Money Shot (78 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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“Is that all I get, lover?” She practically purred as she traced one finger down his chest. The woman always did enjoy pawing him in public, like he was her property. It was just one of the many reasons he ran far and fast after their third date, and regretted ever meeting her. “It’s been too long, Marcus. I came tonight to buy you.”


His breath lodged in his throat. Holy shit—he completely forgot about the auction. The auction that would give highest bidder one night with him.


No way in hell.


“If you’ll excuse me, I need to eat before the auction starts.”


She slipped her hand down and cupped his erection, which had deflated the second he heard her voice. “See you then, lover.”


With a throaty laugh she let him go and strolled off, the too tight orange gown clashing with her short, violently red hair.


He turned around, and found Leah right behind him. His heart pounded when he saw the look on her face. “Come with me. Please, Leah. I’ll explain, if you just give me a chance.”


“Okay.” She didn’t sound convinced, but at least she agreed.


Marcus headed to a different part of the museum, the lights dimmed. Egyptian statues looked eerie and almost alive, their stone eyes following Marcus as he led her to a bench along the back wall. She didn’t say a word as she sat on the opposite end of the bench and lowered her plate, effectively creating a barrier between them.


He swallowed, then sat, facing her. “Tanya is the ex from hell almost everyone seems to have in their past. We went on three dates—which were three too many.” He felt hope when Leah’s lips twitched. “She did not take the rejection well. In fact, she refuses to believe that it’s over between us. If her primary residence wasn’t in London, I’d probably have to file a restraining order to keep her away from me.”


He thought he lost Leah with that self-serving announcement, especially when she crossed her arms. He would not look at her breasts, he would not look at her breasts—


“I know who she is, Mr. Hawkins.”


Marcus let out a sigh. He deserved her disdain—and he definitely did not deserve what he was about to ask of her. “I know this is a shitty—sorry, a bad time to ask a favor, but I’m going to ask it anyway. Can you buy me at the auction?”


Her eyes widened, that sexy flush highlighting her cheeks. “Why would I do a favor for you, Mr. Hawkins? As of fifteen minutes ago, you are no longer my employer, and I am just a guest at this function, not your in-the-spotlight date.” He flinched at her cool tone.” Besides, I can’t afford it, not with women like Tanya Black, finance heiress, bidding on you.”


Damn—she knew who Tanya was.


“I will pay, whatever it costs.” Now he was begging. Hell, if that was what it took, he was ready. “Please, Leah. The auction is for one night with eligible bachelors. If I have to spend one night with Tanya, I may be facing murder charges by dawn.”


“We wouldn’t want that.” He’d never heard that edge of sarcasm in her voice before. She sighed, stared at the wall behind him. “If I buy you, then I will win that one night.” She didn’t sound excited at the prospect.


“Yes, Leah. You’ll get that night with me.”


“I don’t want it.”


He grabbed her wrist when she tried to stand. “It will be your night. Only what you want.”


“Mr. Hawkins—”


“Marcus. You can’t call me Mr. Hawkins again. Not after part of me has been inside you. Not after the way you touched me.” She swallowed, her hands twisting around each other. He took a chance and covered those graceful hands with his own. “You will be literally saving my life, so whatever you want, for one night, it’s yours.”


His cock throbbed as she worried at her bottom lip. He jumped the first hurdle—getting her to talk to him. Now he had to ease his way back into her good graces, enough to apologize. With flowers and gifts if necessary—anything to take that cool, distant look out of her eyes.


“Okay.” Relief left him shaky. He didn’t realize just how much he needed her to agree to this. Being in the same space with Tanya again really did a number on him. Yeah—he’d go with that, and not the images that kept flashing in his mind of Leah, naked under him, naked over him. Hell, just naked, as long as he could touch those lush curves. Not going to happen, not after his mouth screwed him over. “But on one condition.”


She jerked him back to the moment. Thank God for his tux jacket; he was so hard he could feel the seam of his zipper.




She raised her eyebrows. “You may not want to agree so readily once you hear it.”


“The desire not to be alone in the same room with her makes me desperate, so you have me in a corner, Miss Frane.” He leaned in, thrilled that she didn’t retreat. “Do your worst.”


Amusement sparked in her eyes. That should have warned him.


“I will take that night,
Mr. Hawkins
. But whatever we end up doing, it will have to be with clothes on.”



Leah shared her plate of food, using a full mouth as an excuse not to talk.


What was she thinking, tossing out a challenge like that? Marcus had looked at her like she had just given him the secret password to—her. He still glanced over at her, in between bites, a smile on his face. A smile that shot heat straight to her core.


She was toast.


Never mind that she swore to never talk to him again, threw his job in his face, and walked away from him. He didn’t seem to care. What he said to her crashed against how he treated her now.


It has to be the desperation.
With a stalker ex at the function, more than able to outbid anyone who wanted to buy Marcus, he was obviously freaked.


Leah had to keep what he said to her in her mind, remember that he screwed her, then discarded her. She would do him this one favor, then walk away as planned. No matter how much it hurt.


When they both finished, Marcus picked up the plate, and laid his free hand on the bare skin of her lower back as he guided her to the foyer. As soon as they reached it a waiter hustled over and took the plate from him.


Then Marcus astonished her by guiding her through the crowd and introducing her to some of The Hawkins Group’s most influential clients.


An older woman Leah recognized as a senior board member took her hand. “Where did you find her, Marcus? She is so not like the other women you’ve paraded around.”


His arm circled her waist, and Leah fought the need to smack him. She would save it for later. “I decided on a reboot, Mrs. Chadwick. And Leah is the result.”


“Charming, my dear.” Mrs. Chadwick patted her hand and leaned in, whispering. “Keep him close, Leah. You are not the only one holding his attention tonight.” She tilted her chin, just enough to direct Leah. Her heart skipped when she saw Tanya at the edge of another group, staring at Marcus. “Stay well out of reach of that one. She fights dirty.”


“Thank you for the warning.” They moved on to the next group of people, and Leah stopped him before they started to mingle again. “Tanya is lurking.”


Panic flared in his eyes. He really was worried about the woman. “Where?”


Leah crossed her arms, subtly pointing. “On your left. She’s wearing a different gown, black now, so she blends in more.”


He nodded, the panic easing. “She’s going to want to scratch your eyes out by the time the auction starts.”


“Oh, thank you very much.”


He smiled, and her knees threatened to buckle.
Stop it—right now.
He was
going to charm his way back into her life. Not again.


“You can take her, gorgeous.”


He led her toward the stage at the far end of the foyer. She followed him, dazed and flushed.


Gorgeous—he called me gorgeous.


She argued with herself all the way to the stage, and hadn’t even come close to making a decision by the time they stopped near the stage.


“Leah.” His deep voice jerked her out of her daze. “Remember, no matter how high the bidding gets, keep going until you win.”




“I know I don’t deserve the chance, but God, I want to kiss you right now.” He whispered against her ear. “I want to do so much more than kiss you.”


She fought to keep her composure. Her body betrayed her, leaning in to him, wanting him to do more than kiss her. Repeatedly. He flashed her that smile, the one that always made her blush, and followed the other bachelors to the back of the stage.


A chill slid down her back and she turned. Tanya was behind her, a death glare aimed right between her shoulder blades. Leah faced front again, took a deep breath, and kept her gaze on Marcus.


He may have let her down, but she would do whatever she had to do to keep him from Tanya. That woman was trouble on two legs, the anger surrounding her like a black cloud. If she made a man like Marcus Hawkins jumpy, Leah wanted to keep her far away.


A soft hand touched her wrist. She turned to find Mrs. Chadwick next to her, a wicked smile on her face.


“This is my favorite part. I do love watching handsome young men parading across a stage.” She slipped her hand through Leah’s arm. “Your Marcus looks especially handsome.”


Heat flushed her cheeks. Again. “He’s not my—”


“You may not think so, my dear girl, but he has spent the entire evening looking at you like you are the center of his world. He has never paid such attention to another woman, not that I recall. Oh, he has that reputation,” her free hand waved in the air. “But he was young, let loose after years in private schools. Young, wealthy, beautiful—a lethal combination. Don’t let it scare you off. He’s been a good boy for quite some time now. In fact, I haven’t seen him with a woman since he and that stick thin blonde broke it off more than a year ago. And there I go, talking your ear off.”


“It’s okay, Mrs. Chadwick. I enjoy your company.”


“Good. I like you, Leah. You have a clever mind, and a kind heart.” She patted Leah’s arm. “Now let’s keep that redheaded terror from buying our Marcus.”


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