Money Shot (71 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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Hi! I’m Holly Stone. I live, work and write in London. Writing isn’t my day job but I love creating characters enough to do it in my spare time. When I’m not working, writing or parenting I’m reading, day dreaming about my next book and
ng to stretch time like elastic!

I love people and chocolate and stories that grab you by the heart and squeeze. Before I became a mummy I travelled to cool places and studied ancient things and danced in heels and drank gin with orange juice. When my kids are grown I am planning to do all those things again, just wearing longer skirts!


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Pleasing the Billionaire’s Family by Janessa Davenport


Miriam and Richard’s rental car steadily eased down the highway towards Richard’s hometown, Richard behind the wheel, cruise control on and pants off, Miriam’s legs folded beneath her on the floor, lips wrapped firmly around Richard’s cock.


“I’m so excited to finally be introducing you to my family, honey,” Richard said. “It’s been a long, long time since I brought anyone home to the Standell homestead. My brothers were starting to make jokes about me being gay, or a loser. Or both.”


Miriam smacked loudly, removing herself from Richard’s crotch momentarily, licking a stray drop of Richard’s fluids from her lip. “Oh baby, that’s just silly. If anyone shouldn’t need to worry about what other people think, it’s you... I mean, just look at this thing. We’ve been going out for a year, and I can still barely fit you in my mouth. Besides, I’m sure they were just teasing anyway.” She gazed up lovingly at Richard, hoping to assuage his fears, but instead only saw him gazing listlessly out at the road, a worried look on his face.


“Well, maybe, hon... but you don’t know my family.”


“Oh, I’m sure they’re great, sweetie--I mean, I’ve been looking forward to meeting them for ages. After all, without your family I wouldn’t have you... and you know how I feel about you.” She rewrapped her lips around the head of his cock and sucked delicately, tasting his precum leaking onto her tongue, thrilling her with his taste.


“Ohhh... well, maybe you’re right honey. I shouldn’t worry so much.” He smiled down at her, pumping his dick in and out of her wet mouth as the car hurtled down the highway. “I’m sure all the other Standells will fall in love with you just as I did.”


She grabbed the base of his cock with one hand, alternately tightening and loosening her grip until she felt Richard beginning to pulse in her mouth; instantly, she tightened her lips around the head of his throbbing member as tight as she could, sucking him firmly into herself as she fiercely jerked his shaft, forcing his spurting essence to fill her mouth, shooting down her throat and warming her belly with a deeply gratifying satisfaction.


“Oh, Christ honey! Chrriiiiiiiissst!” Richard bellowed to the sky, proclaiming his ecstasy to anyone within earshot to hear.


Miriam grinned as she replaced herself on the seat next to him, carefully wiping her lips to ensure every drop of Richard’s hot, creamy seed went down into her stomach. “Feel better?”


“Oh my God, baby, that was the best yet. You’re the best.”


“Aw, you’re my sweetie. I just want you to feel good.” She delicately extracted a pair of tissues from her purse and wiped Richard’s rapidly contracting but still impressive dick, holding him gently to soak up the leaking fluids, protecting his pants from unsightly cumstains.


“That’s how I feel about you, too, honey. You know, I swear every time we fuck you get tighter?”


“Mmm. Must be the Kegels working.”


“Well, whatever you’re doing, keep it up. And you know, the more I think about it the more I think you’re right. I mean, when you and I got together, it was like we fit together perfectly, like a key and a lock. You’re perfect for me, and there’s no way my family won’t see that.”


“How far away are we now?”


“Not far at all. Just a few minutes most likely, depending on traffic.”


“Mmm. Too bad, I was hoping we’d have time for another round, but in that case I’d probably better get myself camera-ready,” she said, taking her lipstick from her purse.


“Don’t worry, baby,” Richard comforted her. “If I know my family, you won’t have to wait long.”


“What do you mean? Are you planning on just having a quick meet and greet with the family before we slip off to a motel? Because if that’s what you have in mind, I can get behind that.”


“Well, we’ll see how it goes. It all depends on what my family has in mind.” He smiled over at her comfortingly. “In the Standell homestead, I find it generally works out best to go with the flow.”


“Go with the flow, huh?” Miriam touched up her eye makeup in the passenger’s mirror, brushing her clothes down and hoping her reddened knees didn’t show the imprint of the car’s floor mats. “I can do that. Flexibility is my watchword.”


“Well honey, in that case I’m sure everything will work out fine.” Richard leaned back in his seat far enough to pull his pants on, fastening his fly with one hand while steering the vehicle into his parents’ driveway with the other.


The Standell household was a sprawling, classic design American Craftsman home, with a six-car garage and she estimated at least a dozen bedrooms. Their yard spread in all directions, green as a hundred dollar bill and trimmed perfectly. On one side of the house stood a full-size basketball court, a tennis court, and what looked like an archery range, while behind it she could just make out what looked like an Olympic-sized swimming pool, stretching off into the back yard.


On the other side of the house, the foliage sprawled as far as she could see, intricately and expertly trimmed into abstract shapes of startling sensuality. Hedges twisted, turned, and reached though one another, expressing a fragile beauty that Miriam knew logically must have to be maintained to avoid declining into natural chaos. Whoever made these hedges was not only an artist, but a genius, Miriam thought…and perhaps a lunatic as well.


Richard saw her mouth hanging agape: “Ha ha, I guess I forget sometimes the effect the sight of the old Standell homestead can have on the…uninitiated.”


“Uninitiated? Baby, this place is incredible! And this is where you grew up?”


He chuckled. “Sure, but I didn’t realize it was all that. I know to other people it may look like a huge mansion, but to me it was just…home, you know. And it still is.”


Miriam smiled at him lovingly. She loved these fleeting glimpses into his childhood, which he’d kept murky and completely unelaborated upon for the first few months of their relationship. After their six-month anniversary, he trusted her enough to break the news that his family was heir to a massive manufacturing fortune, built up by his grandfather through means both legal and dubious. Richard’s father had taken the family’s business completely legitimate, and managed to more than quintuple his inheritance while raising a family of four and performing as the CEO of a large, multinational corporation. Still, Richard seemed leery of divulging too much about his background, and although her curiosity got the better of her now and again, she loved Richard enough to respect his wishes whenever he changed the subject to avoid talking about it.


That was why this trip home so surprised and excited her: finally, the answers to all of her questions would be delivered, all in one weekend. And when the thrilling anticipation of finally learning what made Richard the man he was began to wear off, she started thinking about the timing of the trip: after all, they had just passed their one-year anniversary, and while Miriam was too smart to blatantly hint around about it, Richard had to know how deeply she yearned for him to make her part of his life forever. Even the remote possibility that she might end the weekend with a ring on her finger delighted her to the core of her soul…but of course for that to happen (assuming that was even what Richard was planning) she would have to pass muster with his family first, about whom she knew nothing.


Well, not nothing exactly. Her curiosity, attention to detail, and razor-sharp memory ensured she retained every fragment of information she’d been able to glean from Richard (and his Facebook account) regarding his family. He had two older brothers, Evan and Graham; one sister, Cassie; his mother was named Annabel and his father’s name was Steve. Steve Standell. It was a strong, classic name, and she could see how it had served him in good stead as he battled his way up through the ranks of American society.


As Richard eased the rental car to a halt in front of the massive garage, Miriam shook herself from her reverie, rededicating herself to making the weekend work no matter what she had to do. She wasn’t stupid: if Richard’s parents didn’t like her, he could fight it, but in families like this there was a hierarchy of power that superceded nearly everything else. Sure, the parents hold the purse strings in most families, but when the purse belongs to a billionaire with the power to increase or decrease one’s allotted share at a whim, the nature of relationships both financial and personal often became…slightly distorted. It was understandable, of course, but it made negotiating the delicate interconnections of such a family a treacherous proposition even at the best of times.


Regardless, Miriam told herself, this weekend was going to work. It had to. Exiting the car and breathing short shallow breaths as they approached the imposing front door, she admonished herself to remember all her grandmother’s etiquette lessons, to think before she spoke, and to listen with care and attention to whatever Richard’s family had to say. For whatever their intent, with each sentence she would learn more, gain the upper hand, and eventually make them fall in love with her the way that Richard had.


The door was itself a stunning work of art, apparently hand-carved from a single massive piece of dark hardwood, it stretched twelve feet above the ground and was easily large enough to admit a full-grown elephant. Richard pulled the massive knocker and let it fall back against the door once, twice, and then let it rest; even the deep thunk of the door knocker swinging back against the door had a rich, complex quality to its resonance. Miriam heard steps coming from inside the house and composed herself, plastering a wide, affectionate smile across her face--but when the door swung open, only a small, unidentifiably ancient man in a black coat stood there.


“Winston!” Richard ejaculated, “It’s so good to see you again. You’re looking well.”


“And you as well, Master Richard,” Winston replied.


, Miriam chided herself.
What did you think--his parents answer the door themselves? Think, girl!


“Is my family home?”


“I believe your mother is tending to her garden, Master Richard. Your siblings are also to be found somewhere on the estate grounds, though keeping track of their comings and goings has gotten to be more than even this faithful old servant can manage, I’m afraid.”


“Ha ha!” Richard bellowed loudly and slapped the old man on the back so fiercely Miriam feared for his ribs, but Winston only smiled at the intended affection. “Winston, you’ll bury us all. Don’t fret, I’m sure my beloved brothers and sister will make their presences known without delay. Probably right at the wrong moment, if I know my family. And father?”


“I believe the man of the house was delayed at work finalizing the details of an important business deal, Master Richard. He had intended to be here for your arrival, but such are the demands on his time that even a man such as he must waste even a fraction of a beautiful day such as this feeding the beast that is his empire.”


“Mm. That’s a shame, but knowing Pops I bet he’ll have whatever he’s working on wrapped up in half the time as anyone else would so he can get home. Nothing means more to him than his weekend time with the family.”


“Particularly when we are graced to welcome such a lovely first-time visitor to the Standell estate, Master Richard.”


“Oh! I’m sorry, where are my manners! Winston, this is Miriam. Miriam, Winston has been with my family since before I was born--I’m just so glad to see him, I got carried away.”


“Charmed, I’m sure, madam. I trust your voyage to our door was pleasant?”

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