Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)

Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) Online

Authors: Megan Noelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Copyright © 2014 Megan Noelle

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Edited by:

Content Editors: Kristy Davidson & Kayla Kennedy

Cover Creator/Content Graphics: K23 Design

Cover Images: Shutterstock

This book is donated to my book Bunnies! All you ladies have become my support system, my shoulder to cry on,
an ear when I needed to vent, and everything else a girl could need! I will never be able to explain how much you all mean to me!

So because of your awesomeness—this book is for all of you!

Love you all so much!


I want to take this time to give a special mention to a couple people.

First and foremost to my wonderful cover designer and amazing friend, Kari March. She is the sole owner of
K23 Design
and she specializes in well…everything. Photographer, cover creator, content graphics, swag maker and more!

Very reasonable prices and not to mention she works extremely hard with everything she creates!

For all your cover needs you can contact Kari on her Facebook design page. Give her a
and tell her Megan Noelle sent you!

Facebook Page

The next is the absolutely incredible blog and PR services of
Between the Sheets Promotions.
If you have any promotional needs whether it be a release blitz, cover reveal, or anything else these ladies will not let you down!

For any PR inquires go to their blog or Facebook page and tell them Megan Noelle sent you!

Natalie C.

Blog Link:

Facebook Page:




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