Memoirs Of A Gigolo (8 page)

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Authors: Dranda Laster

BOOK: Memoirs Of A Gigolo
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I asked him, “How did your date go with Susan?” “That wasn’t a date it was business.” “I don’t trust any woman.” I asked, “So you have mother issues?” He snapped, “How the hell did you get one thing from the other?” “I’m observant I guess.” “You sound like a bitch.” He laughed. “I need some sleep now analyze that.”

I called Joyce to check on Janet. It had been a month since I left. “Hello, Joyce I’ve been meaning to call, but I needed some space. Joyce said, “I understand Donavan, and Janet is doing fine.” “When will you be coming back to Chicago?” I replied, “I’m not sure, but it will be soon I guess.”

“I just wanted to call because I was thinking about her.” Joyce sighed and said, “Donavan there’s something I want you to think about.” “What’s that?” “I want to take full custody of Janet so you can live your life.”

I was appalled and replied, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, and when will I see her?” “I’m the only parent she has left, and full custody is out of the question.” “I didn’t want this, but I think this is best for Janet.”

I was angry and asked, “What about my mother or maybe now I don’t have any say?” “You know I love your mother, but she has a job and works a lot.” I hadn’t even spoken to mom about this, and this was all new to me.

Joyce replied, “Donavan, I have already spoken to an attorney about the matter.” “I see, and when were you going to talk to me?” “I’m talking to you now and I think that's best.” I said getting madder by the minute.  “Well I don’t, and I’ll be back in Chicago in a day or so.” Joyce said, “Do what you have to, but this is what my daughter would have wanted.”

After hanging up the phone, I thought this bitch was trying to take my daughter. What the fuck was she thinking….?

That I was going to lie down and take it. First, I was going to get my attorney on the phone, and see what my options were. I did want the best for Janet, but not like this.

I started packing my things for the trip when my phone rang. “Hello,” I heard Sephora’s sweet voice on the other end. “Hey you, what’s going on?” She said, “I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner or something.” I was excited and replied, “That sounds like a winner.” “I take it Grahams not home yet?” “No, he called and said he wouldn’t be back for a week, and I’m bored.”

I must have been crazy for asking but I said, “I’m leaving for Chicago on business tomorrow, would you like you come?” “Sure, I’ve never been up north, going away sounds fantastic.” “We’ll talk more about it over dinner.” “May I ask what type of business?” I said, “Don’t worry it’s not what you think.” Sounding apologetic, she replied, “I didn’t mean it that way.” “Don’t worry about it, and you did mean it that way,” I laughed. “Ok, see you for dinner, by now.” I said ha

Was it wise to take her I thought after I hung up the phone? I called Mack to see what my rights were concerning Baby Janet.

He started talking about abandonment issues, and all that nonsense. I hadn’t abandoned Janet. I left her with her grandmother to get my head together.

I called Mom later to get her opinion. “Hey Mom, how are you?” “I called to run something by you.” She said, “I’m fine Donavan, what’s wrong?” I started getting tears in my eyes and said, “It’s Joyce; she wants full custody of baby Janet.” Mom replied, “I’m not surprised, and I knew this was coming.” “What do you mean?” I said. Mom spoke calmly, “I knew when Valencia died there was going to be a problem.”

“Mom, I talked to Mack and he said they might say I abandoned Janet.” With dread in her voice, Mom replied, “I hate to say it, but he might be right.” “My advice to you is to get back here as soon as possible Son.” “I’ve already booked my flight, and I should be in Chicago around 5:00.” “OK son, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Love you mom, bye.”


After talking to mom, I knew this was serious. I showered and got ready for dinner, but I couldn’t stop thinking about baby Janet.

I picked up Stephora, and she informed me we’d be having dinner in South Beach. “Donavan you’re a little quiet tonight, what’s wrong?” “I just have a lot on my mind.” “Is it about the business you spoke about earlier?” “Yes, and I’m not sure what to do about it.” “Donavan, I’ll take a rain check if you’re not in the mood.” “Nonsense,” I said, “let’s have dinner I’m starved.”

We arrived at the Pelican. It was a high-end restaurant that served amazing food. “Hello Mrs. Gordian, your table is waiting,” the host replied,” Right this way.” Stephora said, “Thank you Miles,” as we were seated. 

After being seated, I noticed a guy watching us from across the room. I didn’t say anything to Stephora because maybe it was my imagination.

We had a few drinks and talked about the trip. I didn’t want say she couldn’t go after asking her. I still had my eye on this guy. There was something about him that seemed off.

I decided to be honest and tell my story. I looked at her and said, “Stephora there is something I must say.”  This trip is about my daughter Janet.” “I didn’t mention her the other night because I thought...” “Umm, you have a daughter?” Stephora asked. “Yes I do, and she’s the reason I’m going to Chicago.” She said, “I’ve always wanted a child, but Graham has kids with his first wife.” “What the hell does that have to do with anything?” I asked. “I don’t know, but he doesn’t want any more children.”

If you don’t mind my saying, he’s cheating you out of a wonderful experience.” “I know, but it was in the prenuptial agreement.” I got a little aggravated and said, “I can’t believe you signed a prenup.” She replied, “He wouldn’t have married me if I hadn’t.”

Stephora seemed so unhappy when she talked about her marriage. She was too young to be in this situation, but it was the life she chose.

After dinner, Stephora and I decide to walk down by the beach. She was so beautiful with the moon shining off her hair. The smell of her perfume aroused all my senses. I wanted to make love to her right there.

Stephora said, “You seem to be a thousand miles away.” No, I was just thinking how beautiful you look right now.” “You seem preoccupied yourself.” I was thinking how much I wanted to be with you.”

“How if things were different then maybe you and I could be together.” “Things don’t have to be different, and Graham doesn’t own you” “He might as well, because he will never let me leave him.” “Do you want to leave?” “Yes, but my family needs his support.” “I wouldn’t underestimate Graham he’s a very powerful man.” Stephora warned. “Believe me I don’t, but you’re like a prisoner, and I care too much.”

I ran my fingers down her arm and then embraced her. “I want to make love to you Stephora,” I said as I kissed her sweet lips. I felt the need in me grow stronger, and I laid her on the white sand. I pulled at her lace panties and my pants at the same time. I tore the straps off of her expensive dress exposing her breast. I took her nipple in my mouth sucking hungrily.

I had no patience for foreplay. I wanted to feel the warmth of her flesh. I ripped the lace and entered her with force, cupping her butt as she straddled me.

She bucked wildly, and I moved in and out going deeper, and deeper. I felt myself getting closer to the edge and her body tightens around my hardness. She screamed with pleasure from the amazing feeling as her body jerked and release. I released at that moment losing all thought. For a moment, my mind was in total blackness.

Our bodies were still entwined as I held her close trying to catch my breath. I kissed her salty sweet lips, and she ran her fingers down my back.

I said, “Stephora you’re amazing.” “I am sorry about your dress I’ll replace it tomorrow,” I smiled. Smiling up at me, she said, “No need, I have more, and it was worth it”  “We’d better be getting home,” I said. “You have to leave for Chicago tomorrow.”

“I thought you were coming with me?” I said, sounding shocked. “I’m but I have a few things I need to pack before leaving.” “Why don’t I take you home to get your things, and you stay with me tonight.”  Stephora said, “That sounds excellent, but I’d better pass just this once.” I was disappointed and replied, “I can’t bear to leave you in that house even for one more day.”  Stephora smiled and cupped my face, “Don’t worry my love; we will be together from now on.”

“It will be just one more night.” “At least let me take you home,” I begged. “No Donovan, the car is waiting back at the restaurant.” We walked back, and I watched her drive off, I hated to let her go.

I walked in the house and got a beer from the fridge. I began checking my messages, and there were a few messages from Mack my attorney, and one from Mom. I was tired, and I just wanted to get some sleep. I would talk to them in a couple of hours. Ten o’clock came fast. It felt like I hadn’t been to sleep at all. I had packed most of my things yesterday.

“Hey Juan, rough night or shall I say morning?” I replied, “Good morning Nick, I didn’t see you there.” “You must have been preoccupied.” I snapped, “I have a lot on my plate today, and I not in the mood for your sarcasm.” He threw his hands back and said, “Hey, buddy you won’t get that from me today.”

“Good…” “I must say one thing, that’s if you don’t mind a bit of friendly advice.” “What on your mind?” “No let me guess...Stephora?” “I just don’t think you should be taking her on this trip.” “This is about your daughter, and I think your adding fuel to the flame.” Sarcastically I said, “I see you overheard my conversation.” “Nick this is personal, and if you don’t mind I can handle it.”

Nick replied, “I’m sure you can, but I think your mixing business with pleasure.” “Stephora is not business” “I care for her and not everything is about money…”

“Juan man, this woman, is married, and her husband, like I said won’t let her go.” “Nick, she wants to leave Graham so we can be together.”

“Are you hearing yourself right now?” “I hate to say it but your pussy whipped, and she’s got your nose wide open.” “You just lost your wife, and you are vulnerable, I understand but this is one fish you need to throw back.”

“Nick, this isn’t about being pussy whipped, it’s about caring for another person.” Nick said, “Man, this shits got pussy written all over it…” “You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last.” “I’m done with this discussion just don’t say I didn’t tell you.” I replied, “Thanks for the advice, and I’ll take it into consideration.”

“When does your flight leave?” Nick asked. “I’m leaving about 5:00, and I don’t know if I'm coming back.”

“I’m headed to L.A to set up business. I paid for the condo in case I want to return.” “I have a realtor putting it on the market in a week.” I snapped, “Do what makes you happy, I’m out of Miami.” “All right I’ll call you when I get to L.A. and Juan good luck with Janet.” I replied, “Thanks Nick, I just might need it.”

Stephora was meeting me at the airport, so I called a cab to pick me up. I had already talked to Mom and Mack before leaving, and Nick had already left for L.A.

Nick was a piece of work, but I didn’t take his advice lightly. I knew I was walking into a lion’s den, but I was willing to take the risk. I got our tickets and waited at the terminal for Stephora.

“Hey, babe..,” she called and I saw her waving and walking in my direction. I called happily, “Hey sweetness, do you have everything you need?” She smiled and said, “I got everything and then some, because I’ve decided to leave Graham for good.” “I don’t care what happens I’m not going back.” “I’ve had enough.” “Are you sure Stephora?” I asked. “Yes, I’m sure, and I’ll face whatever comes.” All I could do was kiss her sweet lips, and I knew for her, I would face anything.

I had a limo service pick us up at O’Hara, and take us to the Hilton. I couldn’t take her to the house, not just yet, there was too much at stake.

I called mom to let her know I had made it in. Mom asked, “Juan, are you coming by before the mediation tomorrow?” “Yes Mom, and there is someone I want you to meet.” She sighed and said, “I hope it’s not a woman…” “Son it’s too soon, and there’s baby Janet to consider.” “Mom I have considered nothing else but baby Janet.” “I hear you…, but I hope you know what you’re doing.” “I would hate for you to lose your daughter on a technicality.” I tried to ease her fears and said, “Don’t worry I have all the bases covered.” “I said, “I love you,” and I hung up the phone.

Now I wondered if I’d made the right decision about bringing Stephora, but it was too late to turn back now.

I reserved the presidential suite so Stephora would feel at home. I said, “Stephora you can unpack, and I’ll be back after I see my attorney Mack.” “I was thinking that later tonight, we’d have dinner with my mom.”

She asked nervously, “Are you sure Donavan; it might be too much too soon?” “I’m sure, and don’t worry so much.” I think maybe I was trying to convince myself it would all be ok.

I met with Mack, and we went over the entire mediation thing. He assured me that things were in my favor. What I didn’t know was that Valencia left Janet a substantial amount of insurance money. I didn’t want to think about it, but was this the reason Joyce wanted to take care of her?  I wanted nothing more than for Janet to be taken care of, but for the right reasons. I knew that Joyce loved Janet, but this could be all the more reason to be closer with Janet.

I wanted to see baby Janet, so I went by Joyce and Campbell’s house. They were both retired and had a house in the suburbs. I had visited many times, but today was different.

I knocked, and Joyce answered. “What are you doing here?” she said, surprised. “I’m here to see my daughter is there a problem?” “Yes, because I don’t think you should be stopping by whenever you want.” She snapped. “Joyce what’s this about, you agreed I could see Janet whenever I wanted.” “The mediation is tomorrow so let’s go from there.” I raised my voice and said, “I want to see my daughter Joyce!  “I’m not waiting until tomorrow.”

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