Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) (3 page)

Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) Online

Authors: Megan Noelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)
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I raced to the bathroom, peed, and cleaned myself up before returning to my station. I flipped
off my heels, my skirt and my top closely followed. Reaching down I yanked my gym bag out from under my station and pulled on my oversized black hoodie over my bare chest. I slipped my soaked G-string off and replaced it with my cotton pink booty shorts. I needed a cigarette. I needed to breathe in fresh air and get the hell away from this pounding music. Not to mention escape the smell of sex in the air. Just as I was about to slip away Maurizio came stomping towards me.

“How’d it go?”

“He came. Now, I need to get outside.”

“No, you need to talk to me, little girl. That was a very important table and if you brought any of your attitude along I’m gonna fire your ass.”

I grabbed a new pack of cigarettes from my bag and packed it against the palm of my hand. “I know the table was important. I did my job, now I’m taking a break.”

“Fine, get out of here. I’m just gonna go ask him

“Yeah, please do. Whatever gets me the hell out of this room.”
Maurizio stormed away and I took that time to rush to the exit. Through the dark red hallways, out the back door, past our security bouncer.

My legs didn’t stop until I reached pavement and a cigarette of my own was between my lips.
I flicked my lighter, the flame pierced through the darkness in the night. The blue and orange flame flickered in the wind like a slow erotic dance. I couldn’t even look at it without thinking of that man and how badly my body ached to give him more. To feel his body beneath mine, to run my fingers down his back and through the long hair that carefully framed his face. But with him, there wouldn’t be a room full of people cheering or watching.

It would be a chair.
A pole. Me. Him. And the sound of each other’s deep breathing and erratic heart beats. The feel of his eyes devouring every move I made. His hands moving up and down my skin setting my body on fire. I shivered at the thought and finally put the swaying flame to the end of my cigarette. The first deep inhale was better than anything else in this world right now. The tension in my body immediately began to simmer down from the emotionally heightened state I’ve been in for the past hour. My mind cleared of everything. The money I’ve made tonight, my dance,
, and every other little piece of my broken soul.

I exhaled, letting everything that was locking me up inside out. I slumped against the brick wall and took a few more revitalizing drags. Slowly, I felt my sense of control return. Whatever happened in there was disappearing like a cloud of smoke against the starry night. I watched my momentary lapse of judgment slip away. That wasn’t me, and hadn’t been for years. It was crucial I remembered that before I slipped into a situation like the one from my college years. I lost all control over myself, my life and the person I was becoming. I was nothing more than an onlooker in my own life. Watching myself from the sidelines fuck up one thing after another.

I refused to go back to that. I wouldn’t be that girl anymore. I was strong, independent, and could sure as shit take care of my own needs. Financial, emotional, sexual, whatever they were.

Sometimes I amazed myself with the levels of clarity that came with a single cigarette. Maybe if Maurizio would have let me take that smoke
I danced for Kayne, none of this would have happened.
Damn that man.

Speak of the devil. Just as I was getting ready to put out my cigarette, Maurizio’s unmistakably booming voice echoed through the emptiness. He was still around the corner so I couldn’t tell who he
was talking to or what he was doing. I contemplated going back inside to prepare for my next dance, maybe throw an elbow into his ginormous gut as I passed. That was when I heard that whoever he was talking to and the topic of conversation was me.

“So, you sure my girl took care of your nephew? Girl’s got a real fucking attitude problem. I just never know what she is going to do next.”

There was a soft laugh, chills raced down my spine at the sound. “She was wonderful. Kayne loved it. I knew I could trust you to only send the very best.”

It was
. How in the hell had I not put that together? This dark, mysterious man was a complete 180 from everyone else at the table. Although his face was mostly hidden, I could still see he was older than the others. I was a fucking idiot. I dropped to a squat against the wall, lighting up another cigarette. All that regained power was fading away at just the sound of the man’s velvety British accent. The hum of his voice, the way a single word rolled off his tongue, was so damn sexy.

“Yeah well, girl can be a real piece of work sometimes. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is good at what she does.”


“Yeah. Anyway, you come back now whenever you want. Drinks on the house, and I’ll make sure to get you another dance with someone else next time. Give you a sample of all we have here on our menu.” Maurizio let out a har-har, making me roll my eyes.

If it wasn’t for the money being amazing here, I would have quit long ago. Maurizio can be such a perv, an ass, whatever. You name it—he can pull it off. I hate working for him, but the money is something I could never turn away from.

“Oh you know me, old friend. Not much into the whole erotic dancer scene.
I prefer to get my women a different way. Not to mention, then I know that those lap dances are always just for me.”

Maurizio chuckled. “Oh, I hear you there, man.”
. Who does Maurizio think he is fooling?

This man seemed to have a level of class I never expected—if what he said was true. Was he a one woman kind of man? Or just a possessive pig? Hard to tell at this point, I suppose.

“Have a good night. We’ll keep our eye on your nephew. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Don’t you worry, he’s a big boy and I trust you. Thank you for everything.”

“Yep. Have a good night.” Maurizio’s voice was the last say before the heavy door squeaked open and slammed shut.

My heart was in my
throat. I stopped breathing, I just stared. If Maurizio said goodbye to this man, where was he now? I highly doubted he would have gone back inside, so where was he parked? Most of the parking for the club was at the front of the building, some to the sides, but mostly the back where I smoked was vacant.

Usually. For the first time since being out here I spotted a black
chopper in the far back of the parking lot. I thought about praying, but I wasn’t sure if I would be praying for that to be his bike or not. Which left me crouched here, my eyes fixed on the space where the corners of the wall met. Streetlights illuminated the area he would be coming from and as I focused, a silhouette slowly grew. Footsteps crunched against the gravel, the unmistakable sound of biker boots echoed throughout the deafening silence.

Then he appeared. Smoke from his cigarette swirled around him like it couldn’t bear to
drift away from him. Dark jeans and a black leather jacket hung tight to his body. From the side I could make out just how thick his biceps were. The ends of his dark hair brushed against his shoulders, a breeze caressed the back making it flow around. I squeezed my fingers tighter around my cigarette. Anything to keep the desire of it being my fingers that got to brush over him.

He inhaled another drag, making the cigarette cherry blaze bright. The man stopped walking and
deliberately turned his head my way. If I wasn’t frozen in my awkward position, I would have stood. I couldn’t though. Not as his eyes narrowed slightly with recognition. Not when his sultry lips curled up into a mischievous smile nor even when he turned his body to face me.

One slow footstep after another
, he gradually closed the distance between us. My heart pounded against my burning throat. My legs trembled under my body and the instinctual fight-or-flight response that should have arose was nowhere to be found. Nothing about this moment should have been okay deep in my psyche. Alone in the empty back parking lot of a strip club with a mysteriously intriguing man. Yeah—wanting to be here to see what was going to happen was

He stopped in front of me and for a few rapid heartbeats he simply stared. My eyes roamed over his body and the place deep in my core
began to respond the way I wished it wouldn’t. Muscles standing out through the sleeves of his jacket, a slimming black t-shirt showed off his strong broad chest. He was toned all over, that much was clear but what really made me wet was that face. Full lips, defined jaw, strong neck and these incredibly distinct cheek bones. I could tell he was older than me but there was something alluring about that undeniably sexy face.

Dark eyes caressed my legs, and my face. Then he did something I hadn’t been expecting, he flicked his cigarette away from us and held his hand down to me. My right hand trembled with the cigarette but my left acted with a mind of its own and took hold of his. He pulled me to my feet, and closed the remaining distance until his body was just inches away from mine. My lungs pulled in air like it was disappearing from within me. My nipples hurt with their growing hardness, desperate to feel
his touch.

“I do believe you owe me a little something, sweet Kandi.” If the brick
wall wouldn’t have been behind me, I would have collapsed.

What in the world did I owe this man? I’ve
known him for all of an hour. How was I already in his debt? Typically strippers are the ones using lines like these.

“What would that be?”

His eyes left my face and locked on my cigarette. Did he want me to give him one? I was just about to ask when he looked up and locked eyes with me. Flickering within the dark pools was a deep desire, arousal, and undeniable need. That’s when it hit me.

I put the cigarette to my lips and inhaled a drag larger than normal. I moved my hand to my side and waited as he lowered his mouth to mine. It was excruciating to have his mouth back on mine and not be able to fully taste him. To trace my tongue against his
mouth, to bite down on that pouty bottom lip. My eyes could no longer stay open of their own accord. Instead of watching, I let them close and gave in to my senses. The feel of his lips against mine, the way he took the smoke from my own mouth, literally taking my breath away.

He backed away, tilted
his head backwards, and blew his smoke into the night sky. I couldn’t look away from his neck, the bob of his Adam’s apple, and how tempting his skin looked. Before I could even figure out what I was doing, my mouth attached onto his. My tongue slid against the incoming stubble, tasting a mixture of sweat and him. The salt of his skin tingled against my tongue. I didn’t hear his moan so much as feel it. The taste was just so intoxicating, I couldn’t resist sinking my teeth in for a swift nibble.

I moved my face away from his and watched as he focused his blazing eyes on me.

“Did you enjoy that?” His serious tone made me quiver

I inhaled another drag and blew it out leisurely before answering. “

“But I’m not as sweet as candy.” He replied with a smirk.

“You were still delicious to me.” The way his eyes roamed over my body. Taking me in, memorizing the curves of my hips and thighs. I was suddenly hating the way I threw on my oversized sweatshirt to come outside. The way his eyes lingered on me was empowering. I felt sexy just having him stare, I wanted to let him see more. I wanted to give him more than I ever gave just any man that came to the club.

“I should leave before you make it impossible to not return.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I don’t come to strip clubs for pleasure, sweet Kandi. There was one reason for me to be here tonight. But you are standing there giving me endless reasons to

“Oh.” There was much behind the way he spoke almost in riddles.
But there was only one question I wanted the answer to. “What would those reasons be?”

“Well, that
dance, for one.”

“Never had someone dance like that for you?” My eyes scanned him from head to toes. Ther
e wasn’t a single imperfection to be found about this man’s appearance. Not only was the man dead sexy but he held himself with undeniable confidence that was making my knees weak.

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