Memoirs Of A Gigolo (4 page)

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Authors: Dranda Laster

BOOK: Memoirs Of A Gigolo
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I felt my body began to shake in spasms almost instantly. My legs felt like wet noodles as I clasped, still holding her to my body. I laid there trying to catch my breath the curls of her hair pressed against my face. Maybe I would give it all up for this newly found love. Maybe I wouldn’t have to reveal my secrets, I thought.

After arriving back in Chicago, I knew I needed to get back to work.  Valencia and I made plans to have dinner, and I planned on popping the question. I must call moms and let her know what was going on. “Hey,” I heard her pick up on the other end. “Hey yourself, how did things go in Jamaica?” She says, and I could hear her smiling through the phone.  

“They went well mom, and the reason I called.” “What do you mean Juan?” “Mom, I think I want to marry Valencia, I know she’s the one for me,” I replied happily. “I’m so happy for you. “ Donavan, does Valencia know what you’re planning.”

I could hear the excitement in her voice. “No, but I plan to ask her tonight over dinner.” Mom squealed, “I must be the one to give the engagement party.”

“Whatever that’s not my forte.” “I’ll let her decide that.” Your right, I’m just so excited for you two.” “Thanks mom, I’m excited too.”

Chapter 3


How could Donavan want me to attend a party when he knew I was in Paris on business? Donavan could be a self-serving bastard at times. This was necessary, and I understood his wife dying was important, as well. He was a damn fool to think you could be a whore and a family man at the same time.

This is a business, and you had to separate the two. I was saddened by her death, but life must go on, and perhaps now he would get his head in the game. I knew he wanted out, but now wasn’t the time. I had a special woman too, but I was a money maker, and nothing was better than my money…

The business was making more money than we knew what to do with. I was about to take this thing global, and put the competition to shame.

I was born Nickolas Green son of a junky mother, and my father who knew.

He hadn’t stuck around long enough to make sure I was ok. Donavan always complained about his father, but at least he knew who he was.

Trisha my mother was a bitch who would do anything for the next hit. Trisha being high on heroin left me hanging in the balance for the most part. After turning fifteen, I left home to make a living for myself. I hitchhiked from Amarillo, Texas to Los Angeles.

I realized anything had to be better than what I just came from. I had two hundred dollars and a dream, but that was better than nothing.  I worked at a burger joint when I first arrived, sleeping wherever I could.

One night before closing an older guy came in and asked me my name. He gave me this line about being a producer, and how he wanted me for a movie. He was a producer all right, but not for the kind of movies you see on the big screen. Mike said I could make a lot more money than I was making working in this joint. I must say I was intrigued, so I decided to take him up on the offer. 

After washing up and changing at the corner gas station, I headed to the hills. I hitched a ride, because I didn’t have much money. I wanted to save what little I did have for a room for the night. I walked up the hill to address Mike had given me, and knocked on the door. I knew there were people inside because I could hear them talking.

“What the fuck?” I turned the knob, and let’s say the rest was history. I was in the porn industry, and making more money than I had ever seen. I lied and said I was eighteen, but I really don’t think anyone gave a fuck. Mike said I was a natural, and that people would pay good money for my looks alone.

After a few years of making films, and fucking my way to the top, I wanted more. I had bought a nice house in the hills and a new Mercedes. I picked up the bad habit of snorting cocaine, but I had to be high just to fuck 24/7.  “Any one who says fucking isn’t hard hasn’t fucked for a living. Coke would keep me laying the pipe, and eating pussy, and sometimes sucking dick.

There’s no shame in my game. My habit was costing me more money than I wanted to spend, so I went to rehab. I cleaned up the coke habit and decide try the escort business. I had met many people in the industry, so I had connections.

Jason Lambert was one bad ass motherfucker, and my right hand man. He had been an escort for a couple of years and was now living large. I lived like a bum in comparison. He was living in Beverly Hills and rubbing elbows with the stars. “I couldn’t wait to sign up.”

I didn’t know if he was gay or straight, but one thing I did know is that he was the shit.” “Nick the first thing you need to do is learn to dress,” he said.  “You are a beauty, but you have no style.” “Nick you’re a no class having bitch,” he laughed.  “You might be able to fuck your ass off, but you’re in the big leagues now.”

“First stop is Rodeo Drive, my treat.” We shopped all day. I know we spent twenty grand on clothes alone. I had my haircut and highlighted for a mere five hundred dollars, and that didn’t include the mani-pedi.

“Nick this is just the tip of the iceberg, I make more than this in one night.” “You’re shitting me right?” I asked, blown away. “Hell no, there’s a party tonight and you’re going with me.” 

That night we dressed to impress, and it happened to be an all-white party. Jason looked exceptional in white. His dark skin and black hair set him apart. I think he was Persian, and he had a body that was every woman’s dream, or man, who knew?

I wore white tuxedo pants and shirt we purchased at Valentino. “Nick you’re in for the ride of your life, and I don’t mean my Maserati,” he chuckled. The party was at a night club called Sparkle, and all the stars were out. Jason scans the room and all eyes were on us.  The one thing I could say about Jason is that he knew how to make an entrance. 

We were seated in V.I.P where he ordered the first round.

I bet we weren’t there a good ten minutes when this well-known rapper joined us.

He was ordering the best of the best, all night. I saw him was eyeing Jason, and I knew that was my queue to leave. I got up to give the two some room.

  I didn’t have a clue that this guy was on the low, but this was Hollywood and anything goes. I walked around the club just mingling a bit. There were all kinds of people in Sparkle that night, but I saw nothing of interest.

“Hey”, I heard a voice from behind. “I saw you walk in with Jason, and I’m sure he explained the situation,” the woman said. “No, I’m afraid he didn’t, but I’m game for whatever,” I replied nervously. “First let me introduce myself, I’m Joan, and I already know who you are.”

I was caught off guard with this, but I was a great pretender. “I don’t know about you Nick, but I prefer somewhere a little more laid back,” she said.  “My car is right outside, and we can go now, or when you finish your drink?”

“Joan my pet, I’m ready when you are,” I said, ready to make this money. I wasn’t into older broads, but I didn’t give a fuck if the price was right.

I gave the nod to Jason, and we left the building. She had the perfect body, all plastic, but it was working for her. The valet brought around her black Bentley, and I was impressed. I wondered if those diamonds around her neck were real, and I got my answer. The bitch had money and lots of it. The diamond necklace alone could feed a family of ten for a year. We drove up pacific coast highway until we reached her house, or shall I say mansion. 

This place was spectacular to say the least. We walked in, and she offered me a drink. “Don’t mind if I do,” I said, scanning the room. “Nick let’s get some of the particular out of the way, do I pay you now or later?” She handed me a glass of bourbon. “It’s, however, you want to do this,” I replied. She then said, “I can have the money in your account by morning.” “That sounds fine to me.”

We proceeded to her bedroom. “I’m just going to change into something more comfortable,” she said and flipped on the music. Bach played through the speakers. I wasn’t much on classical music, but this was her dime.

She reenters the room in nothing but her G-string lace panties. I was ready for whatever, and wearing with nothing but a smile. I sat there on the bed admiring her enormous tits as I took one in my mouth. I never liked fake boobs on a woman, and I’d seen my share.

“Nick,” I thought, “it’s not about you my friend, so I went to work.” My mouth went from her breast to her manicured bush. I knew how suck pussy and I had her climbing the walls and messing up my hair in a minute flat.

After she'd creamed a couple of times, I was on that ass like a panther. I fucked her every way but upside down, giving it my all, and then some. She was begging me to stop, but I was on a roll and in rare form. I was giving her money’s worth. Her body glistened with sweat, and that was a turn on for me.

I was about forty minutes in, and I finally busted my nut. I rolled off her, laid there for a moment to catch my breath, and grab a smoke. She was still in a daze when I headed out the door. I wasn’t into long drawn out goodbyes, and most liked it that way.

The driver took me back to L.A and dropped me back at the club. The club was still jumping so I ordered a drink. I watched as most of the guys were buying there, “I’m getting lucky drinks.” I didn’t see Jason, so I knew I was calling a cab to get home. I downed the last of my drink and headed home.

It was around 4:00 when I jumped in the shower. I felt refreshed after taking the night off, and a little hungry. I had the leftover turkey sandwich that I devoured in seconds and then called it a night.

The first thing in the morning, I called my bank to make sure the money was there. I listened to the voice say I was five thousand dollars richer.

Not bad for two hours of fucking. “I could get used to this,” I thought, and I did. I was making a name for myself as being the best escort in town.

Joan was one of my best costumes. We fucked at least twice a week, and I screwed her friends, as well. I must say the money was rolling in, and things would only get better.

Jason called, and wanted to do lunch at the Vine, a new restaurant I wanted to try. I had an appointment with my hairdresser, and I was seeing Joan later.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I sat and watched the news with all of its doom and gloom, and checked my phone. The doorbell chimed, “who the hell was this”, and I walked to the door. I opened the door, and there stood a delivery guy.

“Are you Nickolas Green?” the man asked.  “Yes I’m Nick, what’s this?” He stuck a package in front of me and said, “I have a gift here from a Mrs. Joan Blankenship, and I need your signature.” “Ok and I signed taking the package.”

I tipped the guy and closed the door. “Why the hell was she sending me gifts?” I sat back on the couch and opened it.

To my surprise it was a diamond encrusted Rolex, just my style. I was already making ten thousand a week off her, and now this. “She must have a thing for the beef,” I smiled. I finished dressing, and headed out the door to meet Jason.

“When I arrived at the Vine, Jason was already there. He’d already ordered his wine. “What’s up Nick, you’re looking fabulous today?” “It must be the money?” he said.  “You think bitch,” and we laughed.” “Are you still laying the pipe to that bitch Joan?” “You know I am, and I showed him my new watch.

Jason then said, “All right Mr. Wonderful, I have a new client I want you to meet, and he’s paying fifty thousand dollars…” I wasn’t going to turn down fifty thousand dollars.

“Who the hell is willing to pay that kind of money for one night,’ Jason?” He laughed and said, “He’s a Saudi prince, and he wipes his ass with money.”

“I’ve done him once in the past, but he’s too demanding my taste.” “Is that all there is, or is there more to it?” “Yeah, he loves the blonde, blue eyed type.” “Come on Nick, you’re not stupid enough to turn this down?”

I smirked, “Hell no, I’m game for whatever, and you know it.” “I knew you were the guy for the job, now let’s get some food I’m starved.” “Yeah, and I’ve been dying to try the food.” We continued to talk about the Prince, and finishing our lunch.

“Nick, your cool, but not as streetwise being from Texas and all,” he joked.  “I wouldn’t be a friend if I let you go in blind.” “Zabar is a heavy hitter, and he’s a little kinky.” “Never let your guard down around him is all I’m saying.” I laughed, feeling a little worried and said, “I’ve met his kind before and it not my first rodeo.’ “Just don’t let your guard down, Ok!” “Sure Jason, I hear you, I won’t.”

Jason and I said our good-byes, because I had to meet Joan at 3:00. Once I arrived at her place, I knew the routine.

I grabbed bourbon from the bar heading upstairs. There she was waiting in her birthday suit, and I went to work.  I smoked a cigarette after pleasing her, and waited till she caught her breath. If I kept this up she was going to have a heart attack. My norm was to get my clothes and head out the door, but today was different.

“Nick, before you go I have something for you,” she said. “What now, she had already given me a watch?”  “I know we are just fuck buddies, but I think I want more.” I replied, “More of what, I’m giving you all I’ve got.” “You’ve already given more than enough Joan.” She smiled and said, “I want you to move in here, and we become exclusive.”

I knew this was coming; the watch was a dead giveaway. “I’m sorry babe, but no can do.” “Sorry, you put your feelings in this, but its business.” “I’m sorry too,” she said and she tossed me some keys.

If you change your mind, these are the keys to your new life.” “Your gift is downstairs in the garage.”

I was stunned and feeling a little guilty, “Joan I said you’ve done enough.” “I’ve already purchased it, and it’s yours just because.”

She was making me feel bad as hell, but I couldn’t allow myself to feel. I wasn’t in this to fall in love. I finished dressing and walked out the door, and down the staircase. I couldn’t resist seeing what she had bought.

“Wow…” there sat a brand new black Maserati that was completely chromed out. “What would I do?” The one thing I knew I would do and I got behind the wheel and drove off.

I wondered when I’d turned so cold and unfeeling.  I was becoming black hearted. “What the fuck…” was I thinking this was business?” “Joan knew what this was at the jump.” “How the hell could she think I wanted more?

I pulled up in front of my place thinking I was the shit now.

I needed a new crib to go with my new car this place was getting too small.  This business was all about image, and I had a reputation to uphold.

The next day I sent a service to pick up my Mercedes. “I had a date with a prince, and I had to look the part. I had already booked my appointment at Studio 54 with my guy Sebastian. I needed something new to wear, so I called Brock my stylist.

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