I asked you about all of that before you signed the contract, and it didn't seem to bother you then. What's the big deal about it now?" Mack was totally exasperated with his client. Lately her temperament was outweighing her talent, which made his job much more difficult.

"Five months ago I was thinking about all of that free publicity and all those gorgeous cowboys. You know that I can't resist a real live cowboy, especially the homegrown Texas variety." Her thick false eyelashes fluttered expressively. "Besides, that was before that horse in Billings mistook my costume for lunch and before that other horse in Dubuque turned left and I turned right. I was black and blue for a month, not to mention my wounded pride. It was very humiliating out there in that arena, one minute waving at my adoring fans and the next minute lying facedown in horse manure, dirt, and sawdust."

"You certainly got a lot of free publicity from that performance!" Sarah chimed in, only to be silenced by
a stony glare from her sister.

"That is not the type of publicity or treatment a star of my stature deserves," Su
nny said with a haughty sniff.

"You forgot the time that horse in Tucson stepped on your foot and wouldn't move. You lost all your toenails and had to wear open-toed boots for months," Sarah added, getting into the spirit of the conversatio
n with her unwelcome reminder.

"No one will ever convince me that that horse didn't step on me on purpose. He looked me straight in the eye, and I swear he smil
ed. They are vicious animals."

"Maybe they prefer rock and roll, or maybe they're
music critics." Sarah teased.

Mack struggled to regain control of the situation. "Sunny, you have got to overcome your 'horse complex' for a few days and get through this. The promoter promised you a job in Las Vegas if you can prove you are still a big enough draw to fill the Reliant Stadium in Houston. They have guaranteed that you will get the best of care and a whole army of big, handsome cowboys for bodyguards. All you have to do is put in a daily appearance and let the local television stations and newspapers take a few pictures of you riding merrily along or sitting by a cozy campfire acting like you are
having the time of your life."

"That's easy for you to say," Sunny declared hotly. "You'll be in some hotel sleeping on a soft bed, taking it easy, with no horse teeth or horse feet or hard horse saddles anywhere in sight while I'm being horribly tortured in front of millions of Americans on the six o'clock news." She sighed dramatically. "I've been working too hard, and I'm just not up to this job. They'
ll have to find someone else."

"But they're expecting you . . . the great Sunny Day," Mack reminded her again. "It's just too bad there
aren't two of you. . . ."

Silence filled the small room as Sunny and Mack turned toward Sarah, who had been sitting with her arms wrapped around her pulled up knees, watching the scenario unfold around her. Through narrowed eyes she looked suspiciously from one innoc
ent-looking face to the other.

"Why do I get the feeling that I have been set up for this little performance? Well, you two connivers have been wasting your time, because I'm going back to sleep." Sarah lay down. "And turn the lights out when you leave," she added as she pul
led the blanket over her head.

"Oh, no, you don't." Sunny yanked the blanket off her sister's curled up body. "This is so perfect I can't believe
we didn't think of it sooner."

"You probably did," Sarah muttered, but Sun
ny continued enthusiastically.

"You love hors
es and getting up early . . ."

"Not this early!"

". . . eating beans out of a can and sleeping under the stars. You were always after Dad to take you camping when we were kids. Now you can pretend to be me getting the star treatment and have a well-deserved vacation at the same time."

"Oh, sure. And then when I get in front of thirty thousand people at Reliant Stadium and start to sing, your career will really be over, because instead of buying your records the audience will be throwing them . . . at me," Sarah pointed out.

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