Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century (183 page)

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Authors: Peter Watson

Tags: #World History, #20th Century, #Retail, #Intellectual History, #History

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Grote, George, 729

Groves, Leslie, 397

Grundig, Hans, 301

Guber, Boris, 324

Guenther, H. F. K., 296

Guernica, 336

Guggenheim, Peggy, 510

Guitry, Sacha, 409

Gunn, Thom, 464

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 642

Gurney, Ivor, 153

Guth, Alan, 741

Guzzardi, Peter, 739–40

Haakon, Paul, 359

Habermas, Jürgen, 32, 633–4, 671

Hacker, Andrew:
Two Nations,
654–5, 761

Hadar, Ethiopia, 612–13

Hadden, Briton, 211

Haeckel, Ernst, 41, 171, 581

Hagen, Paul (or Karl Frank), 353

Hahn, Otto, 394–6

Haig, General Douglas (
1st Earl), 145–6

Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 612

Haidane, J. B. S., 473

Haley, Bill, 457

Hall, G. Stanley, 78, 278

Halston (fashion designer), 663

Halverson, H. M., 494

Hankey, Maurice, 1st Baron, 365

Hannaford, Ivan, 391

Harding, Warren, 208

Hardy, George, 362

Harford, James, 482–3

Haring, Keith, 663

Harkness, Edward, 119

Harlem, New York, 215–16

Harrington, Michael:
The Other America,
520–2, 656

Harris, Judith Rich:
The Nurture Assumption,

Hartmann, Heinz, 235

Harvard University, 74–6, 78, 732; Graduate School of Business Studies, 78–9

Harvey, David: The Condition of Postmodernity,

Harvey, William, 147

Hata, Sachachiro, 105–6

Hauptmann, Elisabeth, 231

Hauptmann, Gerhart, 227, 231

Hauser, Arnold, 27, 181, 376

Hausmann, Raoul, 163

Haussman, Baron Georges-Eugène, 52

Hawking, Stephen, 739–43;
A Brief History of Time,

Hayek, Friedrich von, 183, 381, 386–7. 544, 549, 551, 645, 656, 665;
The Constitution of Liberty,
517–18, 520;
The Road to Serfdom,
378–9, 517

Hayman, Ronald, 135, 232

Haynes, C. Vance, 555

Hearst, William Randolph, 348–9

Heartfield, John, 163, 300, 350–1

Heatley, N. G., 367–8

Heckel, Erich, 55, 163

Hefner, Hugh, 529

Hegel, G. W. F., 235, 242, 380, 408, 754

Heidegger, Martin: background and ideas, 233–4; in continental school of philosophy, 32; Hannah Arendt studies with, 307–9, 502; influence on Bonhoeffer, 314; Kafka and, 239; Karl Mannheim attends lectures, 376; Marcuse studies under, 502; Nietzsche influences, 39; and religious thinkers, 575–6; Rilke anticipates, 228; Sartre influenced by, 408, 410; on submitting, 752;
Being and Time,
233–4, 308–9

Heiden, Konrad, 354

Heinkel, Ernst, 269

Heisenberg, Werner, 258–61, 267, 270–1, 373, 397, 668

Heider, Walter, 267–8, 373

Helmer, Olaf, 306

Hemingway, Ernest, 215, 285, 286, 334–5, 339. 409, 704, 715;
For Whom the Bell Tolls,

Hempel, Cari, 306

Henderson, Fletcher, 216

Henking, H., 114

Hennings, Emmy, 161

Henri, Robert, 85–6

Herrnstein, Richard J. (and Charles

The Bell Curve,

Hertz, Heinrich, 21, 210, 366

Herzl, Theodor, 28, 44–5, 56

Hilbert, David, 24, 260, 270–1, 352

Hildebrand, Alan, 687–8

Hill, Andrew, 613

Hill, Christopher, 467, 561–2;
Puritanism and Revolution,
The World Turned Upside Down,

Hill, Thomas:
Most Pleasaunte Art of the Interpretation of Dreames, 602

Hiller, E. T.:
The Strike,

Hilton, Rodney, 467, 561–2

Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 735–6

Himmler, Heinrich, 295, 307, 309, 311, 315, 581

Hindemith, Paul, 55?, 131, 222, 231–2, 313, 351, 356

Hiroshima, 387, 401, 729

Hiroshima mon amour
(film), 638

Hirschmann, Eduard, 15

Hirt, August, 311

Hitchcock, Alfred, 490–1

Hite, Shere, 531–2

Hitler, Adolf: anti-Semitism, 242–3, 307; assassination attempt on, 315; at art school in Vienna, 43; becomes Chancellor, 300; effect on German culture, 753; and German individuality, 294; ideology, 240–4, 295; love of classical world, 246; makes will, 311; Musil disparages, 236; and Olympic Games (1936), 329; orders death of Bonhoeffer, 315; personal effect, 4; in prison, 239; rise to power, 173, 176, 222; and Rosenberg’s
295–7; schooling with Wittgenstein, 158; sees Strauss’s
54; and socialist uprising (1918), 163; and suppression of art, 295, 301–2; taste in art, 311–13;
Mein Kampf,
240–3, 311

Hobhouse, Arthur, 174

Hobsbawm, Eric, 285, 467;
Primitive Rebels,

Höch, Anna, 163

Hoffmann, Eric Achille, 104

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 28–30, 32–3, 36–7, 44, 55, 59, 136, 180, 192, 227–8, 274, 330, 415;
Idyll on an Ancient Vase Painting,

Hofstadter, Richard, 79, 85, 704, 757;
Anti-lntellectualism in American Life,
207, 704

Hoggart, Richard:
The Uses of Literacy,

Holborn, Haajo, 223

Hölderlin, Friedrich, 233

Holloway, Christopher, 464

Hollywood, 326–7, 357, 636

Hook, Sidney, 235, 447

Hoover, Herbert, 646

Hope, Francis, 152

Hopper, Edward, 86

Horgan, John:
The End of Science,
755–7. 766

Horkheimer, Max, 225, 305–6, 357, 376, 502

Horne, Lena, 523

Horney, Karen, 223, 274, 306, 505;
The Neurotic Personality of Our Time,

Horowitz, Irving Louis, 761;
The Decomposition of Sociology,

House of German Art, Munich, 311, 313

Houtermans, Fritz, 400

Howard, Ebenezer, 521, 581

Howe, Irving, 439, 447, 761

Howells, Dean:
Rise of Silas Lapham,

Hoyer, Hermann, 312

Hoyle, Fred, 508

Hubble, Edwin, 265–7, 346, 508, 569, 752, 756

Hubble, Grace, 266

Hudson, Rock, 66

Hughes, Langston, 215–16

Hughes, Robert, 61, 167, 204, 336, 512

Hughes, Ted, 608, 641

Hulme, T. E., 66

Hülsenbeck, Richard, 161, 163

Hume, David, 678

Hungary, 181–2; 1956 revolt in, 537;
see also
Austro-Hungarian Empire

Hunter, George William:
Civic Biology,

Huntington, Samuel: The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order, 767 Hurok, Sol, 348

Husserl, Edmund, 31–3, 35–7, 65–6, 75. 87. 90, 233–4, 237, 309, 408, 502;
Logical Investigations, 31

Hutchinson, George, 217n

Huxley, Aldous, 99, 266;
Brave New World,
The Doors of Perception,

Huxley, Julian, 340, 371, 372, 577

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 74, 372

Ibsen, Henrik, 171

Ijimere, Obotunde, 713

Illich, Ivan:
Deschooling Society,

Immaterial, The
exhibition (Paris 1985), 681

Incas, 118–21

India: cultural crisis, 762–3; fiction of, 709–12; universities, 73

Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul’s, 290–1, 575, 767;
God and the Astronomers,

Institute of Red Professors, 317, 317–18

International Centre of Genetic Epistemology, Geneva, 500

International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM), 331

International Monetary Fund, 389

Ionesco, Eugène, 412, 414, 418–20, 757

Iran: universities, 73

IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et de Co-ordination Acoustique/Musique; ‘Petit Beaubourg’), 621, 623–4

Isherwood, Christopher, 297, 332

Israel: in Yom Kippur War (1973). 589

(film), 157

Jackson, Mahalia, 523

Jacob, Max, 129

Jacobs, Jane: The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 520–2, 581, 622, 680, 761

Jacobson, Roman, 353

Jacoby, Russell: The Last Intellectuals, 761

James, Henry, 75

James, William, 41, 65, 67, 74–8, 90, 110, 306, 550, 597, 770;
Varieties of Religious Experience,

Jameson, Fredrick:
The Political Unconscious, 715–16

Janco, Marcel, 161

Janowitz, Hans, 222

Jansky, Jan, 147

Japan: atom-bombed (1945). 401–2; culture and psychology analysed, 402–4; gains concessions in China, 178; modernisation, 70–1; universities, 73

Jarry, Alfred, 163;
Ubu Roi,

Jaspers, Karl, 308–9

Jawlensky, Aleksey, 64, 161

Jazz Singer, The
(film), 326

Jefferson, Thomas, 112

Jeffreys, Alec, 682–3

Jencks, Christopher:
534–5, 700

Jenney, William Le Barron, 81

Jennings, Elizabeth, 464

Jensen, Arthur, 526, 534

Jesus Christ, 574–5, 578

Jewish Colonial Trust, 45

Jews: achievements, 244; Bergson retains faith, 67; and Eichmann trial, 504–5; in France, 630; Freud on, 307; and honour, 44–5; repression in and emigration from Nazi Germany, 67, 243. 302, 309. 327, 352–7, 394. 435. 606; in Vienna, 28, 56; and Zionism, 45;, see
anti-Semitism in Index of Ideas and Subjects

Jiang Qing, 539–40

Joachim, Johann, 54

Johanson, Don, 612–14, 688

John XXIII, Pope:
Mater et Magistra
(encyclical), 579;
Pacem in Terris
(encyclical), 580

John, Augustus, 99

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 74

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