Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century (182 page)

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Authors: Peter Watson

Tags: #World History, #20th Century, #Retail, #Intellectual History, #History

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Feldstein, Martin, 648

Fenichel, Otto, 223, 274, 505

Ferber, Edna, 217

Ferenczi, Sandor, 664

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 455

Fermi, Enrico, 393–4, 398, 507

Fessenden, Reginald, 210

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 231, 354, 356

Feyerabend, Paul Karl, 679

Feynman, Richard, 741

Fichte, Johann, 74

Finland: universities, 73

Firth, Raymond, 376

Fischer, Eugen, 310

Fish, Stanley, 716, 721, 723, 731–32, 735

Fisher, R. A., 699

Fiske, William, 41

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 215;
The Great Gatsby,

Flaubert, Gustave, 234, 714

Fleischmann, Raoul, 217

Fleming, Sir Alexander, 367–8

Flemming, Walther, 114

Flexner, Abraham, 303, 305

Fliess, Wilhelm, 142

Florensky, Pavel, 324

Florey, Howard Walter, Baron, 367–8

Fokine, Mikhail, 358

Fontenelle, Bernard de, 245

Ford, Henry, 6, 142

Förster, Bernard, 39–40

Forster, E. M., 174

Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 39–40, 173

Fortes, Meyer, 277

Fortune, Reo, 281

Fossey, Dian, 608;
Gorillas in the Mist,

Foster, Norman, 622

Foucault, Michel, 39, 627–31, 633–4, 663

Fournier, Alfred, 104

Fox, William, 87

Fraeckel-Conrat, Heinz, 749

France: in First World War, 145; intellectuals in, 411–12, 625–34, 743–4; and Treaty of Versailles, 173–7; universities in, 627

Franco, General Francisco, 336

Frank, Karl
Hagen, Paul

Frank, Philipp, 235

Frankfurt School, 225–6, 305–6, 331, 502

Frankfurter, Felix, 400

Franklin, Rosalind, 479–81

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austro-Hungary, 144–5

Frazer, Sir James, 30, 61, 116, 223;
The Golden Bough,
60, 68, 141, 88

Frazier, E. Franklin:
The Negro Family in the United States,

Freed, Alan, 457

Freeman, Derek: Margaret Mead and the Samoa, 665

Frege, Gottlob, 100–1, 112, 271, 352;
Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, 158 French Connection, The
(film), 625

Frenkel, Naftaly Aronovich, 543

Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, 306

Freud, Anna, 307

Freud, Jakob (Sigmund’s father), 14, 112

Freud, Sigmund: on alienation, 53; Ardrey criticises, 607; attacked and questioned, 493–4, 498, 665; attitude to religion, 141; belief in instincts, 56; breach with Jung, 139–42; Breton influenced by, 202–3; character and manner, 11; Conrad rejects, 51; and dreams, 229; on ego and id, 135–6; and First World War, 150; French interest in, 634; Harold Bloom on, 724; Horney criticises, 275; influence, 61, 138, 140; Ionesco and, 419; late translation into French, 137; and Marx, 502–3, 632; Masson attacks, 663–4; modernist reliance on, 759–61; moves to London and dies, 306–7; on Nordau, 43; psychoanalytical failure, 761; on ‘rabble’, 44; resistance to, 58; sabotages reason, 188; and Schnitzler, 28, 55; stays in post-1919 Vienna, 180; suffers cancer of mouth, 273; on superego, 297–8; Teilhard de Chardin and, 578; theories, 13, 19–20, 27, 30, 34, 56; on ‘underworlds’, 25; university education, 74; and Wagner-Jauregg, 152; and Wolf Man, 144;
Civilisation and its Discontents,
7, 273–4, 297, 437;
The Future of an Illusion,
The Interpretation of Dreams, 11–
14, 51, 135, 761;
Moses and Monotheism,
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality,
Totem and Taboo,
135, 141–2, 273;
see also
unconscious, the

Freud, Sophie, 180

Freundlich, Otto, 350

Frick, Henry Clay, 119

Frick, Wilhelm, 273

Friedan, Betty: The Feminine Mystique, 430–1, 432, 529

Friedkin, William, 625

Friedman, Milton, 282, 523, 544, 645–8, 650–1, 656, 767;
Capitalism and Freedom,
Free to Choose
(with Rose Friedman), 646–7

Friedman, Rose, 645–7, 650–1

Friedmann, Alexander, 264, 266

Frisch, Karl von, 304, 606

Frisch, Otto, 258, 392–3, 395–6

Fröbel, Friedrich, 78

Fromm, Erich, 275, 305, 308, 354, 376, 432, 436–8, 503, 505;
The Sane Society,

Frosch, Paul, 20

Frost, Robert, 495, 542;
A Boy’s Will,

Fry, Roger, 127, 201

Fry, Varian, 353–4, 357

Fu Sinian, 179

Fuad, Prince Ahmad, 73

Fuchs, Klaus, 482, 507

Fuentes, Carlos, 706, 708

Fukuyama, Francis:
The End of History and the Last Man,
754–5, 759, 761

Fuld, Caroline, 303

Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 356

Fussell, Paul, 6;
The Great War in Modem Memory,
145–6, 156

Gabo, Naum, 164

Gagarin, Yuri, 484, 566

Gaitskell, Hugh, 447

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 447, 454, 649, 652, 655, 704, 761;
The Affluent Society,
441–3, 445–7;
The Culture of Contentment,
The Good Society,
652, 654;
The New Industrial State,
590–2, 605

Gallo, Robert, 660

Gallup, George Horace, 333, 432

Galsworthy, John, 51

Galton, Francis, 44

Gamow, George, 508, 569–70

Gance, Abel, 157

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma), 273

García Lorca, Federico, 335, 409

García Márquez, Gabriel, see Márquez, Gabriel García

Garet, Jedd, 512

Garvey, Marcus, 216

Gates, Bill, 605

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 144

Gauguin, Paul, 58–9, 127, 181

Gay, John:
The Beggar’s Opera,

Gay, Peter, 221, 226

Geertz, Clifford, 674–6, 679, 714;
The Interpretation of Cultures,
Local Knowledge,

Geiger, Hans, 262

Gein, Ed, 490

Geli-Mann, Murray, 509, 569, 747

Gellhorn, Martha, 409

Gellner, Ernest:
The Psychoanalytic Movement,

Genentech (company), 605, 616

Genet, Jean, 414–16, 418, 531

George, Stefan, 57, 64, 172, 226–7, 241

Germany: anti-Semitism in, 295–6, 355–6, 394, 436; dominance in ideas, 26; in First World War, 145; Nazi art in, 311–12; persecution of arts and sciences in, 300–9, 312–13, 753; pre-and post-First War conditions, 172–3; refugees flee to USA and London, 303–6, 350; religious persecution in, 314–15; rise of Nazism in, 240, 294–6, 300, 304, 314; in Second World War, 361; and Treaty of Versailles, 173–6; universities, 74;
see also
Weimar Republic; individual places and institutions

Gérôme, Jean-Léon:
Snake Charmer,

Gertler, Mark, 297

Gestapo, 300–1, 307, 315

Geva, Tamara, 359

Giacometti, Alberto, 414

Gide, André, 138, 200, 354, 409;
The Counterfeiters,

Gielgud, John, 640

Gilbert, Stuart, 194?

Gilbert, Walter, 615

Gilgamesh, 250

Gill, Brendan, 423

Gilpin, Charles, 216

Gingrich, Newt, 730

Ginsberg, Allen:
429, 454–6

Ginsberg, Morris, 306

Giraudoux, Hippolyte Jean, 412

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 621, 623

Glackens, William, 86

Glazer, Nathan, 447, 704;
Beyond the Melting Pot
(with Patrick Moynihan), 532

Gleick, James:

Glenn, John, 566

Gobineau, Arthur de, 42, 242, 243

Godard, Jean-Luc, 637, 639

Goddard, H. H., 148–9

Gödel, Kurt, 235, 270–1, 306, 352, 362–3, 668

Goebbels, Joseph, 300–1, 309, 313, 328–9, 331, 356

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 54–5

Gold, Harvey, 482

Gold, Thomas, 508

Golding, William:
Lord of the Flies,

Goldstein, Al, 529

Gollancz, Victor, 286–7, 387

Gombrich, Ernst, 183

Gomperz, Theodor, 30

Goncharova, Natalya, 164–5

Goodall, Jane, 608–10;
In the Shallow of Man,

Goodman, Paul, 596

Goodwin, Brian:
How the Leopard Changed Its Spots,

Gorer, Geoffrey, 277

Göring, Hermann, 297

Gorky, Arshile, 510

Gorky, Maxim, 318, 321–3

Gorlova, Zinaïda, 43

Göttingen, 259

Gottlieb, Michael, 657–8

Gottschaldt, Kurt, 310

Gould, Stephen Jay, 616, 692, 696–9, 750;
The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm
(with R. Lewontin),
The Mismeasure of Man,
Wonderful Life,

Graham, Martha, 510, 513, 515

Grant, Madison, 390

Grasset, Bernard, 409

Graves, Robert, 153, 464

Great Train Robbery, The
(film), 86–7

Great Zimbabwe, 556

Greco, Juliette, 412

Greenberg, Clement, 511

Greenberg, Joseph:
Language in the Americas,

Greene, Brian:
The Elegant Universe,

Greene, Graham, 343

Greene, Michael, 745–6

Greenglass, David, 482

Greenwood, Arthur, 384

Greer, Germaine:
The Female Eunuch,

Grenfell, Julian, 145

Gribbin, John, 96

Grierson, John, 327

Griffith, D. W. (David Wark), 87–9

Griffith, Paul, 624

Grillparzer, Franz, 158

Gropius, Walter, 221–4, 304–5, 331, 622

Gross, Otto, 136

Grosz, George, 163, 221, 230–1, 300;
Republican Automatons,

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