Money Shot (91 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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Alice went straight to Oliver’s office as soon as she arrived. There was a woman waiting outside to greet her, and the whole thing was like stepping into another world.


His office suite took up a whole floor. There were a couple of meeting rooms, an office for a secretary, a couple of private bathrooms and an office that was bigger than any space she’d ever seen before. Oliver looked kind of lost in there. As if he were a small boy trying out for a position that was way beyond him. As if he was wanting to prove something to someone. To show off, somehow.


“Hello, Alice,” he greeted her. “Come and take a seat. There are some things I’d like to talk through with you.”


Alice had plenty of things she wanted to start talking through too. She’d steeled herself with a speech she’d practiced through the night when she couldn’t sleep. All of it left her as she was so awestruck with the room she was walking into. It was like she was walking to him across a huge ballroom. Everything was glass and chrome. The desk, the shelves. Even the stuff that was on the shelves had been carefully chosen to project some kind of image that was about extravagance. Something that was about money.


Alice blushed a little as she remembered how she’d thought about Oliver’s money. About being the type of girl that he might want to spend some of his money on. That was clearly out of the picture now.


“Just a second,” he told her before she sat at the chair in front of his desk. “Let me look at you.”


Alice wasn’t sure what to do. Just stand there like an idiot as he gazed up and down at her. One last look at his toy, perhaps, before he sent her away forever.


She just kind of stood anyway. Not really thinking much of anything other than that she hoped he’d get it all over soon. She didn’t have the fight in her to argue with a man like this. Not in reality.


“You look good today, Alice. You always look good. I’m impressed.”


As Oliver nodded at her to take a seat, she gave him half a smile before placing herself carefully in the chair.


“Alice, I’m very aware that your internship with us is ending next month,” he began.


Alice threw herself into a silly ramble about how much she’d enjoyed working for him. How friendly everyone was, and how much she’d loved working for that little team.


Oliver held up his hand to stop her. “My meeting, Alice,” he told her. “I have some things we need to work through and we don’t have a lot of time.”


Alice found herself blushing again. What was it with Oliver? She’d already spent more time alone with him than she ever had before, and she found herself being attracted to his arrogance. There was something about him that really could fill this vast space when he wanted to.


That attraction became something else that caused her to squeeze her thighs together and tell herself that being turned on at a time like this really wasn’t appropriate.


“Alice. Your full attention, please,” he told her. He’d clearly noticed her drifting for a second or two.


“I have a position here, with me. A proposition that I think will interest you.”


Alice cleared her throat to speak and smiled as he held his hand up to stop her from even getting a word out.


“I need someone special to work alongside me. It gets kind of lonely up here, and I’ve been hoping for a long time that I might meet someone interesting enough to spend my days with.”


What? Was he offering her some kind of position working in his own office? Alice couldn’t believe what she was hearing.


“Alice, I want someone to become my toy. You very clearly enjoy dressing for me, and I want to see how we might push that a little further.”


Alice found herself being a whole muddle of astounded. On one hand, she was annoyed that he was thinking of her merely as a toy. On the other, she found his suggestion made her even more aroused.


She knew to let him continue. To hear what he had to say.


“I enjoy developing people. But my personal tastes are a little unconventional. I’m used to things going my way and having people around me who’ll do as I say at work. But I need more than that. And you, Alice, are exactly what I need.”


“Undress for me,” he told her. Just like that. “Undress for me.” As if it were the most natural thing in the world for someone to ask of one of his staff. Alice glanced around at the door.


“Don’t worry. We won’t be disturbed.”


“Everything,” he told her as she stood in front of him stripped to her underwear.


He passed her a pack of make-up wipes and told her to clean her face. Told her that he’d enjoyed watching her transformation, but that he wanted to start over with her.


Oliver gently took Alice’s hand and guided her to the very center of his office. A vast open space with no sound other than the light buzz of the air con. The near-silence made her nervous, and she almost broke it by starting to speak. That time, he didn’t raise his hand. He just looked at her and she knew that silence was what he wanted. And, hell, he was clearly going to get everything he wanted from her and more.


He moved her hands gently to her sides. She hadn’t realized that she’d instinctively been trying to cover herself with them. Again, he said nothing. He merely stood back and looked at her.


For what seemed like hours, he had her there naked in front of him. Occasionally walking towards her and moving her position very slightly. Barely touching her. He looked at her from every conceivable angle, and from every possible distance. At his last approach, he ran the tips of his fingers along the small of her back.


“Your arousal is delicious, Alice. I hoped it would be. Would you like to tell me about that?”


Alice opened her mouth to deny that she was aroused at all. But how could she? He wouldn’t believe her even if she tried.




“I’m not quite sure what I should say,” she told him as he approached her again.


Oliver instructed her to open her legs a little, and he placed his open palm between them. Half an inch or so away from her sex, she could feel the heat from his hand. Desperate to have him touch her there, she attempted to move and caught his look of disapproval again.


Oliver was clearly a patient man, and Alice knew that if she chose to attempt a battle of wills with him, he’d win by a mile.


“I like you,” she told him. “I think about you sometimes.”


Oliver smiled. He had her. He knew in that moment that any doubt was just his nerves. He knew that she wanted to be had, and he knew that he could have her in any way that he wanted to.


“Tell me about those sometimes times,” he told her gently.


Alice took a deep breath before beginning to explain herself. There was something about being in such a vulnerable position that made her realize there was no point hiding anything.


As he held his hand between her open legs, Alice explained how she would sometimes wonder how it would feel to be his. That she’d not imagined anything quite like this, but that she’d thought about how much she might enjoy being with him. Being available for him to enjoy.


As she explained how she would sometimes masturbate thinking about him taking her, Oliver lifted her head to catch her eyes in his. For a few moments, they stared at each other, eyes locked together and their breathing falling into rhythm. In those moments, there was no-one else in the world and neither of them would have wanted to be any place else.


Alice felt her sex becoming wetter as she fell into Oliver’s power. She knew that he would guess soon enough, and as she felt a little drop of wetness fall from her, she knew that Oliver would catch it with his hand. That he’d been waiting to catch it. To feel the evidence.


Surely he would touch her now.


“You’re very aroused, Alice. I suspect this is the first time that you’ve felt this way?”


It was a question that needed no answer. Alice had never felt anything even approaching this. She’d never been in a situation with someone who was willing to wait, let alone to make her wait too. A part of her was afraid of the power that Oliver had over her already.


Oliver flicked his middle finger upwards, catching Alice’s clitoris and stroking it gently. More of her wetness fell into the palm of his hand.


“I want you to know that this is nothing compared to the way that I’m going to be making you feel, Alice.”


He moved his hand away from her, and Alice let out a sigh of disapproval. She’d hoped that he would go further with her. Not that he would give up so easily.


Oliver took his other hand and gathered up some of Alice’s wetness onto his index finger. He moved the finger gently across her nipples, the wetness and the thrill of his touch hardening them as he went. Alice sighed and imagined herself being able to fall into his arms, but she knew that she must be still. To wait for his next instruction.


“You have an amazingly responsive body,” he said, breaking the silence with his words. “The perfect executive toy.”


Alice imagined what that might be. Wondered what he really had in mind for her. Oliver took her hand and led her back to his desk at the far end of the room. She walked consciously. Aware of him watching her. Wanting to be everything that he expected of her.


“We should discuss your terms, and my expectations,” he told her as he took his seat back at the desk and held his arms gently either side of her hips.


“At first, people here will know you as my secretary. If anyone questions you on that, you refer them to me right away. You’ll have a good salary, and you’ll spend your time here attending to my office and managing my appointments. You’ll enjoy that; we have some interesting people coming up here, and I know that they’ll be pleased to meet you.”


Alice nodded. So far, so conventional. She wanted to giggle a little. A little out of nervousness, and a little at knowing that being his secretary wasn’t all that he had in mind. There were to be other things too, she was sure, and she’d always been a girl who enjoyed secrets.


“You’ll also learn to give yourself to me. To become the young woman you’re meant to be. I’ll train you to be attentive to me, and I’ll make sure that I create something stunning out of you. Something I can be proud of.”


Oliver explained that there were others who would help him. Lessons in deportment and etiquette would be important for the social engagements that they’d be attending together. He’d called a few of his favorite boutiques and made appointments for her to be measured for a new wardrobe.


“You’ll become my perfect companion.”


Alice smiled. His self-assuredness was mesmerizing her. He’d clearly put so much thought into this, and into her. She felt flattered beyond measure. Beyond anything she’d felt before.


“You will become my possession,” he said, and stared into her eyes as if waiting for her to protest somehow.


His hands moved carefully to the insides of her thighs, rising gently as he spoke, “Every part of you will become my possession.”


Alice thought of the campus feminists who’d be appalled at her giving in to the masculinity of a man like Oliver. She remembered herself a few months earlier, carefree and unrecognizable from what she was now. From what she was about to become.


Oliver’s hands moved to her sex. One finger on her clitoris as the fingers of his other hand began to enter her. She felt so aroused, and so desperate to orgasm.


“Your orgasms will belong to me too. Every one of them will come only with my permission, and only ever when deserved.”


As if to remind her how much she wanted that right now, he moved his fingers a little more assertively inside and around her.


“When we’re alone, you’ll refer to me only as ‘Sir’. Your superior. Your owner.”


Again his fingers curved inside her.

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