Money Shot (75 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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“Yes, you do,” she whispered to her wide-eyed self. The simple makeup and clear lip gloss played up her features just enough. Tonight, the gown was her bold statement. She wasn’t even going to wear earrings. But her hair—she needed to do something with the long, curly mess. “Upsweep—that will take care of you.”


She moved into her tiny bathroom, grabbed a handful of pins out of the blue glass jar on her counter, and twisted her hair up, leaving a few tendrils to frame her face. Nodding at herself, she had just enough time to slip into her black ballet flats before the doorbell rang.


Her heart started pounding again, and she pressed one hand to her stomach. This time it would be Marcus at the door, or more likely, his driver, coming to whisk her away to what could be the best night of her life, or the most disastrous.


She took a semi-deep breath, picking up her small black bag as she walked to the door, and glanced through the peephole. Marcus stood there himself, drool worthy in a tux that was obviously tailored for him. He was clean shaven, not wearing his glasses. That made him less approachable. Part of her appreciated that, since it would make the evening easier if she didn’t feel the need to touch him every other second. The other part wished for the sexy, scruffy nerd who left her flustered every time he looked at her.


Marcus raised his head and smiled, like he knew she was there, staring at him. She jerked back, fought to calm herself, and opened the door.


“For a second there, I thought you had chickened out…” His voice faded as he studied her. He looked—stunned. “Turn around.” His voice was rough, demanding. Leah obeyed, sure she had offended him before the evening even started. “Good God.” He cleared his throat. “You’ve been hiding yourself quite well, Miss Frane. I knew there was a luscious figure under all those layers, but I had no idea. You will be the surprise tonight. Shall we?”


He held out his arm, and Leah took it, still numb from his comment.


Did he call her luscious? Marcus Hawkins, with more money than God and any woman he could possibly want just a smile away? She had to be delirious. That was it—too much excitement, too little food.


She walked with him to the elevator, and started to slide her hand off his arm. He gripped her fingers with his free hand and held her there, his dark blue eyes studying her under the dim lights. It took all her control to breathe normally, to act like having a tall, gorgeous man loom over her in the elevator was normal.


When they reached the white stretch limo, he ignored the driver and helped her in himself. Leah refused to be disappointed when he sat in the seat opposite her. This was
a date. He may have called it a date, but it was a work function. She had to keep reminding herself, every second if necessary.


Marcus didn’t talk at all on the way to the museum where the event was being held. Instead he stared out the window, like she wasn’t even there. That kind of behavior would make it incredibly easy to keep from making a fool of herself.


She leaned back and decided to just enjoy the butter soft leather against her back, the smooth ride. When the driver pulled up in front, Marcus waited for him to open the door, sitting still while the driver helped Leah out of the limo.


“Thank you.”


“My pleasure, miss.” He winked at her. “Enjoy your evening.”


She smiled, then turned toward the museum, gasping in surprise. The white marble portico was lit up with colors that changed every few seconds, creating a kaleidoscope out of the building. Well-dressed couples climbed the stairs, the multicolored lights picking out jewels and the shimmer of expensive gowns.


The realization that she didn’t belong here had her backing up. Right into Marcus.


“You’re going the wrong way, Leah.” He laid his hand on the small of her back and she jumped as his fingers spread over her bare skin. Swallowing, she clutched her small bag and let him guide her to the wide staircase. “This is where being the boss comes in handy.”


He led her up past the long line. The man checking invitations glanced up, and immediately stepped aside. “Welcome, Mr. Hawkins.”


“Thank you, Neill. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself once everyone’s inside.”


A smile flashed across Neill’s face. “You bet.” His gaze moved to Leah. He wasn’t more than a few inches taller than her own five foot two. “Who’s this? I have Miss Deveaux on the list as your companion tonight.”


Leah smothered a groan. Cassie Deveaux—the most stunning cover model in the business. She was the type Marcus Hawkins usually had on his arm. Not a nobody like her.


“This is Leah Frane. She graciously stepped in when Cassie cancelled on me.”


Neill raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment. Instead, he turned his attention, and his dark, kind eyes on Leah. “A pleasure, Miss Frane.”


“This is Neill, my head of security.” Marcus laughed at her surprised glance. “Don’t let his stature fool you. I’d trust him with my life. I have, more times than I can count. If you need anything and I’m not close by, find Neill.”


Marcus looked so serious she nodded, managing a smile. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Neill.”


“Enjoy the festivities, boss.” To her surprise, Neill took her hand and kissed it. “The pleasure was all mine, Leah.”


Marcus let out a low growl, and Neill dropped her hand. Before she could ask what the hell that was all about, Marcus practically dragged her into the museum. She grabbed her skirt and lifted it to keep from tripping and making a bigger fool of herself. Marcus was already doing a fine job of that, pulling her after him like she was a disobedient child.


“Mr. Hawkins—” Leah could barely keep up with his long strides—and she was seriously afraid her breasts might just bounce out of the halter if he didn’t slow down.


She got her wish. He stopped, so fast she ran into him. After she checked to make sure she was still in the halter, she heard the muttering—or more precisely, the swearing. When she stepped to his side she saw the reason.


Cassie Deveaux stood in the center of a group of men, laughing, her long, perfect blonde hair flying around her bare shoulders. She froze when she saw Marcus.


He reached over and grabbed Leah’s hand, twining their fingers together when she tried to extricate herself. Cassie flashed a smile at her admirers before she strode over to them.


“Marcus. What a lovely—”


“I thought you were on your way to Paris. That’s what your assistant told my brother.”


She frowned. “I received a message from
assistant, stating that
would not be attending.”


The muscles in his jaw twitched. “You’re standing in front of my assistant. Why don’t you ask her if she gave you that message?”


Cassie raised one elegant blonde eyebrow. “Since the message was from a male, I am going with the theory that we were both…” Her voice faded, clear green eyes narrowing. “Graham.”


“I’ll deal with this,” Marcus said. His deep voice sounded dangerous. Leah started to ease back, but he tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her after him. “Keep up, Miss Frane. I need a witness so I don’t strangle him.”



Marcus fought with his temper all the way across the huge foyer of the museum. He almost had it under control, and Leah’s warm hand clasped in his certainly helped. It also surprised him, that just her touch calmed him like this. No woman had ever—


go there.


This was a whim, a single evening with his employee. Not a date, no matter what he told her. It was an evening. One evening. He had to stop thinking of her as his date. Had to stop fantasizing about kissing those soft, full lips, bare except for a hint of gloss. God, he didn’t know bare lips could be so damn sexy. All the women he dated wore lipstick like they owned stock in it.


He enjoyed the way she ran to keep up with him, lifting her full skirt, showing him just enough of her shapely legs to have his cock standing at attention. Not that he was going to do anything about it. Damn—she was his
, for God’s sake. Off limits. He made rules for a reason—and he did not want to lose her calm, organized presence because he needed to get off.


Plain Frane, everyone at the office called her. Marcus had figured out why she covered herself so completely at work, after overhearing two of his employees gossiping about her last disastrous relationship. Not just a relationship—the ass left her standing at the altar, ran off with another woman. Because of that, Marcus was determined to take care with her.


If those women could see her tonight, her face flushed, soft tendrils of gold shot brown hair brushing her bare shoulders, her delicious curves on display in that body hugging gown—


Down, boy.


Graham came into sight, just in time. Marcus’ thoughts were heading down a path he shouldn’t even be thinking of, and he wanted to drag her to a dark corner, lay his hands on those curves. On her.


Marcus stepped in his brother’s path, waited for him mouth off, or throw some snarky comment. Anything, any excuse to punch him. Screw the audience.


“I see you found a companion, Marcus. I wasn’t sure you were given enough notice to—”


“Son of a bitch. You wanted me to show up alone, didn’t you? Point out my lack to everyone. Again.”


Graham shrugged, in that way that made Marcus want to pound on him. “You don’t need me for that, baby brother. Though you did manage to pull out a sweet replacement.” His gaze moved over Leah. Marcus stepped between them and bared his teeth. “A little possessive, aren’t we?”


“One more word, Graham, and I’ll jam my fist down your throat.” His voice was quiet, so quiet only the three of them could hear. But Graham’s eyes widened, surprise clear on his face. “Leah deserves more than your leering and innuendoes. Hell, she deserves more than either of us can give her.”


“Leah—Leah Frane?” Before Marcus could stop her she moved into sight, meeting Graham’s eyes.


“Good evening, Mr. Hawkins.”


“Damn—sorry. You look beautiful, Miss Frane.”


“Thank you, Mr. Hawkins.” That sexy, delightful blush was back. “You are looking quite striking yourself. Both of you,” she whispered, glancing up at Marcus. Then she stared at the floor, like she couldn’t believe she just spoke to the great Hawkins brothers. “If you’ll excuse me,” she managed to slip out of Marcus’ grip before he could stop her. “I need to find a restroom.”


“Right behind the gold elephant,” Graham said, smiling down at her.


“Thank you.”


She walked away, her hips swaying gently under the velvet, the smooth, bare skin of her back on display. For everyone. What the hell was he thinking?


“Who knew that was under all those layers of drab?” Graham held up both hands when Marcus turned on him. “Making an observation, little brother. You’ve already marked your territory. I’ll just watch from the sidelines while you make a fool of yourself over her.”


“Shut up, Graham.”

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