Money Shot (92 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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“Bend towards me,” he told her. “Unfasten my zipper.”


Alice did as she was told, and as she opened his pants his cock emerged throbbing and eager to see her. It was beyond all of her expectations. Hard and thick and ready to take her. He was clearly every bit as aroused as she was herself, and yet so very in control of both her excitement and his own.


In one movement, he lifted her onto him, lowering her gently as his cock began to take its place inside her. She gasped with the size of him filling her so tightly, and yet she wanted to take him all. To have him release her and let her ride him gently as she sat astride him.


Oliver knew. Of course he did. But he wouldn’t give her everything all at once. His strong arms held her just a little too high to take it all, and he moved her up and down, bouncing her on his cock until she giggled with the pleasure of his tease.


“I wanted this so much, Sir,” she told him as she buried her lips in his chest. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”


He continued moving her, each time letting her fall a little more deeply onto his cock. Each time smiling at her arousal and at how well he’d chosen his toy.


“All those times when you were dressing to excite me,” he told her. She stopped and stared at him for a second. He knew. He really did know that all of that effort had been with him in mind.


And all that time when Alice hadn’t been sure whether he was even noticing her, he’d been planning this moment.


“You’re going to be a good girl for me, Alice. I feel sure of that.”


Oliver pulled Alice right onto his cock, and she felt the whole of him inside her. She hadn’t imagined that being taken could ever feel this good. There was a part of her that wanted to ride him hard. To give into her desires and to take her orgasm whether he allowed it or not. She was so close to getting all demanding and out of control when he slipped a finger between her legs and began to play with her clitoris again.


“I wonder how it will feel to have you orgasm for me, Alice? I wonder how much you’ll enjoy giving yourself to me properly.”


Alice threw her head behind her, arching her back and opening her legs further for him. To let him see his cock entering her. She couldn’t help herself but move against his finger, the sensation arousing her so much that she knew she’d come for him the moment that he told her to.


“And I wonder how much you’ll enjoy feeling me filling you properly. Exploding inside you and taking you as my property.”


His words. His words were so arousing. Being a billionaire’s toy. Being Oliver Porter’s secretary in everyone else’s eyes and being this when no-one else was looking.


She understood totally what he meant by being his possession. He possessed her right there in that moment and she couldn’t imagine anything other than serving him.


His hands slipped back to her hips and he began moving her again. But this time was different, she realized. Before, he’d been moving her carefully to let herself get used to the cock that was going to be filling her. Now, he was moving her like a doll. A toy that was for his amusement and enjoyment. He was fucking her and he was using her exactly as he’d said he would. His plaything.


Alice tightened her muscles around his cock, wanting him to feel her at her very tightest. Wanting him to enjoy the sensation of taking her and wanting to feel him filling her with his hot, wet seed.


Oliver’s face began to flush with pleasure. Alice could sense him almost losing control. At the very edges of his own desire, and yet holding her so firmly in his power.


“You feel amazing, Sir,” she told him. “I want to please you so much. Take me hard, please.”


Oliver couldn’t contain his desire any further. Lifting her from his cock one more time, he moved her onto the desk in front of him and stood to push himself into her. He gripped her thighs to open them wider, and he thrust in and out of her sex, harder and harder.


“My fuck toy,” he told her. “Tell me how ready you are to come for me.”


“I’m so ready,” Alice moaned. “I want this so much. To feel you spurt inside me, and for me to be allowed to come too.”


And then, as she looked him right in the eyes, “I want to be your office fuck toy. Your possession. Own me please, Sir. Please.”


They each threw their head back at the same moment. Oliver as he was exploding inside the tightness of Alice, and Alice because she could hardly bear it a second longer.


“Now,” he told her. “Show me what a good girl you are and come for me right now.”


They moaned together as it happened. Each of them exploding with months of frustration and desire, now taking exactly what they’d wanted from each other.


It took what seemed like minutes for them to come around. For Alice to lift her head from the desk and for Oliver to pull her towards him so that he could push his tongue into her as he kissed her properly for the first time.


“My beautiful girl,” he told her. “My beautiful, beautiful girl.”


They stayed locked together for a long time afterwards, kissing and sighing together. Giggling a little at how much they’d wanted each other before, and at how special their new arrangement was going to be.


“I’ve left a new dress for you in my private bathroom,” Oliver told Alice. “You’re going to need a little refreshing before your shopping trip this afternoon.”


There were so many things to discuss. So much that each of them wanted to scream to the world. But they both knew that there was lots more to work through before that would be appropriate. Before Oliver would begin to reveal his new possession to his staff and his business associates.


When Alice had taken a shower and slipped into the lilac dress that Oliver had picked out for her, she blushed a little at how expensive his tastes were. The designer label was one that she’d admired but never dreamed of wearing. He’d left a small bag for her, and inside it a purse with account cards for every expensive store in town. Each of them already printed with her name. Each of them another signal to her that Oliver had been planning this for longer than she’d known.


As they stepped out of the office together, Alice imagined one day soon when she would be able to hold his hand in public. When everyone would know how much they belonged together. But for now, discretion was everything and they had to act in the way that others expected of them.


At the front door of the building, Oliver raised a hand and Alice saw a huge car pull right up to them. Oliver opened the door for her, telling her “Dexter has a list of your appointments. Take as much advice as you can from the assistants, and I’ll see you this evening for dinner.”


Each of them wanted to kiss the other, there in the street. There was something about the secrecy of this that made it all the more exciting.


Oliver made sure that Alice was safely inside and then pushed the car door closed.


“So you’re the amazing Alice,” Dexter told her. “I’m so glad he made his move at last. You’re in for a hell of a ride.”



Ruby Harper writes about women losing their inhibitions and finding that reality can be even hotter than fantasy. Her stories are short, erotic and always feature dominant men who know how to take control.

Ruby spends most of her life in a quiet part of northern England and loves music, village life and exhausting walks with Charlie the golden lab. She’s been reading since as far back as she can remember and writing for almost as long.

Ruby’s stories are best read in private.

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Loaned Out to the Mob Boss by Sasha Storm


Meeting the Boss


“Naturally, your marriage will be arranged with a suitable match,” the imposing middle-aged man said. Valerie couldn’t say much else about him, as she’d just met him. She could barely recall what he looked like, having only seen him for a moment, and from her current vantage point all she could see was his shoes—black leather, perfectly shined.


Besides, he wasn’t talking to her anyway.


“Yes, Papa,” Marcus replied.


“But this whore could make a fine goomah,” Marcus’s father said. “Shame she’s so fat.”


Well, that stung a little, didn’t it? Marcus didn’t seem to mind. He was the one who ordered her to dress this way. She was wearing a short, flared, navy skirt, thong panties, and a sheer, crisp white blouse. He liked her covered, but slutty, and with him, wearing a bra was a privilege, not a right.


“I think she could,” Marcus said. He was certainly meek around his father, Riccardo. She’d never seen this side of him before. He reached a hand down and laid it on her head. The leather strap his hand held moved along with it, but she knew better than to raise her eyes to that small distraction. Not here. Not for an important meeting between Marcus and his father, CEO of a large, fabulously wealthy company. What did they do again? Defense contracting? Waste management? Whatever it was, it was rumored to be occasionally dangerous and possibly even mingling with the underworld.


No, it would not do for Valerie to make a poor first impression on the man who bossed around the man who bossed
around. She should listen to Marcus’s instructions, and stay there kneeling quietly, collared and leashed, gaze demurely lowered.


And looking at those expensive dress shoes wishing she could suck her gut in more.


“She did really well at the frat party,” Marcus continued. He patted her head. “You should have seen her. Alejandro did a great job. She was a real bird of paradise. Everyone enjoyed her.”


Riccardo snorted, the first sign of mirth she’d heard from him so far. “
It did make a good impression on the families of your frat brothers. We may have forged some new business connections.”


The conversation veered into dry, lingo-laden corporate talk. Valerie’s legs felt a bit tight, even on the plush wall-to-wall carpeting in the dim office. It was Riccardo’s home office, tucked away in a far corner of the palatial compound. At least, it
palatial. Valerie hadn’t been able to see it. No visitors were allowed to see it, Marcus had told her, or to know the way there.


She’d stayed the night with Marcus, and he’d even allowed her to sleep in the bed. Well, for a few minutes, anyway. After she began to doze, he had shaken her awake and escorted her to the floor. He shackled ankle to the bedpost, and she spent the rest of the night at the foot of the bed.


It was okay. She was used to it. It was her place now, to exist at the feet of the young man who had once been her student. Oh, she still taught; she was still a professor of philosophy at the university. She just didn’t make deals with handsome, cocky students any longer. Especially not deals exchanging a night of passion with him for an “A” grade from her. No, the last and only time she’d done that—with Marcus, of course—he’d surreptitiously filmed the entire sordid encounter and used it to blackmail her. She’d originally thought he would simply want more sex, but no. His no-nonsense attitude that she’d seen that first night turned out to be a full-fledged dominant personality, and he reveled in using and humiliating her. It turned out that he also reveled in sharing her with his roommate, fraternity brothers, and sometimes even strangers, most of whom had their own particular kinks and all of whom saw absolutely no problem with treating her like the fraternity’s mascot fuck toy.


She hated that.


She loved that.


How did that parse?


Intellectually, she hated it. It wasn’t
to treat a woman who was your teacher and old enough to be, well, if not your mother, then your aunt, like a subhuman sexual plaything. Marcus and his friends spanked her, bound her, gagged her, caned her, collared and leashed her, caged her, forced her to crawl, to masturbate, to strip, to blow them, to blow strangers, to eat off the floor, to beg, to plead, to kneel, to suffer. They forbade orgasm, except under the strictest circumstances, and required her to wear or not wear whatever they ordered, even to work, and to be sexually available to anyone, friend or stranger, who expressed interest in the slutty looking professor walking by.


So, you could say that mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually, she loved it. Loved the freedom inherent in being bound to someone. Loved pleasing Marcus. Loved being cherished, even if that adoration took the form of humiliating her via a blow job for a neighborhood shopkeeper under the counter…while he cheerfully kept serving any customer who came by.


At the memory, a gust of warmth twisted pleasantly in her gut and she felt wetness creep from her pussy and soak the narrow crotch of the thong.


So here she was, completely in the thrall of the young man who’d had the balls to blackmail her, kneeling demurely at his side while he talked shop with his imposing CEO father. For the occasion, Marcus wore a tailored Italian suit, a welcome change from his usual frat boy casual wear. She’d knotted his tie this morning.


The suit befitted the heir to not only a sizable fortune, but also likely heir to the company his father headed. It sure seemed like an inheritable position, based on the way Riccardo was stressing the importance of family in their conversation. As he spoke, it was “the family” this and “the family” that.


Valerie could support some family values, but this seemed a bit excessive. Her ears perked up more when she heard the word “goomah” again.


“…To be honest, I didn’t expect you’d pick such a…mature…girl for a goomah. I’d look at this one for one of our overseas ventures. Does she know what’s expected of her?”


Mature? I’m not that old!


Marcus hesitated. “Hiring her overseas was my original intent too, Papa. And still could be, if you wish it. I know what’s expected of her.”


Riccardo’s voice dripped contempt. “I said, does
know, but it sounds like you don’t even know. Son, in the family I don’t ask much of you before you’re out of college. Your only job is to do well in school, make good connections in the fraternity, and set up your girl on the side.”


“Yes, sir,” Marcus said weakly. He’d never sounded so contrite.


“That means you sow your wild oats. You get as much of that shit out of the way as you can before you marry. And from the looks of this fat tart you’ve got collared and kneeling here, you’re doing that. Good going.”


Valerie thought he was done, but it seemed he was just warming up.


Riccardo continued, “But is she the
tart? She is or was a professor. But what
need is a vapid whore who can be encouraged to ditch her own life at the drop of a hat in favor of your needs. And you want her to be
about satisfying your every sexual need and peccadillo because I guarantee you one thing, whatever ice queen you’re going to marry will not. Do you know what that means?”


“I think I do, sir,” Marcus said.


Riccardo continued as if he hadn’t answered. “It means that she’s still
and your responsibility, even though it’s in slavery and not matrimony. Oh, that shocks you? Well, it’s your choice as to whether that’s virtual or literal, obviously. Least you have more control over that than if she was hired overseas. You’ve got to take care of her,
you’ve got to make sure she keeps her whore mouth shut. However you want to encourage her to do that, whether you just trust her to or if you want to keep her gagged 24/7.” He laughed. “I’d like to see that. Send her out in public with a golf ball in her mouth all day. How would you like that, slut?” He bent over and leered at her.


She didn’t dare look up.
Eyes on the shoes,
Marcus had told her, and darned if she wasn’t going to keep her gaze plastered on Riccardo’s shoes. The question was tricky, though. It was open-ended. “I’d like that, sir,” she said quietly.


Riccardo chortled and stood back up. “So son, I’ve just got one question for you. Is
bitch the vapid whore you’re looking for?”


“I think she might be. She certainly fell for the blackmail threat pretty easily. Almost as if she was looking for an excuse. She’s built for pleasure and thanks to the training we’ve done so far, she’s learning her place.”


“Built for pleasure? I’d have to beat that wide load ass good and hard before I’d be up to fuck it.”


Valerie felt another small surge of wetness between her legs.


“She’s also a pain slut,” Marcus interjected helpfully. “She’d probably come hard from that, if you let her. And it’s way more entertaining to
let her, trust me on that one.”


“All right then. Leave her with me for a while, son. I’ll call you later and let you know if we’ll need her for the poker game.”


Out of the corner of her eye Valerie saw Marcus hand the leather leash to his father. “Be good, pet,” he said. Then he patted her on the head and left her, collared and kneeling, eyes downcast, alone in a room with a frankly scary man who didn’t seem to like her…and who held the leash that signified utter control over her.


Tested by the Boss

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