My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (219 page)

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                    Adam had seen it all before and she was well aware of this but he was obviously still interested. Madison remembered that night in the Garden Hotel and thought about Adam’s huge swollen erection and how he could easily satisfy her slick wetness. She found herself growing damp as she sat beside him and had the urge to lean across and kiss him hard allowing her moist tongue to slide between his parted lips.

                   “I’m just finding it difficult to understand why now? Why come here now you’ve not tried to contact me in all of this time so why now?” Adam asked.

                    She swallowed and replied, “Like I said I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to see you, I asked around and found out you were due back from Africa today. I was told you’d been bitten and I was worried, that’s the truth Adam I was worried.” Madison had been worried about him; she liked him and always had.

                    Adam looked at her and whispered, “Yeah see I don’t believe you Maddie. For all I know Maggie’s in on some weird plan again with you, to squeeze more money out of me for Robbie or something.”

                    Madison understood his doubt, “I know it’ll take a long time for you to trust me Adam, I get that truly I do but can we start by being friends?” she edged closer toward him letting her tight skirt ride up her legs slowly. She knew he couldn’t resist a sexy woman and she’d no doubt that he’d found a woman in Africa to bed whilst he was there.               

                    She looked up at him and smiled shyly and was pleased when she saw a small tentative smile playing on his soft lips, “I could use a friend right now Maddie but trusting you will be hard.” Madison wanted to scream at him that he wasn’t exactly up there on top of the list when it came to being trusted, but what was the point it wouldn’t achieve anything so she simply kept quiet and touched his hand gently. He flinched away from her as though she were poisonous.

                  “Sorry Maddie, I’m not ready for anything else but friendship I’ve been hurt too much recently,” he whispered looking away from her.

                  “It was a while ago now Adam you can’t live in the past it’ll crucify you eventually,” she answered.

                  “I was hurt on vacation, I fell for the wrong girl the story of my life.” Now it was starting to make sense his wounds were obviously fresher than she first assumed.

                  “I see well we’ll just take it slowly and be friends Adam,” she replied wondering if he’d ever truly forgive her for what happened between her and Maggie. She felt slightly annoyed really, as here she was feeling guilty when it was his bad choice of cheating on his own wife that had led to the night at the Garden Hotel.

                    She felt him lightly squeezing her hand and knew in that instance that she’d achieved what she’d wanted to, she’d gained the knowledge that he’d learn to trust her eventually. It’d take time but he’d proved that he’d be willing to try he didn’t hate her so that was a good place to start.

                           “Okay I better be going and leaving you to unpack,” she said as she started to stand up from the couch being careful not to fall in her heels. He stood up beside her and steadied her by holding her arm gently sending shivers down her spine. He may have cheated on Maggie several times over, and Madison wasn’t disputing the fact that it was unforgivable behavior but his touch still aroused her.

                           Adam gripped her arm tighter, “Steady there girl!” he laughed making Madison giggle as she crashed down on to the couch once more. He offered her his hand, which she took and he helped her to her feet once more.

                           “Should’ve worn sneakers,” she muttered whilst Adam held on to her hand longer than required. She pulled her hand free and slowly walked to the door with Adam rushing ahead of her and opening it for her. Madison leant over and tenderly kissed his smooth cheek whilst she left his apartment, he didn’t flinch or pull away so there was improvement already.

                           Madison felt satisfied as she walked away from his apartment. She was glad now that she’d stayed and not fled before he arrived back. Seeing him again had been incredible and had stirred up emotions within her very soul, her mind had been cast back to the night she’d accompanied him to the Garden Hotel. He was so handsome, so charming and she guessed this was why he’d managed to cheat on Maggie so often. Madison had fallen in love with Maggie or so she thought at the time, looking back it was more of a fling. Obviously, Madison needed to get the whole lesbian side out of her system and Maggie had been a willing partner.

                           That night when Madison had been with Sophie and Adam prior to Maggie arriving she’d enjoyed herself. Adam had a sexy body and knew how to please a woman he was also well blessed in the cock department. On top of all these attributes though he was actually nice to Madison. She knew his infidelity would never leave him and if she ended up with him the chances were high he’d be unfaithful to her. However, they’d never had the chance to be together before because he’d been married to Maggie, but now there was nothing to stop them and Madison was determined to be with Adam.  










Chapter Three

                         Madison didn’t sleep well. Seeing Adam again had awakened so many feelings and desires deep inside her that she couldn’t switch her mind off at all. When she and Maggie had split up Madison had wanted nothing to do with anyone connected with Maggie, including Adam. The news of his snake encounter though had peeked her interest as this gave her a way back into his life. She could show concern without too much suspicion. She knew Adam would have problems trusting her and that was understandable after her behavior with Maggie. She needed to gain his trust again, and tonight she’d proved that could be achieved quite easily. A tight skirt and high heels would always help with a guy like Adam, but she liked to think her irresistible charm played a part.

                          He was still the same Adam. Handsome, sexy and so suave. If you were with him you were the envy of girls and women everywhere. Well you were until he lost some of his wealth to Maggie, but even so he still had plenty of cash and Madison knew this to be true. She’d concluded that she wasn’t a girl who could live alone, she needed a guy. She’d dabbled in lesbianism, and although it’d been enjoyable enough the whole experience lacked passion. No, Madison preferred guys and not just for the huge, hard cock between their legs but to fulfill her need to be protected, to be cared for. She didn’t feel that with Maggie there wasn’t that wrapped in cotton wool and kept safe feeling with another woman.

                          Madison climbed out of bed, trying to find the all-elusive sleep tonight wasn’t going to happen. She grabbed her dressing gown and pushed her feet into her fluffy slippers pulling the gown tightly around her petite body she padded downstairs. Being in her               parent’s house was fine but the one thing she’d liked about her time with Maggie was living together. Robbie could prove to be a handful at times and Madison wasn’t ready for kids just yet.

                          She walked into the kitchen and switched the kettle on trying to clear her head of all thoughts of Adam. Madison didn’t have much success; no matter what she did, he’d always pop back into her head. It’s not that she minded her head being filled with images of him as at the end of the day, he was a super hot image, but she couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

                          Madison didn’t have a game plan in mind concerning Adam at all. From tonight, she knew he still found her attractive and she knew she still liked him, further than that she didn’t really know. He’d been on her mind and in her thoughts even when she was with Maggie. In some ways her relationship with Maggie had been wrong from the start, Madison’s heart had always belonged to Adam.

                           She’d liked him prior to Maggie wanting her help to catch him out. Madison had never had the heart to come clean to Maggie or Adam about how she felt, and then when Maggie had informed her of her plans with Adam she’d simply gone along with her idea.

                        Adam had been very wrong to cheat on Maggie, but Madison had seen another side to Maggie whilst she’d been with her. She could be ice-cold at times and shut people out completely, had she done this to Adam? Maybe this was Adam’s reason for straying perhaps he didn’t want to end their marriage because of little Robbie but he needed more than Maggie was willing to give him.

                        Until she spoke to Adam she’d never know. Maggie blamed it all on Adam, but then she’d hardly blame herself.

                       “Maddie everything okay sweetie?” her dad’s voice asked from the kitchen doorway.

                       “Yes dad sorry did I wake you?” Madison answered walking toward the doorway.

                       “God no Maddie. I can’t hear anything else above your mom’s snoring anyhow!” he laughed. She’d missed her dad and he’d understood more than her mom had when she came back home to live. Her mom still viewed her as a teenager whilst her dad saw her for the young woman that she was and she loved him for that.

                       “Yeah now that sound’s something I didn’t miss!” Madison giggled. In truth, she’d actually missed every aspect of home, even her mom’s loud snoring. She blinked as her dad switched the light on and they both sat down at the kitchen table sipping coffee, her dad never slept much and tonight Madison was grateful of that.

                       “So come on what’s on your mind Maddie? You know you can tell me anything,” her dad said smiling across the table at her.

                        Madison wasn’t sure where to begin so she just blurted everything out in a muddle, “Well, as you know I was with Maggie then things ended with her, and now I like Adam who was and still legally is Maggie’s husband!” she finished with a sigh and heard her dad laughing.

                       “No wonder you can’t bloody sleep girl, what a pickle you’ve got yourself in,” he rested his elbows on the table and cupped his hands around his chin. He looked seriously at Madison.

                      “Yep a pickle is one way of putting it the polite way!”

                       “Now you know what your mom always says about being true to your heart don’t you? Sometimes that can be practical and in other cases, it just doesn’t work. You followed your heart with this girl Maggie, you thought it was what you wanted and went for it,” he whispered.

                       “Yes that’s right dad I went for it with her and look at the mess we ended up with,” Madison began crying she felt overwhelmed with everything. She shouldn’t have gone to see Adam it was a bad decision. All she’d managed to do was to awaken old emotions that were better off left where they were. 

                       Her dad got up from his chair and walked around the table hugging her close as she sobbed into his soft dressing gown, “Hey come on Maddie. It’s not that bad everything can be fixed. Now what happened between you and Maggie happens to couples every day, you grew apart and broke up that’s not an unusual occurrence Madison.”

                        “No but falling for the man that she was and still is married to is not a great way to move forward is it?”

                        “Granted it’s complicated Madison but Maggie’s not with him anymore so by all accounts he’s a free guy. Have you seen him since Maggie and you split up?” her dad was smoothing her long blonde hair as he still held her close.

                        “Yes tonight actually. He came home today from a vacation and I went to his apartment to welcome him home. I nearly bottled it and came home before he got there, to be honest I only didn’t because he arrived home before I’d chance to leave,” Madison replied feeling her dad’s embrace loosening around her slim shoulders.

                       He went to sit down again and reached across the table taking her hands in his, “Okay and how was he? How did he react to seeing you and how the hell did you get into his apartment?”

                        “The security guard let me into the building and then into his apartment. I convinced him I was Adam’s long-lost sister and was there to welcome him home, he believed me!”

                        “Hmm and I bet you used your womanly charms to convince him young lady!” her dad smiled making Madison blush and stare at the table with a sudden interest.

                        “Adam was shocked to see me but he was okay I think he still likes me, that’s the impression I got from him anyhow. I stayed for a bit and we chatted easily I like him dad, a lot,” she said feeling a sense of relief that she could actually tell someone about her feelings for Adam. Hearing her confession aloud made it seem more real in a strange way. Madison waited nervously for her dad’s response, and when it came it wasn’t what she was expecting.       









Chapter Four        

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