Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) (10 page)

Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) Online

Authors: Megan Noelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)
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I was speechless. Onyx wanted me
all night long
. None of this seemed real. Not to mention I
went home with anyone. Then again, I had never been so infatuated with someone before either.

“I’d be missing out on a night of tips.” It was the last thing on my mind, truthfully. However, bringing it up gave me longer to process what was going on.

“That’s a simple solution, love. You tell me how much you would make if you were here tonight, and I’ll pay you that amount.”

“You’re going to pay me to leave with you?”

“No. I’m going to reimburse you for your tips. I’m simply going to
you to leave with me.”

Onyx backed away from me, giving me a moment to think. I watched him as if it was a life or death matter as he strolled about the room.
It was never a rule of mine to not get involved—it was just a way of life. My heart was taken by one, and there were no other places open for anyone else. Being at the club kept me from feeling alone without feeling involved.

And now Onyx wanted to change up everything I knew. Was it worth it? For just one night? I chewed on my bottom lip as he plopped down onto the chair. The smirk on his face never subsided. Onyx knew the power he held and he was eating it up.

“I don’t know, I mean people are going to talk. The girls, Maurizio, and what if Kayne found out?”

Onyx narrowed his eyes
, and was back in front of me. Our bodies touched with how close he stood, his hand slid around my waist to my lower back.

“None of those people matter, Alexandria. I will take care of Maurizio, but that’s all. The only things that matter right now are you and me.”

“But…” Before another word left my mouth, his hand pressed the back of my head to his and he kissed me hard. Any anxieties or fears I had about leaving faded as Onyx worked his tongue with mine. That one kiss stimulated every emotion I held back when it came to him. His mouth was soft, rough, and tasted damn good. My fingers wound back into his hair, and I knew I had my answer.

As Onyx broke away, I panted heavily in his arms. We stared deeply at the other and I knew we shared something very important. We wanted each other in this moment more than anything else in this world. I needed to feel him in me
, and there was no way I could turn down one single night with him.

Onyx seemed to receive my answer
, and let that wicked smile shine.

“It will be our little secret, Alexandria.”

Before we left the room Onyx slid my wig back into place. When I asked what the point of that was, the response I got just about made me jump his bones right there.

He looked at me with a smirk, adjusting the wig. “Because when you are here you are Kandi.
The other men can fantasize about Kandi, but I want Alexandria. And her I

Seconds after saying that he sent me off to the dressing room to gather my stuff to leave. Walking away with jelly legs was near impossible
, but as I changed back into my street clothes I was lost in another daze. I was seriously doing this—packing in for the night and
to go home and paint, or sulk.

My mind was still in a daze as I
changed from my special outfit to my typical street clothes. On a regular day wearing shorts and an oversized black hoodie was perfect for me. Leaving the club there were always pervs hanging around the neighborhood. All of them waiting for a chance to slobber all over one of us when we weren't surrounded by big beefy security guards. Drawing as little attention to myself as possible was always the best. I did nothing to accentuate my body, and the hoodie was the way to go about it.

Now, of cou
rse, I felt stupid. Every time I saw Onyx I was dressed in a way where I
I looked good. Onyx catching me in an outfit like this was not the plan. To make up for it I didn't wear a shirt underneath, and selected my white shorts that hugged my hips tighter than my own skin did.

Just as I was finishing the process of getting ready Cherry strolled up and leaned against my station. I immediately stopped what I was doing
, and gave her my attention. In as long as I had known her she never just "hung out" with me.

"What's up, girl?"

She bobbed her shoulders, examining her nails. "Maurizio's out there yelling at some dude. I heard your name. Did you piss someone off?"

I smiled to myself. "Probably."

Cherry's face lit up with a smile that I had never before seen. "See, that's what I like about you. All these bitches won't do a damn thing to cross Maurizio, or the customers. But not you, you hold your own and don't give a shit."

I couldn't help but smirk at her. "That's me. People like us know that we're good and don't need a boss to tell us."

"Hell yeah."

I grabbed my bag and slung it onto my shoulder. As I began walking to the club entrance, Cherry surprised me again by following. When we reached the door I understood why, standing in clear view were Onyx and Maurizio. Cherry leaned against the doorjamb and watched them, I did the same.

It was almost mesmerizing to watch. Onyx had his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk permanently etched into his face
, while Maurizio became an animated ball of fire.

"What did you even do?" Cherry asked after a minute.

I shrugged, never taking my eyes off Onyx. "Who knows?" Cherry said something else, but I didn't catch it. I was too busy staring. The way Onyx handled himself, always strong and confident, was a constant turn on. I've met men that acted on both sides of the scale. Either they are overly cocky, but have nothing to back it up. Or they are big, strong, and a

Onyx isn't like
that, and every time I saw him I realized that more and more. In the middle of my staring he glanced my way, smiled a bit wider, and nodded toward the exit. It was all done in a brief flash before he was back to listening to Maurizio blabber on. I was sure no one had seen the little motion, but I was wrong.

Did that dude just give you the nod?" Cherry asked.

Why did this chick suddenly feel the need to pay attention to my life?

"Maybe," was the only answer I could manage. If I admitted it, who knows what may spread around. Although, if I deny it, maybe she will take it as a nod meant for her. Fuck if I'd let that happen. That was

"Shit girl, if it is, good work. Dude's hot as hell."

"He certainly is." I responded, letting my mind run wild with all the glory I knew he was.

"Hey, Cherry?" As much as I didn't care what others thought, I also didn't like people knowing anything about me. "Can you do me a favor?"


"What you just saw tonight," I motioned toward the squabbling me
n. "Can you keep it to yourself?"

She smiled with a nod. "No problem, it's none of my business. Besides, I can't stand any of these bitches, I avoid talking to them at all costs."

I almost felt a laugh come up. "Good point."

We said a quick goodbye before I shimmied away through the crowd to get outside. The beefcake bouncer standing at the door gave a goodbye grunt but I kept going. Onyx's bike was in the
same spot as it had been the first night we met. A little debate erupted of whether I should go wait by it or not. Eventually, I decided to wait at the back, and smoke the way I did thousands of times before. This way if anyone else came out and saw me first, nothing would look strange. Well, stranger than usual.

Not enough half of my cigarette was gone when Onyx strolled around the side of the building. The smirk on his face said he got his way. And the way his eyes roamed over me said that I would be doing the victory dance to celebrate.

There wasn't a single word exchanged. Instead he closed the distance, took my cigarette and smoked a few long silent drags. My eyes didn't dare look away. Watching his lips form around the cigarette, and the white smoke curling as it escaped was insanely erotic. Everything Onyx seemed to touch looked sensual. The cigarette fit his lips perfectly, the smoke floated to the sky clinging to him as if it was reluctant to leave him.

He finished it off, flicked the butt off into the darkness
, and smiled as the last smoke left him. I refused to speak first, I wasn't sure why but I always wanted to know what he was thinking. It was a sick addiction, but one that was becoming more and more potent. The space between us disappeared as Onyx reached out and secured his fingers into the pocket of my hoodie, pulling me close.

My legs released all resistance
, and caved to his will. His arms slid around my hips, twisting together behind my back, and suddenly I was pressed against him. Looking up into his eyes I forgot about everything. Where we were, what we were doing, and how we got here. All that occupied my conscious mind was Onyx.

"I want to take you somewhere
, but I want you to know a few things before I do." He breathed out slowly. Every word sank in memorizing the way his accent curved around each syllable.

"What would that be?"

"First, I need you to know that I do not bring women here. Ever."

I nodded, but he watched me, waiting for another form of acceptance I assumed. "Okay," I finally said.

"Second, this is my private domain. It is the place where everything sacred to me resides."

"Are you talking about your house?" Nerves slithered down my throat, flowed through my chest
, and twisted into my stomach. Naturally, I figured we would just go to some hotel room, order room service, and fuck a few times. But a home. Those are personal. Making this one night seem much more significant than I originally imagined.

"It is the place I live, eat, and sleep. But I wouldn't give you a warning about
those things. This is my home because of what I do in it. The things inside are exclusive to my soul. So if you have any habits of breaking shit when you feel like it, tell me now. I won't tolerate any of that, and I assure you, I will fuck up your world if you fuck up mine."

My irritation damn near went through the roof. Who the hell does he think he is to threaten me like this when it is
his choice
to take me there in the first place?

"I'm not a
child, Onyx. I'm a grown ass woman, and that is
how I act. If you think that, then maybe you shouldn't take me there in the first place." I heard my tone snapping at him, and I had no doubt he caught it too.

His finger covered my lips as he shushed me quietly. "That wasn't what I meant, love. If I thought you were that girl, you
be going near my home." A hand left my back, I missed it immediately, but leisurely he dragged his finger from my forehead to the tip of my nose.

"Do you understand, Alexandria?"

"Yes." I replied, completely and utterly hypnotized by the intensity in his eyes.

"Good. Now, the last thing I need for you to understand is that for this night, I
own you
. Can you handle that, love?"

Give up control?


Be with a man and
for the money, but for the man himself?

With anyone else, the answer, without the shadow of a doubt would be no. But, for Onyx there was only one possible way I could answer.

"I can."

The corners of his lips curled up into a breathtaking smile. Onyx never released his hold
, and within seconds his mouth was locked on mine in a gentle kiss. Behind the soft touch of his lips was the unmistakable promise of something far superior to come.

After pulling back he gave me a wink, took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together
, and nodded to the bag over my shoulder.

"Hand that over." I shrugged
, and began walking off toward his bike.

"I got it." Before I could get far from him I was stopped. He hadn't moved a single step forward
, and prevented me from doing so.

"You are mine for the night. I would never let my woman carry something while I still have the strength to hold it for her." I had absolutely no idea how to respond,
I was astonished by this peculiar being. Without further argument, I handed him the bag.

We walked hand-in-hand to his bike. Onyx stowed my bag away
, and swung his leg over. He motioned for me to follow and within seconds my arms were wrapped tightly around his waist. My head rest against his back, and in a flash, we were off. Heading to a place I've never been. Headed into a world that deep in my soul I knew if I had even a taste of the forbidden fruit, nothing would ever be the same.

Roaring through the dark night on the back of a motorcycle with my arms around Onyx felt surreal. Lights whizzed by, the buildings
, and passersby disappeared from view. All that remained was us, and the road. It was freeing in a way, the wind and the stars didn't care about the questionable life Kandi led. It didn't hold Andie accountable for the mistakes she had made, or the secrets locked up tight. Maybe it was strange but this was one of the few moments I was not wanting to hide all that I am while surrounded by everything I longed to escape. My arms squeezed a bit tighter around Onyx's waist. I didn't expect anything back, but for a few seconds his right hand left the handlebar and covered mine.

The simple gesture made my heart lurch forward
, and I hated it. Under no circumstances was this supposed to mean anything more. I was here for two reasons. The first was because I couldn't seem to get him out of my mind, and the second was because I knew whatever happened between us was going to be out of this world.

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