Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series)
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“It is such a pleasure to see you again little one.” His baritone voice resonated. I looked up, his face seem gentle his features soft, making his blue eyes seem inviting. He had a full beard, long enough to tie up.

“Do you like my daughters singing?” He nudged his head towards the ocean. “Does it meet your approval?”

I merely looked at him, was he being sincere or sarcastic?

“I heard from my brother that you and your sisters singing was an exquisite and a rare find.” I must have given him a perplexed look.

“Forgive me. I thought that you would have remembered me from that day. I realize that it was long ago, but still.” He gazed at me. “I was the one in the ocean. I personally made sure that you made it safely to Sparta. I am Poseidon.” His piercing blue eyes reminded me of a life long ago. I felt at ease with him, maybe it was just his personality.

“I wanted to say thank you for what you had done. It was a shock back then, but it was exciting too.”

Poseidon’s head turned and he acknowledged someone. “I’m sorry, but I’ve been summoned, I will be seeing very soon.”

I turned and leaned against the stone railing and continued to enjoy the night’s tranquility.

It was Zoe who pulled me out of my trance.

‘I can’t believe how many gods are here. Dad used to tell us so many stories, but never did I think I would see them in real life.’

I would have treated her thought like any other and blocked it, but it was the mention of my father that made me notice. This night was beginning to be all about my past.

We were told numerous times that we could never go back. That our past lives were over and that we were born anew. We spent nearly a year here, training our bodies and minds, but always in the far reaches of my mind, my father lingered. How could he not? Was he ok? How was my mother? Are they still at home or have they left? Or even worst, did he and my mother not survive the attack that Eirene and the others were taken from. I was again engrossed in my mind, lost in my thoughts.

I was trying desperately to think of a way to see them, when I felt a gentle finger across my face.

“Why are you here crying alone?” He said softly. “I am the one who usually feels all alone at these dinners.” Hephaistos’ hands were soft to the touch, but I had always imagined them to be quite the opposite. He stood next to me blocking me from the view of the guests.

Why was he always there at the moments I didn’t want anyone to see me? I didn’t respond to him. I quickly wiped my tears away and stood up, continuing to look over the ocean. He guessed I wasn’t in the mood to speak so he decided to speak for both of us.

“It’s difficult for the gods to be around me, well for those who think themselves divine. They look at me and feel uncomfortable. I bring to them the reality that they too can be broken.”

I looked over and saw a gentleness in his face as he spoke to me.

“Do I make you feel uncomfortable?” His eyes were earnest. “Please tell me that I don’t make you feel badly when I’m around you.”

As he finished his last word I felt my heart skip. Why was my heart uneasy? The way in which he looked at me had made me lose all feeling in my body.

“I’m trying to be different, to be more open, but this is very difficult for me, so I need to know if I am doing this right.” He continued.

I couldn’t speak. I was lost in his face. No other god had a face like his. His was full of sadness, a sadness that was unspoken. A feeling of abandonment. A heavy heart that was broken long before I was ever here. He carried this pain with him always, but only showed a close few his true self. I studied him taken in by his wondrous green eyes.

Without noticing my hand began to reach up to touch his face. I wanted to feel the roughness of his beard on my fingers. This overwhelming feeling of wanting to hold him, to comfort him began to draw me in. His eyes beckoned me to touch him, to feel him, but our moment was interrupted by Zeus.

Hephaistos’ face fell, his eyes now pained as Zeus commanded that my sisters and I entertain them with a song. I finally broke from my stare and dropped my hand. I closed my eyes regaining myself and began to head towards the middle of the veranda.

It was Hephaistos, who grabbed my hand and held it for a few moments. He held me, willing me not to leave him. I didn’t answer his silent plea. He released my hand, slowly letting me go.

My sisters and I began to play, this time being a little more confident with ourselves. We sang yet another slow song about lost loves.

When we had finished, it was Dio that came up to us and whispered in my ear.

“I’ve seen you all before,” he smirked “these are not your usual songs. I want to see the real music that your sisters and you sing.” I froze not knowing what to do. My sisters watched me with confusion. Dio winked and smiled wickedly.

“Zeus!” He cried out. “I think that you should command them to sing the songs they sing when their in between training. I’m not saying that these songs they sing are not good.” He continued to smile almost grinning now. “They’re just… well… boring.” He now turned and looked at me, a sinister grin taking over his face. “I’ve heard these songs and know that they will liven up this dull party. What do you think? Would you not want to see them?”

If I didn’t fear the ramifications, I would have reached over to Dio and knocked him one so hard he wouldn’t remember his name. He turned his body from the gods and stood in front of me and thought.

‘You want to kill me don’t you?’
He grinned wildly.
‘I can feel it.’
He smiled and winked, knowing that Zeus would take the bait.

My sisters began to stir. Zoe had put her instrument down and tried to put it away.

“Zoe! Why are you so nervous? I did not tell you that you were finished, did I?” Zeus was not asking so much as demanding. Zoe answered with an apology.

“So Dionysus, is their ability that good? Should I command it?” Zeus asked. “I’m just saying that it is a sight to be seen. These girls have a skill perhaps enhanced by their immortally, but this is a talent that very few have.” Dio was just flaming the fire and was enjoying it.

“Father…” I stammered. Enhanced by our immortality? I saw red.

“All the things you can take away from us, but our music, the fact that we are musical, that’s not because we are immortal, but because we love it. Music has chosen us and we simply allow it to come to life.” I don’t know why I needed to say this, but I wasn’t going to lose the last part of humanity I had left because Dio wanted to have a party.

“Very wise and carefully chosen words.” The voice was that of a woman, she was radiant to say the least.

She wore a beautiful white dress, a style that I had never seen before simple, but elegant. On top of her right shoulder she had a gold plated arm shield, with a gorgon mask carved into it. Her hair had perfect brunette curls and her skin was a beautiful cream white. I knew instantly who she was. I had grown to admire her the most. In the years before we arrived and the year that we have been here, my respect for her had no bounds. She chose a life not many goddesses would and lived it as best as she could. For the women in our time, she gave hope that we were not only born the breed, but we had more to offer, more talent than we were told we had. She was Athena.

She was sitting behind Zeus and the moment she spoke, those in front of her moved and cleared a path.

“I have heard talk of you, young Psykhe. I hope that you will live up to this new found fame.” She did not move from her seat.

“Daughter, do you not think that they are quite beautiful?” Zeus interrupted her.

“Father, you always like whatever is new. Let us see what will become of them.”

Zeus chuckled. “Athena, are you jealous? I have enough love for all of you.” He laughed as he reached over to touch her shoulder. “To me, they have proven themselves. You all can now wait for what you need them to do to gain your approval.” He noted.

I listened to Athena as she spoke and I must admit not that I disagreed with her, but I had imagined her to be a loving older sister who would accept us and give us guidance, but that was not going to be the case. Zeus continued his laughter.

I had thought that the matter of the sing was over. I began to walk away when Zeus then gave his command to hear our music. All blood left my face. My sisters looked anxious. Was this really happening? I kept asking myself, until I realized everyone was waiting on us.

My sisters and I huddled together.

“What are we going to do?” Zoe seemed somewhat hysterical. I knew it was because she was afraid that our music was too different, too audacious.

“Great! All I needed was this!” Eirene was annoyed, but I only knew why.
‘All I need is for Herakles to see me dance like a Hetaera and then I can never have him leave me alone!’
Eirene was always highly confident in her womanly abilities. I rolled my eyes at her.

“There’s no point if freaking out. It was a command by Zeus and we have to do this, so just pick a freaken song and let’s do it.” My nerves had got the best of me. Would Hephaistos judge me as a prostitute to? Eva, who cared the least, picked a song that was fun and energetic.

We took a few seconds to settle what we needed. I had quickly walked over to Dio, who instinctively knew what I wanted and gave me a cup, full of wine, which I drank in one gulp. He took the cup from me and I narrowed my eyes at him, as I turned, I elbowed him in the gut and walked away.

The music started and it carried itself through the night. I took one deep breath and I gave myself permission to do this. I opened my mouth and out came our song. We began to move to the beat of Eva’s drumming, while Zoe’s kithara and Agape’s lyre set the tone to our lyrics. Eirene and I moved wildly with the music flowing though us. The feeling of the beats, the freedom it brought to my body, the meaning behind our words, had brought us to a place we often went and loved going. A near perfect private world that we had created for ourselves, that was now being exposed for the entire world to see. But oddly enough, I didn’t seem to care, actually I felt the opposite, I felt liberated.

As we danced and sang our song, various gods and goddesses began to join in and dance as well. It was a comforting feeling knowing that we hadn’t crossed any lines and what we had created was actually entertaining to everyone. The song ended and everyone was in a daze and out of breath

“Well the crowd seems to beckon for more, can you not continue?” Zeus looked on.

We did as we were told to do. With each song we became more certain of ourselves.

The night was coming to an end and part of me was glad for it. I had grown tired from all our dancing and singing and Dio’s wine had started to take effect.

Eirene seemed to be right on her opinion of Herakles. He had kept his distance throughout the night, but when it can time for Eirene to sing, his only interest was her. She sang almost purposefully to antagonize him, to be honest, I knew she liked the power she had over him. She relished in his reactions, if you had asked her if she cared for him, she’d simply say.

“That this is not love, this is power and that’s all. Love should be with an equal not a mongrel.”

I love my sister don’t ever mistaken that, but she would rather seem cruel and in control than ever admit how she truly felt.

When her song ended, I knew she felt empowered, but it was Herakles that craved to have her all to himself. He tried to gain her attention, but she gave him no opening.

Dio had enjoyed the night’s festivities. He danced with us and drank himself into a stupor.

As I sang, it was Hephaistos’ eyes that would not move from mine, if anything he had moved himself closer. It bothered me how much a man I hardly knew, could affect me so. It was different with Leonidas, with him I felt like I had known him all my life.

But with Hephaistos, he moved silently into my subconscious, as though he was calling back what was his, as though I belonged to him. His very existence frightened me. I hated the loss of power. I hated how his mere presence made me unhinged. What was it about him that made me feel a need to learn more? Whatever it was, I didn’t want anything to do with it. I had loved once and it nearly killed me, I wasn’t going to live the rest of my immortal life mourning another. Oh so I kept saying to myself.

When I was done my song, I was in front of Hephaistos. Our gaze never wavered, his eyes beckoning me, while mine welcomed him.

Before I could react, Apollon grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. His face was enraged, as we glided through everyone, reaching the edge of the balcony.

“How dare you move that way in front of everyone. I will not allow you to show that part of you to anyone, but me.” His eyes glowed red. His anger had surprised to me.

“I don’t belong to you. Now let me go before I do something I regret.” Though I felt flattered by his desire for me, I still did not want him.

Within seconds, Hephaistos was next to me. Apollon didn’t move from his stance, but he did notice him there.

“Oh please.” He said with annoyance. “You should listen to me. She will not want a cripple like you, now fuck off and let me be. Don’t you understand Hephaistos? You are nothing, but a nuisance.” His words made me loathe him more. His mere distain for him disgusted me.

Hephaistos didn’t move away, but rather he moved closer, as he grabbed Apollon by the throat. Apollon being surprised had let me go, he turned to Hephasitos. Apollon’s eyes now wide open.

“I told you, that I will not allow you to do anything to her. She does not belong to you. Now if you know what is in your best interest, you will let her be.” Hephaistos’ voice was low and deep. His eyes began to change. I could feel his anger building. The atmosphere around me began to altering.

Apollon struggled back, but Hephaistos did not relent.

“You think me crippled. Why? Because I don’t carry a happy disposition or is it because I don’t really fit into this world?” Hephaistos continued. “Whatever it is, I am stronger than you. Now maybe you should fuck off and leave her alone.” He threw Apollon across the floor, the stones underneath him breaking as he slid. The wall had stopped him from going any further.

Hephaistos stopped and looked around, the realization that all the attention was on him, had made him feel uneasy. He didn’t ask if I was ok or glance at my direction. He stalked off, away from everyone’s’ prying eyes. I remembered thinking how much it hurt that he had left me there. He fought for me. Shouldn’t he have at least taken me with him? Everyone had gone back to their conversation, like nothing happened, if it wasn’t about them, then most of the time, they didn’t care.

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